Evolution game (super casual /TG/ style)

Started by Burdenking, August 06, 2014, 11:34:05 PM

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The rules are simple. Each post you choose one thing to add, change, or take away from one of the three organisms presented, or any descendants of said organism created by anyone else as long as that race is not extinct. Changes should be small, and gradual, but serve a purpose in the creatures evolution to the world around it. Every so often, i will roll a 1d10 for each species in the world to determine if they go extinct over the years. This does not kick one out of the game, as they can quickly make a new organism once again. It is preferred you create and leave an image with your post to help people see the change in the creature.

Every so often, large sweeping changes will occur that will shape the world quite drastically. These will not be warned about, they will just happen and i shall roll a mass extinction.

The planet this game of evolution shall take place on is young, younger then any could imagine could be. After a horrid period of storms and destruction, the arrival of billions of water crystals entering the atmosphere provided the cooling agent to let the planet settle. Over hundreds of millennia. the waters ground out sands, and created an environment life could finally take shape. This environment never changes, as the planets lack of a tilted axis creates and eve distribution of heat throughout the planet, and also make it impossible for ice caps to form.

There are three creatures. The anthropoid Jikyl's, creatures who hover over the oceanic floor near shallower portions of the sea. These creatures feast on nutrients and excrement one the sandy floor and reproduce through eggs.

The sponge like Inuo, red autotroph creature. These little things live within massive clouds of chemicals and minerals that float about the sea, and filter feed through the clouds. These creature reproduce by simply breaking apart into other life.

Then there is the grey Limre, barnacle like life that cling to cliff faces of oceanic chasms, feeding on anything it can find from minerals in the rock to bacteria colonies. These creatures reproduce by growing a second version of itself on top of its back, then splitting.

All these creature only possess a simple form of the sense of touch, and are around the size of a human hand balled up into a fist. Where they end up in the coming years is up to you.

Also, as i forgot before, it is preferred you provide an illustration of your creature with your post if you perform a change to it. Feel free to simply edit the base picture as needed.

Each evo cycle shall now be handled thus. From 10:01 AM to 10:00 PM, people may post 2 times for their evos. and Then, from 10:01 PM, to 10:00 am, people may post twice again. when these two time slots have been played through, the next round will begin. This is pacific standard time, so idk how that translates for other time zones. As such, i will post at these times to remind others or inform them that the round has started.

One may not post their second evo until 4 hours have passed since their first post in a single 12 hour time slot. This counts for when a new 12 hour periods begins. This is to avoid overwhelming people

Anyways, without further ado, I'll post the three base organisms.

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The Jikyl start growing fins.

Reasoning: Better maneuverability.


Oh sweet, hi joe. I forgot to mention that its preferred you provide a picture for your new evolution. Simply take the basic picture, cut out your chosen creature, and then edit it to your liking. This is to let people see how your creature changes over time, and so i can make a more effective evolutionary line.


Crawler Jikyl

After generations of pushing itself with just its tail, a species of Jikyl evolved two small stubby legs at the front of its body just under the head plate. These smaller legs allow the Creature better control and speed when traversing the oceanic flow.



Due to generations of licking off the creatures and minerals off the rocks it finally grew a pair of claws to do it more efficiently; scraping its claws toward it's mouth that lies on it's underside.

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the organisms begin using it's claws to bury it's way underground to get better access to it's food source. The Microbes it digests as it's main source of food cause it to glow lime green in the dark from the metabolized chemicals.



Seeking more speed and maneuverability, The crawler has grown even longer legs. These legs allow it to move at higher speeds, and even jump up over areas that would normally bar it movement. When needed to eat, the crawler tucks them back under its body.


I am posting for another user.

The Jikyl

Developed a fin on its back for maneuverability, much like the other Jikyls.

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The Limre started to develop other legs that fold backward when it sitting or eating, providing the speed and grip that the back lobed fins do not provide.


Edited the first post to include the new, and improved, Inou


Inuo grow tentacles as they start to feed on other creatures, squeezing them, and sucking their fluids.


The Inuo-M is a sub speceis of inuo which have developed a more advanced brain than the rest. These unique creatures possess a layer of nervous tissue just beneath the dermal layers, which directly attaches to the nerves responsible for its sense of touch. The result, owing to its diet, is an eidetic memory of all the touch sensations it has ever encountered. Rather than tasting everything it comes across for potential as a food item, it now remembers which touch sensations came from food, and which did not. It also recognizes the feeling of vibrations in the water caused by other forms of life nearby, and can follow them back to their source. This adaptation allows the beginnings of hunting behaviors.

A curious side effect is that this has resulted in some Inuo seeing each other as a potential food source, with sometimes deadly struggles ensuing. Cannibalism, while not common, does occur in those Inuo that can tell the difference between the sensation of their own body, and others of their species.

The displayed exemplar shows scarring from one such encounter, exposing the coloration of its nervous tissue.

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


"Lancer" Jikyl

A subspecies of the Crawler Jikyl that had the tip of their legs adapt and become elongated and very sharp, allowing them to burrow these tips into the ground and remain firm on the ocean floor, giving stability and making them less susceptible to being disturbed by water currents and letting them maintain speed in most conditions.   The sharpened tip also allows it to pierce through shells and carapaces.

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The Limre

Dig even deeper and begin to develop a hard carapace exoskeleton that acts like interlocking armor to protect their organs from pressure and heat of the rock around them. This rock hard shell is difficult to pierce and keeps silt and sand away from joints and other vital areas.