Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => Re:Fund - My Vacation Is Ruined By Getting Sent Into Another World! => Topic started by: Throndir on April 13, 2019, 11:54:16 AM

Title: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 13, 2019, 11:54:16 AM
《Chapter 11: Mount Velothia (

《Chapter 12: Rescue Operation》

Quote"Where I'm from 200 people isn't many, but here it is an entire village that rely on each other to live. We can't just leave them to die."

"Great! See, we should have done that in the beginning!" Amie said victoriously. A moment later in a quieter voice she continued. "Thank you, though."

QuoteJean knelt down to the level of the girl that offered to carry him.  "If I can be carried into battle then I will take it.  Thank you."

When you knelt down and looked at the young girl, she seemed to blush a bit.

"I umm... umm... You're umm... welcome." The young dragon girl said. Valeriya, the dragon girl in red spoke to Jean next.

"Alyona's still a bit too young for the ceremony, she shouldn't even be near the demons... But..." Valeriya stared hard at Jean. "Don't let her get hurt." Her visage softened a moment later.

"She's still an annoying brat, but she's still my closest sister."

Quote"How defensible is the village?  I'm sorry to say this but if it can't be easily defended then we will probably need to evacuate it.  If we must evacuate then we should bring empty wagons to save as many villagers and their possessions as possible.  If it can reasonably be fortified then we need to bring supplies.  We can't do both. I know this is a hard decision but you need to make this choice for your people.  If they need to be evacuated, there might be room for them on the island.  I cannot make any promises.  The wind temple plans on returning to the skies so it would be up to the dragon knights to guarantee your safety.  I do not know if that is possible."

Amie thought about it for a few moments.

"The village is surrounded by trees, with a road from its north to southern end. There isn't much in terms of defense... We were never close to the demons, and there were forts filled with soldiers." Amie then glanced towards the flying temple, her eyes had a bit of wonder.

"Can we... Can we really go up there with them?"

"Our camp can handle another 200 refugees, but not for too long... We'll have to get supplies from the city, or even have them evacuate there. We're no stranger to refugees if we our country has to take them in..." He shrugged as he followed Amie's gaze. "It would be pretty sweet to see the temple up close though. Amie, you interested in seeing what's up there?"

"W-well... I mean it's pretty cool. I'm not sure though... I'd go where-ever the rest of my family is though."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 13, 2019, 01:31:08 PM
Rosalie looked at everyone making their preparations. "Amie does your village have any other warriors? You seem to know how to fight so if there is anyone else it would be good to know before hand." "She paused and looked to the captain, "Charles, will you be joining our assault?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 13, 2019, 01:56:20 PM
Amie nodded.

"My family mainly... My father used to be an alchemist, it's how I learned how to use the spells I do." Amie said. "Father preferred to live out in the countryside than the city, thinking it would be better for us... The rest of the villagers are just farmers and ranchers."

The captain shook his head.

"Unfortunately... I no longer have a dragon to fly with the rest. I'll instead be preparing our horsemen and wagons for the journey to Amie's village. As I take it, it should be directly north? But we should be able to see the dragons from the ground."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 13, 2019, 02:10:21 PM
"You say family but how many warriors does that mean? It sounds like we will need to evacuate most of the village  so we need to plan accordingly." 

"You're likely the most respected man in the camp Charles, so you'll be the perfect person to have in charge of the evacuation effort. Everyone will listen to you."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 13, 2019, 02:22:59 PM
"There isn't many. It was just my father and I." Amie explained.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 13, 2019, 04:34:37 PM
     "Then we should prepare for the worst  Unless your people are quite capable the village is likely overrun by now.  Is there somewhere they might gather to try and hold out against the demons?  A keep, or perhaps a walled house?  I assume you will not be flying with the dragons so we will need to know what to look for if you are not there with us."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 13, 2019, 08:18:28 PM
Amie bit her lip.

"Don't say that! They could still be okay..." Amie retorted back, her eyes telling you that she wasn't willing to see it any other way. "My home! It's... It's a mansion, but my father created a locked down area at the bottom of it that served as his lab, and where I trained... Our family was always on good terms with everyone else, I'm sure... I'm sure my father would have let them in there if it came to it. It's large enough to fit a lot of people!"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 13, 2019, 10:22:34 PM
     "Then that is what we will need to keep an eye out for.  Is there any other preparing we need to do before the vanguard sets out?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 02:34:43 PM
The captain grinned at Rosalie.

"Well, I'm sure I lost a bit of that respect when I was in a stretcher throughout the ceremony." Captain Charles then turned towards Jean. "I'll need to head down to the camp and get them ready. 15 minutes we should be ready to head out." He said as he mounted up on his horse.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 14, 2019, 03:39:10 PM
     "Then we should head out."  Said Jean, looking to the other hero.  "Time is of the essence.  We will see the rest of you at the village."  Jean looked again at the young dragon that had offered to carry him.  "If you are ready m'lady."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 14, 2019, 04:17:41 PM
"If we are going to be doing this, then it would be in our best interest to do so swiftly." Rosalie looked over towards Valeriya. "Are you ready to go, Valeriya?

Rosalie removed her flaming sword from her hilt, and took one of the newly enchanted demonbane swords, placing it in the hilt in its place.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 04:28:55 PM
Valeriya nodded as she transformed into her dragon form.

Inside your head you heard her talk.

Lets pass these swords to the other dragonknights. Valeriya suggested as she herself picked up a handful with her claws.

Captain Charles seeing the motion, trotted over.

"These swords for the rest of the knights?" He asked to confirm.

"Umm... ummm..." The young dragon girl said as she started to blush. "You can call me Alyona..." And with that she turned into a dragon. Unlike Valeriya who was red, she turned into a blue one.

"Master... How about us?" Ren asked as she watched the dragon girl transform.

Both Dalina and Anja had been quiet. Marina had since gone up the ladder and started to talk with the other elders of the island.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 14, 2019, 04:44:27 PM
     "While I know Gust is capable of carrying at least one of you to the battle, I don't believe Viridio is mature enough yet.  So whoever can't be carried by Gust will need to come on horseback with the relief force."  Jean approached the transformed girl in her true form.  "Anja, I'm sorry but you will need to stay behind.  Ren might be able to help you get around but doing so could put the both of you in danger.  We can't risk that for now."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 14, 2019, 05:18:11 PM
Rosalie nodded at Charles. "Do you have room to deliver some of these blades to the other dragon knights?" Rosalie grabbed a few herself, and hopped onto the dragon's back "I'll let the knights down below know what is going on and bring the first wave of weapons." She gave the other hero an awkward thumbs up before speaking to her companion. "Valeriya, let's ride!"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 05:59:48 PM
"I know..." Anja replied putting on a determined face, though you saw a hint of sadness behind her eyes as well. "I'll stay back here, I don't want to be a burden to anyone."

"It's okay little human Anja." Ren said as she patted her head. It was at that moment that Ren seemed to focus on the ground, and a tentacle appeared, it was 10 ft. tall. It started to morph into a short and low chair, after which Ren gently placed her in.

You didn't feel the pull of mana when Ren summoned the tentacle.[/info]
Captain Charles picked up one of the weapons himself, and took a few with him as well. Soon enough, between the three of you, you were able to gather the 30 swords that were created.

"We have a tent we use as an armory where we keep all the weapons, but I'll hand these out when I get there. Feel free to give them to the rest." Captain Charles said as you took off into the air.

Alyona took off as well, though hovered above Jean.

QuoteYou can assume you can latch on just fine, I'll have you roll a skill whenever Alyona has to do maneuvers in the air.

Gust, the small bird hovering around Dalina, suddenly enlarged itself. The armor on the creature grew in size along with the creature as well. It took only a moment for Dalina took hop on the bird.


"Ren, you can join me up here, it'll be a bit hard for Gust to maneuver with the extra weight... But we can still make it there."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 14, 2019, 06:08:47 PM
     Jean squinted in the whipping wind and reached out to grip Alyona's front claws.  "Thank you lady Alyona.  Vitaliya, I'll see you at the village!"  He shouted as the dragon took off.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 07:05:06 PM
QuoteWe can just paraphrase on direct plans, but here's what it is so far, let me know if I have anything wrong:
  • Rosalie heading down the mountain to distribute swords to the other 25 dragon knights. Diplomacy requested If success, they'll follow you obediently. You'll get a hidden bonus from the work you've done earlier to train them.
  • 15 minutes for Captain Charles to head down the mountain to start readying the men.
  • Another 15 for Charles to get the rest of the foot soldiers readied with wagons and horses.
  • Vitaliya to take off with Combat Wind Priests, totaling 25, on their birds. Will be following Jean. Diplomacy requested If success, they'll follow you obediently. If you choose actual Trainees, rather than Teachers, then you'll get a hidden bonus to the roll, confirm which one you wanted Vitaliya to bring. (Teachers will be a few levels higher than the Trainees).
  • Dalina with Ren taking off, to follow Jean.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 14, 2019, 07:39:12 PM
Rosalie grabs hold of her partner as she takes off, wings beating wind into the ground. She grips tightly as Valeriya dives down the mountain towards the camp. Even though she know she can, Rosalie is afraid to lift her head and take in the views. Moments later, Valeriya comes to a halt, her wings beating in the air above camp. Trainees gathered below, curious what was going on.

Rosalie stood on Valeriya's back, holding one of the enchanted swords high into the air and throwing it down into the ground.

"It has been decided that Valeriya, and myself along with the hero of the Wind Priests and some of his companions will be lending aid to Amie's village. We would like some of you brave men to join us on our quest! Many of us do not know the features of the area. You may think that you won't be useful because you're not a hero yourself, but you would be mistaken. Each of you has a unique skill. knowledge that others do not. Some of you know the woods and trails like the back of your own hand. Some of you may excel with husbandry, knowing how each and every horse in the stable behaves, and what can calm them down when they're scared. Each and every one of you can bring something to our effort.

We have blades as this one in the ground, that are enchanted to be effective against demon kind. It will enhance your prowess in combat. Captain Charles is on his way down the mountain as I speak with more weapons. We should have at least 25 such swords to distribute among those who choose to join us. If you are willing to help save an innocent village that has not the means to protect itself, step forward. You have my word that each and every one of you will make it home safely with new bonds forged through combat and a new ally in a village that you helped defend. Who is with me?!"

Rosalie drew her own blade and held it towards the sky, letting out a cheer.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 13 + 9, total 22[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 14, 2019, 07:55:08 PM
     Jean turned, dangling from Alyona's claws to look at the priests that Vitaliya had chosen to bring.  "Well here it is: the moment you've all been waiting for!  You have sat on your island for years preparing to face an enemy you have only heard tales of, an enemy that will kill you without hesitation."  Wind continued to whip around Jean and he had to spit out an errant hair that made its way into his mouth.  "I don't know most of you and I'm sure my reputation precedes me so here's the deal:  I don't care what you do as long as you try and save as many of the land-dwellers as you can.  I'm not here to earn your respect, your obedience, or your loyalty.  I'm here to kick ass and kill demons.  So let me be the first to welcome you to heaven and hell: where heroes die!  I hope you've all prayed to the goddess!"

[info]Taking instructors

Diplomacy[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 10 + 2, total 12[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 14, 2019, 07:59:13 PM
[info] requested acrobatics check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 11 + 10, total 21[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 10:08:56 PM

Jeans's Perspective
Location: Mt. Velothia Peaks
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

The gathered wind priests that Vitaliya took with her looked to be a variety of the instructors. They ranged in ages, though, you could tell they were either near Vitaliya's age, or in one case, older. In fact, you recognized him almost immediately.

"It's the fault of the land-dwellers to get caught up with the demons. But to vanquish them under the name of the goddess is something we have all been preparing for."

He, along with Vitaliya took flight, followed by 23 others that hovered in place.

"We've all prayed to the Goddess." He said, locking eyes with you.

Vitaliya, noticing the tenseness hovered closer to the front of the group.

"Ve're going to give zem hell!"

QuoteVitaliya will be commanding the fighters from the priests.

Rosalie's Perspective
Location: Training Camp
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

The dragon knights were confused at first as you descended from the mountain, hovering above them all, standing on top of Valeriya. It took a few moments, but many of the dragonknights, both those with their dragons, and those without, started to gather. You launched into your speech then as the men below listened.

At first the soldiers were hesitant, but as you described the need for them, one by one they had stepped forward. When you called out who would follow, every soldier in the camp cheered.

It was Thurston, that same dragonknight who had first challenged you during the ceremony a week ago who roared the loudest, even being the first one to grab one of the swords that you had managed to stick, blade-first, into the ground.

"Dariya and Thurston will aid you!"

Each of the other dragonknights called out their own fealty to the mission and took one of the swords. You recognized many of them, having trained with most of them through the last week.

QuoteDragonknight army will have an extra +1 OM and +1 DV to their Army stat sheet for the remainder of the mission. You'll be considered the Commander of the army.

Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 14, 2019, 11:07:30 PM
     "Fuuuucking shit are you for real?"  Yelled Jean, rolling his eyes as hard as he could.  "Well I'm going to rendezvous with the other hero before I expose this fair maiden to your shitshow of a presence for too long."  Jean turned and looked up to the dragon carrying him.  "Don't uh...  tell Vasillisa about this exchange?  I don't think she thinks it would be proper for a young girl such as yourself to hear that exchange."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 14, 2019, 11:59:16 PM
The dragon let out a giggle. It was strange to hear it coming from the large creature.

"I won't..." Alyona said. "Sometimes my sister says worse things."

QuoteNote any other preparations you might do for both the armies. Once I get confirmation, then the two armies + heroes and their companions will move out.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 15, 2019, 08:15:52 AM
Rosalie hopped off Valeriya's back as she neared the ground. She wanted to wait for Charles and the rest of the weapons before heading out.  She approached Thurston and gave him a fist bump. "Glad to see you've come around, Thurston. Remember that your own safety comes first. You were chosen as one of the few to become a full fledged dragon knight this year, Use this fight to learn about your enemies and bring that knowledge back to grow into a stronger fighter and a better leader."

She went around to each trainee that had joined the effort to save Amie's village and thanked them for coming. Exchanging words and easing any fears that they had about the upcoming battle, while waiting for Charles to arrive with the rest of the goods and the means to further organize the volunteers.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 09:22:02 AM
     "Thank you m'lady Alyona.  You possess a wisdom beyond your years...  I think...  I don't actually know how old you are come to think of it."  Said Jean as they flew through the air.  "That other girl, the one that also was a dragon, is she your sister?  She said you were too young to partake in the ceremony.  How old do you need to be?  You certainly seem strong enough to carry a rider if you can carry me like this."

