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Topics - Oath

Masters and Servants / [Master] Lynnette Caldwell
May 25, 2015, 01:50:05 PM
Visual approximation minus this.. cross thing. [spoiler][/spoiler]

23 years old. Average height (5'5"). Brunette hair, Hazel eyes. Tends to be found wearing button-up dress shirts, along with a jacket with deep pockets. Depending on her plans, Lynnette will switch between a skirt and various types of pants. Often wears boots, due to her motorcycle being her primary method of transport. Has a small collection of simple jewelry, primarily earrings and bracelets. Also tends to wear gloves.


When not on business, Lynnette is fairly aloof. Tends to avoid small-talk with strangers whenever possible. To those that she is around more often, she is fairly friendly, though still not exactly forthcoming. Isn't particularly dishonest, but prefers to "win" the information battle. With the few people that she considers to be friends, she keeps her professional and personal life separate. She's also fairly curious, and when she is not otherwise engaged or busy, will investigate something that seems to be strange.


Is a bit of a closet foodie, enjoys checking out "mom and pop" type places, for the welcoming atmosphere. Enjoys cruising on her motorcycle, and following the current events of the business world. Tries to make it out to a shooting range weekly. Tends to wind down in the evenings with a glass of wine and a book. Uses the library quite often; favors detective stories.


Adopted by Gunther Reinhart, sort of out of obligation. Parents were business partners and died while on a family vacation overseas. Lynnette was kidnapped, and forced into a life of crime for a few years, until Gunther brought her back to New York, and officially adopted her. Among the family, this was not a popular choice, and due to this fact Lynnette is constantly excluded from activities involving the Reinhart family. She hopes to do well in the Holy Grail War to convince the members of the family that refuse to accept her that she is a worthwhile addition to the family. She's provided a monthly stipend from Gunther, but has been forbidden from living on any of the properties that are owned by the family.

Due to her status as an adopted daughter of the Reinhart family, despite her actual living conditions, Lynnette is a fairly well connected individual. She is acquainted with a large number of individuals, but considers very few of them friends. Since her adoption, she has also been studying German in an attempt to fit in with the family better. Her drive to be accepted by the family has become an obsession of sorts, and she constantly feels like she has to do something to get them to notice her value.

Lynnette's time in the underworld has provided her with a decent array of skills involving combat, driving, and navigating social situations. She has been in combat many times, also killing a substantial amount of people before being picked up by Gunther. Sometimes, she still has nightmares about the actions she has committed, but has tried to put her past behind her. Since returning to the United States, she has spent some time studying magic after learning of its existence. She isn't the best magic user, but has a decent idea of what can be done with it, despite being unable to do most of it herself. Lynnette's primary use of magic is defensive.

Her unique skillset, in relation to family members is part of why they are so cautious around her. Lynnette is also considered the "dog" of the family for these reasons as well. Usually tasked with the jobs that other members of the family are hesitant to do. Such as landsharking, or dealing with less than savory clients, Lynnette fulfills all of the requests faithfully. The fact that the family is the only reason she escaped a life that would be nothing but a day-to-day struggle for survival, has her convinced that things will be better once she can "prove" herself.

Reinhart family:

The Reinhart family owns a large amount of a pharmaceutical company, and Gunther Reinhart was tasked with the expansion of the business in the United States. He arrived over thirty years ago and through hard work has managed to prosper. The various children of the family, both his own, and nieces and nephews are all involved in the business as well. In the grand scheme of things, Lynnette is on the outside looking in. To the majority of the main family, she will never be anything more than an outsider and a nuisance that their dad picked up on a whim.

They're also an up-and-coming mage family, while their name hasn't received a large amount of attention, they have been producing decent mages for a couple of generations. After being adopted by the family, Lynnette began to practice magic but is easily the worst mage in the family. She also has been learning the family business, to varying degrees of success.

May add some more to this in the coming days.
The Registry / Emilia Weingart
May 21, 2015, 09:09:41 PM
General looks in spoiler.(but wrong eye color)[spoiler][/spoiler]

Name: Emilia Weingart
Nicknames: Emi   
Nature: Summon
Age: 19
Gender:Female Female
Height:5'8" 5'8"
Weight: A secret to everybody
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Occupation: Student/Scientist?

Personality: Generally proud and confident. Emilia does not tend to brag about her family's accomplishments because they're not her own. However, she does feel pressure to do well herself, to properly represent her family's name. Tends to be more of a calm person, with outbursts of varying emotions when the situation is appropriate. (Major discovery, someone causing a lot of harm, etc)
Tries to stay well dressed and act in a manner that is fitting for a lady of noble birth. She is also generally curious about different aspects of Drokane's history and cultural traditions, and may ask about them from time to time.

Biography: Emilia is the second daughter of the Weingart family, and has been sent to a prestigious school in Drokane's capital Midgard to further her studies. Has major interests in biology, Drokanian(?) culture/history and other scientific fields (though not as much as biology. She is also fascinated by the various types of rail transport, and while she does not study them extensively does try to keep on top of the latest technology involving them.  Due to her family's desire to stick to traditions with their long and storied history, she was trained in the use of a blade from the time she was a child, and is decently proficient in its use. When she turned 17, she expressed her desire to see more of the world, and her father arranged for her to obtain an education in Drokane. Approximately two years have passed since then, and Emilia has taken in all of the sights the land has had to offer while attempting to adapt to the society

Additional Info: Has had knowledge of her power/nature since before coming to Midgard, but has been keeping it secret. In her own training, she has managed to form a dueling blade and a few different animals. Small birds that could potentially keep watch, or deliverer small objects/notes and in terms of something that could potentially be used for combat, Emilia has summoned a medium sized dog (think similar in size to a beagle/border collie) but has lacked the focus to maintain the summoning for long, and can't quite control it properly.
Ryine's personal quarter's at the Guild had been turned inside out. A few days had passed since the second great attack by the turkeys, and Ryine had disappeared. There was no evidence in his room to suggest that there was a struggle or any sort of foul play.

Ryine had been on the road for a few days, when reaching into his pocket he felt a sheet of paper. "Huh, that isn't supposed to be there..." Pulling the sheet from his pocket, he realized it was his farewell 'letter' "Oh... No. They are probably angry."


Some stuff has happened. I will be back soon. I think.


"Oh well, it can't be helped!" Ryine crumpled the paper and put it back into his pocket.

A couple days after the Feast of Thanks, Ryine had received a letter from the family of his fiancee. It was a simple letter, it detailed that the engagement must be annulled, because his fiancee, Chelsea had passed away. It was mentioned that her death was from what appeared to be an attack from some sort of creature, as her corpse was found covered in claw marks. Without wasting a second, Ryine packed his belongings and rushed out of the Guild, despite it being in the middle of the night.

Arriving home without incident, he made haste to the Brewstorm family home. They were a family of simple means, that made a living brewing various types of alcohol. Ryine spent a somber evening with the family, and promised that he would seek out revenge, and closure for whatever killed Chelsea.

