[Carrie] Chapter 5: Chasing the Slavers

Started by Throndir, August 04, 2019, 03:09:53 PM

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Location: New World - Melrose Village
Date: Day 3 - 11 PM

The door opened revealing a body who seemed to be wearing a simple pair of breeches and a plain shirt. There was a head cradled in his arms which grinned.

"Carrie? Hmm... Strange clothes you're wearing Carrie." The head let out a deep and bellowing laugh "Haha, but I'm not teasing or anything! You look like you can handle yourself, and I'm sure there'll be grave consequences. But to willingly visit the home of a dullahan? Now that's some dead-ication."

He stepped back, widening the door, then proceeded to sit down on one of three chairs inside the small room. It was fairly neat, though nothing spectacular. It contained only a single table at the center, with what looked to be a sink and a few cabinets against the wall. There was also what looked to be an old-style stove. You noted that it was fairly simple, and there were no beds either. Another door from that room lead directly into the stable next door.

"So! Friend of Eveleen and the dullahan what can Donovan do for you?"

QuoteColor change for Donovan to separate easier from yours.


As the door opened to reveal a headless body, Carrie was once again reminded of Paris Island, where one of her fellow marines had been decapitated right next to her. Despite everything, the sight momentarily jolted Carrie back to full mental acuity and she sighed audibly.

"I don't know if I'm ever going to get used to that...", she admitted to herself aloud, then grinning slightly at the puns being directed at her as she accepted Donovan's wordless invitation to enter.

Carrie then staggers in the door and makes her way roughly to the chair opposite Donovan, closing the door behind her and removing her helmet. As she takes a seat, she fills Donovan in on what brought her to his doorstep.

"The circumstances that bring me here are far from ideal.", Carrie begins, "The matriarch of the Lamia Priestesses, Synithise, as well as a little more than half of their number, were recently betrayed by the head of their martial arm, Synithise' sister Misophe. They were escorted out of Thura forest and were taken captive by an unknown group, known to be lead by a"Nasty looking human", as one still loyal to Synithise put it. They've been carted a ways off by caravan, and I've been tracking them all day. Immediately before coming here, I made us of a rather taxing magical ability to entrap that caravan at a distance and begin dragging it back toward my position, but now I find myself both torn up and worn out without any real safe haven. This is, hopefully, where you come in. The one thing that I need most at the moment is a safe place to rest for the evening, with the second being someone more skilled at treating the injuries from a giant boar attack than I."

The last sentence left Carrie mildly embarrassed to admit to, though it was hardly her choice anyway. This Donovan was native to Darmona, and likely could tell at a glance exactly what had wounded her.

"With this sort of wound, I thought it unwise to camp outside town where cheetahs, and who knows what else, apparently roam. Spotting one in time to avoid its ambush in the daytime is one thing. Trying to keep them at bay while sleeping through the night is another matter entirely."
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Location: New World - Melrose Village
Date: Day 3 - 11 PM

"Troublesome news... Misophe went and riled up the dullahan? What a poorly executed plan on her part." Donovan shook his head. "You would think that being a leader of a single group would be enough to keep someone content, but for Misophe to betray her sister? Oh if their mother were still around, she'd have a word to say to them. Oh Misophe... that's not how you stay ahead of the game."

He paused for a second.

"Forgive me for horsing around, especially when you have that wound too. We dullahan are well-versed in a type of magic that could help the wounds close up. I'm not as skilled as the earliest of dullahan, so it won't be instant... Would you let me try?"


"Anything you can do that might help would be most appreciated.", Carrie accepts immediately, thinking about the wide-reaching effect the existence of such would have on a world's cultural and technological development despite her exhaustion, "Healing magic is a real game-changer."

Unfortunately, Carrie's mind didn't elucidate the specifics of the thought, only that having a solution to the problem other than technology would likely leave the task of healing the sick and injured in the hands of magic users. The thought then vaguely occurred to Carrie that having some degree of magic at one's disposal might not be enough to evidence the fact that Carrie wasn't from this world. That knowing of and using magic might actually make her stand out less.