[info]No other preparations to make on my end as far as mechanics go[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 01:02:52 PM
Jeans's Perspective
Location: Mt. Velothia Peaks
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

"Yes mister hero..." Alyona said. "All the dragons here are family, our mother is the mommy. But sissy Valeriya is the who is most likely family?" Alyona explained. "We share a cave together, but ever since she got contracted with hero Rosalie, I haven't been able to hang out with her as much." Alyona sighed.

"She always talks about her. Like Rosalie did this, and Rosalie did that. I mean... She is okay, I like her too, but I miss when it was just us two. She's going to go with her since Rosalie is the hero... I tried to get everyone to take me along but..."

"I'm too weak..." Rosalie then flew upwards, taking you along with her and gently dropped you as she herself landed next to you. Dalina with Ren decided to land as well. Apart from that, Vitaliya was handling talking with each of the people in her squad, giving them precise instructions. And you saw Anja further below who seemed to have engrossed herself into reading some sort of book.

QuoteAnja's book doesn't have to be the book, but let me know if it is. If not, it'll just be random light reading for her, probably one of the books about teaching Priests of the Hero.

"I'm 49 years old. Only recently, due to the war, the contract ceremony has been pushed earlier and earlier for us. So next year, on my 50th birthday, I'm to do the contract ceremony too! Just like sissy."

Rosalie's Perspective
Location: Training Camp
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

It took another 15 more minutes for Captain Charles to arrive with the rest of the blades. Since you had flown down earlier already, many of the knights had already begun their own preparations. Charles quickly found you as he he trotted his horse over to you. You also noticed Amie riding with him.

"Hero Rosalie! Look at you taking my job like that. Sooner or later they'll demote me to a captain of some rear guard, and let you run this place." The captain grinned as he watched the men. "They're all a little rough around the edges, and perhaps are not quite the cream of the crop, but they'll manage."

It was then that the captain called out to the rest.

"You all have fifteen minutes to assemble and gear up! Get all wagons ready. Prepare to bring medical supplies and food rations! Minimal staff needed to watch the camp, the rest are to prepare to move out!" The captain barked his orders as men saluted. "You there! Send words back to headquarters. Report the Velothian Wind priests have arrived, and that we're headed enroute northwards to prepare for refugees."

Captain Charles turned back to you.

"The ground units will be leaving in 15 minutes. It takes more to prepare the wagons and supplies than our dragon-mounted troops. Most of those are already ready... All the swords have been distributed too." Captain Charles grinned as he dismounted. He then started to make his way towards you, and with that grin on his face still mixed with a solemn expression in his eyes, he reached out his hand for you to shake.

"And hero Rosalie... May the goddesses be with you."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 01:19:49 PM
     "Your mother...  You mean Vasillisa?  You are all related?  Who is her mate?  How...  I mean...  Um...  Do you know what the word inbreeding means?  You know what?  Forget I asked."  Jean set down on the dirt when they arrived where the other hero was.  "Are we all ready here?  Every second we waste not flying is a moment longer the villagers need to survive."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 01:25:22 PM
Jeans's Perspective
Location: Mt. Velothia Peaks
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

"Oh no..." Alyona said stammering while still in her dragon form. "When the dragonknights form contracts with us dragons... They umm... make children with us. There are no boy dragons... Sometimes what comes out is a human, but sometimes, what comes out is an egg. When it's an egg, that is brought back up to the Elder to take care of and raise. If it's a human, then the knight and dragon take care of it."

After conversation

Next, Jean and Alyona, along with Dalina and Ren would fly down the mountain towards the camp. Vitaliya and her squad continued to finalize their plans, but had followed after you a few minutes later.

QuoteWaiting for a post from Rosalie before I resolve that last bit
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 01:43:24 PM
     "When you make the contract?  But...  You're so young and...  You're supposed to start fighting next year?  I mean, the difference between 49 and 50 seems small and shouldn't you be...  Uh...  Bigger?"  Inquired Jean.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 02:19:52 PM
Jeans's Perspective
Location: Mt. Velothia Peaks
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

"Y-yes..." Alyona stammered. "But this war has been going on for a hundred years now, before I was born... It used to be that age 150 was when we would be contracted according to what Valeriya told me. Valeriya's the only one at 169 without a contracted dragonknight until she met Rosalie. She kept putting it off... But with the war going on, you see, the age went down to 120, then 80, and now it's 50."

"I can refuse, just like my sissy, but... we used to have a lot of other dragon mountains. Like Mount Hafr up to the north in Hierdsvain, or Mount Alona in old eastern Felothia as the largest ones. Here on this mountain, Mt. Velothia, is the last refuge of the dragons."

"Soooo... we try to do our part. Even it means getting contracted early."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 03:09:28 PM
     "And how exactly do you choose your uh... knight?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 05:44:53 PM
Jeans's Perspective
Location: Mt. Velothia Peaks
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

"We don't... The dragons who will go into the ceremony will line up, and then the knights pick us one by one. The knights decide amongst themselves who gets to pick first."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 06:46:25 PM
     "The knights choose?  How old are they?  I mean...  No kink shaming but they aren't exactly what I would call a good pairing for someone like yourself."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 15, 2019, 06:52:22 PM
"May the Goddess be with you as well, captain."

Rosalie took a moment to return to Valeriya. "So I was thinking, you know we're going to save Amie's village, but she doesn't have a way to get there quickly. Do you think she could ride with us? It is likely that we will finish the job before she can get there on horseback.

[info] Diplomacy, in case Valeriya wants nothing to do with Amie.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 13 + 9, total 22[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 07:41:07 PM
Jeans's Perspective
Location: Mt. Velothia Peaks
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

"Kink... shaming?" Alyona asked. It was hard to tell if that was an issue with the auto-translation, or if the dragon child really didn't know what it meant. "But I'm not very good with human ages... I think... As young as 20, but some are at 30?"

Rosalie's Perspective
Location: Training Camp
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

A-ah.. Well... Valeriya said hesitantly. It's kind of an intimate thing for us, but... if you understand that, and it's okay with you, still, then, hell, I'd be fine with it too. She grinned, or at least it looked kinda like a grin, she was, after all, still in her dragon form. She called out to Amie.

"Hey kid, you ever ridden a dragon?" Valeriya asked.

"Of course I have! They're everywhere!" Amie declared. Looking at Valeriya's expression though, that didn't seem to be the answer she was looking for. Valeriya sighed.

"There goes that bubble." Valeriya continued. Amie's look of victory quickly changed to one of remorse.

"Well it was just once, and I didn't ride for very long... One of the soldiers from the city came to visit, and let me ride with him with father's permission..."

"Well, kid, you tried." Valeriya admitted as she bent down lower. "Hop on. Hold on tight to Rosalie though, since we're not contracted, you'll be feeling the full force of the wind around you. Keep your head low and tight against her back, and you should be okay."

It was then that Jean and his entourage appeared from the skies.

"Are we all ready here?  Every second we waste not flying is a moment longer the villagers need to survive." He had said.

Captain Charles was the first to respond.

"The mounted dragonknights are ready to fly, if that's what you mean. The ground forces are still loading everything up. You know... You don't get to see them wind priests on their birds that often. There's only... let's see... 25 of them, but still a sight."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 07:53:03 PM
     "I'm pretty sure Ren wouldn't mind helping me show you but then I'm pretty sure I'd be run out of town."  Jean saw the other hero as they approached their location.  "Definitely don't mention it to your sister or elder."  He quickly whispered right before touching down.

     "I'll take your word for it."  Replied Jean to Charles.  "If you think you can handle the rest of the rallying of the horsemen then I say we set out now.  Are you ready hero?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 15, 2019, 08:24:44 PM
"Don't worry, it isn't about intimacy, its about trying to make sure that Amie gets a hand in saving her home." Rosalie grabbed Amie by the wrist and pulled her up on to Valeriya's back. "Hold on tight, we've got a village to save."

[info] Rosalie is done with preparations.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 15, 2019, 11:46:41 PM
Jeans's Perspective
Location: Heading down to camp
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

QuoteHero point was already reached! :(


"It's a hero thing..?" Alyona had said with a hint of curiosity in her voice. "I'd like to learn about hero things!"

"Hold on tight, we've got a village to save."

With that both the group of dragonknights and the equal number of wind priests took flight higher up in the air. Both leathery and feathered wings flapped in unison, gaining altitude as the rush of wind being pushed downwards elevated each of the combatants. The knights on the ground all cheered loudly as the group ascended. As you flew higher and higher, you caught sight of Captain Charles saluting you up in the air.


"You give them hell, damnit!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

There weren't many of them altogether, 25 knights, 25 priests, plus both heroes' companions, but they were all determined. The dragonknights were determined to save the village. While the priests, though having different motivations, were determined to fight against the evil they had branded. An inner fire burned behind their eyes as each of them clutched the reigns of their respected mounts. Both dragons and birds soared to higher heights in not just in elevation, but their drive and willingness to fight.


Rosalie and Jean spear-headed the formation, leading the two groups while the rest flew in a practiced formation behind them. The dragonknights flew in a formation as if to easily avoid ranged attacks, being closer in a cluster around the two of you in equidistant points. A few of the knights would be in charge of scanning each wing. The wind priests on the other hand, adopted a wide stance, spreading themselves much thinner, but covering a larger area. As both types of formations and battle styles merged, it was able to form a coherent formation. Where the knights excelled at defense, the wind priests were better suited for targeted and ranged attacks and flanking enemies in flight.

It was in this way that the group continued northwards, and soon enough, in the distance, you saw the sight of the village. Or at the very least evidence of it. Plumes of smoke was rising towards the skyline. Even from your vantage point being this far away, it looked as if most of the village was already burning.


QuotePerception requested
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 15, 2019, 11:57:26 PM
[info]Perception check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 15 + 9, total 24[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 16, 2019, 02:25:14 AM
[info] perception
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 3 + 8, total 11[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 16, 2019, 02:45:45 AM
Location: 5,000 ft. above in elevation
Date: Day 7 (Jean), Day 9 (Rosalie)

[info]Jean's Perception: 24
You managed to get a good lay of the land. The village was burning, but it was only half of it at the very least. Now that you were up here however, you realized what Amie had meant when she said the roads suddenly disappeared. The village was surrounded by forests, that was to be expected, but perhaps 12 miles out from it, the forests to the north, south, and west suddenly transformed into tall mountain spires. In fact, it looked as if someone tore a chunk of what would have been a mountainscape, and replaced it with Amie's village in its forest. It was quite clear where the forests began, which was generally a flatland of trees, into the high rocky mountains that made up the mountain range.

At the village itself you saw figures wrecking havoc, which you could only assume to be demons. At the opposite end of the village looked to be a large building, something that looked grand compared to the rest of the buildings of the village. Flying directly above the village seemed to be a swarm of small winged demons as well.

However, you managed to get sight of something beyond that, further away, about 80 miles north and eastwards was what looked to be a blot of dark colors creeping through the valleys of the mountains. It didn't look natural however, and you realized it looked to be demons.[/info]

Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 16, 2019, 09:20:58 AM
     "Great they so fly after all."  Said Jean as he saw the cloud of demons above the village.  "Hey!  We're going to need to be fast.  It looks like the bulk of the demon's forces are on the way.  I think the relief force will make it in time but it doesn't look like we will have much time to evacuate the village."  He shouted to the other hero. 
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 16, 2019, 10:19:48 AM

Rosalie turned around and looked Amie in the eyes. "Snap out of it Amie! You heard Jean. The village isn't lost. You need to focus so you can help your friends. We have our work cut out for us and you need to be at the top of your game. You're one of the strongest here!" She hoped that her words would reach the girl.

Unsure if her voice would carry, Rosalie shouted at the top of her lungs to the dragon knights around her. "MEN! ON ME! WE NEED TO CLEAR THE DEMONS OUT BEFORE THEIR MAIN FORCES ARRIVE! WHEN WE GET BACK TO CAMP. DRINKS ARE ON ME! MAY THE GODDESS BE WITH YOU!"

A few short weeks ago, she never imagined that she would be a hero, leading an army against demons, but here she is. It was a big change for her, never used to being the star of the show. Rosalie had always preferred to be the workhorse, getting stuff done in the background, not seeking any glory. Now her decisions could impact the lives of hundreds, or even thousands. She was thankful that she had another hero along for the ride.

"Jean, I don't know anything about you or how you fight, or even if you can fight, but stay safe out there. We all need to make it home safe and sound. We have people waiting for us."

She hunched over and gave Valeriya's neck a gentle nuzzle with a whisper. "You stay safe as well, Valeriya."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 16, 2019, 10:50:04 AM
[info]Heroic action point earned for Rosalie[/info]As the group flew, Jean was able to narrow down on the number of combatants. The ground forces consisted of larger brute-like demons. You recognized them as you had fought one of them before when you were first summoned back near the Idorian Magic Academy. If you had to guess there was perhaps 25 to 30 of them. As for the smaller flying creatures, there were many many more. It was much harder to count that flying blob, maybe 200? Perhaps even more.

"T-thanks Rosalie..." Amie said. You felt her bury her face into your back and clutch on to you tighter.

You then heard Valeriya in your head, and felt a warm sensation coming from her.

I'll be safe. Valeriya replied back. I'll keep you safe, too.

[include u=2]Rosalie MP Used: 645[/include]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 16, 2019, 11:47:17 AM
     "Lady Alyona, I need you to get me close to the ground so I can make my descent, aim for the village square.  Don't get too close to the flying demons.  I promised to not put you in danger.  When I drop, fly back to the relief force and help guide them so they can get here as fast as possible."  Said Jean to the dragon.  As they made their descent Jean let go of the dragon's talons with his right hand.  "Wind and Water!  From the deepest vault of the Hurricane Lord, give form to the lashing tongue of his terrifying steed!  Typhoon Spear!"  He made the Incantation as they got closer to the ground.  "Weight control!"  He shouted, multiplying the weight of his spear as he dangled one handed from the dragon. 
     "Lady Alyona: it's been wild."  He said as he let go with his remaining hand, well over a hundred feet from the ground.  He quickly flipped around to salute the dragon before the mass of the spear yanked him down to the ground.  "Raaaaaaaaaaaa-"  He roared as he hurled through the air, whizzing past the demons flying around the village, aiming for the first demonic form he saw on the ground.

[info]Cast Typhoon Spear at 7 MP to make a +5 Spear with +1d6 cold damage

Use Weight Control 4 times on the spear (4 MP)

Drop at 150 ft to attack the biggest demon he sees in the middle of the village.