As it turned out, his hometown of Dewfeld had seen a string of killings in recent weeks. It was too small to make a splash in the city, and Ryine hadn't heard about the turmoil until it struck closer to him. Each of the victims died in the same manner, a large number of claw marks all over the body. Ryine blamed himself for the situation getting this bad, if he had only known, he could have done something about it. Chelsea would still be alive. He knew that he would never again see her smiling face. The pain ate at him, but the problem was still at hand.

Ryine went around the village, asking everyone he could find if they knew anything about the recent incidents. Information gathering wasn't his forte, but he had to get to the bottom of this. All of the people he talked to seemed to be saying the same thing: the victims were all alone at the time they were attacked, there were no witnesses.

Trying to think of what to do, Ryine was sure that some of his friends from the Guild would be able to come up with some sort of elaborate plan that would allow them to defeat the unknown enemy before them. But Ryine was not them; he had to do things in his own way. Following the pattern of the attacks, and the general fear of the townspeople, Ryine decided to wander around at night. His plan was simple. Act as bait to lure out whatever had terrorized the village.

He walked alone, a lantern held in one hand. After a couple of hours, and several rounds of the village, Ryine heard a snarling sound coming from the forest.  A beast? He thought to himself, as he readied his longsword and approached the source of the sound. As he closed in on the edge of the forest, two large, fur-covered bipedal creatures lunged at him.

Caught by surprise, Ryine was flung several feet landing on his back. The lantern rolled out of his hand and across the ground. The two creatures were snarling as the closed in on him. He got to a knee, and sprung himself forward as they leapt towards him. He rolled, regained his composure and drew his shield before charging into combat.

The dim light from his lantern flickered as the sounds of claws clashing with metal, bouncing off Ryine's shield, and blade. He danced around the flurry of claws from his enemies, looking for opportune times to strike. His blood boiled, thinking that these were the creatures that had stolen his love away from him. That rage overcame him, and he began to be careless. He swung his blade recklessly hacking through fur, skin, and into bones. Claws raked across his body, cutting him open and letting his blood flow. He lost himself in a trance of combat, and when he regained himself, he was on a knee.

Rain had started to fall, mixing with his blood, and the blood of the creatures. The stream of water, blood, and dirt pooled up in various holes across the ground. His blade was stuck fairly deep into the dirt, and he held onto it for support. His wounds seemed to be pretty serious, but not especially life threatening. "The deed is done. May you rest in peace, Chelsea."

Ryine remained where he was for quite some time, it wasn't until one of the local children called out to him that he began to move. He pulled his blade out of the ground, and sheathed it. Then used the sheathed blade as a sort of cane. He staggered over to the child. "You will be safe." After his terse words, he stumbled to his family's home, where he fell into a heap on a bed and slept. His family was out of town on business, or so the neighbors had said.

The local pastor said that the creatures were werewolves, and that they were most definitely the culprits behind the recent attacks that Dewfeld had suffered. The news had spread around town quickly, that Ryine had returned and killed the creatures.

He paid another visit to the Brewstorm family, and let them know that Chelsea could rest in peace. They could have closure, so could everyone else in town that had lost loved ones. Ryine was apologetic, and regretful, but he could not spend much time in town, he had to move along.

Before leaving, Ryine paid a visit to the fresh grave of Chelsea Brewstorm, and left a heap of flowers. "I'll remember you always, Chelsea. This I swear." He was solemn, and after a few minutes of silence, he said a small prayer and left the grave.
Ryine had decided that he could not head back to the Guild just yet; he would travel the land and help other places with problems involving creatures of the night. Months had passed by in a flash, and Ryine had seen a lot. However, one particular encounter had changed him forever. Another small town, known as Cayhill was dealing with a vampire problem. There was an estate of some forgotten noble family around half a day's journey away, and a vampire had taken up residence there. Girls from the village had been disappeared for months, but there wasn't anyone that was strong enough to deal with the problem and their cries and pleas for help from larger cities had fallen upon deaf ears.

It only took a single day in the village for Ryine to decide that he would help them. His mentality from his old sell-sword days seemed unwilling to die. Help those who need it, even if they can't afford it. He received directions to the estate, and promised the locals that they would know justice.

The estate was on a cliff, overlooking the water, only a single path lead up the incline to it, and there didn't seem to be any signs of life. Ryine knew something was there, and he was determined to eliminate the threat. Vampires were known for being active at night, so Ryine would venture forth during the day.

Alone, he climbed the path to the estate, and the door was locked. He took the liberty of destroying said door, and charged into the unknown. A variety of lesser undead creatures seemed to be sharing in residence with the vampire, and they were easily dispatched by the seasoned warrior. At the back of the building, a spiral staircase went down into the cliff. The rest of the estate seemed to be free of the vampire so there was nowhere else to check. He procured his lantern and strode through the winding halls down below.

Ryine entered a circular chamber, eight exquisite statues were placed along a circular path, each representing a different beast or being. in the center, sat a coffin with a lone figure sitting on top.

"Another foolish mortal seeks to challenge me?" A rasp voice pierced Ryine's soul.

His lantern streaked light across the coffin. A beautiful woman with flowing hair and pale skin was the one speaking.

"Silence, vampire." Ryine pointed his blade in her direction. "The people of Cayhill will know peace." He charged the vampire before she could respond.

The two clashed, blades singing as they struck each other, each failing to catch flesh. They struggled back and forth, each unable to strike true. Ryine finally managed to land a few solid hits, though they didn't seem to cause much in terms of damage. The back and forth continued, Ryine suffered many wounds of his own. The battle raged on, brutish and ugly. Ryine slashed at the vampire with all of his strength and his blade found purchase. It was a solid hit but in the process his blade snapped in two. The hilt remained in his hand, the blade slid across the floor screeching as it ran across the stone floor.The vampire fell to the ground, shrieking in pain as Ryine quickly pulled the wooden stake he had prepared out of his pack. He hammered it into her heart, and searched the body. The vampire had a set of keys on her, so he snagged those and set out to explore a bit more of the complex.

The door opposite to where he had entered the chamber was locked and opened from one of the keys on the ring. The room that the door opened into was small, perhaps only six feet wide, but in the middle of the room, a gigantic sword rested inside a pedestal. As his lantern rolled light over the blade, Ryine noticed three things immediately. First, this sword was huge. At least eight feet in length, if not longer. Second, the blade was made of a material he had never seen. Third, there were many runes inscribed across the blade, and Ryine had no idea what any of them meant.

"Man, I bet Kin would be jealous of this beauty." Ryine looked down at the hilt that he was still holding in his hand. "I could use a new sword."  He chuckled as he looked about the room for anything that could be used as a stool. Ryine found a few crates that were empty, and stacked them on top of each other before climbing on himself. He grabbed the hilt of the oversized  blade, and pulled with all his might. He loosed the blade, and lost his balance on top of the stack of crates, crashing to the floor. "Well, I got it out. Now to test it."

Ryine walked back into the room where the vampire lay, stake still driven into her heart. He raised the new blade, and brought it down upon her head. It was a clean cut, and the people of Cayhill wouldn't have to worry about this vampire any longer. He returned to Cayhill with his treasure, and let the people know that the threat has been eliminated. Resting for just a couple of days, Ryine thanked the people for their hospitality and continued on his way.

