[Zurlane] Chapter 4: The Fires of Hiedelswatch

Started by Licel, August 19, 2018, 02:25:48 PM

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Zurlane's updated escape plan:

Part 1:

Available Valkyre will be split into two teams, Fire team and Defense team.

Fire team will be lead by Eydis and Iona Defense team will be lead by Alvilda.

Defense team's Objective:

Slow the enemy as much as possible to buy the fire team time.


The defense team will split into two teams, archers and a phalanx of fighters. Archers will fire overhead into the enemy's ranks so that they are weakened when they make it up to our forces phalanx line, reducing our risk and limiting the numbers they can hit us with at any given time. Alvilda will stay in proximity to give orders to the defense.

Fire team


Limit enemy movement to a single lane and then using fire, slow or preventing the enemy from giving chase.

Fire team's plan:

1. Raid storehouse of all wood, tinder, oil and any easy to transport flammable objects. Move objects back to the south gate.

2. Fire team will make a large fire and set up torches for quick access.

3. Fire team will place pitch, wood, and other flammable objects along roads that feed to the south gate and set them alight to force the enemy to engage with the Valkyre in one lane down the middle.

4. Iona and Eydis will work together while flying to drop burning pitch barrels onto the enemies heads to slow them down and cause disorder. Once most of the barrels have been exhausted they will throw some burning torches onto roofs to light any other unlit structures and then pull back.

5. Remaining flammable supplies will be placed at the south gate in the mouth of the gateway awaiting part 2.

Part 2.

Defense team's Objective:

Force the enemy to engage the Valkyre through fire or pull back


Defenders will transition to a skirmisher strategy of retreating, shooting and retreating keeping a wall of arrows always falling behind them.

Fire Team


As the defenders pull out of the fortress the fire team will set the remaining pitch, wood, and tinder alight that was placed in the mouth of the gateway, ensuring that the valkyre have had time to escape. Some of the team will bring torches with them to immolate arrows before they are fired. At this point those which cannot shoot will prioritize moving wounded back while the remaining fire team sets the fields of the countryside to the east and west of the valkyre on fire in order to prevent the enemy from preforming a major flank by leaving the fortress from another exit and skipping the fire entirely. Once the fires are sufficiently burning, the fire team will fully transition to defense team and will move back firing arrows and moving in to replaces losses on the defensive line as well.
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


"Very well then hero... We shalt proceed with your guidance."

Defense Team

Alvilda had begun checking the remaining Valkyrie to see who still able to fight, to build up a group for the Defense team.

Fire Team

The Fire team lead by Iona and Eydis are starting to make their ways to the various storehouses in the remainder of town.

Zurlane, who should we help?


"I think for now Aurora let's head to the south gate, from there we can assist the fire team in getting the pitch and tinder placed to ensure maximum coverage. Once we get into place I'm going to leave it up to you to help me calculate the best use of our resources we have. We have to strike the dangerous balance between there being too little flame that the demons can push through and too much flame to the point where it dangerous to us as well... I also have a plan for a little ace in the hole if things go really poorly."

Zurlane runs to the south gate to get a mental image of all of the roads that need to be blocked off for the defense and to meet up with Alvilda.

"Alvilda I have a question for you... If someone didn't have enough mana... how would you try and fix that? What does that mean? Aurora doesn't have enough mana to use her powers and if we run into the demon magic user again I want to see if we can at least distract them. Do you know where I can find something to get her more mana?"
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


Alvilda had been busy trying to find Valkyrie and organize them into groups, but she glanced towards you when she noticed you near her.

"Aurora... That is the one that shares thy soul? She can hear me?" Alvilda confirmed again. "Normally... when one runs out of mana, they become unconscious. Mana is an energy within us, when it is lacking, our bodies feel it as well. When we use mana, we tire our bodies, and when we run out, we fall asleep. Tis a condition called Mana Blanked. Aurora, if thou can hear me, answer so that Zurlane may know. Doth thou feel tired in any way?"

I do not feel tired. Though... the energy reserves I have are low, however, I do not expect to cease functioning if I run out of this... 'mana'.

"There is one way to check... Can thou sayeth 'Status'?"


"Aurora can hear you, she says she doesn't feel tired, she also says she doesn't think that she will..." Zurlane ponders how to explain what Aurora means. "...fall asleep if she runs out of it, but she doesn't have much left for now."



"What happens when you say Status Aurora? Does the screen with information appear for you? Ohh Aurora, do you think I can give you some of my mana to use? Can you access parts of me like that?"