Well, it might if Carrie were to dress the part. Carrie realized that she was soon going to need to find a way to appear normal relative to those around her, and to blend in. USMC kit was something that would clearly give her away as being from another world, if not that she's a summoned hero outright.

"Soon,", Carrie thought to herself, "As soon as this clusterfuck gets resolved, I'll need to learn as much about the local cultures as possible."
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Location: New World - Melrose Village
Date: Day 3 - 11 PM

"Name magic is what it's called... It's different from the kind of magic most humans in this world use, and the magic that our neighbors employ. Anyways, let old Donovan take a look." His face grinned, but he eventually placed the detached head back to its attached position above his torso. For a moment it seemed to hang funny, but a few more quick taps and a slight screwing motion, he eventually managed to get it in place. Now that he had his head on however, he looked extremely tall. It wasn't as noticeable due to the fact he had his head in his hands through most of the conversation, but he was definitely a rather tall and heavily built man. Pleased with himself after getting his head attached correctly, he continued.

"It works by speaking the name of an object or thing, or even a person. At the same time, you encapsulate the target with your own mana, and will what is to happen. There's more to it of course, pronounciation, careful control of your mana, too, along with clearing your mind. By doing that, the magic takes hold. Many times too, the effects aren't as noticeable." Donovan explained. "The dullahan of old had this mastered, but these days usage of it had been much more limited. But, most of my past lives learned by doing! So let me show you."

A moment after that he stared at your wound. His eyes began to glow, and likewise an area around your wound started to glow as well. "Heal, Carrie." He said solemnly. There wasn't anything else that was outwardly visible, but the glowing soon faded. The wound was still there however.

"That's that! Not an instant effect, but hey, wait til the morning! A night's rest should leave you completely healed. Anyways, if Synithise really is in danger right now... Well, I wouldn't be a good dullahan if I didn't do something about it... right?"

He smiled and grinned at you.

"Unlike mortal men, I have no need of sleep. None of us do. Before we let them leave, I say we bring old Donovan to them... For hundreds of years now, we dullahan have worked to change our image towards the rest of the populace... Being accepted as members of this country, even. But if there's a nasty looking human, well... I still remember the old tales of the dullahan. Headless horsemen roaming the haunted hills and forests, reaping souls..." He paused.

"Well, just the souls of 'nasty looking humans'"


As Donovan looked over her injuries, with his head now properly attached, Carrie suddenly realized upon seeing his actual full height that Donovan towered over her by at least seven or eight inches, possibly even a foot! In the blink of an eye, a minor detail overlooked due to her fatigue had caused Carrie to completely misjudge the build of the individual before her and left the young hero momentarily slightly startled when it finally clicked in her mind that this dullahan was, in fact, built like a typical lumberjack. There was just something about the incomplete human shape and the lack of rest that had left Carrie's mind at a bit of a loss for how to judge his physique. Never the less, Carrie paid close attention to Donovan's technique as he made use of the unique magic practiced by the dullahan. She made a mental note of the criteria that must be met in order to successfully cast a spell of its type. She also made particular note of the fact that Donovan's past lives as he called them had all learned the use of this magic essentially through the process of trial and error. The thought that the dullahan's unique magic might be so easily wielded left Carrie wondering why it seemed that the only barrier to entry appeared to be the knowledge that the magic type existed if there were so few who could use it. The contradiction stood out to Carrie like a sore thumb, but she decided to set that idea aside for the time being as Donovan made known his intention to go after the lamia Priestesses' captors immediately.