The next many months passed, and Ryine traveled across the land as a sole soldier. He primarily sought out creatures of the night, attempting to atone for Chelsea's death. His reputation had extended before him, though the people had come to simply known him as "Night's Bane" A man that wandered the land, with a sword much too large for himself, A black hooded cloak, and eyes that had seen things that couldn't be forgotten. He battled countless abominations, and saved as many people. Not for fame, not for fortune, but because he felt it was his duty.

Feeling that the deed was at last done, Ryine decided it was high time to return to the Guild of Galas'nor. He approached his personal quarters, a sight he had not seen for more than a year. He opened the door, and much to his surprise, he found that his room was not as he had left it.

Side stories / [Club] Kendo Club
March 21, 2014, 08:07:26 PM

The events from the past day had left Ardelia run a bit ragged, but her other club was starting today and she at least wanted to get to know everyone. School had ended for the day, and she slunk her way out of the classroom unnoticed to head to the gym, where Kendo Club was supposed to take place. She went through the hallway slowly, not to take her time really, but to get a handle on the soreness she felt after the mad dash through the shadow maze yesterday.

Reaching the gym, Ardelia approached the door and cracked it open to try to take a peek at who is around before she just walks in. Partially to check if anyone was there already, and to see if there happened to be any kendo gear around, as that would be the quickest way to affirm she was indeed in the right location. 

I wonder what this club will be like... Hopefully we don't jump right in since I am not feeling so great today, but if we do I will give it my best shot!
Main Story [IC] / [Story]A Night To Remember
March 09, 2014, 01:26:52 AM

The view of the skyline in Seattle had changed. A towering corporate compound loomed in the distance. Massive buildings in various uninspired shades of gray, along with a grand wall complete with gun emplacements segregated the population. The streets below didn't look much different. Dreary shades of brown and gray created most everything that the people knew.

However, one building was peculiar. In the midst of a densely populated area it stood alone. One of the only buildings on the entire block. Out front, there was a flickering neon sign; a relic of the past. It read ?OPEN? and next to it a sign was posted on the window that said ?FREE MATRIX ACCESS AVALIABLE? surely a joke from the owner, as pretty much everywhere was online these days. The matter of how secure the connection was is another matter entirely. Large letters protrude from above the entrance. They read ?THE LAB?. Guess that's the name of this establishment.

Inside, it seems to be a bar or restaurant of some sort. Behind the counter, a man in a labcoat is taking orders from customers, and starting up conversations. There are plenty of tables, with screens showing the ongoing sporting events. Even though the city had completely changed, the megacorps managed to keep the spirit of sports alive in Seattle. They had even added a few new sports to the professional line-up. The two most popular new sports are Combat Biker and Urban Brawl. Seattle has teams in both, the Seattle Timberwolves for Combat Biker, and the Seattle Screamers for Urban Brawl. Both teams seemed to be doing well, the other patrons were quite excited by the outcome of each event.

The man in the labcoat behind the counter seemed to be explaining something to a patron.

?You know why I call this place The Lab?? he said grinning. The patron shrugged, clearly not interested. ?Well, too bad! I'm gonna tell you anyways.? The apparent owner seemed quite excited by telling anyone who would listen and even those who wouldn't about the creation of his business.

?Ya see chummer, everything on the menu is made out of soy! The drinks! The food! I take care to make sure now two products taste the same, even if they all start out as the same material. Real food is scarce out here so we have to do what we can to get by right? Nutri-soy is great and all, but there's only so much you can eat before you get tired of its bland taste. At least it keeps costs down and business plentiful if nothing else!?

The patron responded with mock surprise. ?Oh, you don't say?! I truly thought this cheeseburger was 100% Kobe beef!? and went back to eating. He had done his part to entertain the owner.

The sport feeds were suddenly interrupted as ?breaking news? came on.

Flames covered the screen as footage of a burning building came up on every monitor around the room. A female reporter's voice could be heard narrating the scene.

?This is the third arson this week, and seventh this month. The buildings that have been targeted are thought to be abandoned, but it seems that there is something larger at play here. It is suspected that these incidents are related and part of an ongoing struggle between some of the gangs in town. A small upstart gang called the Halloweeners are trying to infringe on the well established Spiral Rats. It is well known that the Halloweeners favor flames as their method of combat so perhaps they are responsible. We will let you know more details as we get them, and as always stay safe Seattle.?

The patrons in the establishment let their displeasure be known.

?Who cares about an incident that doesn't involve us?! And why interrupt the games when we are WINNING.?

Business went back to normal as people went back to eating, drinking and socializing.

[spoiler] For the first few posters, just come in and do whatever you feel like doing with your character, and as more people gather the story will progress. Feel free to chat to NPCs or whatever else.[/spoiler]
Tales of the Guild (IC) / A Hallowed Feast
December 14, 2013, 12:08:26 AM

The air in Ternadan was cold, but the Guild of Galas'nor's hall was warm and welcoming. Decorated for the season, a cornucopia of food laid upon the tables, and everything was orchestrated by an unlikely candidate. Ryine had went through all of the effort to set things up. It all started with a simple plan. His life was good, and there were people in town who may not be having a good time with the holidays. Fliers were posted all over town at his request, for those that couldn't afford to have a nice meal, or that had nobody to spend the holidays with, the Guild of Galas'nor would open their doors in celebration. While Ryine did not prepare the food himself, he did shell out the coin to purchase the majority. To start the feast, he stood upon a raised platform at one end of the room.

"Friends, we all gather here to celebrate a holy day. Eat, drink, make merry. Just remember that here we are all equal, all people celebrating the same day. I'm not one to make long speeches, so everyone! Enjoy!"

He stepped down from the platform amidst applause, and wandered from table to table socializing with various people and stopping here and there for a bite to eat. He was glad to see that so many of the fellow guild members had turned up, and that so many people from all walks of life had gathered here for the same event, with all fighting sidelined to just enjoy a day filled with company. A drastic different from the last feast he had experienced not too long ago.

QuoteEveryone feel free to jump in! It's a celebration!
Mission Board (IC) / [Closed] The First Assaulted Caravan
December 11, 2013, 09:01:10 PM
Ryine listened to the man's story calmly. He had worked a lot with merchants in the past, and the most important part of any job regarding them was to listen to everything they had to say before commenting. Bran seemed to be quite flustered, and it was understandable if it was indeed hobgoblins that had attacked him. Losing supplies is always a devastating blow, and the uncertainty of what fate lies before you is a further slight to the already deep losses.

"Bran, I know that you are in a dire situation, but you've come to the right place. The name's Ryine."

The warrior stood and gave a quick bow to Bran. Even for someone so focused on fighting, he at least knew a bit of formalities when dealing with a potential employer.

"I'm sure that myself, along with whatever members of the guild decide to undertake this mission will be able to defeat the hobgoblins and get back your supplies. I can't promise that they will all be intact, but there should be enough that your business won't be ruined. Making life better for the citizens of this fair cities, and all those who do business with her is what we do, and you happen to fall into one of those two categories. I've also been looking to fight something like hobgoblins for a while myself. I hear that they are fearsome opponents, but i'd like to see for myself and test my blade in the process."

