Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => The Guild of Galas'nor => The Roster (OOC) => Topic started by: Wolfrin Fenris on January 06, 2014, 04:04:58 PM

Title: [Fighter/Druid] Wolfrin Fenris
Post by: Wolfrin Fenris on January 06, 2014, 04:04:58 PM

Level 1
Wolfrin Fenris
Male Half-Elf Fighter/Druid

Level Progression
Level 1 (#post_level1)
Level 2 (#post_level2)
Level 3 (#post_level3)

Age: 24
Height:  5?7?
Weight: 150
Eyes: Silver-Gray (turn Burnished Gold when accessing druidic abilities)
Wolfrin's animal companion (at level 4):



Fenris, hero of the Third Chaos War, was traveling around searching for The Guild of the Righteous, when he came upon a small village in Amathest, called Contralid, and stopped to rest. There he fell in love with an elven dancer working at the inn, The Travelers Destiny, he stopped to rest in.The Elven maiden went by the name of Sylfaen Stardancer, and soon after their meeting, a child was born. Fenris? love of Sylfaen overcame his vengeful desires, and so they settled down in that very village.

Sylfaen named the boy Wolfrin with his last name as Fenris, after his father. Both parents did their best to impart in their child their cultures. Fenris taught his son the ways of the warrior and belief in the god of nature, Wolfgar. While Sylfaen instructed Wolfrin in the elven language and Etiquette, and imparted her skill with a bow.

During Wolfrin?s twenty second year, an old enemy of his father found them.The Guild of the Righteous, a very prejudiced, if small guild, was after Fenris once again. Knowing there would be trouble when he learned of their intentions, Fenris went out to meet them. Battling his way through them, he fought to reach their leader, a man named Helexandrios Grimior, or Hex as known by his men. Fenris attacked him, hoping to end the guild's reign and prevent any harm coming to his family. Fenris' sword against Hex's rapier the duel went back and forth for nearly an hour, until Fenris caught Hex off-guard and the duel ended with Helexandrios Grimior's head rolling across the ground. Unfortunately for Fenris some of the guild had been dispatched to deal with his wife and son.

Knowing his family was in danger, Fenris hurried back to his home but, by the time he arrived his wife had been knocked out cold and his son was locked in combat.. Fenris rushed into the battle to save Wolfrin from a blow that would have mortally wounded him, taking the blow for Wolfrin. As Fenris lay close to death upon the floor, Wolfrin took up his fathers sword, a slightly curved single edged sword, known as a katana. Blinded by rage, Wolfrin swung wildly at first, which his opponent, he later found out to be Hex's brother Luther Grimior, easily dodged and rewarded Wolfrin with a long slice along his chest. Fenris watched this and became angry, for he knew that Wolfrin could overcome this amateur swordsman if he would just calm himself and think clearly.

Calling out, Fenris instructed his son to do just this. His father's words broke through Wolfrin's battle rage and he grew calmer, following the techniques he had been taught. As Luther lunged in with his short sword hoping to skewer the half-elf, Wolfrin spun to the side; his sword extended straight out to his side. As Luther came to a stop blood squirted from his neck, his body collapsed and his head came at a stop against one of Fenris' legs.

Kneeling by his fallen father, Wolfrin wept softly as Fenris spoke his final words. Fenris told Wolfrin to say goodbye to his mother for him, and to tell her he loved her. He told Wolfrin to take care of her, and that he loved his son. Finally he bequeathed his sword to Wolfrin, and drawing a last breath, he died, the rays of the beautiful dusk passing over him.

A year passed and Wolfrin felt he could live no longer without his father. He prayed to Wolfgar, asking him, begging him to show him the way to restore his soul. Surprisingly Wolfgar answered Wolfrin's prayers and visited him in his dreams. He explained to Wolfrin a way to regain his father, and bestowed a blessing upon Wolfrin giving him special abilities. When Wolfrin asked his god why he had been blessed in such a way, Wolfgar explained that his father had been his champion, and so too would his son.