"Right, you're going to want a full briefing then.", Carrie immediately responds, "What's currently known about the target is that there are three wagons being pulled by four horses each. The rate of travel these wagons have been maintaining tells me that there are no dismounted elements. If there were any individuals on foot, the whole caravan would have been moving much slower than it has been. This does mean, however, that if this caravan is guarded it's being guarded by cavalry. In such a scenario, you likely won't enjoy a significant mobility advantage. You will benefit from the knowledge that those cavalry are unlikely to leave the caravan's vicinity to chase you, so hit and run attacks would enable you to essentially dictate the terms of any engagement you choose to press. Of course, if they do give chase and leave the caravan unguarded that too would present you with an opportunity. Not only could you use your knowledge of the terrain to simply shake your pursuers, but you could also potentially ambush and eliminate them in circumstances most favorable to you while anyone left at the caravan is too far away to render any support or aid. It's also known that the caravan, if my magic works as I expect, is likely headed back in our direction despite the best efforts of those trying to get away from us. You're likely to find both the wagons and anyone who dismounted from them bound fast by the earth beneath them, moving slowly this way. It's also possible that you may encounter individuals following the caravan as it moves along who were disembarked prior to my magic taking effect. If you do, they'll no doubt be fatigued from the long night march that followed a full day of ordinary travel."

Carrie pauses to make sure that Donovan is still following Carrie's train of thought before continuing, moving on to the potential complications that her new friend might face.

"What we don't know is exactly how many hostiles will be present when you arrive, or how well they're armed. We also don't know how many additional captives may be present in the two wagons that the lamia priestesses weren't loaded into. While it's possible that they're empty, this seems unlikely to me. Not only are the the wagons being pulled along by the full team of horses, where horses not needed to move a load would generally be led along by a lead, but those two wagons were kept a significant distance away from the location where the third wagon containing our missing friends was loaded. If the wagons didn't contain 'valuable cargo', there would be no reason to protect them in such a manner."

Carrie uttered the words 'valuable cargo' with a tone of utter contempt. She hated that getting into her enemy's head was requiring her to think like them. The concept of people being considered nothing more than wares to be bought and sold made Carrie's blood boil. The thought that Misophe had tried to do that to her own sister left Carrie once more seeing red, which made the next thing Carrie uttered far more difficult than it should have been.

"If you're going to try to take down the entire caravan yourself, bear in mind that you'll need to either capture or kill all hostile elements. It's possible that those involved know the location of at least one of the many exit tunnels, if not the location of the tunnel complex proper. We also need at least one of them alive to answer questions as to where they came from, who they're working for, and where they were going to deliver their captives. We can't afford to allow anyone who can compromise the tunnels to escape, so if you're not sure you can meet this objective when you lay eyes on the target it would be best to simply observe them and wait for me to catch up with you. We'll have a much better effect on target working together than either of us will alone. Oh, and this goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. Whatever you do, don't get yourself killed. If things start to look ugly, remember that as long as the captives are alive we can always make another attempt later on when we're both able to engage them simultaneously."

Carrie now waits expectantly for Donovan to confirm that he understood the information he had been given, a focused and determined gaze with a hint of concern managing to cut through her otherwise exhausted demeanor.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Location: New World - Melrose Village
Date: Day 3 - 11 PM

Donovan considered your words carefully, nodding to himself as you spoke about exactly what you knew, their numbers, and their predicament.

"I will seek them out... But if there are as many as you say, I'll only stalk from a distance. I'd very much like to keep my head on after all." He laughed again, it was a surprisingly warm laugh, seemingly free from worry. "If I remember the little Synithise during her matriarch ceremony, she was one who had a bit of a flare to her. With us here, we'll get her back for sure."

"I'll need a couple of minutes to prepare my armor, I assume you'll be staying here until dawn? If they're here at Melrose... the only likely destination they have is towards the Northern Felencorp... Hopefully... we'll meet them on the road."

[info]After the conversation, Donovan would change into his gear[/info].


"Correct.", Carrie replies, "I'll join you as soon as I'm able once I wake. That said, the ground these wagons likely covered would put them roughly four hours down the road from here at the time I used my magic to attempt to snare them and drag them toward us. If you can plot where they're likely to have been at that point in time on a map, following a straight line between here and that point will almost certainly bring you quickly into contact with them. I'm not sure at exactly what speed they're likely to be dragged back in this direction, but the last time I used this ability in a lesser but similar fashion it wasn't very rapid at all. I'm not expecting them to be in this area before dawn, but if you find that I've miscalculated, do try to return and wake me before their arrival."