Sitting back down, Ryine had hoped that he would not regret his words, he hadn't heard from any of the other guild members, but had volunteered himself. If nobody else showed up, he could be in for quite a bit of trouble.
Side stories / [Club]Library Club
December 05, 2013, 10:20:40 PM
The library was a place that Ardelia was quite familiar with. Last year she made frequent trips here to check out various books, usually at least a couple every week. As soon as the first day of class was over, she quickly made her way to the small library tucked away in a corner of the campus. Reaching the door, she opened it up and timidly asked: "Is this the meeting place for the Library club?"

She then looked around the room to see if she recognized any faces before stepping in and looking around a bit more.
Roleplays / [Interest Check] Cyberpunk RP
December 02, 2013, 11:45:37 PM
So the general idea here would be to have a role play set in the future. The ruleset would be a simplified shadowrun thing, so D6 based and fairly straight forward eliminating magic and some of the more confusing tech stuff.

The year is 2087, There is a large city with a government that is more or less played like a puppet by the corporations. The city is surrounded by a 300 foot tall wall, with various checkpoints to regulate traffic between the city and the sprawling slums outside of it. The city proper has about 5 million people, while the slums around it have around 20 million. A 20 mile space between the slums and the city is essentially a no man's land plagued by highwaymen and other thieves.

Those that are born outside of the city are given a number, their names are not recognized by the government. A group of said people are trying to change the city from the outside (The Sentinels) battling for equality for those born outside of the city. They are given some support from a foreign corporation to help fight back, the corporation wants to get a piece of the pie in the city but is being kept out by those in power.

The city is full of large buildings, skyscrapers everywhere, while the slums are more sprawling smaller buildings with the largest being maybe 10 stories high, mostly for things like hotels.

The police for the city can hunt down anyone they desire as long as they have a good enough reason, while the police from the slums can't go into the city.

Drones are increasing in popularity and are used by various people. Police forces use them for obvious reasons, corporations use it for additional protection without the problems normally caused by hired help. Every day people can get a hold of them though the technology level is usually a generation behind what the proper forces would have.

Traffic of the ?numbers? within the city is heavily monitored and with the use of cameras and drones, generally kept in check.

Outside of the city businesses are locally owned or small chain stores as the largest ones have all moved into the city. Weapons, Vehicle modifications, among other things can easily be obtained if one knows where to look.

Foreigners are treated a bit better than the numbers but are still watched by the city.

The primary way to enter the city for residents of the slum is the monorail system. Everyone is scanned while on the train, and if they are found to not have business in the city they will be held up at a checkpoint and interrogated.

Cyberization of the body has become popular among the rich, and they attempt to replace as much of their body with more durable replacements as possible.

Player characters will be members of the Sentinels.
The Guild of Galas'nor / [OOC] Trouble in the Sewers
November 26, 2013, 01:41:13 PM
All out of character stuff for sewers goes here. (Rolls for items, questions, etc.)
All out of character discussion for Storehouse goes here. (questions, rolls on items etc)
After a brief and rather comfortable journey, you find yourselves at the small town of Foxhurst. They are not doing poorly, but you can tell that the quality of life is suffering a bit because of their troglodyte problem. As you ride by the townsfolk, it seems they know what you are here for. A look of hope is prevalent among most that you come across. The children run out into the streets with excited shouts, looking forward to seeing real adventurers. Foxhurst is not known for producing adventurers, they are known for furs. Currently you are here to help them fix a problem relating to that specialty, and you are led to the man in charge.

A rotund man greets you as you step out of the carriage that brought you here safely. He has a large smile, and he wears his emotions on his sleeve so to speak. There is no doubt that any sense of worry that he once had is starting to disappear at the sight of you and your companions. He tells you to call him Markus, and goes about his business explaining the finer details of the mission. The storehouse is located a slight distance from town, no more than a 20 minute walk. Markus wanted to escort you personally however, so he came here to meet you at the carriage terminal, a place that any horse bound vehicle stops in this humble town of Foxhurst.

Your short walk with Markus towards the storehouse is uneventful. He tells you what he can, which isn't much. He admits that he is no fighter, but has always felt the call of the merchant life much to the disdain of his parents who had been relatively well to do. As you approach what you assume to be the storehouse, you are surprised at how small it looks. Noting the confusion Markus points towards the ground. He tells you that the building is mostly just a base, the majority of the storage complex is underground. That explains why the troglodytes were attracted to the area at least.

Upon arrival to the rather modest building, Markus opens the door. This front room has been cleared out, and a staircase in one of the corners looks to lead down into the underground that had been mentioned before. As you approach the stairs, ready to descend into what you expect to be darkness you hear Markus calling out to you.

"I figured you would want a bit of light, so I braved up and put a lantern in the room at the bottom of the stairs, it's already lit. Those trogs don't seem to come to the front very often, which is fortunate for us as it allowed us to clear out quite a bit of our goods before you got here. Still plenty in the back though!"

You descend the stone steps and open the door, everything feels solid, while it may look simple you can tell the level of craftsmanship that went into this storehouse was high. Just like Markus had said, there was a lantern hanging on the wall along with an extra pint of oil just in case things took longer than expected. Looking around the room, there were two exits to this first room, one to the north and one to the east. Neither seemed to be doors, but rather archways. The one to the east looked as if it opened up into a hallway, while the northern arch looked to lead into another room.

The stench of trog fills the area, so at least you know that you are not being lied to about your purposes here.

Rolls, effects, summary:

QuoteRound 1 in progress - Still to move: Kin, Kryas, Sophie, Ollete, Chadra, Carmilla.

Missed Turns:

Damage Dealt

Spells/Abilities/Potions/Items used since the day started:

Party HP
Kin: 22/22,
Kryas: 7/7,
Sophie: 8/8,
Mimic: 2/2,
Olette: 7/7,
Chadra: 12/12,
Carmilla: 13/13,

Area Effects


Side stories / [Pre-Game]A Summer Siesta
November 22, 2013, 12:22:59 AM
Character dialogue colors in spoiler
Ardelia Lancaster
Noel Lancaster
Issac Murphy[/spoiler]

Summer vacation was winding down and the majority of the heatwave was over so more bearable temperatures were inbound. This was quite a relief to Ardelia who tended to dislike the warmer weather common in during the summer months. She had finished her summer assignments and was currently enjoying a good book. Sitting in the living room of the Lancaster family's home in Traverseward, the air conditioning was doing its job well. Ardelia had slowly been sinking into the chair as the morning turned to afternoon, thoroughly absorbed into her reading material. All was quiet in the Lancaster household, her brother Noel was off in his room and her younger sister Renna had stayed the night at a friend's house. Her parents were out working so she was free to use the living room as she pleased, without the obnoxious din of reality TV and court shows that usually filled the room.

One sound signified the end of her peaceful day. Suddenly, the doorbell started to ring constantly as if someone outside was pushing it over and over waiting for attention.

Outside of the Lancaster home, Issac Murphy stood face pressed up against the door, one eye in line with the peephole. His hand repeatedly bashing the doorbell button for around 30 seconds . He continued to look into the peephole waiting impatiently for someone to answer the door.

