Omar Maloof

Started by InhumanRonin, May 15, 2018, 12:01:45 AM

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This is going to be a pretty rough write up but I can expand on it through game play or add to it as it comes to me

Backstory:  Since childhood Omar has always been fascinated by the songs and tales of travelers seeking great treasures. Knowing one day he would leave his home Omar would have his father Shakir teach him basic use of a blade. His father after a few years of training thought it would be good for Omar to finally set off and see the world. Shakir knew of a band of mercenaries named the Iron Tempest that were looking to add to there ranks and thought it would be a good way for his son to stay safer while out in the world. Omar gather the little bit of money and equipment he managed scrape together over his training period.

Upon joining the Iron Tempest Omar would learn many vitals skills that would help him survive. Eventually after many small skirmishes with bandits Omar would finally get his chance to sate his childhood dream. He kept hearing murmurs of the Tempest sending a small group to delve through the the soon to be opened Necropolis in Wati and threw his hat in the ring to join in on scavenging those ruins along with the whoever else they send. (adding more in the morning)
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon