Obama V Romney

Started by Emperor Wilbers, October 17, 2012, 05:57:31 PM

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Emperor Wilbers


No slanderous language!
Tell us whom you voted for, and why you think they deserve a shot for the title of BIG Man!

Emperor Wilbers

I voted for Obama, because I am not a big fan of Romney... or Republicans, and I just like Obama better.


You might want to look into the history of Romney, he does what he says, check out what he accomplished being Governor. :)


Romney, I am incredibly worried about Obama winning and tanking our economy. If I wasn't so worried about Obama shitting all over the economy, I would vote for Gary Johnson even though he doesn't have a chance in hell. I'm a Libertarian and like to support Libertarian candidates as they usually support freedom in general.


I definitely lean more towards Obama. I feel like Romney's policies aren't very well thought-out and simply wouldn't help or support our economy. Some of his policies benefit the rich more, I'm told.

Emperor Wilbers

One thing i disagree with on Romney's behalf is that of cutting taxes for the rich, and raising them in other places. That seems to be the OPPOSITE of what should happen. The rich have more money, and the middle class just simply don't. Romney would be willing to separate the difference between the two even more drastically by cutting taxes for the rich. The middle class, making up most of the population, is America's foundation and it needs a better financial hold to support America. Success should be a dream for everyone, not just the rare few who have the money.


Reducing taxes to the rich (including high end companies) allows them to higher more workers at a higher rate.  Obama basically screwed things up on that end, to many taxes went after small business hurting them on an economical level. I guess you have to own your on business to understand.