Inside, Ardelia let out a sigh. This has happened so many times over the years. She continued to read ignoring the doorbell. Noel, on the other hand came running down stairs and opened the door.

"Hey, Lia, I think your friend is he..."

Before Noel could even finish his sentence, Issac had kicked off his shoes and dashed inside. He ran into the living room clearing the couch with a single bound landing in a sitting position.

"Lia! Let's go do something fun! Summer is almost over so we gotta go and do something!"

Ardelia looked up briefly, turned back to her book and finished the page that she was reading. She placed the bookmark in, closed the book and gently set it down on the coffee table. Looking back at Issac she sighed.

"Issac, what is your idea of fun? We both know that there isn't much to do around here."

Noel had entered the living room as well and took his seat next to Issac on the couch. He looked calm, and slightly amused by the antics of his juniors. Noel didn't lack in friends, but for whatever reason they didn't seem to make him laugh as much as his juniors. Issac had a reputation for being the class clown type, though he could be serious, it was more fun to make people laugh with all of his antics. Sitting there thinking for a few moments, Issac finally threw his hands into the air as if he had an some sort of plan.

"Okay, you're right, Lia. There isn't anything to do around here! So how about we just go and have some lunch or something instead of sitting around in here? You can come too Noel, you look a bit lonely!"

Noel chuckles and quickly agrees that he will come along. Ardelia briefly smiles before replying.

?I suppose if both of you are going, that doesn't really leave me with a choice. Well, guys, where are we going to have lunch?? [/color]

Noel and Issac look at each other and shrug. It is clear that they haven't really thought this through. Noel decides to break the silence.

?Lia you should know this by now, we never plan this stuff ahead so just go with the flow and we will figure something out when we get there.?[/color]

Ardelia did know this. Life had always been this way when dealing with these two. Noel might be extremely reliable when it counts, but on a day to day basis he just goes with the flow. Multiply that with how carefree Issac is, and it becomes a current of joy that could sweep away just about anyone. It's a trap that Ardelia has fallen into time and time again. She never realizes that she is ensnared until they are out the door and off to wherever they are going. Her thoughts were interrupted by Issac.

?Okay! Let's go!?[/color]

Noel and Issac each grabbed an arm and pulled Ardelia out of her comfortable spot in the chair towards the door. Dropping her down on the entryway as they throw on their shoes and head outside. Ardelia being sucked into the flow also puts on her shoes and follows suit. They lock up the house and head out for an afternoon on the town.

They could have taken the bus, but it wasn't too far of a walk into town. It took a bit of time, but the breeze was nice and the weather was fair. The traveled side by side with occasional outburst of laughter from some odd comment or some gag that Issac decided to try. Their brief journey ended outside of a popular local family style restaurant. As per usual it was populated, and it seemed many of their schoolmates had a similar idea of a fun time. 

Sitting down to order food is always an interesting experience when Ardelia is around. Both Noel and Issac went about their business Noel ordering the always classic burger and fries and Issac picking up the pulled-pork sliders. Ardelia has the odd habit of ordering dessert first, as she loves sweets and picked out a nice slice of cheesecake. After she downed it quickly, she ordered a strawberry milkshake and a plate of chicken parmesan pasta for her meal proper. During the cheesecake portion, both Noel and Issac were seen snickering as the waitress brought out their two meals and a slice of cheesecake looking rather perplexed. When asking who ordered what, Ardelia sheepishly raised her hand as the waitress questioned who was the owner of the cheesecake plate. As the plate was put down, Issac unable to contain his amusement any longer and started to laugh face down on the table. Ardelia started to turn red and Noel spoke up.

?Don't mind our friend here Ma'am, he is a bit special and laughs at pretty much anything.?[/color]

The waitress didn't say anything, but she smiled at the trio and wandered off back towards the kitchen to pick up the next order.
The three sat with idle chatter filling the diner with laughter at times. There were a few empty seats at their booth as they sat there killing time. Quite often acquaintances of any of the three that happened to be there would come by for a chat or in some cases to hang out for the rest of the day.  It was hard to believe that summer vacation was coming to an end and that they would be back in school in less than a week. Hopefully they could make the most of this day.

Quotefeel free to jump in and introduce your character here, it's a night on the town!
Tales of the Guild (IC) / [Elys] Tale of Exile
November 20, 2013, 10:35:54 PM
It had been a long time. Elys had been exiled from a small town in a faraway land as is custom when someone commits a serious crime. They are thrown out with the clothes on their back and whatever weapon they used to perform the deed. In Elys case, it had been a pistol. She was not entirely at fault though. She had simply snapped. 

She was the daughter of a traveling merchant and as such was often taken out to see the world. It was hard to just leave a young child alone for long periods of time. On one such adventure her father was killed by a group of brigands, and Elys was left to die as a child of just four years of age. She was found by a rather well to do family, face down in the mud clutching tight to the only memento she had from her late father; a ring.

As time went on, the adoptive father was not the paragon of virtue and kindness that everyone thought that he was. It was a society that Elys had no idea about, the customs odd. Yet every time she made even a simple mistake, punishment came her way. Over the years the beatings became more frequent and seemed almost as if they were a natural part of her daily life. Nothing she ever did was good enough. So one day, she simply snapped.

The adoptive father came into the room, in a blind rage ready to attack for the newest little mistake. This time, Elys had had enough. As he attacked, she grabbed the pistol that had always been on the display in the room along with the powder horn hanging next to it. She had seen it loaded and fired many times by people around the village on hunting trips. She worked from memory and then she pulled the trigger. The bullet struck true, piercing the man's heart. He fell on the ground with a shrill shriek  blood pouring out of his wounds and dirtying the floor. He reached out towards Elys, and seemed to be trying to say something but could not quite muster up the strength to do so. The last thing he saw was the look in her eyes, a combination of hate and fear as she wrapped her hand around the barrel of the pistol and bashed him in the temple with the handle.

Elys was not sure what she was doing. She felt the impact of the pistol butt hitting the man in the head several more times and her hands were covered in blood. When she looked up, she saw many villagers who had rushed over to see what was amiss. The majority stood with faces frozen in horror. How could such a young girl do such a terrible thing to a man, that to everyone's knowledge was an upstanding citizen of the village.

Again they relied on tradition. Rather than stain their own hands with blood, they followed the ritual that had been around for generations. Elys was handed the pistol, walked to the town's gates and told to walk. She was never to return. Exiled.

After some time of walking, Elys managed to stumble upon a merchant caravan that was engaged in fierce combat with a group of goblins. She quickly drew her pistol and filled it with powder while on the run to the wagon. She hid behind it as she aimed a shot and as the goblin noticed her she pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed through the air striking the goblin right in the eye. It was down, but there were still many more. While she may have known how to use a pistol, she was not yet comfortable loading it during the heat of battle. She sprinted towards the goblin's body and grabbed the blade out of its hands. The grip was weak, so the creature was surely on its way out. dodging some stones thrown, she made her way to the next goblin to engage in melee. In her 12 years of life in the village, she had gained at least some skill in the art of swordplay. She parried the blow from the goblin, spinning and slashing at the sword-arm of the creature. She connected and it dropped the weapon it was holding. Elys then ran it through and went on to the next. Each goblin she encountered fell in much the same fashion. At some point, there were not many left and they began to run.

