A Favor

Started by Emperor Wilbers, July 15, 2012, 10:15:58 PM

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Emperor Wilbers

Emperor Wilbers

Also, feel free to add in stuff to make it look better


You should wait and see what Hasabushi does, because I'm not happy with my result.

I'm going to cry.


Emperor Wilbers

Emperor Wilbers

Holy Bologna! Not proud of it? That's awesome. I'll show it to them. Thanks so much. Now I just have to wait to see what Hasabushi does.


Click to enlarge.

If one of FWC's members' flags gets chosen, make sure to tell them how awesome we are. :D

Emperor Wilbers

Hahaha! I will. Thanks!

EDIT: How do you make it smaller like that? When I posted the link it was very, very big.


[img height=200]image-URL[/img]


Had to do this through the attachment method, photobucket is being a pain.

Anyway this is what I came up with, I can change the background texture if you want it to be more flag like. My thinking was a big brother type concept, of the government that never sleeps, always watching you.


:O Did you draw that out yourself?!

Emperor Wilbers

Wow! Amazing! Is the Triangle the symbolism of the Big Brother thing you were talking about?

BTW, The alliance is called THE ILLUMINATI, but it is in no way like the actual secret organization. It's based off of it though, just different beliefs and stuff. I'm wondering whether it would look bettter with or without the triangle. hmmm. thanks.


Here is a layout on black and then per your request without the pyramid.


I'm thinking that the pyramid is basically just to bring focus, never even thought about it looking like the Illuminati symbolism.

Emperor Wilbers

Wow! Thank you so much! This really helps me out. I owe you one, or a few. lol. I'll definitely tell them how awesome you guys are. Maybe on of them will join FWC. Who knows.