"Thank you Alvilda. One last question and then I'll leave you to organize the defense. Is there anything that one can eat or drink in an emergency to replenish mana quicker than sleep?"
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


The moment you said 《Status》 , a green semi-translucent screen appeared in front of you. It reminded you of the terminals back in your own world.

[okay]Zurlane Rhomedes
Wielder of Darkness
Level 21

Condition: Badly Wounded, Refreshed

HP: 14/33
MP: 41/41
STR: 18 +
DEX: 20 +
CON: 17 +
INT: 21 +
WIS: 11 +
CHA: 9 +
MAG: 20 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, AI Companion, Upgrade

You have 4 unspent ability points.[/okay]

There was a pause.


Another pause.

It seems as if Status is the command word to bring up another separate and hidden system. This seems to be information about myself. The statistics themselves are reminiscent of old tabletop 'pen and paper' games before the advent of heavy digital gaming in the late 20th century where the medium moved to the tech-space.

I'm trying to access your body, to see if I can find this 'mana', but again, it's giving me that 'ability not yet unlocked' message.

"Sleep tis not the only way of recovering mana... Simply resting shalt do it as well, though sleep manages to restore it faster." Alvilda shook her head once you mentioned a way to replenish it faster.

"Nothing that I know of replenishes mana faster than simply resting. Thousands of years ago records indicate of magical items such as that what you speak of, but that technology is lost to us..."

[info]Rough Status
Eydis: Badly Wounded (hit and fall, failed putting out fire)
Iona: Injured
Zurlane: Badly Wounded (fight  with demon, failed catch)
Alvilda: Badly Wounded (fight with demon, protecting from flank)[/info][include u=2]
Zurlane: -19,
Alvilda: -45
Eydis: -35
Spirit Alvilda: None
MP Alvilda: -10
MP Aurora: -28[/include]


"Thank you for your help Alvilda." Zurlane nods and continues to walk surveying the defense and fire teams as they continue to move and get ready. "I guess that part of my plan won't work. Looks like we won't be able to use your mana railgun again today Aurora."

Zurlane's attention is pulled back to the status screen he surveyed earlier.

"Wielder of darkness... I wonder if that's some kind of title. That doesn't sound like a way you'd describe a hero does it? What do you think about that Aurora? By the way, what does your screen say about you? "

Zurlane ponders what he's seen on the screen.

"I wonder if I can learn something from this, I'm really curious why I'm some kind of wielder of darkness, I hope I'm not destined to walk a path that is evil in some way... maybe I can manipulate darkness itself in some way... and these ability points, I wonder if I can gain access to them like Aurora has been able to do... let's see if I focus if I can figure this out."


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 2 + 5, total 7[/blockquote]

After taking a moment to reflect on this Zurlane's attention returns to the defensive team and fire team's work. He looks for a place that he can stand to get a higher vantage point on the layout of everything.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 16 + 3, total 19[/blockquote]
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


[info]INT on Wielder of Darkness
You have no idea what it could mean other than the few conjectures you thought of.

Perception: 19
At the southern gates itself are tall watchtowers that overlook most of the fort.[/info]

Elapsed Rounds: 8

Defense Team

Alvilda had begun gathering troops under her banner. There were already some who continued to slow down the demons who were still marching. Finally it looks like most of the troops were getting in line. Alvilda was doing one last quick check on their equipment by doing a quick glance, and also telling them the plan.

Currently: Gathering Troops - 2 rounds remaining
Next step: Moving Out

Fire Team

A couple of teams have already entered the store houses.

Currently: Collecting 1st round of supplies - 3 rounds remaining
Next step: Depositing for fires for single lane

QuoteNote, I'm judging number of elapsed rounds roughly on length of dialogue.

Feel free to just pass the time, or figure out if you want to go down and help with anyone.


"Well we haven't seen how Iona and Eydis are doing, let's go check on them Aurora. We'll keep this tower vantage point in mind if we need it."

Zurlane follows the members of the fire team that have come back with supplies to meet up with Iona and Eydis. Once he finally catches up with them he asks.

"How do things appear to be progressing over here, do you have any questions about the plan? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Zurlane observes how the fire team is working to see how efficient things are going.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 18 + 3, total 21[/blockquote]
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


[info]Perception: 21
The Fire Team's first round is split into going between two storehouses, one nearer the east end, and another on the west end. You waited until the first team arrived.[/info]
"Mine hero! Tis thou!" It was Eydis. She was covered in a variety of bandages since her fall, it looks like she had since replaced her cloak as well, though, you noticed that the clothes she wore under it were still burned and exposed a lot of skin.