Looking about for the first time since she arrived, Elys noticed a wave of relief wash over all of the other people present. The leader of the caravan approached her.

"I don't know who you are, but thank you for helping us. We didn't know what was happening at first, with your magical stick there, but we sure appreciate what we did. Is there some way we can repay you? We don't have much... but we do at least owe you something."

Elys looks at the man perplexed, she is not used to people treating her as an equal, or even feeling that they owe her gratitude in any way.

"I'm Elys. A hot meal and perhaps directions to the nearest town would be more than enough. you see, I am lost and don't really have much on me in the way of goods."

Upon closer examination, Elys indeed did not have much. At some point over the course of her journey she had picked up a lantern, but other than that she just had the clothes on her back and a pistol. The caravan head looks at her in awe.

"I'm not sure what happened to you, nor am I sure I want to know. How does this sound though? We will supply you with some new clothing, a place to sleep at night and food daily if you can assist us for the rest of our journey. Your skill in battle seemed to be quite something, and having an extra hand when the situation goes bad is never a poor idea."

The rest of the members of the caravans had welcoming faces. It felt warm and familiar. Something that had been missing for the past 12 years after her late father was killed in a similar attack, though rather than goblins it was other humans that did the deed in that scenario.

"I'm not sure I would be much help... But if you will have me I will do what I can."

The caravan master nodded, and Elys jumped into the back of the wagon. She began to clean her pistol's barrel and passed out from exhaustion.

Elys was awoken from a sensation that suddenly brought a wave of fear down upon her. As she was laying in the back of the wagon, someone was shaking her to wake her up. She quickly cowered into the corner out of pure instinct trying to escape whoever had just touched her. The caravan master's warm face showed a hint of sadness at the event, but he stood there waiting. After a few moments, Elys realized who it was and that he meant no harm. In fact he came bearing food and drink. It was hot, too. She graciously accepted the bowl and mug from the man.

"Sorry sir, I don't really do well with touching. Bad memories from home."

The man looked as if he understood and made his way off of the wagon around to other parts of the camp. Night had fallen and people were cooking, some were singing and others still were just having a merry chat and a nice evening with their companions. Sights such as these were all new to Elys, and felt much more like a family than anything she had experienced in most of her life. The days came and went, and for the most part without incident. There were a few more attacks on the road, but nothing too major and Elys helped out with that as she agreed to. They had finally reached their destination and that is where they parted ways. For the Caravan intended to head back into the territory that Elys had been exiled from, and she knew that she could not return.

For several months, Elys did what should could in the area as a mercenary. She would protect those that needed it or help caravans on their way. That lifestyle made enough coin to get by, but it was not particularly fufilling. She was looking for something greater, something more adventurous, and most of all something with a reliable group of people. Rarely did she work with the same person twice, and it was impossible to trust someone she had just met. Synergy was something that was sorely lacking in the majority of her operations and that was something she wanted to change.

One day while escorting a caravan she heard tales of a group of adventurers in Ternadan called the Guild of Galas'nor. There were many adventurers there that seemed to want something more from life. That seemed to be something she could get behind. Gathering her belongings, Elys hit the road once more. This time hopefully to find a place she really belonged.

The night that she finally arrived in Ternadan was quite crazy. A storm the likes of which she had never seen swept over the road, water poured from the sky and wind howled through the plains as she traveled. Walking on foot may not have been the best idea, but she was stuck between two rest areas and decided to just press on until she hit town.

After several hours of travel in such a storm she was in a near delirium. As she approached the gates, she had forgotten completely about her purpose, just interested in a place to rest up for the night and asked about a place to sleep. She found herself a little hole in the wall inn and rested up for a few days, her journey had left her wiped out.

Fully recovered, Elys began to inquire about town, hoping to find if anyone knew how she could contact the Guild of Galas'nor.

QuoteFeel free to jump in here as freeform RP!
Word has arrived at the guild hall that a town called Foxhurst has run into a large problem and is requesting the help of brave adventurers. It is well known that the Guild of Galas,nor is the place to go when someone is in need of professional work.

The notice posted onto the job board reads as folows:

The town of Foxhurst known for the high quality furs that it produces has run into a large problem in relations to one of the storehouses used to store materials. Fortunately not much was lost, but the space is currently unusable. For, you see the problem that we have run into is Troglodytes. Why they are here, or the reason for their residency is unknown but it is a problem that we would most appreciate assistance in taking care of. Foxhurst just does not have the manpower to deal with this kind of issue, and of course you shall be handsomely rewarded. We have pooled together our resources to hire a team of adventurers to take care of this problem for us. In addition you can claim anything that you happen to find in the storehouse that does not seem to be directly related to business. You will also be provided with transportation and provisions for the journey here. A grand thank you to anyone who is willing to accept this offer.

QuoteNumber of Players: 4-6
GM: Oath
Objectives: Reclaim the storehouse in Foxhurst
EXP reward: 3000 (500 per member)
Gold Reward: 2100 (350 per member)
I would like to reserve at least 2 slots for people that are not currently in campaigns, so 3 are free for anyone currently. If nobody who is not in one wants to participate, the other two slots will open up.
Players that have expressed interest: Dragoonia
Items / [Items] Gunslinger stuff
November 20, 2013, 02:25:53 PM
Pistol   1d8 dmg   crit?4   range increment 20 ft.   Misfire value 1 (5 ft.)   Capacity 1   Weight 4 lbs.   Damage type B and P

Alchemical Cartridge, Paper 6 GP
Increases misfire value by 1, decreases reload speed by 1 step. (Standard action becomes a move action, a move action becomes a free action)

Black Powder 1 GP per dose

Black powder is the key explosive component within a firearm that enables it to function, but in larger amounts this alchemical material can be quite destructive on its own as well. A single dose of black powder is enough to power a single shot from most one-handed and two-handed firearms, while 10 doses are required to fire a cannon. Black powder is often stored and transported in kegs (which hold 100 doses), but in this quantity the powder itself becomes dangerous. Exposure to fire, electricity, or a misfire explosion causes black powder to explode?a single keg that explodes in this manner deals 5d6 points of fire damage to anyone within a 20-foot burst (DC 15 Reflex half ). Storing black powder in a powder horn protects the powder from explosion.

Bullet 1sp per bullet 1/2 pound per 30 bullets

Powder Horn: 3GP, 1 pound

Typically crafted from animal horn, but increasingly crafted from metal in a wide variety of shapes, a powder horn can hold up to 10 doses of black powder. A powder horn protects black powder stored within in it from exposure to fire, electricity, firearm misfires, and water.
Hit Die: D8
Skillpoints: 4+INT Mod

A gunslinger makes her mark upon the world with daring deeds. Some gunslingers claim they belong to a mystical way of the gun, but it?s more likely that the volatile nature of firearms simply prunes the unlucky and careless from their ranks. Whatever the reason, all gunslingers have grit. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of a gunslinger?s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a gunslinger gains a number of grit points equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Her grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. A gunslinger spends grit to accomplish deeds (see below), and regains grit in the following ways.

