[Fred] Chapter 3: Escape

Started by Throndir, August 19, 2018, 10:04:56 PM

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[info][blockquote]Agility:  1d20+11 : 4 + 11, total 15[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Both Lai Fen and Lai Ju were able to get out of the way of the blast. However, as you attempted to move out, the fires singed you.

The fires hurt, and the shirt you wore looks like it was singed and damaged as well.

QuoteAnother set of Perception, Stealth, and Acrobatics requested

QuoteRough Status
Fred: Injured
[include u=2]MP Fred: -10
Fred: -9[/include]


"Ah!" Fred gasps at the burn, gripping it. "That...almost made me miss the desert sun." He muses to himself, trying to take his mind off of the pain so he can keep moving. "How much further, you two!?"

[info][blockquote]Perception:  1d20+5 : 7 + 5, total 12[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth:  1d20+13 : 8 + 13, total 21[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Acrobatics:  1d20+13 : 9 + 13, total 22[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


The moment you spoke those words, you felt the sharp bite of weapon slicing at you; they were thrown stars. You managed to quickly glance at the assailants who had thrown them, and you realized they were heavily cloaked, and had their faces covered with a red mask. There were two of them.

"No! That's the Red Hand sect! The ones I wanted to avoid the most. Lai Ju, keep an eye out for the sides. There's four more somewhere near us."

"Forget escaping quietly, we need to run."

QuoteA round of actions to react, then roll Initiative right after.


"Eish!" Fred yelped when the shuriken sliced his body. He was honestly beginning to question going with these people. Why'd everything they got involved in hurt so much? "And where exactly are we going to run at this point? From what you've said we're surrounded. And who are these guys?" Though still clueless about it's use, Fred draws the dao from his back, trying to mimic the stances he'd seen earlier.

[info][blockquote]Initiative:  1d20+7 : 10 + 7, total 17[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


"It's the Red Hand sect, they're trained in assassination..."

"Hero Fred, you don't happen to have spells, or know how to use ki?"

QuoteLai Fen and Lai Ju are holding off their turn until you decide whether its going to be fight or flight.


"All I can do is the armor destruction that you saw before. Other than that, I can see generic information about people. No other spells or skills." Fred said bluntly. "If I destroy their armor, will that be enough to let you defeat them? They won't be able to carry anything unless it's in their hands at that point."

Fred then takes a moment to study the visible targets before him, scoping out their status and the most threatening member.

[info]Fred is waiting on their response for whether him playing support is enough.

He tries to read the status of his enemies.

[blockquote]Perception:  1d20+5 : 17 + 5, total 22[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Looking around, you manage to see 6 status windows that were relatively nearby, and on the rooftops as well. 2 of them were plain visible, but the other 4 were hidden behind various objects, or even in dark spots where you couldn't quite see.

Meng Jian《Red Hand Squad Captain》
Tian Shui《Thrown Stars Adept》
Wen Wei《Silent Shadow》
Bai Xinyue《The Graceful》
Su Chun《Blade User》
Deng Zhi《Powerhouse》

The one marked as《Thrown Stars Adept》, and《Blade User》were the two that were visible and behind you.

《Red Hand Squad Captain》and《The Graceful》were on one side, while 《Silent Shadow》and《Powerhouse》were on the other. These 4 were either hidden behind various things, or were hidden in the shadows.


"I'm not sure if that's enough. They already don't wear very much armor..."

"Lai Fen has the child to worry about as well, it will be hard trying to protect her while we fend of 6 of them."


"Right, then run to wherever you see an opening. I'll cause a distraction as we leave. Destroying their armor once will at least stun them for a moment. I'll go for the ranged fighter so he drops his stowed weapons, you pick where to run."

Fred steps up, acting like he doesn't know the whereabouts or the four hiding, then quickly turns and points to Tian Shui. "Destroy!"

[info]Destroy Tian Shui's worn goods so he has no replacement ammo, then follows wherever the duo run.[/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


The man yelped as his clothes were completely torn. Apart from the few throwing stars he had in his hand, he was completely naked.[/info]

Lai Ju dashed ahead running at full speed. Lai Fen was following right after, though you noticed that she wasn't quite as fast as Lai Ju. The fact that she was carrying the child made her movements a lot slower. You knew she would be too slow while she carried the child.

"Don't say it! I know!" Lai Fen grimaced.

QuoteAcrobatics requested. You can run a number of rounds equal to your Constitution score. Lai Fen can only run 90 ft per round. Lai Ju is running at 120 ft. You should be able to also go at 120 ft. Due to lack of Stealth, the normal fights around town will notice your passing.