Attack roll (+9 Weapon Enhancements, -4 Non-proficient)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+20 : 4 + 20, total 24[/blockquote]Weapon Damage Roll (6d6 for weight increased spear, +4d6 for falling object damage at >150 ft, +9 two hand STR bonus, +9 weapon enhancements)[blockquote]Rolled 10d6+18 : 2, 1, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5 + 18, total 53[/blockquote]Cold Damage[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
Acrobatics roll to reduce falling damage by 1d6 (disregard if doing so would reduce the falling object bonus damage)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+12 : 7 + 12, total 19[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 16, 2019, 02:16:30 PM
[info]After my surprise turn resolves, expending 3 hero points to grant natural 20s to all allies and "good guys"[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 16, 2019, 04:10:56 PM
Trusting in you, Alyona dived downwards, aiming for the village center marked with the ruins of what once was a fountain. Once you started your dive bomb, Dalina who kept a close watch on you began to dive bomb. It took just another second more for Vitaliya to notice, and after a few shrill whistles your army commander dived down as well behind you with the rest of the Wind Priest instructors following in pursuit.

3,000 feet.

2,000 feet.

1,000 feet.

500 feet.

200 feet.

None of the demons had thought to look upwards at all, so busy were they on laying destruction to the village that they were preoccupied with. Once you were at the right height that was when you decided to let go.

"H-hero!" Alyona gasped when she realized you had let go. She hadn't been expecting that. Realizing your plan, Alyona could only shout back as you began to fall down into the throng of demons.

"Teach me the hero thing later! P-promise!" As you descended downwards, Alyona abruptly stopped her flight, and remembering your instructions, started climbing back upwards, planning to head to the ground relief forces being lead by Captain Charles.

You saw your target below you. In free flight, you held your spear pointed towards it. It towered over the rest of the demons. This one specifically looked to be a new type that you hadn't encountered before. Although the other large ones were a type that you had fought with, this one was huge. It had four arms, though two of them were the most visible as they ended in giant claws. It had giant horns, with thick scales, though fur covered its lower half.


As you crashed down, the huge creature managed to look up just moments before you had come tumbling, it was barely enough to get out of your spear's strike, and if the creature was just half a second slower, it would have been skewered. The spear missed it's target, instead it drove into the dirt below. The impact grazed the creature, and you slammed into the ground at full force, the shockwave from the impact results in a crushing force against the rest of your body. Any normal person would have died five times over from the impact, but in just a few more moments the dust started to settle.

Unbelievably, you were still standing.

A notification appeared at the corner of your vision.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Jumper』
You have gained +1 CON
You have gained a new title『Dive Bomber』
You have gained +1 STR
You have gained a new title『Endurer』
You have gained +1 CON[/okay]A moment later, the notifications disappeared, replaced by a more cryptic one.

[okay]Your wish has been granted.[/okay]
It was at that same moment you made touch down, that Dalina began to chant.

"Goddess of Air! Your turbulent winds are a gale to your foes. Strike down your enemies! Air Strike!"

A sharp blast of wind suddenly started to shoot towards the demon's head, the wind itself picking up some of the settling dust, adding to the strike and critically injuring it. Deep gashes started to appear throughout the demon's head and torso. The amount of damage done surprised even Dalina who blinked a couple of times realizing all the wounds appearing on the demon. Yet, the demon looked only slightly injured.

Ren had jumped down as well, and you noticed that her each of her tentacles had a metallic sheen to them. The moment she had touched down, a series of tentacles sprouted from the ground encircling the huge demon at the same moment that Dalina's spell had triggered. Each of the tentacles were summoned to have a metallic sheen to them, each of them seeming to sharpen and elongate into blade-like tendrils, and in unison attacked all at once. Each of the tentacles impaled it, leaving the huge demon badly wounded.

There were yells of pain and shouts amidst the chaos, letting you know that there were still villagers either in their homes.

QuoteWill be making a grid map for local scale battle in the next coming day or two.

Rosalie to state if they are joining in surprise round or not.
Rosalie to select Tactic for Dragonknight Trainees army.
Rosalie to select Strategy Track for Dragonknight Trainees army.
Rosalie to roll attack for Ranged Phase for Dragonknight Trainees army.
Rosalie to roll attack for Melee Phase for Dragonknight Trainees army.

Either Player can roll Perception for more exact count of enemy combatants (specifically swarm of flying demons), takes a full round action.

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Surprise round begins
Jean, Dalina (on Gust), and Ren enters surprise round
Jean attacks and misses, uses 3 heroic action points
Dalina casts Air Strike on Huge demon, crits, and deals damage. Huge Demon is Slightly Injured. [include u=2]42 damage[/include]

Ren free action to transform to metallic. Standard to summon 8 CR 3 tentacles (large size).
Tentacles attack huge demon, all hit and all crit. Huge Demon is Badly Wounded. [include u=2]71 damage[/include]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +4
Current DV: 12
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status - Heroes
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 53[/include], Refreshed
Rosalie: Uninjured, Sleepy [include u=2]MP Used: 645[/include]

Rough Status - Companions
Ren: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Dalina: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Summons
CR3 Tentacle 1: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 113[/include]

Large Demon 1: Uninjured, Refreshed
Large Demon 30: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Townsfolk
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 16, 2019, 05:16:36 PM
"Men! Prepare to attack! Shield Wall formation! Ready a volley to soften the demons up before we get into the thick of it." At that moment, she saw Alyona dive, with Jean hanging on. "Get me close to the demons, Valeriya, I'll cast a spell to start the battle."

With that, Valeriya began her dive. When Rosalie had closed the gap to the largest demon, she began her chant. "Fire, Air, Water, gather and boil over, rain from the sky and end my foe! Lightning Storm!" Her voice quivered with emotion, the burning village around her.

[info] Dragon knight army is using standard strategy track, with the shield wall formation tactic. (-2 OM +2 DV)

Rosalie's lightning strike hit roll (max overcharge) [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 16 + 10, total 26[/blockquote]
Rosalie's lightning strike damage roll [blockquote]Rolled 18d6 : 2, 4, 5, 1, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5, 4, 5, total 64[/blockquote]

Dragon knight trainees ranged attack: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 9 + 2, total 11[/blockquote]
Dragon knight trainees melee attack: [roll][1d20+2[/roll]

Rosalie's initiative: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 1 + 5, total 6[/blockquote]

Rosalie also spends one heroic point to restore half of her MP.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 16, 2019, 05:24:23 PM
[info]Initiative Roll[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 10 + 5, total 15[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 16, 2019, 05:39:05 PM
[info] requested roll
dragon knight trainees melee attack [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 14 + 2, total 16[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 16, 2019, 05:57:29 PM
[info] crit confirm [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+10 : 3 + 10, total 13[/blockquote]

Crit damage [blockquote]Rolled 18d6 : 4, 3, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 6, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, total 72[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 16, 2019, 07:29:24 PM
Storm clouds then gathered high above the target the moment you began chanting your spell. When it finally triggered, the storm cloud sent forth a very bright and powerful bolt of lightning. The demon was already heavily injured, but the strike immediately killed it. It was dead before it even hit the ground.

You became even more tired than usual. But a moment later, a notification appeared at the corner of your vision.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Magical Overkiller I』
You have gained +1 MAG
You have gained a new title『Magical Overkiller II』
You have gained +1 MAG
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Permanent Enchanter』
You have gained +2 INT
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Mana Battery』
You have gained +2 MAG
You are now level 35. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]A short moment later, the notifications disappeared, and was replaced with a different one.

[okay]Your wish is granted.[/okay]With that, you suddenly felt a surge of energy. You were extremely sleepy before, but now you were only tired.

One the demon went down from Rosalie's spell, the notifications continue to scroll.

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Hoarder』
You have gained +4 STR
You have gained +4 MAG
You leveled up.
You are now level 41. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Jean and Rosalie
All of a sudden a title appeared for the both of you in a familiar green translucent window.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Heroic Team Member』
You gained +1 CHA[/okay]
=Once the the biggest demon in the field died, for just that brief moment, the rest of the large demons glanced over to what had just happened. Within a few seconds their commander and general had just been annihilated. None of the demons could barely believe what had just happened.

They were slow to react, and your allies around you knew they could get another strike in.

Quote30 demons around you. Grid map will come later. Assume some are within 30 ft.
Jean to take their turn

Turn Order
Jean: 25 -> Rosalie: 25 -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Surprise round begins
Jean, Dalina (on Gust), and Ren enters surprise round
Jean attacks and misses, uses 3 heroic action points
Dalina casts Air Strike on Huge demon, crits, and deals damage. Huge Demon is Slightly Injured. [include u=2]42 damage[/include]

Ren free action to transform to metallic. Standard to summon 8 CR 3 tentacles (large size).
Tentacles attack huge demon, all hit and all crit. Huge Demon is Badly Wounded. [include u=2]71 damage[/include]

Rosalie and Valeriya enters surprise round.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm, kills Huge demon
Round 1 begins

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +4
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status - Heroes
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 53[/include], Refreshed
Rosalie: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 327[/include]

Rough Status - Companions
Ren: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Dalina: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Summons
CR3 Tentacle 1: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Uninjured, Refreshed
Large Demon 30: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Townsfolk
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 16, 2019, 08:02:18 PM
     Jean stands from his crouch in the small crater he had created on landing and yanks his spear from the ground, laughing as the lightning bolt obliterated the demon next to him and showered him with cooked gore.  He pointed his spear at the nearest demon. "Death comes for YOU!"  He bellowed as he launched himself forward,leaping off the hulking corpse of the dead demon and thrusting his spear into the middle of the demon's chest.

[info]Move action: Move to melee range of nearest demon in the direction of the large building.

Standard Action: Melee attack with spear

Attack Roll (Nat 20+21)
Damage (6d6 weapon damage, +9 enhancement, +12 two-handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 6d6+21 : 1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 1 + 21, total 38[/blockquote]Cold Damage[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
Critical Confirm (Nat 20+21)
Damage (x3 crit multiplier)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+42 : 5, 4, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1 + 42, total 76[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 16, 2019, 08:22:48 PM
Moving towards the demon, you stabbed with your weapon through the demon's chest. You heaved with all your might, but for some reason you found it absolutely too easy to run your spear through the creature. Your spear pierced its heart, then continued through, going out of the demon's back. The moment you killed it, notifications appeared.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Brute Overkiller I』
You have gained +1 STR
You have gained a new title『Brute Overkiller II』
You have gained +1 STR
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 44. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
Quote30 demons around you. Grid map will come later. Assume some are within 30 ft.
Rosalie to take their turn

Turn Order
Jean: 25 -> Rosalie: 25 -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Surprise round begins
Jean, Dalina (on Gust), and Ren enters surprise round
Jean attacks and misses, uses 3 heroic action points
Dalina casts Air Strike on Huge demon, crits, and deals damage. Huge Demon is Slightly Injured. [include u=2]42 damage[/include]

Ren free action to transform to metallic. Standard to summon 8 CR 3 tentacles (large size).
Tentacles attack huge demon, all hit and all crit. Huge Demon is Badly Wounded. [include u=2]71 damage[/include]

Rosalie and Valeriya enters surprise round.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm, kills Huge demon
Round 1 begins
Jean moves and attacks Large Demon 1. Large Demon 1 is Dying.[/spoiler]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +4
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status - Heroes
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 53[/include], Refreshed
Rosalie: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 327[/include]

Rough Status - Companions
Ren: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Dalina: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Summons
CR3 Tentacle 1: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dying, Refreshed
Large Demon 30: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Townsfolk
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 16, 2019, 09:24:41 PM

"Valeriya, take us lower!" Rosalie sat upright on her back, and brought her guitar out. "I sure hope this works!" She began to play a short bass ditty, infusing her fingers and guitar with as much mana as she could muster. "Keep my allies safe..."

[info] Rosalie is overcharging hymnal magic as much as possible to give a boost to dodge AC in a 30 foot radius.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 16, 2019, 10:59:38 PM
You started to play the beginnings of a song, and after a few strums, your music started to flow from within you, to your fingers, and finally to the guitar. It was almost similar to Air magicka, but you somehow knew, that what you did was completely different from Air magicka itself. Hymnal magicka used music itself to cause the mysteries unfold around the world, and it was this that you did.

A vibrating forcefield appeared around each of your companions.

[info]Allies are affected by Rosalie's spell (unnamed), +9 Deflection AC.[/info]Dalina launched into spellcasting as well, firing off another Air Strike towards the next demon to the south-east. It hit its target, though it was only slightly injured from the attack.

Ren moved southward as she kept her tentacles up defensively maintaining her total defense.

Demons started to rush in from the village surrounding you. Two of them busied themselves attempting to smash the tentacles. One missed, and the other hit. But there were two that attempted to attack Ren, the tentacle girl attempted to get out of the way, but their fists connected. The one that attempted to attack Jean had one of its fists pummel him as well.

QuoteJean to take their turn

Grid Map

Turn Order
Jean: 25 -> Rosalie: 25 -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 1 begins
Jean moves and attacks Large Demon 1. Large Demon 1 is Dying.
Rosalie casts unnamed spell on everyone.
Dalina attacks Large Demon 2. Large Demon is Slightly Injured. [include u=2]18 damage[/include]

Ren moves southwards, activates Total Defense
Demons attack. Ren gets hit, Jean gets hit
Round 2 begins.[/spoiler]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +4
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status - Heroes
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 66[/include], Slightly Tired[include u=2]MP Used: 10[/include], AC: 24, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include]

Rosalie: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 327[/include], Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include]

Rough Status - Companions
Ren: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 19[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include], Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include], Total Defense [include u=2]+4 AC[/include]

Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include], Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 AC[/include]

Valeriya: Uninjured, Refreshed, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include]

Rough Status - Summons
CR3 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 15[/include], Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include]

CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include]

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dying, Refreshed
Large Demon 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Refreshed
Large Demon 30: Uninjured, Refreshed

Rough Status - Townsfolk
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 16, 2019, 11:51:18 PM
     Jean took the blow and reminded of his mortality uttered "Status" to check his health.  Then shouted "Weight control!" to make his body lighter and rolled out of the reach of the demon that had attacked him before springing up into a somersault over Ren to put himself between the demons that threatened her.

[info]Use weight control on self to reduce weight by 10 steps (10 MP)

Use acrobatic to avoid AOO of demons and move to location noted on roll20[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+22 : 6 + 22, total 28[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+22 : 12 + 22, total 34[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+22 : 1 + 22, total 23[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 17, 2019, 02:50:28 AM
As you attempted to weave your way through the demons, two of them attempted to take the opportunity to attack. One of them still managed to hit even with the decreased weight.

It was then that you called out the Status screen.