Critical Hit with a Firearm: Each time the gunslinger confirms a critical hit with a firearm attack while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the gunslinger?s character level does not restore grit.

Killing Blow with a Firearm: When the gunslinger reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a firearm attack while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the gunslinger?s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit.


Gunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer-lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base gunslinger deeds. A gunslinger can only perform deeds of her level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed.

Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearm?s first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first. The gunslinger still takes the ?2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed.

Gunslinger?s Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.

Quick Clear (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gunslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can perform quick clear as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action.

Gunslinger Initiative (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Furthermore, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw a single firearm as part of the initiative check.

Pistol-Whip (Ex): At 3rd level, the gunslinger can make a surprise melee attack with the butt or handle of her firearm as a standard action. When she does, she is considered to be proficient with the firearm as a melee weapon and gains a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the enhancement bonus of the firearm. The damage dealt by the pistol-whip is of the bludgeoning type, and is determined by the size of the firearm. One-handed firearms deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if wielded by Small creatures) and two-handed firearms deal 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if wielded by Small creatures). Regardless of the gunslinger?s size, the critical multiplier of this attack is 20/?2. If the attack hits, the gunslinger can make a combat maneuver check to knock the target prone as a free action. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point.

Utility Shot (Ex): At 3rd level, if the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can perform all of the following utility shots. Each utility shot can be applied to any single attack with a firearm, but the gunslinger must declare the utility shot she is using before firing the shot.

Blast Lock: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within the first range increment of her firearm. A Diminutive lock usually has AC 7, and larger locks have a lower AC. The lock gains a bonus to its AC against this attack based on its quality. A simple lock has a +10 bonus to AC, an average lock has a +15 bonus to AC, a good lock has a +20 bonus to AC, and a superior lock has a +30 bonus to AC. Arcane lock grants a +10 bonus to the AC of a lock against this attack. On a hit, the lock is destroyed, and the object can be opened as if it were unlocked. On a miss, the lock is destroyed, but the object is jammed and still considered locked. It can still be unlocked by successfully performing this deed, by using the Disable Device skill, or with the break DC, though the DC for either break or Disable Device or the AC increases by 10. A key, combination, or similar mechanical method of unlocking the lock no longer works, though knock can still be employed to bypass the lock, and the creator of an arcane lock can still bypass the wards of that spell.
Scoot Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range increment of her firearm. A Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an AC of 11. On a hit, the gunslinger does not damage the object with the shot, but can move it up to 15 feet farther away from the shot?s origin. On a miss, she damages the object normally.
Stop Bleeding: The gunslinger makes a firearm attack and then presses the hot barrel against herself or an adjacent creature to staunch a bleeding wound. Instead of dealing damage, the shot ends a single bleed condition affecting the creature. The gunslinger does not have to make an attack roll when performing the deed in this way; she can instead shoot the firearm into the air, but that shot still uses up ammunition normally.
Dead Shot (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can take careful aim and pool all of her attack potential into a single, deadly shot. When she does this, she shoots the firearm at a single target, but makes as many attack rolls as she can, based on her base attack bonus. She makes the attack rolls in order from highest bonus to lowest, as if she were making a full attack. If any of the attack rolls hit the target, the gunslinger?s single attack is considered to have hit. For each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the gunslinger increases the damage of the shot by the base damage dice of the firearm. For instance, if a 7th-level gunslinger firing a musket hits with both attacks, she does 2d12 points of damage with the shot, instead of 1d12 points of damage, before adding any damage modifiers. Precision damage and extra damage from weapon special abilities (such as flaming) are added with damage modifiers and are not increased by this deed. If one or more rolls are critical threats, she confirms the critical once using her highest base attack bonus ?5. For each critical threat beyond the first, she reduces this penalty by 1 (to a maximum of 0). The gunslinger only misfires on a dead shot if all the attack rolls are misfires. She cannot perform this deed with a blunderbuss or other scatter weapon when attacking creatures in a cone. The gunslinger must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed.

Startling Shot (Ex): At 7th level, a gunslinger with least 1 grit point can spend a standard action to purposely miss a creature that she could normally hit with a firearm attack. When she does, that creature becomes flat-footed until the start of its next turn.

Targeting (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can make a single firearm attack and choose part of the body to target. She gains the following effects depending on the part of the body targeted. If a creature does not have one of the listed body locations, that part cannot be targeted. This deed costs 1 grit point to perform no matter which part of the creature she targets. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are immune to these effects.

Arms: On a hit, the target takes no damage from the hit but drops one carried item of the gunslinger?s choice, even if the item is wielded with two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet are not dropped on a hit.
Head: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and is also confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Legs: On a hit, the target is damaged normally and knocked prone. Creatures that have four or more legs or that are immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect.
Torso: Targeting the torso threatens a critical on a 19?20.
Wings: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and must make a DC 20 Fly check or fall 20 ft
The Roster (OOC) / [Gunslinger]Elys (Level 2)
November 20, 2013, 12:05:33 AM
Elys' Progression
Level 2

Mostly a placeholder for now! Also posting the custom content rules in a moment.

Hit Die d8

Level 2
HP: 16
AC: 20 10 (base)+3 (dex)+ 5 (armor)+ 1 (ring)+ 1 (nimble dodge bonus)

STR:14 (+2) (human bonus)
DEX:16 (+3)
CON:15 (+2)
WIS: 16(+3)

Speed: 30 ft.

Pistol (within 20 feet) +6: 2(BAB)+3(DEX)+1(Point Blank Shot) Damage: 1d8+1 (point blank shot)

Fort: 5 (3 base)+(2 Con)
Ref: 6 (3 base) +(3 Dex)
Will: 3 (3 Wis)
Gunsmithing (Gunslinger Bonus Feat)
Point Blank Shot (Level 1)
Rapid Reload (human bonus)
Rapid Shot (From Flaw)

Jumpy: You nervously and excessively flinch whenever you are touched.

Effect: You never treat touch spells, such as cure light wounds, as harmless: you must always make a saving throw to avoid the effects. If the touch is successful, or if you are touched in a social situation (handshake, pat on the back, kiss...) you are dazed for 1 round.