I run up next to Lai Fen, "Give me the kid! Since I can't fight well, I'll need you two to be fully able!" Fred reaches out and offers his shoulder. "Just don't outpaces me too far, because I likely won't be able to keep up."

[info][blockquote]Acrobatics:  1d20+13 : 15 + 13, total 28[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


QuoteYou'll suffer some circumstance penalties with your Acrobatics checks. And any penalties involved with carrying something of the child's weight.

Lai Fen nodded, and as you neared her, she had quickly and deftly switched her load to you while the both of you were still rushing away from the Red Hand sect which were hot on your trail.

At that moment, Tian Shui《Thrown Stars Adept》, threw another set of thrown stars at you, they hit again, drawing more blood and causing some pain. Your arm was starting to be red with your blood. After that, you noticed the naked man seemed to stop giving chase as his name tag started to get smaller.

Taking hold of the child, you noticed that the kid wasn't heavy at all. In fact, you found that you could still keep up with both Lai Fen and Lai Ju.

"I still have some smoke bombs left Lai Fen... but without some sort of distraction, or anything else, it may be difficult to use it well without wasting it..."

QuoteAcrobatics and Perception requested

QuoteRough Status
Fred: Badly Wounded
[include u=2]MP Fred: -10
Fred: -18[/include]


"Just keep running, they no longer have range! Heads low and go!" Fred gritted his teeth. He hadn't ever been this beaten. Well, except when he died. That wasn't the comparison he wanted to make. But all he knew is he had to keep going if he wanted to live.

And he wanted to live.

[info]Fred will use his hero action point to survive if he has to. Also, I don't know the penalty for carrying the kid, so subtract what's needed.

[blockquote]Perception:  1d20+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Acrobatics:  1d20+13 : 7 + 13, total 20[/blockquote][/info]
GG - Kin Sheel
GG - Vladimir Ludwik
Hero - Viktor Kozlav
SA - Uthaal Nailo
JE - Sebastian Zweigart
SH - Roman Ilya Pajari
EoD - Corey Grieve
EoD - Daniel Rask

[spoiler=Quote Collection]"It could be a rock that was intricately chiseled into...a rock." - Throndir

?Why did your first encounter end up as yourselves?? -Ella

?What'd he drop?? -Lance, asking about loot from a slain enemy.
?Well, he dropped his arms.? -Linwelin, after slicing off said enemy's arms.

Fayleen: "It's my sister..."
Kedric: "Did she fall into a hole? THAT SOUNDS GLORIOUS!"
Fayleen: "No! I mean, what, how did you even-" -Throndir
*Her sister had actually fallen in a hole.

Romanian Dumitri writes "Writing for the sake of writing, Going to beat that Maeve. What is she trying to do writing MORE than me?! I swear she's not going to take my place as the most buff occult reporter. She doesn't hold a candle!"
World-renowned author and chronicler, Kryas Windsell, presents: "The Bestiary of Galas'nor"

Quote from the Author:
"Because no one else thought of it." - Kryas Windsell

"Oh so there's a wizard? With magic pills? LET'S FEED IT TO RANDOM PEOPLE" -Throndir, refering to 'A Strange Visitor' RP[/spoiler]


Words appeared in your mind then.

[okay]Your wish is granted.[/okay]Then further words appeared in your head.

[okay]You have gained a new title『The Chosen of a God』[/okay]In that moment, the pain you had from the various cuts and burns from the fire earlier started to feel lessened. The cuts on your arm began to close, and the burned skin started to heal. Moving around wasn't as painful, and the blood that had been pouring from your arms was lessened. That said, the wounds were not completely healed however.

As you continued jumping rooftop to rooftop with Lai Ju leading the way, you noticed that fires were throughout most of the city. In fact, there was still a lot of shouting on the streets below. You managed to get some glimpses of various people fighting, but you could figure out who was who, or even how many combatants or groups of combatants there were. One thing for certain though, was that the fighting was wide-spread.

"Lai Fen, Hero Fred... I have 3 smoke bombs, 2 flash bombs, caltrops..."

"I'll distract them then! Fred take care of that brat!" Lai Fen said as she drew her blade. You saw her flash her eyes to the one still following, but she kept a wary gaze to the sides, knowing that 4 others were probably still hounding them, just hidden in the shadows.

QuotePerception and Acrobatics requested.

QuoteInitiative Order: Lai Ju, Fred, Lai Fen, 5 remaining Red Hand Sect members
Rough Status
Fred: Injured
[include u=2]MP Fred: -10
Fred: -9[/include]