Within a week Wolfrin was ready to go, after gathering such as he needed for his journey, and relating the experience to his mother. Wolfrin knew that Sylfaen would be just fine on her own, if lonely, but Sylfaen didn't believe the same of her son. Knowing he would take his father's sword, and with Wolfgars' blessing, she knew she had to give him something to remind him of her. She gifted him a recurve bow she had been shaping since he was ten years old. Finishing the bow a a mere two years past, she had intended to give it to him when he turned fifty, but knew that now was the time. He bid farewell to his mother, stopping only to give her one last hug.

Once gone from his village, the one he had known since birth, a tear trickled down his face as he admired the gift from his mother. Along the grip was carved two words in elven script.

"Never forget"

Resolutely, he tied the bow across his back, and drew his father's sword. He swung it to the sky, watching the sun play off it's perfect surface, and vowed he would return his father's soul.

QuoteWolfrin Fenris
Level 1 Male Half-Elf Fighter/Druid
True Neutral

STR:18 ( 4)
DEX: 15 ( 2)
CON: 14 ( 2)
INT: 13 ( 1)
WIS: 17 ( 3)
CHA: 11 ( 0)

Size: Medium
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Silver-Gray (turn Burnished Gold when accessing druidic abilities)
Hair: Silvery-White.

Fighter/Druid Hit Die: d10
Hitpoints: 12
Hitpoints per level: 1d10  2 (con)
Level Adjustment:  0

Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 10  0 (none)  2 (dex)  2 (defensive fighting) = 14
Armor Class: 10  0 (none)  2 (dex) = 12
Touch Armor Class: 10  2 (dex) = 12
Flat Footed Armor Class: 10  0 (none) = 10

Armor Check Penalty: -0 (none) = -0

Fortitude save:  2 (class)  2 (con) =  4
Reflex save:  0 (class)  2 (dex) =  2
Will save:    2 (class)  3 (wis) =  5

Cold Resistance: 0
Fire Resistance: 0
Electricity Resistance: 0
Sonic Resistance: 0
Spell Resistance: 0

Sleep: Immune
vs Enchantments:  2

BAB:  1
Attack (melee, katana  1):  1 (BAB)  4 (str)  1 (weapon focus katana) =  6 (18-20 x2)
Attack (melee, dagger):  1 (BAB)  4 (str) =  5 (19-20 x2)
Attack (missile):  1 (BAB)  2 (dex) =  3
Attack (missile, composite longbow  1):  1 (BAB)  2 (dex) =  3 (x3)
Attack (unarmed):  1 (BAB)  4 (str) =  5
Attack (defensive fighting): -4
Damage (Wolf's Fang - katana  1, 1h): 1d10  4 (str)
Damage (Wolf's Fang - katana  1, 2h): 1d10  6 (str)
Damage (Alanas Memoir - composite longbow  1 (max 4 strength)): 1d10  4 (str)
Damage (dagger): 1d4  4 (str)
Damage (unarmed): 1d4 (non lethal)   1d4 (strength damage)

Wolf's Fang (Katana  1)
Alanas Memoir (Composite Longbow  1 (max 4 strength)),
Winter Wolf Skin
Leather Boots. (Guild symbol branded into the leather on the outside of either boot.)

Equipment Cost
Katana  1, masterwork, keen: 150 (base)   300 (masterwork)   250 (keen) = 700
Composite longbow  1, darkwood, masterwork: 500 (base)   300 (masterwork)   250 (enhancement  1) = 1050

Spell DC: 10  3 (wis)   spell level

Grapple check:  1 (BAB)  4 (str) = 5

Light load: 100 lb. or less 
Medium load: 101?200 lb.
Heavy load: 201?300 lb.
Lift over head: 300 lb.
Push or drag: 1500 lb.

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Druidic.

Special Features:
Immune to magical sleep (Half-Elf)
Low-light vision (Half-Elf)
Enchantment resistance (Half-Elf) -  2 vs Enchantments
Animal Companion (Druid 1) - Winter Wolf
Nature Sense (Druid 1) - A druid gains a  2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Wild Empathy (Druid 1) - A druid can use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal (such as a bear or a monitor lizard). This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person.