[okay]Jean Valois
Herald of the Old Ones
Level 44

Condition: Badly Wounded, Tired

HP: 74/156
MP: 74/112
STR: 29 +
DEX: 20 +
CON: 36 +
INT: 169+
WIS: 15 +
CHA: 15 +
MAG: 28 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Weight Control, Summon Tentacle, Inventory

You have 1 unspent ability point.[/okay]
QuoteJean to confirm movement (made a guess)
Rosalie to take turn

Grid Map

Turn Order
Jean: 25 -> Rosalie: 25 -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 1 begins
Jean moves and attacks Large Demon 1. Large Demon 1 is Dying.
Rosalie casts unnamed spell on everyone.
Dalina attacks Large Demon 2. Large Demon is Slightly Injured. [include u=2]18 damage[/include]

Ren moves southwards, activates Total Defense
Demons attack. Ren gets hit, Jean gets hit
Round 2 begins.
Jean activates Weight Control x10 on self, moves SE.[/spoiler]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +4
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 82[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 38[/include], AC: 33, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+8 Deflection AC[/include], Weight Control (Reduce Weight x10) [include u=2]+10 DEX, +50 ft.[/include]

Rosalie: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 358[/include], Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+8 Deflection AC[/include]

Ren: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 19[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include], Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+8 Deflection AC[/include], Total Defense [include u=2]+4 AC[/include]

Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include], Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+8 AC[/include]

Valeriya: Uninjured, Refreshed, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+9 Deflection AC[/include]

CR3 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 15[/include], Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+8 Deflection AC[/include]

CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration, Affected by Rosalie's Spell [include u=2]+8 Deflection AC[/include]

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dying, Refreshed
Large Demon 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Refreshed
Large Demon 30: Uninjured, Refreshed
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 17, 2019, 09:09:04 AM
Rosalie holds her blade in both hands and concentrates. in the blink of an eye, she appears behind a demon, swinging her blade into its back.

[info] Flash step behind a demon, moved token on roll 20. Two handed swing with a demonbane longsword.
hit: [blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 15 + 11, total 26[/blockquote]
damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d8+6 : 4 + 6, total 10[/blockquote]
Demonbane damage [blockquote]Rolled 9d6 : 4, 3, 1, 2, 6, 2, 2, 5, 3, total 28[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 17, 2019, 02:37:30 PM
     Jean wracks his brain to try and remember if he saw any mention of demons like this in his book.  Perhaps something that mentioned their weaknesses.

[info]Knowledge: Arcana[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+15 : 5 + 15, total 20[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 17, 2019, 06:23:08 PM
Your attack connected. When it did, you marveled at how easily your blade cut through it's skin and flesh. It was like cutting through butter, that is, a large, red-colored, and horned slab of butter.

[info]Knowledge (planes): 13
You had read about demons in the book about magic in your own world. Though, many times they were associated with religion, with many times being the creation of evil. There were a few places in the tome that described them as entities of different worlds. However, as a general rule, you knew that demons were weak to anything 'sacred', but as for this particular demon you fought, you weren't sure on their weaknesses, or if this brute-like demon followed the same pattern.[/info]Everyone
On the first few seconds when combat erupted, Amie had jumped down from Valeriya, as she did so, two blades appeared in either of her hands. She didn't draw them out of anywhere, and they simply materialized. After Rosalie flash-stepped towards her target, Amie aimed for the same one, with her blades leading the way. Unfortunately, the demon managed to land a light blow on her as she closed in, but a moment later she was able to strike. The damage wasn't a lot, but it at least left the demon near death.

Dalina started to cast another spell. "Goddess of Air! Show that thy wind can topple even the largest trees. Flattening Gale!" The spell was unleashed and attempted to knockdown one of the demons next to Jean, but the beast managed to stay standing.

Ren's tentacles swerved it from above and to your sides. She had a long reach, and many arms. She kept one of her tentacles in reserve, probably holding on to the slime, but the other seven lashed out towards the two demons. Though a lot more thin than the 30 ft. long tentacles she had summoned before, these ones moved with a degree of accuracy and precision the earlier tentacles did not have. Every one of her tentacles pierced into their targets.

Once Rosalie got off, Valeriya too descended towards the nearest demon and began to transform. There was a flash of light around, and a moment later she was fully armored wielding a large sword above her head. She was surrounded by sparks of red lines of what looked to be electricity. It was then that she crashed, blade first, into the demon. In that single strike, the demon that was uninjured was now badly wounded.

Ren's tentacles attacked then, both the demon Rosalie and Amie were engaged with, along with the other lone demon attacking them. Only one managed to hit, and it didn't do that much damage. The one on the eastern end was hit 2 times, but again, it hardly felt it.

The demons all started to attack. Two continued running towards Ren, each one swinging a fist, but Ren managed to use her tentacles to ward them off.

One demon full attacked Rosalie, the first punch managed to land a critical hit, the second landed as well, but the third attack missed. It left you badly wounded.

Another demon full attacked Valeriya, however, all of its attacks were blocked by the dragongirl.

There was one demon who continued to attack Ren's tentacles. All of its attacks hit, dealing enough damage to send it near death

The last set of demons begun to attack Jean, but out of the 6 attacks, only 2 landed. Jean was still badly wounded.

QuoteGiving Amie and Valeriya their nat 20 attacks this turn.
Jean to take turn

Grid Map
[spoiler]Will update later. Check roll20

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 2 begins.
Jean activates Weight Control x10 on self, moves SE.
Rosalie flash steps, and attacks, hits, and deals damage to Large Demon 3. [include u=2]73 damage[/include]

Amie attacks and crits, and deals damage to Large Demon 3. [include u=2]13 damage[/include]

Dalina casts Flattening Gale, Large Demon 2 resists.
Ren attacks Large Demon 2 and Large Demon 4. Deals damage. [include u=2]12 damage, 20 damage[/include]

Rens tentacles attack, some hit, don't do a lot of damage.
Valeriya Free action to transform, armored configuration, free action Ki Strike, Swift action Ki release, hits and crits.
Demons attack! Rosalie is sent from Uninjured to Badly Wounded.

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 113[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 38[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 45[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 358[/include]

Amie: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired

Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 19[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Valeriya: Uninjured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 43[/include], Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration,

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 30[/include]

Large Demon 3: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 89[/include]

Large Demon 4: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 70[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 1[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 17, 2019, 06:37:00 PM
     Jean knew he couldn't keep taking attacks from these demons.  He retreated back to the corpse of the leader.  "We need to form up a defensive line!  Summon Tentacle!"  He said, summoning tentacles to his side.  "Status."  He added, trying to gauge how much damage he had taken from the demons.

[info]Move Action: Acrobatics to move through the 2 demon's threatened areas to new location.[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 8 + 23, total 31[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 5 + 23, total 28[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 11 + 23, total 34[/blockquote]
Standard Action: Summon 3 tentacles that are each 200 ft long and have Grab and Constrict special abilities (Should be 33 MP)
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 18, 2019, 12:06:10 AM
At that moment, you focused on three spots five feet away from each other. You put forth almost half of the reserves you had left of mana into the ability, and you immediately started to feel drowsy. In another moment, three gaping holes appeared. Due to the fact they were summoned in such a close proximity, the three holes almost looked like one larger one. From those three holes came forth three titanic tentacles. They grew and grew, until they towered 200 ft. into the skies. The three tentacles entwined at first, but soon they branched out. It was as if one was looking at a freak of nature. A three-pronged tentacle. The demons nearby all paused, amazed at the sight.

The tentacles wasted no time. All three shot out at their own targets. Although they aimed for the closer ones, you had no doubt they could reach the ones further out. The tentacles pierced their targets dealing heavy damage to each of the demons they aimed for. The demon Rosalie and Amie had been busy with was pierced in the chest, the tentacle having transformed into a sharper point. The tentacle would have encircled itself around its prey then, but the demon was already dead.

The other two tentacles targeted the same demon Dalina had attempted to knock down. Like the first tentacle, these had pierced their target as well. That act alone had the demon badly wounded as the two tentacles had pierced its body. But the tentacles weren't done. Both immediately started wrapping themselves around the demon. The demon was far too weak to escape from combined might of the two tentacles, and due to the fact that the tentacles were almost as hard as metal, it didn't take long for the demon to literally explode in a shower of blood. It was dead.

[okay]You gained a level.
You have gained a new title『Slimfast』
You have gained +2 CON
You are now level 45. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay][okay]Jean Valois
Herald of the Old Ones
Level 45

Condition: Badly Wounded, Drowsy

HP: 53/166
MP: 50/121
STR: 29 +
DEX: 20 +
CON: 39 +
INT: 19+
WIS: 15 +
CHA: 15 +
MAG: 28 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Weight Control, Summon Tentacle, Inventory

You have 2 unspent ability points.[/okay]Rosalie
[okay]You gained a level.
You are now level 36. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
QuoteJean, you can choose to ride the growing tentacles if you wish, your Acrobatics is high enough, and with the help of the tentacles, you can do so without rolling. Otherwise, move your token at a valid location.
Rosalie to take their turn

Grid Map

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 2 begins.
Jean activates Weight Control x10 on self, moves SE.
Rosalie flash steps, and attacks, hits, and deals damage to Large Demon 3. [include u=2]73 damage[/include]

Amie attacks and crits, and deals damage to Large Demon 3. [include u=2]13 damage[/include]

Dalina casts Flattening Gale, Large Demon 2 resists.
Ren attacks Large Demon 2 and Large Demon 4. Deals damage. [include u=2]12 damage, 20 damage[/include]

Rens tentacles attack, some hit, don't do a lot of damage.
Valeriya Free action to transform, armored configuration, free action Ki Strike, Swift action Ki release, hits and crits.
Demons attack! Rosalie is sent from Uninjured to Badly Wounded.
Round 3 begins.
Jean summons tentacles.
Tentacles attack and kill Large Demon 3, and Large Demon 2

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)[/spoiler]

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 113[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 71[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 45[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 358[/include]

Amie: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 19[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Valeriya: Uninjured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 43[/include], Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Refreshed, Metallic, Pierce Configuration,

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 70[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 1[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 18, 2019, 09:01:58 AM
Rosalie muttered "status." as she stepped the short distance to Jean. She looked up at the tentacles in awe. She reached a hand towards Jean, while chanting. "Divine Providence, bathe thy lost lamb in the light of thy blessing and return them thus to the mortal world."

[info] Rosalie takes a 5 foot step and uses heal on jean.

Heal amount: [blockquote]Rolled 18d6 : 3, 2, 6, 2, 6, 2, 2, 5, 5, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 5, 3, total 56[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 18, 2019, 01:49:41 PM
[okay]Rosalie Park
Magical Overkiller
Level 35

Condition: Badly Wounded, Tired

HP: 22/67
MP: 1382/1740
STR: 18 +
DEX: 21 +
CON: 20 +
INT: 27 +
WIS: 11 +
CHA: 14 +
MAG: 35 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Mana Capacity, Enchant, Modern Magician

You have 3 unspent ability points.[/okay]Your spell was unleashed and a warm light illuminated Jean as his wounds and bruises were visibly healing. However, it didn't heal all of his wounds, Jean was still injured.

Amie's eyes widened as the demon in front of her was torn by the giant tentacle, she was cautious at first, but she soon realized that the tentacle was an ally, much like the previous tentacles that were summoned and Ren, the tentacle girl.

"Tentacles! Tentacles everywhere!" Amie called out. She passed by Jean and glanced at him for a moment. "New guy! You don't have a tentacle fetish do you?" With that she continued her movement, aiming towards the demon Valeriya was engaged with. She scored a hit, but the creature's hide was thick and reduced it's damage.

"That's just how he is!" Dalina replied to Amie in your defense, yelling over the sounds of battle.

Dalina started to cast another spell. "Goddess of Air! Your turbulent winds are a gale to your foes. Strike down your enemies! Air Strike!" Her spell hit the demon Valeriya and Amie were fighting. The winds buffeted the demon's face, leaving the demon near death.

With one of the demons she was engaged with exploding into a cloud of gore from two of the titanic tentacles, Ren focused on her next target. Seven of her own tentacles shot out. All but one of them hit it's target. The demons hide was thick, but though heavily reduced, it still took a good amount of damage from Ren and was injured.

Ren's tentacles attempted to attack the lone demon attacking them. Out of the 10 total attacks from 5 tentacles, only two hit, unfortunately, the attacks were weak, and didn't damage the demon at all.

Following up with Dalina and Amie's attacks, Valeriya launched a set of slashes. All three of her attacks connected in quick succession. The demon was already dead after her first strike, but Valeriya continued the relentless assault, ending the three-strike series by cutting clean the demon's head from its torso.

More demons started to pour in, this caught the attention of one of the large giant tentacles taking an opportunity to attack. The tentacle shot out, pierced its chest, injuring it, and immediately began constricting it. The other two tentacles did the same, the second and third demon wereinjured and caught in giant tentacles' grasp.

Demons began to attack and defense themselves. One of Ren's tentacles was pounded into a pulp and stopped moving. All of the attacks were centered around Ren. Out of the 9 attacks from 3 demons, 3 of the attacks managed to hit. However, Ren hardened each parts of her body the moment one of the fists had been incoming.

QuoteJean to take turn.

Grid Map Unupdated Check roll20 - 4/18/19 - 2 PM

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 3 begins.
Jean summons tentacles.
Tentacles attack and kill Large Demon 3, and Large Demon 2.
Rosalie heals Jean.
Amie attacks and hits Large Demon 5.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 5 and hits.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7
Ren's tentacles attack Large Demon 6, hit and deals no damage.
Valeriya attacks and kills Large Demon 5
Demon close in, triggering AoOs.
Giant Tentacle 1 AoOs Large Demon 8.
Giant Tentacle 2 AoOs Large Demon 9.
Giant Tentacle 3 AoOs Large Demon 10.
Demons attack Ren and some attacks hits[/spoiler]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 57[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 63[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 45[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 358[/include]

Amie: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Slightly Injured, Tired
Valeriya: Uninjured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 6[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 92[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 1[/include]

Large Demon 7: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 33[/include]

Large Demon 8: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 38[/include]

Large Demon 9: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 43[/include]

Large Demon 10: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 46[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 18, 2019, 06:17:48 PM
     "Now we're cooking!  And as a thanks for the healing: weight control!"  Said Jean before launching himself at the nearest demon.  As he came into range of the demon's reach he leapt up, hoping to avoid a low sweep of the demon's claws and thrust his spear at his foe.

[info]Immediate Action: Decrease Rosalie's weight by 10 steps (20 MP)

Move Action: Move into range of Large Demon 7, using acrobatics to avoid AOO[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 1 + 23, total 24[/blockquote]
Standard Action: Fight Defensively to attack Large Demon 7 (+18 base, +9 Weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively, +2 Flanking)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+21 : 10 + 21, total 31[/blockquote]Damage (+9 weapon enhancement, +13 two-handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 6d6+22 : 1, 5, 5, 4, 6, 3 + 22, total 46[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 18, 2019, 06:32:03 PM
Jean closed the distance, and using his spear, he jammed it into the demon leaving it badly wounded.

QuoteRosalie to take turn.

Grid Map Unupdated Check roll20 - 4/18/19 - 2 PM

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 3 begins.
Jean summons tentacles.
Tentacles attack and kill Large Demon 3, and Large Demon 2.
Rosalie heals Jean.
Amie attacks and hits Large Demon 5.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 5 and hits.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7
Ren's tentacles attack Large Demon 6, hit and deals no damage.
Valeriya attacks and kills Large Demon 5
Demon close in, triggering AoOs.
Giant Tentacle 1 AoOs Large Demon 8.
Giant Tentacle 2 AoOs Large Demon 9.
Giant Tentacle 3 AoOs Large Demon 10.
Demons attack Ren and some attacks hits
Round 4 begins
Jean attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.[/spoiler]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Allied Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Rough Status - Enemy Armies
Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 57[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 63[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 45[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 358[/include]

Amie: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Slightly Injured, Tired
Valeriya: Uninjured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 6[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 92[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 1[/include]

Large Demon 7: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 69[/include]

Large Demon 8: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 38[/include]

Large Demon 9: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 43[/include]

Large Demon 10: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 46[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 18, 2019, 06:42:20 PM
Rosalie moves a bit closer to the tentacles and heals herself. "Divine Providence, bathe thy lost lamb in the light of thy blessing and return them thus to the mortal world."

[info] Moves 15 feet, casts heal on self. 7x overcharge for 14d6 healing.

[blockquote]Rolled 14d6 : 1, 1, 1, 6, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, 5, total 42[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 19, 2019, 01:50:21 AM
Jean's tentacles continued to constrict their targets, they managed to pin each one. They each left their targets badly wounded.

Rosalie's wound healed up.

Amie moved southwards to help flank the next demon.

Dalina began casting another attack spell, also at the same demon, this left the demon near death.

"Master... More are coming still." Ren said as she attacked the same demon with three of her tentacles. The tentacles pierced their target with it dying. Its other four tentacles attacked the demon that was flanking her.

Many of Ren's tentacles attacked the lone demon attacking them, but they didn't do much damage.

Valeriya grinned as she strode up towards Ren. "More for us to kill."

She swung her sword hard, but the aim was off, and surprisingly, the demon was able to avoid it just enough to not get injured.


With that, the rush of demons continued to pour from the south.

"KILL THE HUMANS!" One of the demons roared. It was in a language that was guttural, though, it translated it just fine through Jean and Rosalie's ears.

Valeriya took two solid blows, marking the first time she had been damaged, making her injured. Ren took a hit, though she managed to soften the blow by hardening where the demon's fist landed.

One of the large brute demons cast a dark ball of fire. Though, you didn't hear any chanting what-so-ever. It was sent straight into the middle of your group, with Dalina being the only one to escape it due to being in the air. Ren and Amie were able to evade most of it, but Valeriya had taken most of it head on.

"That's... not normal fire." Valeriya said from the pain. "Fire... doesn't normally... affect me."

"Master... This pain..." Ren said as she examined one of her tentacles 'burns'. "It's feels like the pain from our other master..."

QuoteJean and Rosalie to roll Agility save vs Dark Fireball, successful save is half damage
Jean to take turn.

Grid Map

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 3 begins.
Jean summons tentacles.
Tentacles attack and kill Large Demon 3, and Large Demon 2.
Rosalie heals Jean.
Amie attacks and hits Large Demon 5.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 5 and hits.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7
Ren's tentacles attack Large Demon 6, hit and deals no damage.
Valeriya attacks and kills Large Demon 5
Demon close in, triggering AoOs.
Giant Tentacle 1 AoOs Large Demon 8.
Giant Tentacle 2 AoOs Large Demon 9.
Giant Tentacle 3 AoOs Large Demon 10.
Demons attack Ren and some attacks hits
Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball.[/spoiler]

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 57[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 83[/include]

Rosalie: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 3[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 371[/include]

Amie: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Injured, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 6[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 92[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 2[/include]

Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 66[/include]

Large Demon 9: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 79[/include]

Large Demon 10: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 64[/include]

Large Demon 11: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 15[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 19, 2019, 07:34:37 AM
[info] Agility check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+21 : 11 + 21, total 32[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 19, 2019, 08:43:53 AM
[info]Agility Save[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+22 : 15 + 22, total 37[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 19, 2019, 09:03:11 AM
     Jean rolled to the side to try and avoid the fireball.  "Of course they can use magic too.  Weight control!"  He said, further increasing the weight of his spear as he launched himself up from his crouch, thrusting his spear up into the nearest demon, Then, pulling his spear out, he reversed the weapon and thrust it at the other demon next to him.

[info]Free Action: 5 ft step

Immediate Action: Increase spear weight by 2 steps (should be within new load limit)

Full-Round Action: Full attack with Attack 1 aimed at Demon A (they're unlabeled so i put on my own notes in roll20) Attack 2 aimed at Demon B

Attack 1 (+18 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+25 : 8 + 25, total 33[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +13 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+24 : 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2 + 24, total 61[/blockquote]
Attack 2 (+13 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+20 : 16 + 20, total 36[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +13 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+24 : 4, 4, 5, 3, 6, 3, 4, 4, 1, 4, 3, 4 + 24, total 69[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 19, 2019, 03:27:57 PM
The spear got even heavier, doubling in weight for each time you had cast it. You were still able to move it around easily though. You stepped up and quickly pierced both of the demons, injuring one while the other was badly wounded.

QuoteRosalie to take turn

Grid Map

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 74[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 371[/include]

Amie: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Injured, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 6[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 92[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 2[/include]

Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 66[/include]

Large Demon 9: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 79[/include]

Large Demon 10: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 64[/include]

Large Demon 11: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 15[/include]

Large Demon 12: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 51[/include]

Large Demon 13: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 59[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 19, 2019, 06:24:12 PM
"Fire, Air, Water, gather and boil over, rain from the sky and end my foe! Lightning Storm!" Rosalie chanted and eyed  a demon as her spell took shape in the sky.

[info] lightning storm on demon #4
hit:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+22 : 5 + 22, total 27[/blockquote]
Damage: [blockquote]Rolled 16d6 : 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, total 51[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 19, 2019, 09:47:44 PM
Jean's tentacles started to constrict their targets again, leaving the three demons near death.

Rosalie's lightning storm darkened the sky again as a single bolt of lightning struck out at the demon. The bolt struck its flesh leaving the demon badly wounded.

Amie moved closer to the demon. She then unleashed a series of attacks with her two blades. She attacked very quickly, managing to strike out 5 times. She was able to hit the demon with four of the strikes.

Dalina cast the same spell as before on the demon that Amie attacked leaving it near death.

Ren attacked that same demon with three of her tentacles, piercing its chest, and killing it.

When Ren killed the demon, you received some notifications.

[okay]You gained a level.
You gained a level.
You are now level 37. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Everyone
WIth Ren's four other tentacles, she used to attack the other demon that was flanking her. It was now injured.

Valeriya stepped up, and swung her greatsword three times, still sparkling with the red electricity through it. She managed to only hit with her first strike and missed the other two.

Two demons unleashed a full round of attacks at Jean. Jean took two solid hits from one of the demons, being sent back into a badly wounded state.

Four attacks altogether between two demons attempted to hit Valeriya, but the fact that she had changed her stance to be more defensive ensured that none of them hit.

Six attacks were attempted against Renenutet, but only 3 managed to land. Like before, Ren reduced the damage by hardening her skin at the impact areas.

This time around two fireballs came from two more demons rushing towards the group. Like before, Dalina escaped it completely by continually flying and hovering above the group, but the dark balls of fire hit everyone else. Thankfully, everyone managed to roll out of the way reducing the damage.

QuoteNo need to roll Agility, your modifier is high enough that it'll auto succeed. You still take half damage.
Jean to take turn

Grid Map

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm on Large Demon 4.
Amie 5 ft steps closer, and attacks 5 times, 4 hits.
Dalina casts Air Strike  on Large Demon 4 and hits.
Ren kills Large Demon 4, and attacks Large Demon 11
Ren's Tentacles do nothing.
Valeriya steps up, activates combat expertise, and power attack, attacks Large Demon 14.

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 138[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 52[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 390[/include]

Amie: Near Death, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Badly Wounded, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 46[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 44[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 40[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Dead

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 92[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 2[/include]

Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 90[/include]

Large Demon 9: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 97[/include]

Large Demon 10: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 93[/include]

Large Demon 11: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 29[/include]

Large Demon 12: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 51[/include]

Large Demon 13: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 59[/include]

Large Demon 14: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 36[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 19, 2019, 11:09:12 PM
     Jean continued to attack the two demons from before.  Keeping the reverse grip on the spear he swept the tip at one of the demon's gut.  He then thrust at the other demon, sliding his grip hands to the end of the spear's haft and then withdrawing back to a normal grip, trying to keep the demons at range as best he could while doing so.

[info]Full Round Action: Fighting Defensively Full Attacking Demon 12 and demon 13

Attack 1 vs demon 12 (+18 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+20 : 18 + 20, total 38[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +13 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+24 : 6, 3, 3, 4, 6, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 5 + 24, total 69[/blockquote]
Attack 2 vs demon 13 (+13 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+15 : 6 + 15, total 21[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +13 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+24 : 3, 2, 2, 5, 4, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 2 + 24, total 74[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 20, 2019, 10:32:16 PM
You manage to kill another demon. Immediately notifications appeared.

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 47. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Rather than gaining just a single level like the last kill. You noted that you got two levels this time around.

Your tentacles continued to constrict their victims, finally killing their targets. The three demons each of your tentacles killed immediately gave you more notifications.

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Storer of the Living』
You have gained +2 STR
You leveled up.
You are now level 51. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
QuoteJean feel free to roll an INT if you want deliberate hints
Rosalie to take turn

Grid Map Unupdated. Check roll20. 4/20/19 11 PM PST

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm on Large Demon 4.
Amie 5 ft steps closer, and attacks Large Demon 4  5 times, 4 hits.
Dalina casts Air Strike  on Large Demon 4 and hits.
Ren kills Large Demon 4, and attacks Large Demon 11
Ren's Tentacles do nothing.
Valeriya steps up, activates combat expertise, and power attack, attacks Large Demon 14.
Round 6 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13
Jean's Tentacles kill Large Demon 8, 9, and 10

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 138[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 52[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 390[/include]

Amie: Near Death, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 12[/include]

Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Badly Wounded, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 46[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 44[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 40[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Dead

Large Demon 5: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 92[/include]

Large Demon 6: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 2[/include]

Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Dead
Large Demon 9: Dead
Large Demon 10: Dead
Large Demon 11: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 29[/include]

Large Demon 12: Dead
Large Demon 13: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 59[/include]

Large Demon 14: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 36[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 20, 2019, 10:50:12 PM
[info]INT roll[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 4 + 4, total 8[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 20, 2019, 11:05:16 PM
[info]Intelligence: 8
Due to the rush of combat, you weren't able to properly figure out any useful insights related with experience and leveling up.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 20, 2019, 11:46:53 PM
Rosalie looked on at the onslaught of demons, her companions were getting injured and she had to do something. She searched deep within her soul and felt mana boiling to the surface as she looked in Valeriya's direction. Heal my allies and purify my foes... She could only think of one thing as her mana left her body and surged out into the world.

[info] Rosalie is using Circle of Purification heals all allies and damages all demons. Centered on Valeriya, 40 ft radius.

Circle of Purification Healing/Damage [blockquote]Rolled 8d6 : 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 4, total 26[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 21, 2019, 01:47:46 AM
Your spell was cast, and at that moment all your allies wounds had started to heal up. There were a few with still grievous wounds however. Most of the demons clutched their heads in pain, but there were 3 that didn't.

Amie, who's clothing was even more tattered before, grit her teeth as the blood had begun to soak her clothes. Rosalie's healing magicka managed to close some of her wounds, though she was still hurting. She started fighting more defensively then. Even though she struck out 5 times, all her attacks missed.

Dalina then began casting a different kind of spell. Her incantation was much longer than usual. "Goddess of Air! The winds that that make up the wrath of the storms spread from the four corners of the world combine together and allow this servant to guide its fury. Twist and form, become a roaring whirlwind that engulfs all foes! Tornado!" With that a large whirlwind had appeared in the middle of the demons. At that same time, Dalina slumped her shoulders, sleepy but managed to stay alert. The tornado itself began to rip into the demons, though many were damaged, only a couple were knocked down.

Ren's tentacles focused on the same target, with 5 of them hitting.

Valeriya continued to fight defensively, though, the red electricity around her sword began to spark even more frequently as she swung her heavy blade against a demon. With her three attacks, two of them hit, one missed. Each of her slashes lopped off a demon's head.

Notifications appeared.

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Bathkeeper』
You have gained +4 WIS
You have gained +4 MAG
You are now level 40. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Everyone

One demon launched 3 attacks against Jean, but one managed to slip through.

Two demons launched a full set of attacks on Amie. Out of 6 attacks, 3 went through. Amie went down on the last attack. She was dying.

Valeriya managed to block all 3 attacks against her.

Out of 3 attacks, 2 hit Ren.

Due to the scramble of the demons to get out of the tornado, this time around, no fireballs were thrown at your group.

QuoteJean to take turn

Grid Map Unupdated. Check roll20. 4/21/19 2 AM PST

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm on Large Demon 4.
Amie 5 ft steps closer, and attacks Large Demon 4  5 times, 4 hits.
Dalina casts Air Strike  on Large Demon 4 and hits.
Ren kills Large Demon 4, and attacks Large Demon 11
Ren's Tentacles do nothing.
Valeriya steps up, activates combat expertise, and power attack, attacks Large Demon 14.
Round 6 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13
Jean's Tentacles kill Large Demon 8, 9, and 10
Rosalie casts ? and heals allies while damaging enemies, Large Demon 6, 11, 13-24
Amie full attacks Large Demon 13
Dalina casts Tornado on all demons but 6, and 30
Ren fullattacks Large Demon 11, 7 atks, 5 hits.
Valerya kills Lrage Demon 11, Large Demon 14

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded[include u=2]Dmg Taken: 126[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 417[/include]

Amie: Dying, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Sleepy
Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 14[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Dead
Large Demon 5: Dead
Large Demon 6: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 28[/include]

Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Dead
Large Demon 9: Dead
Large Demon 10: Dead
Large Demon 11: Dead
Large Demon 12: Dead
Large Demon 13: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 85[/include]

Large Demon 14: Dead
Large Demon 15: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 41[/include]

Large Demon 16: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 17: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 50[/include]

Large Demon 18: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 36[/include]

Large Demon 19: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 20: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 23[/include]

Large Demon 21: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 22: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 16[/include]

Large Demon 23: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 24: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 62[/include]

Large Demon 25: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 26: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 27: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 22[/include]

Large Demon 28: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 29: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 17[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 21, 2019, 08:42:48 AM
     As more demons began to fall Jean's smile grew wider.  A deep predatory urge was beginning to well up within him and his strikes began to rain faster.  Brute strength and speed was slowly starting to replace the elegant strikes and parries Vitaliya had taught him.  Keeping low, like a tiger circling a wounded animal, he thrust at his first opening hoping to disembowel the demon he had attacked previously before stabbing wildly at the next demon to approach to ward it off as it tried to blindside him. 