Carrie pauses a moment before realizing that with a Dullahan involved in the hunt, there was a very real possibility that the enemy wouldn't survive long enough for her to ever see them.

"Assuming you leave any of them for me, anyway.", Carrie adds with a weak smile and a small chuckle as she retrieves her bedroll from her pack and unrolls it in an open space on the floor. By the time Donovan has changed into his armor, Carrie has already racked out for the evening, resting her head against the softest parts of her pack as a pillow with her helmet and rifle close at hand next to her.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


New World - Melrose Village - Donovan's Home
Day 3 - 11:30 PM

The dullahan disappeared into the stable, and soon enough Donovan was done. When he appeared again, he was sporting a set of full heavy armor. It was dark, and in some ways almost ornamental. It wasn't quite like the actual medieval armor you would have found back on earth, what Donovan wore was much more stylized. There were sharp edges on the armor, along with designs of skulls on it. On his back was a large scythe that looked just as decorated as his armor, and on his side was a whip-like weapon, that resembled links of bones, though the weapon itself was made out of metal.

"Presumably they would be on the road." Donovan said. "Seek us out." With that, Donovan left to mount his own steed. His horse neighed, and shortly after that, the sounds of the galloping horse started to fade.

New World - Melrose Village - Donovan's Home
Day 4 - 7:30 AM

[info]8 hour rest due to D&D mechanics of 'fullnight rest'[/info]

Morning soon arrived. Just as Donovan had promised, your wounds were gone. Not only that, you felt a lot more refreshed as well, more than likely, your mana had regenerated back to full. With the light of the morning sun lighting up Donovan's shack, the fact that it was a well-kept up, and relatively tidy home was even more apparent. There were some decoration, paintings of landscapes, along with some potted plants. Though Donovan did indeed look the part of a dullahan the night before, his home was a lot more normal.


As Carrie awoke, it became clear that the time was just a bit past dawn. She had wanted to get underway while it was still dark out if possible but would have to make do with the dim light that was now shining upon the world. She quickly dons her helmet and pack, then retrieves her M-4 before quietly heading out via the side door through the stable. She makes her way toward the road she knew the caravan had to have taken and begins to follow it from off to one side, making a point of concealing herself from any passers-by that she might encounter along the way.

Carrie knew that after a full night of her program blessing dragging the caravan, it was likely to be relatively close. She didn't know what condition it would be in when she found it, nor what sort of resistance she would find guarding it. All she could hope for was to spot the enemy before they were able to spot her. Finding Donovan somewhere along the way would be helpful too. Regardless, Carrie was in perfect shape once again and was itching for a chance to get at whoever had Synithise and the rest of the priestesses held captive. Carrie was no longer searching or tracking. No, Carrie was now hunting. Knowing that her enemy would be coming toward her, Carrie was simply adding her own movement to the closing speed. Carrie had always felt a certain excited, anxious anticipation whenever going into combat, but for the first time, she was feeling nothing aside from an earnest desire to end those who had done her friend harm.

Stealth: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 3 + 10, total 13[/blockquote]
Perception: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13[/blockquote]
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


New World - North of Melrose
Day 4 - 9:30 AM

You headed out then, making your way to the likeliest destination of where you would find them. Since they were headed through Melrose, more than likely, they were on a northern route. After around two hours of journeying, it was then that you saw a familiar sight, it was Donovan on a dark horse. He had his head on the normal position, perhaps in an attempt not to scare off any random travellers. The moment you had seen him though, he had noticed your presence as well and only waved towards you. Beyond him, a distance away, looked to be three wagons, along with a variety of people, both humans, lamia, and beastfolk seemingly fighting with the ground. Man of them were cursing loudly. Donovan quickly rode his horse over to you, a huge grin on his face.

"It didn't take much to find them at all. They seemed to be headed towards you..." He said. "And they are indeed slavers... I was talking with one of them as he tried to get up only to be held again by the jutting earthen spears. Some travellers were attempting to free them, though, taking off my head had them running." Donovan laughed.

You noticed that Donovan and his horse suffered some wounds. More specifically his horse had some gashes, while Donovan's armor had some blood on it.