Weapon Focus (Level 1) -  1 Bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon. (Katana)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana) (Fighter 1) - No penalty on attacks with specific exotic weapon.
Combat Expertise (Bonus Feat - Flaw) - May take penalty to attack to increase AC.
Dodge (Bonus Feat - Flaw) -  1 Dodge bonus to AC against selected target.

Traits: (Choose 2 traits, remove the rest)
Child of Nature - You have been blessed by the God of Nature to be as comfortable in the wilderness as you are at home.

Benefits: You gain a  2 trait bonus on Survival checks to find food and water, and a  1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Uncivilized - You relate better to animals than you do to people.
Benefit: You gain a  1 bonus on Handle Animal checks and wild empathy checks.
Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on Bluff checks, Diplomacy checks, and Gather information checks.
Roleplaying Ideas: Characters with this trait are likely to feel awkward in many social situations; that might be expressed as shyness and quiet behavior, or it might be expressed through an overly exuberant need to participate in conversations.

Love of Nature - You do not wish harm upon any natural creature
Drawback: When attacking a creature with the animal, plant, or vermin type, you may only make attacks that deal nonlethal damage.
Benefit: Bonus Feat

Honorable Fighter - You do not like fighting opponents who are armed with lesser weapons.
Effect: Whenever you are wielding a weapon and attack an opponent who is not wielding a weapon, you take a -5 penalty to attacks. If your opponent has natural weapons like fangs and claws, ignore this penalty.
Roleplaying Ideas: "Pick up your sword. I will not fight an unarmed man."
Benefit: Bonus Feat

20 skill points at level 1
5 skill points per level after
(*)Denotes a Fighter class skill
(**)Denotes a Druid class skill
Strikethrough denotes untrained skill

Total skill points: 20
Unused skill points: 0
Max skill ranks in a skill: 4

Ranks used
2 Craft
2 Profession
1 Survival
4 Knowledge (Nature)
1 Heal
4 Concentration
1 Sleight of Hand
4 Handle Animal
1 Spellcraft
20 total

Appraise INT:  1 (int) = 1
Balance DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Bluff CHA:  0 (cha) -1 (uncivilized) = -1
(*)Climb STR:  4 (str) = 4
(**)Concentration CON:  2 (con)  4 (skill ranks) = 6
(*)(**)Craft (Fletching) INT:  1 (int)  2 (skill ranks) = 3
Decipher Script:  1 (int) = 1
(**)Diplomacy CHA:  0 (cha) -1 (uncivilized)  2 (half elf) = 1
Disable Device:  1 (int) = 1
Disguise CHA:  0 (cha) = 0
Escape Artist DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Forgery INT:  1 (int) = 1
Gather Information CHA:  0 (cha) -1 (uncivilized)  2 (half elf) = 1
(*)(**)Handle Animal CHA:  0 (cha)  1 (uncivilized)  4 (skill ranks) = 5
(**)Heal WIS:  3 (wis)  1 (skill ranks) = 4
Hide DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
(*)Intimidate CHA:  0 (cha) = 0
(*)Jump STR:  4 (str) = 4
Knowledge (arcana) INT:  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (architecture):  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (dungeoneering):  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (geography):  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (history):  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (local):  1 (int) -2 (child of nature) = -1
(**)Knowledge (nature):  1 (int)  1 (child of nature)  4 (skill ranks) = 6
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) INT:  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (religion) INT:  1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (the planes):  1 (int) = 1
(**)Listen WIS:  3 (wis)  1 (half elf) = 4
Move Silently DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Open Lock DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Perform (?) CHA:  0 (cha) = 0
(**)Profession (animal handler) WIS:  3 (wis)  1 (skill ranks) = 4
(**)Profession (Guide) WIS:  3 (wis)  1 (skill ranks) = 4
(*)(**)Ride DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Search INT:  1 (int)  1 (half elf) = 2
Sense Motive WIS:  3 (wis) = 3
Sleight of Hand DEX:  2 (dex)  1/2 (skill ranks)  = 2.5
(**)Spellcraft INT:  1 (int)  1 (skill ranks) = 2
(**)Spot WIS:  3 (wis)  1 (half elf) = 4
(**)Survival WIS:  3 (wis)  2 (child of nature)  1 (skill ranks) = 6
(*)(**)Swim STR:  4 (str) = 4
Tumble DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Use Magic Device CHA:  0 (cha) = 0
Use Rope DEX:  2 (dex) = 2

Spells Known
Level 0 Choose 3 spells.
Light - Object shines like a torch.
Stabilize - Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Guidance -  1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

Level 1
Wood Wose - Nature spirit does simple tasks for you.

