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Topics - Mumble Dragon

Characters / Scooter
June 20, 2015, 02:34:50 AM

May I introduce the charming, the wonderful, the most musically inclined bird you could ever know!
Tales of the Guild (IC) / An Unwelcome Visitor
May 27, 2015, 12:14:00 PM
As dusk rolled across the tired town, large, fat clouds hung overhead. Their dark faces staring downward as they growled with thunder. Lightning crackles in the distances, followed by a slow starting beat of rain, drumming along the rooftops. The people of the town begin to scatter from uncovered areas, finishing their daily tasks and heading inside. The rain falls heavier now, as the sun sets over the landscape, any moon or stars blocked by the overcast that now hangs in the sky.

Now this is where our story begins. amidst the cool showering of rain and bolts of thunder standing guard in the distance, lighting the landscape as they strike. We weave through the streets and remaining crowds to arrive at a tall, powerful building. One of likes no one can help but stare as they commute along their lives. "The Guild" they called it. Some looked on in admiration for their quality, others scoffed at only the trouble they brought their peaceful town since it's inception. The Guild of Galas'nor!

And on this night, this "Guild" would receive a particular visitor. One of whom has been foretold in the tales of old, to arrive in their darkest hours. Which is quite fitting since it's so rainy and gloomy outside.

In the wee hours of the night, a box had appeared. Just inside the main door, groups of raindrops collected on it's surface and had begun to pool onto the floor. It was wary from travel, shown by it's gashes and damaged marks, telling that it has traveled far and long to get to it's destination. There was no note, no message detailing who the gift was from. Save from a few scratched in symbols and a small hole in the side, not much could be said of where it came from. Standing two feet tall and three feet wide, it silently sits in the dark, illuminated by bolts of lightning, flashing into the night. Though if you were to turn it over on one side, you can find the imprinted mark of "This Way is Up" clearly pointing in the wrong direction. Through further inspection, faint words begin to appear, slightly glowing they begin to make out a message to whoever views the box.

Who will be the victim of the box? Who will be brave enough, or unlucky enough, to find it first?
The Sheet

First time building a character sheet by myself. Some things might be off or need more fleshing out, so please let me know.

Masters and Servants / [Assassin] Hattori Hanzo
May 26, 2015, 11:21:15 PM

Hattori Hanzo
Minus all the sharp armor pieces on his joints.

He has been summoned across time to battle in a foreign land. Tempted by the one wish he could be granted from the Holy Grail, he devotes his life and power to the Master who has summoned him. From that point on, he swore an oath that his Master would be the last person to ever see him, for his blade is a knife in the darkness, cutting down his enemies long before they have even felt the blow.
Protagonists / [ Swashbuckler, Werecat] Lars Dampiere
November 04, 2014, 12:30:23 PM
The Sheet

Name: Lars Dampiere
Race: Werecat
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Hair: tan/black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 170
Class: Swashbuckler
Sub-Class: Food Fighter

Str | 13 | 1
Dex | 15 | 1
Con | 12 | 0
Int | 11 | 0
Wis | 12 | 0
Cha | 17 | 2

Memory Points: 100

Blade Artist
End of Act
Dense Macabre

Racial mods:
1 to dex ability score   1 to Defy danger with dex  1 to discern reality
Detriment: Werecats lose double memory (Due to drastic detachment from original physical appearance of player)

Short attention span

food, dance, small groups, battles, exploration, new things[/spoiler]
Side stories / [Club] Art Club
August 09, 2014, 11:41:54 AM
Sam floated down the emptying hallway, a slight scowl plastered across his face. Classes were over, by this time he should be well on his way home, back to his cave where it's just him and the comfortable virtual world he resides. New regulations force him to attend TWO, yes not one, TWO clubs! Sam had tried to sneak away but increased hall security swept him up faster than thought possible and ushered him on his way.

Turning the hall corner, he arrived at his destination. He glances up at the small square next to the door that boasts the room number of his impending doom, as if taunting him to social interactions. Below it, a simple crooked sign leaning oddly to the left, simply claiming "Art Club". Sam felt this club should be safe enough. He envisioned snotty, high nosed artists that are so absorbed into their work they would not care to notice a simple person like himself. If he could claim a spot in the back corner he could disappear for an hour or so so he could leave on his way home. After all there were unattended games that demanded his attention.

Giving a defeated sigh, he straightens the club sign to a more even position and rests his right hand on the doorknob. "Alright, move in quietly and discreetly, with any luck they will not notice you," he mentions to himself. With a slow turn, the handle gives way without alarm and pushes the door open.
Protagonists / Sam Johnson
July 06, 2014, 08:01:50 PM
Name: Sam Johnson
Age: 16
Race: White
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Hieght: 5' 10"
Weight/build: 150

Favorite things: MMORPG's, sleeping, the dark, Pringles, Vanilla Coke, isolation, Anime
Hated things: people, messy food, loud noise, the sun, attention, anything energetic,

Personality: A complete shut-in. Dislikes going outside, much less dealing with anything resembling a person. Considers video games the only thing that seems to understand him. Extremely hard to influence or get to do anything, but once his mind is on a task it is near impossible to get him to stop, especially with anything game or problem solving. Views things in black and white and lives a gray lifestyle, and would much prefer to keep it that way. Despite his lack of motivation, he boasts an above average intelligence that he uses to set himself apart from the average joe.

Background/ general personal history: A local family of the area going back for generations. Never seen much of anything outside the city. No siblings and busy parents left him to fend for himself on most nights when he was old enough, thus developing an internal personality, and never got along with any usual kids his age. Learning to fade into the background, he avoids people with the least amount of interation.

At least two NPC you share close bonds with: 

Evan: Another Sophomore he has known since Kindergarten. Since such a young age he has followed Sam and considers him his lifelong rival, trying to best him at every turn, no matter the subject. Though he has no luck of beating Sam at usually any topic, he is still persistent to try. Considered more of the jock class of high school, though not good at sports, he still hangs out with the cool kids but isn't too high and mighty to say hello to just about anyone, highly sociable. A little dim-witted, but charmy.

Alex: A girl from the same class that is possibly even quieter than Sam. With confusing feelings towards him, she is constantly caught glancing towards him or generally seen in the same area. A constant annoyance for Sam that he can't seem to shake off, no matter how much he tries to avoid her. When he is around she usually shuts herself up and quits any activity she was working on as she tries not to make eye contact.

Attended Clubs: Art Club, Gardening Club.
Hello all, I go by Mumble.

I was dragged in by my good friend and will now haunt these pages with developing story writing and shenanigans.

I am but a simple artist going to school for my BFA in Animation. I love video games, comic books, and reading in general. I am always eager to strike up a conversation regarding Elder Scrolls and am currently wrapped around Guild Wars 2 at the moment.

I hope to write some good stuff here in the forums and look forward to meeting you all down the road!

Till next time,
MD  :o