"One of them managed to put up a fight... But with the earth grabbing him like so, I managed to knock him out. He's still alive, mostly." Donovan said as he pointed to a specific form of an unconscious man wrapped up in earth, and slowly making its way towards you and Donovan.


As Carrie spotted Donovan, she couldn't help but grin, responding in kind to his pun, "Looks like they're at the end of the line."

Carrie notes the individual Donovan had knocked out, Surmising that the individual in question was most likely the leader if they had it in their head that they could contend with a dullahan. She takes a moment to search the individuals for keys that would unlock any restraints or confinement facilities left unopened before moving on to attempt to locate Synithise.

Apprehension now worked its way across Carrie's features as she searched the faces of those around her for one more familiar, knowing that when she found the one she was looking for, it was bound to bear evidence of rough treatment. She hoped that Synithise was still in relatively good health, but couldn't get the 'what if' scenario out of her head that left Carrie fearing the worst regardless of what was actually likely.

"Synithise?!", Carrie called out, listening for a response as she moved among the dismounted, struggling individuals and wagons looking for her friend, every instant without a response, causing Carrie mounting anxiety and dread.

Perception to find keys:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 8 + 8, total 16[/blockquote]

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


New World - North of Melrose
Day 4 - 9:30 AM

When you neared them, the mounds moved towards you as well. Though, something interesting did happen, as the mounds simply came closer and closer to you, without really attempting to stop. The earth itself seemed to be pushing the unconscious and conscious bodies towards you, along with the caravans and cages themselves. If you stayed in one place, the objects might have had a chance to simply crush you, along with whoever was unlucky enough to be bound by the earth.

Altogether, there were a couple of cages that were being slowly moved towards you, the three wagons, and lastly were the humans who where either unconscious or not. The man that Donovan had pointed out to had a hood on themselves, and doing a quick search on his body, you managed to find a set of keys. He had other items as well on him, including a finely made shortsword of some sort with what looked to be a red-hand used for the grip, his cloak, along with armor, daggers, and vials.

"C-Carrie!" Synthise called out. A moment later her eyes began to water as she started crying. The earth had bound her cage too, but she didn't seem to fight with it, only letting the earth guide her towards you.

Donovan followed behind as well, keeping a close eye on both the humans and staring at the gathered Lamia.


In the space of an instant, all of Carrie's mounting fears, anxiety and dread were dispelled as if a cloud of wispy smoke scattered by a strong wind upon hearing the sound of Synithise' voice. Immediately, Carrie runs over to where her friend was being held to confirm with her eyes what her ears had told her was true. She had succeeded in recovering those captured.

With a smile plastered across her face, Carrie reaches through the bars of the cage to make contact with her friend.

"Damn, it's good to see you again!", she exclaims, while trying each key on the ring until one unlocks the cage, "I was afraid I wasn't going to find you here with everyone else. Hang tight just a little longer! We'll get you and everyone else free of this earth bind as soon as we've made sure these shitheads can't try anything."

With that, Carrie asks the obvious question of Donovan while changing position so that the moving earthen restraints don't crush anybody.

"I don't suppose we've got enough rope for all these prisoners, do we? I've got a bit of metal wire I could use, but I doubt it'd be enough for all of them."

Carrie's tone is even as she begins unlocking the restraints of any Lamia priestesses not contained in a cage. She also makes a point of handing those so freed any nearby weapons that the slavers may have been carrying. While Carrie might prefer to take prisoners in this scenario, given the large number of personnel that would be available to manage them once freed, if restraints were lacking, she wasn't going to take any chances that the slavers present might get away.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


New World - North of Melrose
Day 4 - 9:30 AM

It took a bit of time, but you eventually managed to get the small cage opened that contained Carrie. She immediately reached over to you. She tried to hug you, though, like the rest of the Lamia, they each had manacles on them. More than likely, one of the keys on the key ring you had taken would be used.

"Enough rope for all the prisoners... Well, there might still be somethings on those wagons." Donovan said. At that moment, you noticed a movement from your side.

[info]Initiative and Perception requested[/info]