Spells Per Day
Level 0: 3, unlimited casting
Level 1: 1  1 (wis)
Level 2:  1 (wis)
Level 3:  1 (wis)
Level 4:  1 (wis)

Planned Progression
1: Fighter/Druid
2:  Fighter/Druid
3:  Fighter/Druid
4: Druid
5: Druid (for wild shape ability)
6: Fighter (for lvl 4 requirement for some nice fighter feats)
7: Custom Class
8: Custom Class
9: Custom Class
10: Custom Class

Additional Info
Wolf?s Fang: Katana Blessed by Wolfgar, giving the blade a gold appearance in the process, ensuring the weapon will never break, the blade never dull, the shine never fade.

Wolf?s Fang History: Wolf?s Fang, received and named by Fenris when completing his coming of age Trials. Wolf?s Fang is a Katana, a style of sword made only by the Tribe of Lunos, in Kirin. Blessed in a ceremony at the end of the trials, the sword is dedicated to Wolfgar.

Special Abilities:
Unbreakable ( 1), any damage done to the weapon is ignored.

Alanas Memoir: Darkwood Longbow

Alanas Memoir History: Hand made by Sylfaen Stardancer, Sylfaen cast the Ironwood enchantment upon this bow every day for 10 straight years until the enchantment sank into the very fabric of the wood and became permanent. Two Elven words are carved into the wood just above the handle, that translate into common in the form of " Never Forget."


Wolf Animal Companion

No picture.



STR: 13 ( 1)
DEX: 15 ( 2)
CON: 15 ( 2)
INT: 5 (-3)
WIS: 12 ( 1)
CHA: 6 (-2)

Size: Medium
Type: Animal

Hit Dice: 2d8 4
Hitpoints per level: 1d8  2 (con)  2 (raised from birth)
Hitpoints: 17
Initiative:  2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class: 10  2 (natural)  2 (dex) = 14
Touch Armor Class: 10  2 (dex) = 12
Flat-footed Armor Class: 10  2 (natural) = 12

Fortitude save:  2 (con)  2 (lv 1)  1 (lv 2) = 5
Reflex save:  2 (dex)  2 (lv 1)  1 (lv 2) = 5
Will save:  1 (wis) = 1

BAB:  1
Attack (melee, bite):  1 (BAB )  1 (str)  1 (weapon focus) =  3
Damage (melee, bite): 1d6  1 (str)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft.

Grapple:  1 (BAB)  1 (str) = 2

Special attacks: Trip
Feats:  Track, Weapon Focus (bite)

Special abilities: Lowlight vision, scent

Special features:
Raised from birth ( 2 HP per each HD, 3 more ability points as compared to a regular wolf of his race).

Total skill ranks: 2
Skill ranks at level 1: 1
Skill points per level: 1
Unused skill ranks: 0

Hide DEX:  2 (dex) = 2
Listen WIS:  1 (wis)  2 (skill ranks) = 3
Move Silently DEX:  2 (dex)  1 (racial) = 3
Spot WIS:  1 (wis)  2 (racial) = 3
Survival WIS:  1 (wis) = 1

Tricks known:

Title: Re: Wolfrin Fenris
Post by: Wolfrin Fenris on January 18, 2014, 09:32:34 PM
[dice]Rolled 1d10+2 : 2 + 2, total 4[/dice]
Title: Re: Wolfrin Fenris
Post by: Throndir on January 18, 2014, 09:33:06 PM
Level 2 Fighter/Druid HD Roll
[dice]Rolled 1d10+2 : 5 + 2, total 7[/dice]
Title: Re: Wolfrin Fenris
Post by: Wolfrin Fenris on January 18, 2014, 10:03:29 PM
Level 2
QuoteWolfrin Fenris
Level 2 Male Half-Elf Fighter/Druid
True Neutral

STR:18 (+4)
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 17 (+3)
CHA: 11 (+0)

Size: Medium
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Grey-blue (Turn Golden when accessing druidic powers)
Hair: Silvery-White.

