Feature Request

Started by mrlemke, July 27, 2012, 09:42:45 PM

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I am not sure if this is in the right board, move as necessary. :p

This is the thread to post in if you want to see something supported in the engine. I will aggregate all features posted into a table to keep track of them all. Stages and status updates will also be presented along with each feature. Also listed is the different stages of each feature.


  • Consideration (figuring out if it's feasible/how it will work)
  • Prototyping (testing how well the design works)
  • Implementing (prototyping is successful)
  • Testing (making sure feature works as intended)
  • Completed (no obvious or game breaking bugs)

Use image as mapNone


I've been out for a while so not sure what engine you are talking about. Exactly what game engine are you referring too?


We had agreed upon the Eclipse engine. I believe Eclipse Origins 2, if I recall correctly.


Ahh... I've never used that engine before.


It's a Visual Basic 6 MMORPG engine. It's not a bad engine for small MMORPGs.


Any progress on the "Image to Map" idea?


Not yet, I'll be able to look at that Sunday (Monday if my mid term ain't done by then) and see if it's possible.


You will need to delete the maps, spells, items, npcs, shops and resources from the server data files to get rid of the tutorial data. After that disconnect the server then restart it and it should give  u clean server to start creation. Because the data is still in server files when i delete them on my end the load back up because the client data  loads off the server. the maps i create will save in server data.


I'm going to actually create a section for the TM:RAT that will contain all the ideas, but until then:

Character Effects

  • Survival - character must have ample food, water and sleep or stats suffer

    • Lack of food causes disorientation and inability to focus, combat sevearly suffer, random chance 1% of adrenaline boost (starvation) causing greater damage. food symbol appears above head and in stats.
    • Lack of sleep causes frustration and inability to comprehend complicated processes, random chance of passing out 5% per level of sleep deprevation.
    • Lack of water causes sever dehydration, body suffers very quickly based off of constitution.  Chance of death increases per level of dehydration.
  • Injury System - scaled as close to realistic as possible, injuries get worse if not attended to.
  • Morality system - choice of killing enemies during combat or simply knocking them out or avoiding combat all together.
  • All characters start out neutral and develop their alignment through play
  • Conversation system - various responses during conversation Good/Neutral/Anarchic
  • Depending on skills other options can be opened in conversation
  • Alarm system for certain areas (puzzle)
  • Programming/Hacking Skills can help bypass certain areas
  • Starving characters, have reduced dexterity, intelligence and constitution grows worse the longer the character starves.
  • Characters can be permanently imprisoned if crimes are sever enough, will need to broken out by other players

More to come and more elaboration.


Very good ideas Hasa in my opinion.. It actually brings it more into rpg fashion than what most mmorpgs now and days.