Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy World Creations => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kain on February 10, 2014, 01:36:26 AM

Title: Best/Funniest/Most Memorable D&D/RP moments
Post by: Kain on February 10, 2014, 01:36:26 AM
This thread is pretty self-explanatory. Share your favorite stories of things that have happened in your games, to your characters or to your friends characters! I'll kick off.


We had just come to the final session of the second campaign in an epic long storyline that had about 13-18 sessions each. Basically the characters from the first campaign came back in the second much older and wiser, and some of their children joined the party. Long story short, the group pursued some dark forces to a wasteland of snow and wind that lay beyond the northernmost mountains of Kirin, which were thought impossible. This story is not about them (maybe more on them another time)

This little story is about one of the former party members. Again, cutting short, this character was my friends Chaos Priest type character named Ka'Zrik (if you've read my short story Old Blood on here, he is actually Sha'zel's brother.) He had three important things. First, he had stolen an item that the party had gone to great lengths to retrieve and it seemed as if he was going to use it for nefarious purposes. His kind is known for doing questionable things, but he had taken it to furfill his own goal which somewhat aligned with the party. Second, he had an axe that had once belonged to Gor (Throndir might know of him :P) who had stolen it from a dark god. This axe had a mind of its own which had begun to overpower Ka'zrik. Thirdly, he possessed a dark book which also spoke to him. So all in all, a good recipe for evil or insanity.

After some time of a party split, everyone reaches an ancient ruin in this god-forsaken land of ice through various means. The main party was led by many high-level and important characters, and had just reconvened with another part of the fractured party, an important fire monk named Trysanna. Both of the parties that combined led armies, one from the Kingdoms, another from tribes in the northern lands. They assaulted the ruin, which was heavily defended by Verianos (basically dark elves: what Ka'zrik is) and other things. While the fighting went on, Ka'zrik slipped inside, struggling to keep his mind from being controlled by the axe.

Throughout the entire campaign since the very beginning, Ka'zrik and his sister Sha'zel have been driven by the insatiable lust for revenge on the family of Verianos that slaughtered theirs, House Than'ravil. Time and time again the two of them (seperately) had faced off against Than'ravil and been rebuked. Captures and escapes had happened, treacheries, you name it. Finally Ka'zrik had tracked House Than'ravil to a place where they could not run. He sought out the patriarch of the House and challenged him on a thin bridge over a glowing matrix of strange machines in these ruins.

I had prepared for this moment for a long time. Music had been selected specifically for this, in many parts, drawn from all manner of places. If you can picture the battle music at the end of the first Episode of Star Wars it was like that. They squared off, dueling up and down the bridges, matching each others power and skill. Each of them uploading all the spells they could use to no avail. Meanwhile this huge battle is happening outside and spilling inside the ruins. Thunderous quakes rip the ruins as magic is unleashed. The bridges shake and collapse and they leap from pillar to pillar, dodging errant lasers of magical death. Finally, Ka'zrik strikes a telling blow and gains the upper hand, leading to the death of the head of House Than'ravil (whose name escapes me).

In the heat of the battle the axe begins to take over him and the book too, having been promised some sort of bargain for power. I say to the Ka'zrik's player, "You'll have to make a will save to defeat this thing. It's not looking good". He looks at me and nods grimly. "You'll need a 20." Ka'zrik picks himself up off the bridge and stumbles over to one of the magical lasers erupting from the ground. The whole world around him seems to shudder. The book screams at him, the axe roars in his blood. He tosses the book aside to the beam, that was the easy part. He had already tricked it once before. Then came the axe, and the roll. Everyone at the table who had been immersed in the battle while their characters fought outside waited with baited breath. The D20 rolled.

Of course it was a 20.

Everyone yelled and jumped up and down. I had had no intention of having him destroy one of the most important magical artefacts there was, but I couldn't argue with a 20.
Title: Re: Best/Funniest/Most Memorable D&D/RP moments
Post by: Throndir on February 10, 2014, 01:32:45 PM
That's a pretty epic story. I don't nearly have as much D&D experience as everyone else on these boards, so I'm not sure if I have any memorable moments. The only thing that comes to mind was probably Arian's (DNDREMIX's dark elf) bluff check to fool the ditsy receptionist he was a figment of his imagination, the receptionist believing it, and my quick photoshop-job of putting a facepalm on one the lead NPC's portrait.

The actual post is lost somewhere a few forum crashes ago, but it was still pretty amusing.