[info]Full-Round Action:  Full Attacking Large Demon 13 and 15
Attack 1 vs demon 13 (+20 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 19 + 23, total 42[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +15 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+26 : 3, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 1, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5 + 26, total 71[/blockquote]
Attack 2 vs demon 15 (+15 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+18 : 17 + 18, total 35[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +15 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+26 : 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 6, 6, 6, 5 + 26, total 78[/blockquote]

Free Action:  If Demon 13 dies, will also take a 5 ft step to marked square after attack.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 21, 2019, 09:01:53 AM
[info]Also instructing tentacles to finish off the most wounded targets that they can.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 21, 2019, 11:32:22 AM
You struck out against the demon, brute strength simply cleaving into it. The demon was dead.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 51. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Everyone
Your second strike hit the next demon as you stepped up towards the slain body of the first. That hit struck as well, instantly killing that next demon.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 41. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Everyone

Jean's giant tentacles struck out towards their next targets, rather than constricting them, they used their pointed and hardened tentacles to pierce through their targets. Three demons died.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 52. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Rosalie
[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You are now level 43. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
QuoteRosalie to take turn

Grid Map Unupdated. Check roll20. 4/21/19 2 AM PST

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm on Large Demon 4.
Amie 5 ft steps closer, and attacks Large Demon 4  5 times, 4 hits.
Dalina casts Air Strike  on Large Demon 4 and hits.
Ren kills Large Demon 4, and attacks Large Demon 11
Ren's Tentacles do nothing.
Valeriya steps up, activates combat expertise, and power attack, attacks Large Demon 14.
Round 6 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13
Jean's Tentacles kill Large Demon 8, 9, and 10
Rosalie casts ? and heals allies while damaging enemies, Large Demon 6, 11, 13-24
Amie full attacks Large Demon 13
Dalina casts Tornado on Large Demon 1-5, 7-29
Ren fullattacks Large Demon 11, 7 atks, 5 hits.
Valerya kills Large Demon 11, Large Demon 14
Demons attack. Amie is Dying.
Round 7 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 13 and Large Demon 15. Kills Large Demon 13 and 15.
Jeans tentacles full attack and kill Large Demon 6, 24, 16

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded[include u=2]Dmg Taken: 126[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 417[/include]

Amie: Dying, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Sleepy
Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 14[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Dead
Large Demon 5: Dead
Large Demon 6: Dead
Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Dead
Large Demon 9: Dead
Large Demon 10: Dead
Large Demon 11: Dead
Large Demon 12: Dead
Large Demon 13: Dead
Large Demon 14: Dead
Large Demon 15: Dead
Large Demon 16: Dead
Large Demon 17: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 82[/include]

Large Demon 18: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 36[/include]

Large Demon 19: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 20: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 23[/include]

Large Demon 21: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 22: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 16[/include]

Large Demon 23: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 24: Dead
Large Demon 25: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include]

Large Demon 26: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 27: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 22[/include]

Large Demon 28: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 29: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 17[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 21, 2019, 05:33:00 PM
Upon seeing Amie go down, Rosalie feels the mana well up inside her once more. She repeats her last spell, focusing on Amie instead this time, pleased with the results of the last attempt.

[info] Circle of Purification. Centered on the square above Amie.
[blockquote]Rolled 8d6 : 2, 5, 4, 3, 1, 6, 6, 2, total 29[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 23, 2019, 08:47:33 PM
The healing triggered again, Amie's wounds were closing up, and her eyes shot open. The demons in the area were affected as well. Out of the 7 of them each of them were affected. However, you managed to take one of them down.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 44. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]
Once alert, Amie rolled to the side, and with a quick step managed to stand up. She winced from pain however. She took a defensive stance with both of her blades in front of her.

Dalina's eyes struggled to stay open, so, rather than risking casting, she pulled out what looked to be a crossbow and had begun attempt to fire into the demons. Her bolt fired, and though it hit the target, it simply glanced off its thick hide.

Ren's tentacles focused on the same target, with 6 of them hitting.

Valeriya continued to fight defensively, though with powerful and wide strikes. Only her first attack hit, with the rest missing. She managed to bring the demon to near death.

The demons on the other hand continued to attack. Three demons were on Jean, one on Amie, one on Valeriya, and one on Ren. The demons were started to appear from the alleyways to the west, choosing to avoid the tornado that was summoned rather than going through it. However, there were two demons who were kept in it who were locked into combat with Valeriya and Ren.

Out of the 9 attacks, only 1 went through against Jean.

The next demon started to unload a series of strikes against Amie, but one of them managed to critically hit. Amie's eyes widened as she tried to move out of the way, but the demon managed to land the strike right on her head. Amie was dead.

"Amie! Damn it." Valeriya managed to parry and dodge all the attacks, though Ren took a hit.

With the demons rushing in, there was none who fired of the fireballs.

QuoteJean to take turn

Grid Map Unupdated. Check roll20. 4/21/19 2 AM PST

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm on Large Demon 4.
Amie 5 ft steps closer, and attacks Large Demon 4  5 times, 4 hits.
Dalina casts Air Strike  on Large Demon 4 and hits.
Ren kills Large Demon 4, and attacks Large Demon 11
Ren's Tentacles do nothing.
Valeriya steps up, activates combat expertise, and power attack, attacks Large Demon 14.
Round 6 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13
Jean's Tentacles kill Large Demon 8, 9, and 10
Rosalie casts ? and heals allies while damaging enemies, Large Demon 6, 11, 13-24
Amie full attacks Large Demon 13
Dalina casts Tornado on Large Demon 1-5, 7-29
Ren fullattacks Large Demon 11, 7 atks, 5 hits.
Valerya kills Large Demon 11, Large Demon 14
Demons attack. Amie is Dying.
Round 7 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 13 and Large Demon 15. Kills Large Demon 13 and 15.
Jeans tentacles full attack and kill Large Demon 6, 24, 16
Rosalie casts Circle of Purification.
Amie activates total defense.
Dalina attacks with crossbow.
Ren attacks Large Demon 22
Valeriya attacks Large Demon 21
Demons attack! (two injured by Tornado). Demon crits Amie. Amie dies.

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded[include u=2]Dmg Taken: 108[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 417[/include]

Amie: Dead, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Sleepy
Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 14[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Dead
Large Demon 5: Dead
Large Demon 6: Dead
Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Dead
Large Demon 9: Dead
Large Demon 10: Dead
Large Demon 11: Dead
Large Demon 12: Dead
Large Demon 13: Dead
Large Demon 14: Dead
Large Demon 15: Dead
Large Demon 16: Dead
Large Demon 17: Dead
Large Demon 18: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 65[/include]

Large Demon 19: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 55[/include]

Large Demon 20: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 52[/include]

Large Demon 21: Dead
Large Demon 22: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 86[/include]

Large Demon 23: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 26[/include]

Large Demon 24: Dead
Large Demon 25: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 49[/include]

Large Demon 26: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 27: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 22[/include]

Large Demon 28: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 29: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 17[/include]

Large Demon 30: Uninjured
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 23, 2019, 09:19:01 PM
     Jean whirled in place to stab at the demon behind him then yanked the spear back out to drag it along the ground, easily furrowing the ground as if he were paddling through water.  Flicking the blade up, he trust at the other demon next to him with both hands back at the end of the haft, letting the momentum of the spear carry his lightened weight  over the demon's strike at his back and landing him at the feet of the demon.

[info]Full-Round Action:  Full Attacking Large Demon 18 and 19

Attack 1 vs demon 18 (+20 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 12 + 23, total 35[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +15 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+26 : 2, 5, 4, 2, 5, 4, 1, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3 + 26, total 70[/blockquote]
Attack 1 vs demon 19 (+20 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+18 : 19 + 18, total 37[/blockquote]Damage (+11 weapon enhancement, +15 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+26 : 5, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1 + 26, total 67[/blockquote]
Free Action:  If Demon 19 dies, will also take a 5 ft step to marked square after attack.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 23, 2019, 09:50:30 PM
Rosalie lets out a primal scream as Amie falls, and rushes the demon that had killed her. She leapt into the air, her blade held high above her head, driving it down towards the demon.

[info] Rosalie charges demon #25.
hit:[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+13 : 20 + 13, total 33[/blockquote]
damage: [blockquote]Rolled 1d8+6 : 4 + 6, total 10[/blockquote]
Demon Bane [blockquote]Rolled 9d10 : 10, 10, 3, 10, 2, 5, 8, 9, 7, total 64[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 23, 2019, 09:52:39 PM
[info] crit confirm

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+13 : 16 + 13, total 29[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d8+6 : 5 + 6, total 11[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 12:05:04 AM
You attacked, easily killing both demons as you stepped up to the rush of demons coming from the alleyway.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 53. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Your tentacles took their opportunity to attack earlier, and they followed up with another round of piercing their sharpened tentacles straight into the demons, mimicking you with your spear usage. Their tentacles pierced through the demons multiple times, entering their body, only to loop back, and pierce again, as if a single spear strike continuously looped into their body. The three demons who were either uninjured or only slightly injured, were now dead or near death.

[okay]You leveled up.
You are now level 54. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Rosalie

[okay]You leveled up.
You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Applied Magicka Theorist I』
You have gained +2 INT
You leveled up.
You are now level 46. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]You made your way over to Amie's fallen body, and using your blade enchanted with Demon Bane, you struck the demon down. Your blade cut through it with ease, as the blue glowing wisps that surrounded the weapon seemed to help penetrate the attack further and deeper into the demon. You avenged Amie. It was dead.


Dalina continued to fire her crossbow. Though it hit, it seemed like the bolts weren't really doing anything at all.

Ren's tentacles focused on the demon next to her, killing it, her remaining tentacles shot out towards the demon Valeriya was fighting. She ended up killing that too.

"That was mine!" Valeriya complained. Ren simply licked her lips in response.

Instead, Valeriya charged into one of the demons coming from the alleyway. Her strike hit, dealing heavy damage, leaving the demon badly wounded.

As the demons attempted to close in, the three giant tentacles took an opportunity to attack. They hit their marks.

The demon responded with a flurry of its own attacks, but Valeriya was able to parry and block each of them. A demon attempted to attack Jean, but it missed.

Three dark-colored fireballs came from the demons in the alleyway. Valeriya took the full brunt of the damage from two fireballs, but everyone else managed to avoid out of the way, but were still singed. This left Valeriya and Ren badly wounded. Jean was near death. While Rosalie was badly wounded. The burns themselves didn't feel like a regular burn, it penetrated deep and left dark-colored blotches where they fireball affected you.

QuoteJean to take turn

Grid Map

Turn Order
[spoiler]Jean: 25 -> Jen's Tentacles -> Rosalie: 25 -> Amie: 28 (held) -> Dalina: 27 (held) -> Ren: 21 -> Ren's Tentacles: 21 -> Valeriya: 21 -> Demons[/spoiler]

Local Scale Battle Log
[spoiler]Round 4 begins
Jean decreased Rosalie's weight by 10 steps. Attacks Large Demon 7 and hits.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie heals herself.
Amie attacks and flanks Large Demon 7, hits and deals a bit of damage.
Dalina casts Air Strike on Large Demon 7.
Ren attacks Large Demon 7, kills it, and Large Demon 11.
Demons attack, one of them cast a dark fireball. Everyone takes damage except Dalina. Everyone but Valeriya saves for half damage.
Round 5 begins
Jean makes his spear heavier, and full attacks on Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13.
Jean's Tentacles constricts Large Demon 8, 9, and 10.
Rosalie casts Lightning Storm on Large Demon 4.
Amie 5 ft steps closer, and attacks Large Demon 4  5 times, 4 hits.
Dalina casts Air Strike  on Large Demon 4 and hits.
Ren kills Large Demon 4, and attacks Large Demon 11
Ren's Tentacles do nothing.
Valeriya steps up, activates combat expertise, and power attack, attacks Large Demon 14.
Round 6 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 12 and Large Demon 13
Jean's Tentacles kill Large Demon 8, 9, and 10
Rosalie casts ? and heals allies while damaging enemies, Large Demon 6, 11, 13-24
Amie full attacks Large Demon 13
Dalina casts Tornado on Large Demon 1-5, 7-29
Ren fullattacks Large Demon 11, 7 atks, 5 hits.
Valerya kills Large Demon 11, Large Demon 14
Demons attack. Amie is Dying.
Round 7 Begins
Jean full attacks Large Demon 13 and Large Demon 15. Kills Large Demon 13 and 15.
Jeans tentacles full attack and kill Large Demon 6, 24, 16
Rosalie casts Circle of Purification.
Amie activates total defense.
Dalina attacks with crossbow.
Ren attacks Large Demon 22
Valeriya attacks Large Demon 21
Demons attack! (two injured by Tornado). Demon crits Amie. Amie dies.
Round 8 Begins
Jean full attacks and kills Large Demon 18 and 19
Jean Tentacles take AoO (last turn), and attack demons 28, 29, 30. Tentacles full attack demons 28, 29, 30.
Rosalie attacks Large Demon 25 and kills it. Vengeance complete.
Renenutet attacks Large Demon 22.
Valeriya attacks Large Demon 20.
Demons attacks.
Round 9 begins

Battlefield Scale Battle Log

Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: ?
[include u=2]Units: 500
Current OM:
Current DV:
Current Tactic: ?
Current Strategy: ?[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 151[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 43[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 417[/include]

Amie: Dead, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Sleepy
Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
CR3 Tentacle 1: Dead, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR3 Tentacle 8: Uninjured, Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 1: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 20[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 2: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration
CR20 Tentacle 3: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 14[/include], Metallic, Pierce Configuration

Rough Status - Enemies
Huge Demon: Dead
Large Demon 1: Dead
Large Demon 2: Dead
Large Demon 3: Dead
Large Demon 4: Dead
Large Demon 5: Dead
Large Demon 6: Dead
Large Demon 7: Dead
Large Demon 8: Dead
Large Demon 9: Dead
Large Demon 10: Dead
Large Demon 11: Dead
Large Demon 12: Dead
Large Demon 13: Dead
Large Demon 14: Dead
Large Demon 15: Dead
Large Demon 16: Dead
Large Demon 17: Dead
Large Demon 18: Dead
Large Demon 19: Dead
Large Demon 20: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 85[/include]

Large Demon 21: Dead
Large Demon 22: Dead
Large Demon 23: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 53[/include]

Large Demon 24: Dead
Large Demon 25: Dead
Large Demon 26: Uninjured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 0[/include]

Large Demon 27: Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 50[/include]

Large Demon 28: Dead
Large Demon 29: Dead
Large Demon 30: Near Death [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 90[/include]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 08:42:49 AM
     Jean stood his ground at the entrance to the alleyway and thrust his spear at the demon in front of  him.  He pumped his backhand, guiding the spear with his front hand, aiming one blow at the creature's heart and the other into it's gut.  Withdrawing his spear back he yelled to the remaining demons.  "Come on!  Who wants some more?"