Fighter/Druid Hit Die: d10
Hitpoints: 12 (level 1) + 7 (level 2) = 19
Hitpoints per level: 1d10 +2 (con)
Level Adjustment: +0

Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: 10 +0 (none) +2 (dex) +2 (defensive fighting) +1 (dodge) = 15
Armor Class: 10 +0 (none) +2 (dex) +2 (defensive fighting) = 14
Armor Class: 10 +0 (none) +2 (dex) = 12
Touch Armor Class: 10 +2 (dex) +1 (dodge) = 13
Touch Armor Class: 10 +2 (dex) = 12
Flat Footed Armor Class: 10 +0 (none) = 10

Armor Check Penalty: -0 (none) = -0

Fortitude save: +2 (fighter/druid 1) +1 (fighter/druid 2) +2 (con) = +5
Reflex save: +2 (dex) = +2
Will save:   +2 (fighter/druid 1) +1 (fighter/druid 2) +3 (wis) = +6

Cold Resistance: 0
Fire Resistance: 0
Electricity Resistance: 0
Sonic Resistance: 0
Spell Resistance: 0

Sleep: Immune
vs Enchantments: +2

BAB: +2
Attack (melee, katana +1): +2 (BAB) +4 (str) +1 (weapon focus katana) = +7 (18-20 x2)
Attack (melee, dagger): +2 (BAB) +4 (str) = +6 (19-20 x2)
Attack (missile): +2 (BAB) +2 (dex) = +4
Attack (missile, composite longbow +1): +2 (BAB) +2 (dex) = +4 (x3)
Attack (unarmed): +2 (BAB) +4 (str) = +6
Attack (defensive fighting): -4
Damage (Wolf's Fang - katana +1, 1h): 1d10 +4 (str)
Damage (Wolf's Fang - katana +1, 2h): 1d10 +6 (str)
Damage (Alanas Memoir - composite longbow +1 (max 4 strength)): 1d10 +4 (str)
Damage (dagger): 1d4 +4 (str)
Damage (unarmed): 1d4 (non lethal) + 1d4 (strength damage)

Wolf's Fang (Katana +1)
Alanas Memoir (Composite Longbow +1 (max 4 strength)),
Winter Wolf Skin
Leather Boots. (Guild symbol branded into the leather on the outside of either boot.)

Equipment Cost:
Katana +1, masterwork, keen: 150 (base) + 300 (masterwork) + 250 (keen) = 700
Composite longbow +1, darkwood, masterwork: 500 (base) + 300 (masterwork) + 250 (enhancement +1) = 1050

Spell DC: 10 +3 (wis) + spell level

Grapple check: +2 (BAB) +4 (str) = 6

Light load: 100 lb. or less 
Medium load: 101?200 lb.
Heavy load: 201?300 lb.
Lift over head: 300 lb.
Push or drag: 1500 lb.

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Druidic.

Special Features:
Immune to magical sleep (Half-Elf)
Low-light vision (Half-Elf)
Enchantment resistance (Half-Elf) - +2 vs Enchantments
Animal Companion (Druid 1) - Winter Wolf
Nature Sense (Druid 1) - A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Wild Empathy (Druid 1) - A druid can use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal (such as a bear or a monitor lizard). This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. (Synergy +2 bonus)
Spontaneous Casting (Druid 1) - A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn?t prepared ahead of time. She can ?lose? a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature?s ally spell of the same level or lower. For example, a druid who has prepared repel vermin (a 4th-level spell) may lose repel vermin in order to cast summon nature?s ally IV (also a 4th-level spell).
Woodland Stride (Druid 2) - Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Weapon Focus (Level 1) - +1 Bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana) (Fighter 1) - No penalty on attacks with specific exotic weapon.
Combat Expertise (From Flaw) - May take penalty to attack to increase AC.
Dodge (From Flaw) - +1 Dodge bonus to AC against selected target.
Defensive Strike (Fighter 2) - If an opponent attacks you and misses while you are using the total defense action, you can attack that opponent on your next turn with a +4 bonus on your attack roll. You gain no bonus against an opponent that does not attack you or against an opponent that attacks and hits you.

