Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy World Creations => News => Topic started by: Throndir on September 09, 2012, 08:05:31 AM

Title: Downgraded Plans
Post by: Throndir on September 09, 2012, 08:05:31 AM
It's been planned for awhile now, but I've switched the host back to a free plan, except of course the domain name.

A year ago it felt like FWC needed more space and room, especially with the inclusion of Silverlock Media, as well as our growing forums. The choice to upgrade to a higher plan was needed and supported our growth. Then Silverlock Media instead focused on using Facebook more than the actual site, and not too long after our old forums crashed.

With those two in mind, we no longer really needed the extra upgrades. Our Google Ads have earned us about $30 so far, but the check won't come in til it reaches $100, so until then, or until a need arises, I figured it's best to hold off on paying more.

How will this affect our users? On the surface, not too much. Though because we're switching back to a free hosting plan, there is indeed a possibility of more frequent downtime (as it was before we upgraded a year ago). I have heard news since then that our host has been working on their downtime issues, so I'm hoping it wouldn't be as bad as a problem as before.