[info]Full Round Action: Full Attack vs closest demon.

Attack 1 vs demon (+20 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+23 : 2 + 23, total 25[/blockquote]Damage(+11 weapon enhancement, +15 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+26 : 1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 3, 6, 5, 2 + 26, total 70[/blockquote]

Attack 2 vs demon (+15 base, +11 weapon enhancement, -4 non-proficient, -4 fighting defensively)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+18 : 20 + 18, total 38[/blockquote]Damage(+11 weapon enhancement, +15 two handed STR bonus)[blockquote]Rolled 12d6+26 : 4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 4, 6, 1, 3, 1, 1, 5 + 26, total 67[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 09:01:24 AM
[info]Crit confirm[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+18 : 9 + 18, total 27[/blockquote]Damage[blockquote]Rolled 20d6+52 : 1, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2 + 52, total 127[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 09:03:14 AM
[info]missed a few dice[blockquote]Rolled 4d6 : 6, 2, 1, 6, total 15[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 24, 2019, 09:17:26 AM
As the party looked to be running on empty, Rosalie sent another burst of mana out.

[info] Circle of purification, centered on Valeriya.

[blockquote]Rolled 8d6 : 2, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 6, 4, total 25[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 12:56:47 PM
You brutally slammed your spear into it's chest. The demon's heart exploded. A second later, you aimed your spear right into it's gut. The forceful impact was so strong, that it literally left a gaping hole in its stomach.

[okay]You have gained a new title『Brute Overkiller III』
You have gained +1 STR[/okay]The demons in the alleyway bellowed a response loudly.

"We will kill you! Smash you into pieces!" Their eyes were red shot, full of anger, blind to the fact that you yourself were standing on the piles of slain demons.

However, a moment after it had spoken, your three giant tentacles lashed out, killing it, and the demon following behind him.

[okay]You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Their Own Mind』
You have gained +2 INT
You are now level 55. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Rosalie
Your spell triggered then. Healing all your allies, and wounding the enemies, killing the final two.

[okay]You leveled up.
You have gained a new title『Practical Learner』
You have gained +2 INT
You leveled up.
You are now level 51. Spend your unallocated points.[/okay]Everyone
Above you the battle between your two small armies against the smaller demons continued. You noticed that there were a couple of dead birds and fallen wind priests instructors in the area. Though, there weren't any dragon knight trainees. At the same time however, there were more small demons that had fallen from the skies. The priests were flanking the creatures, taking down many of them, though, they too were falling fast. However, you could tell that both your groups were on the failing side.

The larger demons were cleared from the area. Though there were still fires burning through the village, and you couldn't help but notice the dead bodies of villagers strewn about. Past the river down south though, there were no fires, and you could clearly see the estate that must have been where Amie 's father lived.

QuoteBattlefield Scale Battle Log
To Phase 1
Dragonknight Trainees not losing units. [include u=2]HP at Phase 1: 5/5[/include]

Wind Priest Instructors losing units extremely quickly. [include u=2]HP at Phase 1: 1/13[/include]

Small Demon Army 1 losing units slowly. [include u=2]HP at Phase 1: 17/22[/include]

Small Demon Army 2 losing units quickly. [include u=2]HP at Phase 1: 12/22[/include]


Rough Status - Armies
[spoiler]Dragonknight Trainees
Current HP: 5/5
Current OM: +9
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Shield Wall (-2 OM, +2 DV)
Current Strategy: Standard

Wind Priest Instructors
Current HP: 13/13
Current OM: +11
Current DV: 5
Current Tactic: Expert Flankers (+2 OM, -2 DV)
Current Strategy: Reckless (+6 OM, -6 DV, +6 dmg)

Small Flying Demons
Current HP: 22
[include u=2]Units: 250
Current OM: 4
Current DV: 14
Current Tactic: Standard
Current Strategy: Standard[/include][/spoiler]

Rough Status
Jean: Badly Wounded [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 126[/include], Drowsy [include u=2]MP Used: 87[/include]

Rosalie: Slightly Injured [include u=2]Dmg Taken: 18[/include], Tired [include u=2]MP Used: 444[/include]

Amie: Dead, Slightly Tired
Dalina: Uninjured, Sleepy
Ren: Badly Wounded, Tired
Valeriya: Injured, Refreshed
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 01:23:05 PM
     Jean looked with a smile at the splattered gore that was what remained of the demon that had tried to taunt back at him.  "Yeah I bet.  Pretty sure this makes it Jean 2:Demons 1."  He wiped some of the demonic blood from his brow and climbed on top of the pile of corpses before him to get a look around the ruined village.  "Ah!  Nothing like a dance on the knife's edge of death to make you feel alive eh Ren?"  He said as he jumped off the pile and trotted up to Ren.  Circling an arm around her hip, he swept her off her feet and onto his shoulder to spin around before letting her back down.  He kept her close, pulling her into a one armed hug with his hand on the small of her back.  Looking up to Dalina he called out.  "Come on down Dalina!  The battlefield's fine!"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 02:59:24 PM
"Master..." Ren smiled warmly when you picked her up. The tentacle girl was covered in bruises, and some purple-colored blood dripped from her mouth. But if she was in pain, she wasn't showing it. "Let's kill more." She replied then, wrapping her tentacles around you as well.

Dalina from above, with Gust, landed. The girl looked absolutely out of it.

"I used up too much mana..." Dalina said. "I can't... can you... pinch me? I don't think I can keep... my eyes... open."

Valeriya on the other hand didn't seem so amused with the antics going on. She rushed towards Amie's fallen body, and placed a hand up to the seemingly unconscious girl's neck.

"No..." Valeriya grimaced. "Damn it kid. You shouldn't have come with us." Her eyes searched for her partner. Her words had a sense of finality. "She's dead."

"Rosalie, please tell me you can do something."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 03:26:38 PM
     "If you say so..."  Said Jean to Dalina as he walked up to her and slipped his hand in quickly to pinch her on the rump.  Then he pulled her in by the hips and quickly kissed her on the lips.  "Enough to wake you up?"  he asked, keeping her in his other arm.  "Oh and something for you too Ren."  He said as he turned and went for a kiss with her as well.  He lingered for a moment and licked the blood from her lips, savoring its taste.  "I guess we could keep fighting but for now I think we should go and rescue those villagers."  He saw Valeria kneeling over Amie's corpse and called out to Rosalie.  "Yeah hey White Mage, don't suppose you could raise your companion there?  Be awfully awkward to walk into their house with nothing but a corpse.  Oh and while you're at it...  I have an apprentice and she could use a little touch of the ol' healing magics back on the mountain."  He said as caressed Ren's buttocks with his hand, enticed by its softness.  He whispered into Ren's ear.
[spoiler]"We need to make some plans.  For now keep the master's mention out of the public's eye.  We'll discuss this later... at... night..."[/spoiler]

He then nibbled lightly on her ear before withdrawing and walking over to Valeria and Amie's body a companion in each arm.

[info]Assuming that Dalina goes along with Jean continuing to hold her.  If not he'll let her go when she withdraws.  Figure Ren is down with whatever.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 07:45:58 PM
QuoteRosalie can make a Perception check to notice that. Jean can roll an opposed Stealth check, if not, it'll use the default whispering DC at 15.

Dalina's eyes fluttered open, and her cheeks were bright. She stared at you in shock, completely speechless. She decided to pull away in embarrassment.

"That's not what I meant by a pinch..." She mumbled to herself.

Once you started to head towards Valeriya, Dalina followed behind a few feet from you still blushing and looked downwards at the back of your feet.

Ren took it much better, and when you had kissed her, Ren decided to wrap her tentacles all around you at the same time. She didn't seem to mind your closeness either. "Master..." Ren whispered. "I'll discuss anything with you at night." She winked too.

Valeriya had noticed the behavior though, she only shook her head waiting for Rosalie's response as Jean and Ren, followed by Dalina behind them came.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 08:06:32 PM
[info]Stealth Check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+25 : 8 + 25, total 33[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 24, 2019, 08:25:12 PM
Rosalie walked over to Amie's body. "I might be able to do something, but I'll have to make proper preparations first. I'll do everything I can..."[/color] She tried to bring forth a barrier of mana and whispered [color]"status"[/color]

[info] Rosalie is attempting to do an untrained use of Mana Bulwark.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+27 : 6 + 27, total 33[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 24, 2019, 08:35:54 PM
Circles of magicka appeared around Rosalie, glowing with a gentle white light. She looked down in amazement, "Protect me, in case something goes wrong."

She knelt down next to Amie's body and began to cast a spell. "Divine Providence, have thy Shepard return the lost soul of Amie to the flock. She has wandered, but is not lost."

[info] Rosalie is attempting to cast raise dead untrained with a mana bulwark prepared.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+27 : 6 + 27, total 33[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 08:47:16 PM
It wasn't a technique that you personally had used before, or were skilled in it. But you did know about it from the newfound knowledge in your head. You summoned a Mana Bulwark, taking some time to correctly create the magicka circle in the air with your mind's eye. You hadn't mastered creating quick magicka circles either, so it took a bit of time to create the circles. However, soon enough you had created the proper symbols and had them surrounding you. It bathed you in a warm and gentle white light.

[okay]Rosalie Park
Magical Overkiller
Level 51

Condition: Slightly Injured, Slightly Tired

HP: 77/95
MP: 2331/2775
KP: 19/19
STR: 18 +
DEX: 21 +
CON: 20 +
INT: 31 +
WIS: 15 +
CHA: 16 +
MAG: 39 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Mana Capacity, Enchant, Modern Magician, Summon Bath

You have 6 unspent ability points.[/okay]You begun casting the spell. Due to your extreme amount of mana, you went ahead with a shorter caster of it, rather than attempting to cast it as a ritual which might have taken over a day of casting, perhaps even with multiple casters to cover the cost of a raising. In just 6 seconds you managed to do what a couple of average mages spending a day in a ritualistic casting would have accomplished. Even though you weren't aware of any magic in the real world, you somehow knew this to be true.

You felt the pull of mana leave your body, leaving you tired. You felt the casting near it's completion, but a moment later you lost concentration.

An localized explosion occurred then, centered around you. At that same time, your Mana Bulwark triggered, attempting to absorb the mana feedback damage. Lights and something that looks like streaks of electricity covered your body.

[error]Mana Bulwark takes 256 damage, which equates to 1,280 MP damage.[/error]As the crackling stopped. You felt drowsy. The Bulwark absorbed all the damage.

[okay]You gained a new title『Endurer』
You gained +1 CON
You gained a new title『Survivor』
You gained +1 CON
You gained a new title『Unkillable』
You gained +1 CON
You gained a new title『Eternal』
You gained +1 CON[/okay]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 24, 2019, 08:55:04 PM
[info] Rosalie presses the + next to the MAG score 6 times. [/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 09:00:24 PM
[okay]Rosalie Park
Magical Overkiller
Level 51

Condition: Slightly Injured, Drowsy

HP: 77/95
MP: 1245/3225
KP: 19/19
STR: 18
DEX: 21
CON: 20
INT: 31
WIS: 15
CHA: 16
MAG: 45

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Mana Capacity, Enchant, Modern Magician, Summon Bath[/okay]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 24, 2019, 09:00:39 PM
"You're not dying on us Amie!" Rosalie attempted to cast her spell again. "Divine Providence, have thy Shepard return the lost soul of Amie to the flock. She has wandered, but is not lost."

[info] Spellcraft check for untrained usage

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+30 : 18 + 30, total 48[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 24, 2019, 09:07:12 PM
[okay]You gained a new title『Reviver』
You gained +1 WIS[/okay]
You watched as the bright light surrounding Amie continued to grow in a crescendo. Finally, as it reached its peak, this time the spell succeeded. You watched as the mortal wounds the little girl had on her head were repaired, though the minor wounds, cuts, and bruises were left. A moment later Amie's eyes shot open as she breathed in deeply, filling her now working lungs again.

"What..." She began. She blinked her eyes in shock as she stared at Rosalie. "I was... dead."

Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 24, 2019, 09:19:17 PM
     Jean squinted his eyes at the seemingly blinding light.  Reflexively, he turned away held Ren closer and once again pulled Dalina into his embrace, this time trying to shield the two of them from the small explosion of the failed casting.  Before he could stifle it a slight hiss escaped from his lips as he felt the unbridled holy energy wash through the area.  He thought it probably hurt the other hero more or...  He muttered under his breath, hoping Dalina and the other hero hadn't taken notice.
[spoiler]This isn't good...[/spoiler]

     He forced himself to turn back and watch the resurrection.  The holy light of the spell felt to him almost as blinding as the holy explosion before it.  "Well...  I got to say I didn't expect your spell to be so...  Explody...  It is effective though I guess."  He loosened his grip on Dalina but kept his hold of Ren firm, clutching her to his chest.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 25, 2019, 10:33:19 AM
"You were, Amie, but you heard the speech. I told the knights that nobody would die, that includes you. It took a toll on me as well, but you're back with us." Rosalie pat the girl on the head before looking towards the sky. "Think we can help the guys up there?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 10:42:31 AM
Amie shook her head.

"Father had been working on a mechanical flying machine, but I don't think he got as far as making it fly." Amie's eyes widened a second later. "That's right... we have to get to him! The other villagers must have made it too." She said, but even just glancing around, there were bodies further in the distance of various villagers, which made Amie only grimace.

"H-how many died?"