Child of Nature - You have been blessed by the God of Nature to be as comfortable in the wilderness as you are at home.

Benefits: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to find food and water, and a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Uncivilized - You relate better to animals than you do to people.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Handle Animal checks and wild empathy checks.
Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on Bluff checks, Diplomacy checks, and Gather information checks.
Roleplaying Ideas: Characters with this trait are likely to feel awkward in many social situations; that might be expressed as shyness and quiet behavior, or it might be expressed through an overly exuberant need to participate in conversations.

Love of Nature - You do not wish harm upon any natural creature
Drawback: When attacking a creature with the animal, plant, or vermin type, you may only make attacks that deal nonlethal damage.
Benefit: Bonus Feat

Honorable Fighter - You do not like fighting opponents who are armed with lesser weapons.
Effect: Whenever you are wielding a weapon and attack an opponent who is not wielding a weapon, you take a -5 penalty to attacks. If your opponent has natural weapons like fangs and claws, ignore this penalty.
Roleplaying Ideas: "Pick up your sword. I will not fight an unarmed man."
Benefit: Bonus Feat

20 skill points at level 1
5 skill points per level after
(*)Denotes a Fighter class skill
(**)Denotes a Druid class skill
Strikethrough denotes untrained skill

Total skill points: 25
Unused skill points: 0
Max skill ranks in a skill: 5

Ranks used
2 Craft
1 Profession (animal handler)
1 Profession (guide)
4 Survival
5 Knowledge (Nature)
1 Heal
4 Concentration
1 Sleight of Hand
5 Handle Animal
1 Spellcraft
25 total

Appraise INT: +1 (int) = 1
Balance DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
Bluff CHA: +0 (cha) -1 (uncivilized) = -1
(*)Climb STR: +4 (str) = 4
(**)Concentration CON: +2 (con) +4 (skill ranks) = 6
(*)(**)Craft (Fletching) INT: +1 (int) +2 (skill ranks) = 3
Decipher Script: +1 (int) = 1
(**)Diplomacy CHA: +0 (cha) -1 (uncivilized) +2 (half elf) = 1
Disable Device: +1 (int) = 1
Disguise CHA: +0 (cha) = 0
Escape Artist DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
Forgery INT: +1 (int) = 1
Gather Information CHA: +0 (cha) -1 (uncivilized) +2 (half elf) = 1
(*)(**)Handle Animal CHA: +0 (cha) +1 (uncivilized) +5 (skill ranks) = 6
(**)Heal WIS: +3 (wis) +1 (skill ranks) = 4
Hide DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
(*)Intimidate CHA: +0 (cha) = 0
(*)Jump STR: +4 (str) = 4
Knowledge (arcana) INT: +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (architecture): +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (dungeoneering): +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (geography): +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (history): +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (local): +1 (int) -2 (child of nature) = -1
(**)Knowledge (nature): +1 (int) +1 (child of nature) +5 (skill ranks) +2 (Nature Sense) = 9
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) INT: +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (religion) INT: +1 (int) = 1
Knowledge (the planes): +1 (int) = 1
(**)Listen WIS: +3 (wis) +1 (half elf) = 4
Move Silently DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
Open Lock DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
Perform (?) CHA: +0 (cha) = 0
(**)Profession (Animal Handler) WIS: +3 (wis) +1 (skill ranks) = 4
(**)Profession (Guide) WIS: +3 (wis) +1 (skill ranks) = 4
(*)(**)Ride DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
Search INT: +1 (int) +1 (half elf) = 2
Sense Motive WIS: +3 (wis) = 3
Sleight of Hand DEX: +2 (dex) +1/2 (skill ranks)  = 2.5
(**)Spellcraft INT: +1 (int) +1 (skill ranks) = 2
(**)Spot WIS: +3 (wis) +1 (half elf) = 4
(**)Survival WIS: +3 (wis) +2 (child of nature) +4 (skill ranks) +2 (Nature Sense) +2 (Synergy - Above ground) = 13
(*)(**)Swim STR: +4 (str) = 4
Tumble DEX: +2 (dex) = 2
Use Magic Device CHA: +0 (cha) = 0
Use Rope DEX: +2 (dex) = 2