"Prithee to let poor Eydis show thee mine thanks."  Eydis immediately reached up to you, reaching for your lips...

QuoteYou can choose to stop/avoid her.

Elapsed Rounds: 11

Defense Team
Army size: 100
Currently: Moving Out - 4 rounds remaining
Next step: Engaging Enemy

The troops has since gathered, and are currently making their way to engage the enemy on the center lane.

Fire Team - West End Supplies
Army size: 50
Supplies at Center (From West End workers): 0
Supplies at West End Roads: 0
Currently: Depositing Supplies - 4 rounds remaining
Next step: Return to Storehouse

The teams are on their way back. 25 are headed to stockpile at center. 25 are headed to set fires to the road.

Fire Team - East End Supplies
Army size: 50
Supplies at Center (From West End workers): 0
Supplies at West End Roads: 0
Currently: Depositing Supplies - 4 rounds remaining
Next step: Return to Storehouse

The teams are on their way back. 25 are headed to stockpile at center. 25 are headed to set fires to the road.


"Hello Eydis, I'm glad you're doing better." Zurlane says with a smile pretending to not notice her bandages

When Eydis reaches up for Zurlane's lips he gently puts his hands on her cheeks and leans in closing his eyes. He really gives it his all, for just a moment, kissing her like the world itself is ending.


He pulls his face back just a small distance from hers and opens his eyes with a smile. "You're doing great Eydis. I know I can count on you. It looks like everything is great here..." He slowly removes his hands from her cheeks. "... I'll see at the south gates shortly." With that and a big smile he runs off towards the other storehouse to see how Iona is doing
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


You found Iona inside one of the storehouses, gathering some supplies. She turned towards you.

"Hero Zurlane... Thy smile, did something good happen to thee?" Iona asked as she moved towards the door and you.

Elapsed Rounds: 19

Defense Team
Commander: Alvilda
Army size: 100
Distance From Gate: 120 ft.
Currently: Engaging Enemy

The troops, lead by Alvilda are in the thick of battle.
[include u=2]Battle entered on round 15[/include]

Fire Team - West End Supplies
Commander: Iona
Army size: 50
Supplies at Center (From West End workers): 25
Supplies at West End Roads: 25
Currently: Gathering Supplies (2nd) - 3 rounds remaining
Next step: Deposit

Fire Team - East End Supplies
Commander: Eydis
Army size: 50
Supplies at Center (From West End workers): 25
Supplies at West End Roads: 25
Currently: Gathering Supplies (2nd) - 3 rounds remaining
Next step: Deposit

QuoteDue to distance, it will take 4 rounds to run from East End to Center, then another 4 round from Center to West End.


"Hello Iona, just doing my best to stay optimistic. Besides, smiles are contagous, right? How are things going on your end over here? Do you feel like you understand the plan?"

"I also had a few questions for you. Since your a general I had a few questions for you. Could you tell me some of your forces greatest strengths? Also... since I was thinking about it. What do you think your greatest strengths are? I'll do my best to keep them in mind if we need to adjust strategy."

"Aurora, where do you predict things being the place most likely to fall apart. I feel confident that everyone knows their parts. I'm just unsure where to put us. Actually... instead of thinking about it that way where would you like to be. I want you to feel like you have a choice too."

Thank you for letting me fight in the war.


"Smiles are indeed contagious hero Zurlane..." Iona's eyes flashed dangerously, as she herself smiled. Though it didn't quite look friendly, it was more akin to hungry.

"A strategist I am, thine plan rings true to mine ears... How about you Zurlane?" She started to close the door behind you. "Doth thou know the plan?"

"For thine servants, the Valkyrie..." She pulled herself very close then. "Ever hath our strengths be that we art..."

Her eyes flashed dangerously.



Zurlane's smile turns more into a playful smirk. He puts his hands behind his back and walks a half circle around Iona very closely, confidently, and slowly.

"I suppose I do know the plan... it's only natural after all..."

He stops just off of Iona's right shoulder and leans in, his face just inches from her neck. His voice becomes a whisper.

"But, I suppose that depends on what drives you..." He lets out a sigh breathing hot air onto her neck.

"Tell me... what do you have in mind?"
Thank you for letting me fight in the war.