[Club] Art Club

Started by Mumble Dragon, August 09, 2014, 11:41:54 AM

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Mumble Dragon

Sam floated down the emptying hallway, a slight scowl plastered across his face. Classes were over, by this time he should be well on his way home, back to his cave where it's just him and the comfortable virtual world he resides. New regulations force him to attend TWO, yes not one, TWO clubs! Sam had tried to sneak away but increased hall security swept him up faster than thought possible and ushered him on his way.

Turning the hall corner, he arrived at his destination. He glances up at the small square next to the door that boasts the room number of his impending doom, as if taunting him to social interactions. Below it, a simple crooked sign leaning oddly to the left, simply claiming "Art Club". Sam felt this club should be safe enough. He envisioned snotty, high nosed artists that are so absorbed into their work they would not care to notice a simple person like himself. If he could claim a spot in the back corner he could disappear for an hour or so so he could leave on his way home. After all there were unattended games that demanded his attention.

Giving a defeated sigh, he straightens the club sign to a more even position and rests his right hand on the doorknob. "Alright, move in quietly and discreetly, with any luck they will not notice you," he mentions to himself. With a slow turn, the handle gives way without alarm and pushes the door open.