Spells Known
Level 0
Light - Object shines like a torch.
Purify Food and Drink - Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
Stabilize - Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Guidance - +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

Level 1
Wood Wose - Nature spirit does simple tasks for you.
Speak with Animals - You can communicate with animals.
Hawkeye - You gain +5 on spot checks and fire ranged
weapons better.

Spells Per Day
Level 0: 4, unlimited casting
Level 1: 2 +1 (wis)
Level 2: +1 (wis)
Level 3: +1 (wis)
Level 4: +1 (wis)

Planned Progression
1: Fighter/Druid
2:  Fighter/Druid
3:  Fighter/Druid
4: Druid
5: Druid (for wild shape ability)
6: Fighter (for lvl 4 requirement for some nice fighter feats)
7: Nature?s Champion
8: Nature?s Champion
9: Nature?s Champion
10: Nature?s Champion

Additional Info
Wolf?s Fang: Katana Blessed by Wolfgar, giving the blade a gold appearance in the process, ensuring the weapon will never break, the blade never dull, the shine never fade.

Wolf?s Fang History: Wolf?s Fang, received and named by Fenris when completing his coming of age Trials. Wolf?s Fang is a Katana, a style of sword made only by the Tribe of Lunos, in Kirin. Blessed in a ceremony at the end of the trials, the sword is dedicated to Wolfgar.

Special Abilities:
Unbreakable (+1), any damage done to the weapon is ignored.

Alanas Memoir: Darkwood Longbow

Alanas Memoir History: Hand made by Sylfaen Stardancer, Sylfaen cast the Ironwood enchantment upon this bow every day for 10 straight years until the enchantment sank into the very fabric of the wood and became permanent. Two Elven words are carved into the wood just above the handle, that translate into common in the form of " Never Forget."


Wolf Animal Companion

No picture.



STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 15 (+2)
INT: 5 (-3)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 6 (-2)

Size: Medium
Type: Animal

Hit Dice: 2d8+4
Hitpoints per level: 1d8 +2 (con) +2 (raised from birth)
Hitpoints: 26
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)

Armor Class: 10 +2 (natural) +2 (dex) = 14
Touch Armor Class: 10 +2 (dex) = 12
Flat-footed Armor Class: 10 +2 (natural) = 12

Fortitude save: +2 (con) +2 (lv 1) +1 (lv 2) = 5
Reflex save: +2 (dex) +2 (lv 1) +1 (lv 2) = 5
Will save: +1 (wis) = 1

BAB: +2
Attack (melee, bite): +2 (BAB ) +1(str) +1 (weapon focus) = +4
Damage (melee, bite): 1d6 +1 (str)
Space/Reach:5 ft./5 ft.

Grapple: +2 (BAB) +1 (str) = 3

Special attacks: Trip
Feats:  Track, Weapon Focus (bite)

Special abilities: Lowlight vision, scent

Special features:
Raised from birth (+2 HP per each HD, 3 more ability points as compared to a regular wolf of his race).
Share spells

Total skill ranks: 2
Skill ranks at level 2: 2
Skill points per level: 1
Unused skill ranks: 0

Hide DEX: +2 (dex) +1 (skill rank) = 3
Listen WIS: +1 (wis) +2 (skill ranks) = 3
Move Silently DEX: +2 (dex) +1 (racial) = 3
Spot WIS: +1 (wis) +2 (racial) = 3
Survival WIS: +1 (wis) = 1

Tricks known:
