Fantasy World Creations

Misc. Roleplays => Inactive Roleplays => Roleplays => Angelberries => Topic started by: dehydromon on September 01, 2012, 02:36:14 PM

Title: Angelberries Information
Post by: dehydromon on September 01, 2012, 02:36:14 PM
The captures take place almost exclusively in Oceania, but the main part of the roleplay is going to take place in New Zealand. If you feel the need to create a fictional city in New Zealand, go for it. Just make sure it actually fits in New Zealand (It shouldn?t have a name you would only find in Russia or China). The date at the beginning of the main roleplay is September 15, 2004, near the beginning of Spring. The settings can vary a lot more in the Behind the Characters ( board.

You know the routine. Obey the General Forum Rules (, stick to the Roleplayer?s Creed (, and make sure to have fun and don?t make anyone mad. This Guide ( also has some nice pointers.

Characters (
For now, I?m only allowing people to play as regular humans or ?bearers? (humans who have lost their guardians and carry their powers). In the future, I may allow PCs to be angels and even demons, but not now. I?m also having a plane land on the south island with a bunch of passengers from the England area, so your character doesn?t have to be from New Zealand if you don?t want them to.

You can create NPCs if you want, but the rules still apply to them as they would a PC. The thing about NPCs is that you can?t be particularly angry if others use them, but anyone controlling an NPC should make sure they keep in-character. If you spend a lot of time controlling an NPC you created, you will be urged (not forced) to turn them into a PC.

Posting Frequency
Everyone knows live is busy, so there?s no need to force everyone to post right after the last person, but I do ask that everyone be sure to post at least once or twice a week. If this quota is not met, you can be put on probation. If you go a second week without posting and have not made it clear you will be away by posting in the OOC Thread, I will assume you have either died or been turned into a turnip and the rest of us will move on without you.

Posting Length
It should go without saying that your posts should be longer than just a sentence or two. My limit for roleplays related to Angelberries is posts contain at least three well-thought-out paragraphs each. Sometimes it doesn?t take that much to get the point across, but any less sometimes makes it too difficult for other roleplayers to reach that limit, and it all goes downhill from there. Don?t forget to read over these paragraphs after you?ve written them. Spelling and grammar errors should be hard to find.

Thank Yous
I encourage roleplayers to hit the Thank You button on a person?s post if you think that post deserves it.

Out of Character Chat (
Any and all Out of Character dialogue should go in the roleplay?s respective OOC Thread.

My primary reason for creating roleplays is to hatch some fresh new ideas to use in my own novels. By roleplaying in my roleplays, you agree to allow me to use elements of characters and their actions, as well as plot developments begun by the characters you use in this roleplay, in my own works.