24 skill points at level 1
6 skill points per level after
*Denotes a class skill

Appraise INT: +2 (int) = -2     
*Balance DEX: +3 (dex) +5 (ranks)= 8     
*Bluff CHA: -1 (cha) = -1     
*Climb STR: +2 (str) = 2       
Concentration CON: +2 (con) = 2     
*Craft (alchemy) INT: +2 (int) +5 (ranks) = +7
Diplomacy CHA: -1 (cha)  = -1
Disguise CHA: -1 (cha) = 2   
Escape Artist DEX: +3 (dex) = 3
Forgery INT: +2 (int) = +2         
Gather Information CHA: -1 (cha) = -1     
*Handle Animal CHA: -1 (cha)  = -1
Heal WIS: +3 (wis) = 3
Hide DEX: +3 (dex) = 3
*Intimidate CHA: -1 (cha) +5 (ranks) = -4
*Jump STR: +2 (str)  = 2   
*Listen WIS: +3 (wis) (+5 Ranks) = 8
Move Silently DEX: +3 (dex) = 3
Perform CHA: -1 (cha) = -1 
*Ride DEX: +3 (dex) = 3
*Search INT: +2 (int) +5 (ranks) = +7
Sense Motive WIS: +3 (wis) = 3
*Slight of hand DEX: 3(dex)
*Spot WIS: +3 (wis) +5 (ranks) = 8
*Survival WIS: +3 (wis) = 3   
*Swim STR: +2 (str) = 2 
Use Rope DEX: +3 (dex) = 3

Additional Info

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Deeds, Grit, Gunsmith
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Nimble
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Deeds
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Bonus feat
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Guntraining +1
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Nimble +2
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Deeds
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Bonus feat

Carrying capacity
(light)58 lb. or less   (medium) 59?116 lb.   (heavy)117?175 lb.
The Guild of Galas'nor / [IC] Trouble in the Sewers
November 18, 2013, 12:56:58 AM
Gil has led you across town to the sewer entry point. As you climb down the ladder you can hear Gil yelling to you.

"We put a torch down there to help out a bit.. At least you can see where you are stepping as you go down the ladder. We hope to see you come back alive, of course payment will be received upon your safe return. Best of luck, adventurers!"

Looking to the ground as you descend there is a small amount of water across the ground, it may not impede movement but it definitely gives the feeling of a sewer. A putrid smell wafts through the air as you begin to get your bearings. Definitely a sewer. construction seems to be that of some simple stone, nothing too intricate but functionality is more important in this type of structure. The ceiling, if that is what you want to call it stretches at least 25 feet the same distance that the party has just descended.

A torch sits in the middle of the north wall, near the ladder that seems to be the only way out of this situation.

The room appears to be 25 feet long, and 15 feet wide, enough for three to comfortably walk abreast across the length if it is desired. Two passage ways cut into the stone. One on the west, and one to the east. They are narrow, each being 5 feet wide. The distance they cover is unknown, as the torchlight does not yet reach inside. The wall cuts 15 feet down, to create a height of just 10 feet for the passageways. It seems clear that this is some sort of tunnel system to navigate the sewers.

After all three have made it to the bottom of the ladder, you find yourselves standing together pondering what course of action to take.

Thron, let me know if you still want to be leveled down to one, with just three of you here.

Rolls, effects, summary:

QuoteRound 1 in progress - Still to move: Vladimir, Kryas, Annia

Missed Turns

Damage Dealt

Spells/Abilities/Potions/Items used since the day:

Party HP
Vladimir: 15/15,
Kryas: 7/7,
Annia 26/26,

Area Effects

Map (sorry, grid didn't stick, i'll figure it out by the next post!)
A member of the guard, Gil Foxwell comes stumbling into the Guild hall, holding a piece of parchment. The man is not particularly strong, but he is well built as if he has seen his fair share of fights. Currently wearing his armor with his other equipment at ease, it is hard to get a clear look at his face or hair due to the iron helm that rests upon his head.  He looks quite concerned as he approaches the bar to order a drink, and while waiting for it to be made wanders towards the job board.

Any of the adventurers in the hall can plainly see what he is doing. He cautiously pins the parchment to the board, and heads back over to the bar to drown some of his sorrows in a nice mixed drink. The posting reads as follows:

Brave adventurers of the Guild of Galas'nor,

We are looking for a group of 3-5 individuals to help us with a bit of a problem that we are having in a section of the sewer. There have been complaints of something smelling quite foul in this particular section of town. We have sent a group to check it out, but of the three only one returned safely, though safely is an understatement as he collapsed as soon as he climbed out of sewers and was found laying in the streets. Command is getting a bit upset, and we can't spare anymore guards at this point in time so I have been tasked with creating an elite team to help us take care of this problem. If anyone is interested, please contact me I shall be hanging around this hall until the team is assembled, at which point I will lead them to the point of entry and wish them good luck. The reward is 1000 coins split among the lot of you, and any objects you find in the sewers will be yours as well.

-Gil Foxwell

After taking a few sips of his drink, his spirits seem to have lifted and his conversation with those around him sounds quite hopeful.

Mission Details in spoiler
Number of players: 3-5

Suggested Level: 1

Description: Fighting, dungeon crawling, not too much NPC interaction.

Objective: Clear out the sewers, solving whatever problem there is.

Gold: 1000 (Split between the party)

EXP: 1500 (Split between the party)
Protagonists / Ardelia Lancaster
November 15, 2013, 10:43:01 PM
Name: Ardelia (Lia) Lancaster (Some that are familiar with her use Lia as a nickname.)
Age: 16
Race: Half English (British) Half Japanese (note for Mystic: Not 100% sure if we were going to go with the change with the mom, but if nothing else being away from japan and in the U.S could possibly lead to some misunderstandings about how some things work?)
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Heterochromia (Blue left, green right)
Height: 5'2"
Weight/build: Fairly slender, but not to the point of being made of twigs.

Favorite things: Sweets, books, winter, fall, friends, animals

Hated things: Idiots, extreme heat, liars (and other types of con-men like scammers) (Might add more later, out of ideas at the moment)

Personality: The more annoyed she is, the less talkative she becomes. Most people who do not particularly get along with her
consider her quite terse, while those that really know her find that she doesn't really shut up. Enjoys reading a good book and tends to do well in school.

Background/ general personal history:

   Born to an English father, James who had moved to the States in his younger years, and a Japanese mother, Sachi who was
met while James was working abroad, Ardelia has led a very multicultural life. It has been quite hard at times however, as
James is a businessman and as such, he often makes trips abroad for various reasons. Often times it falls down to Sachi to
balance her job and the needs of her children. Sachi had not worked for a while as she wanted to do as much for her children as
possible while they were young, and the family was not hurting financially. Now that the children are a bit older and can
mostly fend for themselves, she has gone back to work. Ardelia is the middle child, with an older brother, Noel, and a younger
sister, Renna. The three siblings get along well enough, while they might not always agree they are there for each other when
it counts. Ardelia tries to get the best of both cultures, and makes an attempt to observe every holiday when possible.

   Ardelia knows Issac from her days in elementary school, and at first they didn't really get along. He has just happened
to end up in her class most years, so they ended up becoming friends out of coincidence.

Friends/relationships - * indicates that they are one of the +5's

Noel Lancaster* - Older brother, 18 years old, Senior. Protective/reliable

Issac Murphy* - Childhood friend, 16 years old, sophomore. (likely in the same class, but up to GM) More of the prankster/class clown type, think similar to Sunohara from Clannad. While he acts silly, he usually does at least decently on tests and other things but likes to make people laugh. 

Renna Lancaster - Younger sister, 14 years old, final year of middle school. A little bit on the rebellious side currently, tends not to listen to Noel or Ardelia.

Let me know if you want more info about any of the NPC's, just getting them out there for now since we have plenty of time before we start... I think.

Pictures (in the spoiler)
