[Kedric] Pokémon Wishlist: Cherubi

Started by Throndir, March 08, 2015, 02:45:46 PM

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Fellow Rabbit


At last the Cherubi finally stopped bouncing, but before she could even gain her bearings again, the human pounced like a sleep-depraved cat, sloppily wobbling as he lunged through the air. The Cherubi hadn't enough time to get out of the way, even though the whole scene felt like slow motion. Every detail was forever imprinted in the Cherubi's memory. Though in the midst of it all, she maintained the presence of mind to try and catch a glimpse of the sphere that had absorbed her brother. She squinted, watching the ugly ape thing grow nearer and nearer. Unfortunately, he had concealed it well. There was no such ball in sight. And even if there was, what would she do at this point? Oh how she wished her friends and family hadn't high-tailed it out of the area at the first sight of these two creatures. She desperately needed their help. This was perhaps the end for life as she knew it.

But then something both miraculous and ignominious happened, granting favor to Ground Cherubi. In his obsessive greedy fervor, the human apparently had lost grip of the ball and dropped it as he lunged for the Cherry Pokémon. Ground Cherubi wouldn't be captured this day! But there was still a giant hairless monkey hurdling at her at alarming speeds. She had to do something quick! And perhaps she had the perfect idea!

Preparing for his landing, the Cherubi spun around, whipping him with her tail just as he had come into range. The juicy miniature berry at the end of her tail slammed right into his face with almost as much power as she could possibly muster. The satisfying thud that could be heard throughout the are almost felt like enough to make up for not being able to save her brother, but she couldn't stop even now, lest she never see her brother again.

[info]Kedirc used Poké Ball on Ground Cherubi. Kedric's attack missed!
Ground Cherubi whacked Kedric with her tail! Kedric took 11 damage!
Digger to move.[/info]

Turn Order
Ground Cherubi

Damage Taken
Ground Cherubi19
Tree Cherubi24 (Captured)
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[info][blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 93, total 93[/blockquote][/info]