Meanwhile the fighting above only continued. The knights kept to their defensive formation, striking out where they can, while the Wind Priests kept their offense.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 10:47:38 AM
     "Maybe."  Said Jean as he moved up next to the other hero's party.  "You could probably fly up there with your dragon, or use your magic from the ground but I'm a bit landlocked for now."  He looked up to the sky to gauge the battle that was raging above.  "I won't stop you from leading your troops but the priests don't really take my advice on anything so there isn't much for me to do."  He looked to the large mansion on the other side of town.  "So for now I think I'll head over to the mansion to see if anyone has survived this long.  Hopefully get the evacuation moving along.  If you would lead the way...  Uh I don't think I got your name."  He said looking to Amie
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 25, 2019, 10:49:34 AM
We haven't gone around the village yet, we were tending to you. But I can tell you that there are more survivors than there would have been if we didn't come at all. You did a good job, Amie." Rosalie looked up at the battle once more while Jean spoke.

"Looks like they might be able to handle the situation up there. We don't know if there are any hidden enemies about, or if there are any villagers that need medical attention so it might be best if I stay on the ground as well."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 10:59:36 AM
     "Sounds legit.  Onward!"  He reached down and picked up his spear and looked at it.  "Oh yeah.  Status.  Inventory."  He said, reminded of the updates he had got during the battle.  He started his stroll among the demon corpses towards the mansion with Ren in his arm, finally relaxing his grip on her and running a finger up her spine as danger faded from his primal senses.  "Dalina, I know you probably want to help your friends up above but I think you might be needed down here.  I won't force you to stay down on the ground but there might still be danger down here and the villagers might need your help."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 11:26:32 AM
"Amie Eldricksen." The little girl introduced herself formally. "Thank you for coming with me, Mr. 'Jean Valois: hero extraordinaire'." She then glanced at Rosalie. "And umm... you too. For literally saving my life just now."

As the group started to head forward, everyone followed.

"Thanks for the concern Jean..." Dalina said. "I do want to help them, but you already know... My place is by your side."

Valeriya leaned over to Rosalie and whispered in her ear as she transformed her armor into something lighter. "They're all a bit lovey dovey..."

When Jean called out 《Status》, though Rosalie couldn't see it, the screen displayed for him.

[okay]Jean Valois
Herald of the Old Ones
Level 54

Condition: Badly Wounded, Drowsy

HP: 75/201
MP: 51/138
KP: 26/26
STR: 32 +
DEX: 20 +
CON: 39 +
INT: 21 +
WIS: 15 +
CHA: 15 +
MAG: 28 +

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Weight Control, Summon Tentacle, Inventory

You have 3 unspent ability points.[/okay]The moment Jean called out 《Inventory》, a new menu appeared. You didn't feel the pull of mana activating the blessing.

Max Weight: 5,000 lbs | Max Capacity: 1,000 cubic ft.
Search: _______________________

Stored Objects:
<No Categories Created>

Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 11:34:23 AM
     "Oh, what's this?"  Jean said as he incremented some of his stats.  "Hmmm...  Do I just..."  He took the spear and tried sticking it into one of the pockets of his jerkin even though it clearly would not fit.

[info]Increasing INT, WIS, and MAG by 1[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 11:53:31 AM
The moment you had willed to store the spear away, even before placing it into your jerkin, the spear disappeared from your hands. Since you had the menu still open, you could see it. You noticed both the weight and capacity decreased.

Max Weight: 4,616 lbs | Max Capacity: 999 cubic ft.
Search: _______________________

Stored Objects:
Typhoon Spear[/okay]

Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 11:56:49 AM
     "Oh now that is very useful."  He concentrated on taking his spear back out then put it back in a few times as they walked.  "Very useful indeed."  He ended on leaving it in his inventory and then looked to The Book that was hanging from his belt and willed it into his inventory.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 12:44:13 PM
The moment you concentrated on taking the spear back out, only a fraction of a second for you to think the thought, it appeared in your hand again, and the familiar weight of the spear was back in your hands. The inventory screen updated too, going back to how it was before. Soon enough you put the spear and book into the inventory.

Max Weight: 5,000 lbs | Max Capacity: 1,000 cubic ft. | Weight Remaining: | Capacity Remaining:
Search: _______________________

Stored Objects:
Typhoon Spear
Book of the Old Ones[/okay]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 12:57:30 PM
     "So tell me about your people Amie."  Jean said looking at the burning houses on either side of the main road through the village.  "You said your father was a fighter.  What else does he do?  Clearly with a mansion like that you've got to have some money."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 01:04:01 PM
She nodded.

"The Eldricksen family are a long line of alchemists, it's said the beginnings of alchemy started from our family and a few others. The practice of the magic is a closely guarded secret, though there are others that can do it, just not as well as my family. We've been practicing the craft for many generations. My father completed many state-sponsored projects, and had a fleet of merchants too. Living here in Tathi though was just for us to get away from the city life. I was born here, and the other villagers... They're like family."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 01:35:29 PM
     "Interesting...  Alchemy you say?  The whole lead into gold, immortality potions, and philosopher's stone thing?"  Jean tapped his free hand on his chin.  "And you're here to escape the city.  Well I guess you succeeded by quite the long shot what with being in a whole 'nother world.  Who runs the town?  Is your father just a wealthy citizen or is he also the mayor or whatever leader your society uses?" 
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 02:02:27 PM
"Transmutation from one material to the next requires some knowledge of both substances, but yes... We're a wealthy family. But father isn't the mayor, no. That's Mayor Felson. The mayor is more than happy having our family stay here though."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 02:17:01 PM
     "I see... and how does the martial prowess fit into the whole alchemy thing?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 03:22:24 PM
"What my father teaches... It's all forms of alchemy. Transmutation, Projection, and Alkahestry. All three disciplines have a lot of interweave with each other, and there's lots of applicable uses for them all. Martial combat is just one of the uses." Amie explained. At that moment she held her hands out, and a second later, the two blades she had used materialized into being.

Dalina stared wide-eyed at what just happened. "Seeing this up close is really something. No incantation... and alchemy is some sort of magic?" Dalina asked, to which Amie simply nodded.

Amie then pulled back her sleeve, showcasing a thick metallic bracelet. "This bracelet is actually made of a couple of vials that hold mercury. When I create these weapons, I use the mercury inside along with some magic to temper and harden them, and seal their toxicity. Training in how to use these weapons was something my father did as well. He has a dojo at our home, but none of the other villagers show as much potential as I do in both fighting and alchemy."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 03:42:25 PM
     "Amazing...  perhaps he could teach me?  Magic is useful but my ability to expend power is limited.  It would be a good alternative to needing to summon my weapon at the start of every fight."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 03:52:39 PM
"I don't know... The magic you and umm... " Amie glanced at Dalina.

"Dalina." The priestess replied.

"The magic you and Dalina use is different than mine. I can do things like... Change the properties of objects, or transform them into other things, but the two of you... Uses something with ice and wind? Like the elements... I can approximate the ice by turning something into barium hydroxide octahydrate and amonium nitrate. But that whole thing with the tornado? Hero Rosalie on the other hand does even weirder magic. Like bringing me back to life..." She shook her head. "Your guys' magic seem more interesting."

The swords she held in her hand disappeared again.

"It is handy though... And it's not just limited to mercury, it's just that mercury is the easiest to work with. Plus I noticed you guys had to chant awhile to bring forth that magic. For me..." She flicked her hand again. "It can just happen if I concentrate enough."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 25, 2019, 07:35:54 PM
     "Ah yes that reminds me.  Uh, Rosalie was it?  I don't suppose you could use your magic to heal my apprentice when we get back to the mountain?
She was injured in an accident and I don't seem to have the same magical ability that you do."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 25, 2019, 07:58:23 PM
"I can't say for sure that I could help her, but I could try. Not really too sure what my magic can do yet, if it is a simple injury, I'm sure that I can do something though."  Rosalie looked around the village as they walked, surveying what destruction the demons had done.

[info] checking for anything worth noticing
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+16 : 9 + 16, total 25[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 25, 2019, 09:28:25 PM
[info]Perception: 25
Almost every one of the houses were burning. There were many villagers too who looked like they were trying to leave their homes only to be cut down. Men, women, and children. The demons killed anyone they would without regard or care. But thankfully, the destruction started to become less and less the closer to the river you came. From this distance you could see that past the river, there weren't any fires at all.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 26, 2019, 11:12:15 AM
     "Good, she isn't in any immediate danger but she is crippled.  It would be nice if she could regain the use of her legs."  As they approached the river Jean noticed the lack of devastation.  "Huh...  This part of the town seems less damaged as the square.  Almost as if the demons only just got here and haven't had a chance to go through the whole town.  When did the townsfolk first encounter the demons?"

[info]Perception check to see if anything pops out as amiss[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+12 : 8 + 12, total 20[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 26, 2019, 11:40:11 AM
When you finally reached the bridge, there was no one to greet you. There were no dead bodies at all on the other side of the river, nor were any of the houses on fire. There didn't seem to be any damage either. It was completely different to the side you were just on, and you couldn't help but feel something was off.

[info]Perception: 20
There were signs of battle. Though, it was strange as well. There were patches of ground where there were no grass at all, yes patches where there were. At times there were scorch marks on the dirt ground, though, they seemed staggered, and sometimes the scorch marks would abruptly end as if someone had purposefully cleaned them up. Another unique thing you noticed was the fact that some of the scorch marks that seemed as if it should have affected the bridge too, simply weren't there. You could clearly see dark streaks on the dirt right after the bridge. But where you expected the same streaks to continue, the bridge did not have any.

It was also then that you noticed the bodies of a few demons sitting on the river bed beneath the bridge.[/info]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 26, 2019, 11:58:51 AM
     "Huh...  Maybe they were able to hold off the demons at this bridge.  It seems like a decent choke point."  Said Jean, leaning over the edge slightly as they walked to look at the demon corpses that were in the riverbed.  "Hey!"  He shouted towards the mansion as they drew closer.  "We're here to rescue the village!  Anyone there?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 26, 2019, 07:15:28 PM
There was a second of silence after you called out, but soon enough the ground started to open up. Like a gaping maw the ground was parted, and from it, appeared a man wearing a white suit and pink hair. "Father." Amia said recognizing him immediately. Once the ground was parted, the man willed the dirt beneath him to rise up, or perhaps rather than willing it, he was creating more, expanding them, or simply moving them to his feet.


"Amie, you're back. These were the help you got?" The older man looked towards you and your group. "You made short work of them. Impressive." He glanced to the skies. "But your allies look like they're struggling."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 26, 2019, 07:59:20 PM
     "We would help them but we needed to know that there were no more demons down here in the village before we split our forces.  Is it safe to say that there are no demons here?"  Said Jean as he looked at the mansion behind Amie's father.  "Given the state of your house is it also safe to assume that there were other villagers that managed to survive the demon's initial attack?"
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 26, 2019, 09:08:08 PM
The man nodded.

"We knew there were demons, and we thought we were prepared. But when they appeared from the woods, it caught most of us by surprise. We lost... many. The remainder of the survivors in my mansion though. The basement floors are quite heavily fortified. But it's just as well that you arrived when you did. I fought off a couple of the demons, but with how many of them raging in the rest of the village, I wasn't quite sure how long it would be until I ran out of mana."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 27, 2019, 04:12:48 PM
    "Well then it might be wise for the one of us that can fly to take to the skies and help with the battle."  Said Jean looking to Rosalie.  "My companions and Amie can get started on preparing the evacuation and seeing what we can salvage of the town." He looked back to Amie's father.  "Mr...?  We have a relief force coming on horseback to help evacuate the town but if possible I'd like us to leave as soon as possible and meet them on their way.  There is a horde of demons closing in on the village of much greater numbers than what we just fought off and we don't want to have to fight a hard retreat.  Our forces are limited so risking them against the full might of the demonic horde would be devastating."  Jean began to make his way past Amie's father towards the mansion.  "We need to hurry.  Please, show me your house so that we can figure out how many we are taking and what of value we can take with us.  Time is of the essence.  Have the villagers gather together a wagon train of goods and whatever they can carry.  From what I understand you are an alchemist.  Show me what items of particular value you have and we will see how much of it we can salvage.  Dalina, Ren, you help make sure the villagers aren't harried by any flying demons that decide to abandon the battle in the skies."  He said untangling himself from Ren and giving her a pat on the butt.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 27, 2019, 10:20:02 PM
"I'm glad to see that you guys are alright on this side of the village. Valeriya and I can lend support to the rest of the troops in the air. If you don't mind us leaving the rest of the preparations to the rest of you. I'll be back as soon as I can be." Rosalie steps away from the group with a wave. "status."
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 28, 2019, 09:56:29 AM
"Due to my business ventures, I have a couple of wagons and horses in the stable. We haven't had time to do a full count of the survivors, but presumably someone with the rest of the survivors had done a count. I personally had been too... busy defending this side of the river."

The platform of elevated earth he was standing on then extended, forming a ground that had enough space for everyone to stand upon.

"Now. Come. The platform will take us to the shelter under my estate." He said in a commanding voice. Amie obediently started to climb atop it, while the rest of Jean's group looked towards Jean for guidance.

Rosalie Park
[okay]Rosalie Park
Magical Overkiller
Level 51

Condition: Slightly Injured, Drowsy

HP: 97/115
MP: 1139/3375
KP: 19/19
STR: 18
DEX: 21
CON: 20
INT: 31
WIS: 15
CHA: 16
MAG: 45

Blessings: Quick Learner, Mana Sensitivity, Translate All, Personal Status, Mana Capacity, Enchant, Modern Magician, Summon Bath[/okay]

QuoteOnce we have final words from Rosalie and her taking off, and we'll be splitting threads (temporarily?) for Chapter 13.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: pringerbeam on April 28, 2019, 10:34:50 AM
"Okay sure if that's the way you want to do it.  Come on."  Said Jean as he stepped into the platform.  He motioned for Dalina and Ren to do the same.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 28, 2019, 05:54:34 PM
Rosalie tapped Valeriya. "Let's heal up before we go." She chanted her spell a few times, letting the warm light of healing wash over the two of them. She waved to the rest of the group. "We'll see you soon. Be safe."

[info] Using heal on myself and Valeriya.

heal on me: [blockquote]Rolled 18d6 : 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, 4, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 2, total 67[/blockquote]

heal on Valeriya [blockquote]Rolled 18d6 : 3, 6, 1, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 6, total 52[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Throndir on April 28, 2019, 07:03:38 PM
QuoteValeriya is Injured, Rosalie is Uninjured. You can cast in again on her if you wish, do it on this thread, I'm assuming you're taking off, so I'm starting your next thread.

Amie's father nodded, then raised his hand at you as a farewell gesture. The earthen platform with him, Amie, Jean, and Jean's companions suddenly took off, speeding towards his estate.
Title: Re: [Jean/Rosalie] Chapter 12: Rescue Operation
Post by: Oath on April 28, 2019, 07:09:54 PM
[info] casting heal again

[blockquote]Rolled 18d6 : 2, 2, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2, 6, 1, 2, 5, 4, 2, total 49[/blockquote]