Fantasy World Creations

Misc. Roleplays => Hero Legends RPG => Inactive Roleplays => Roleplays => Order (Heroes) => Topic started by: Throndir on March 09, 2013, 10:08:30 PM

Title: Technological Psionics: Mindsense
Post by: Throndir on March 09, 2013, 10:08:30 PM

Name: Megella Ainsworth
Alias: Mindsense
Country of Origin: England
Age: 15
Build: Light
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5' 3"
Eyes: Hazel (before integration with suit), Currently Orange/Red.
Hair: Dark haired.


Megella Ainsworth is part of the prestigious Ainsworth family of England. For many generations, the Ainsworth have provided either a technological marvel, or made into light some sort of important discovery in each generation. Though they aren't officially connected with the English government or secret services, many of their discoveries and technological findings eventually make its way to to the them; either sold to their military, or given as part of a gift.

Cain Ainsworth, the last Ainsworth from the main line, as well as a bright and talented scientist and engineer had been working on various projects related to nanomachines and their application. It was through his development and experiments that his only daughter, Megella Ainsworth, came to be intrigued and even interested in the sciences. Already a bright student like the rest of her family, she was already years ahead of her fellow peers thanks to her father of course, who even though was busy with his work, still spent plenty of time with her to both teach and guide her through many things. Soon when her classmates was still only venturing into early algebra she would have already mastered advanced calculus among a plethora of other subjects. She was on the track to be like most of the other Ainsworth, talented and a prodigy, and she herself was pleased that she was following in the footsteps of her father.

As she grew in knowledge, her father let her help him in his work. Doing her own experiments under his guidance, or helping her father assemble peices together for the latest project he was working on, the Crius II body suit. The first prototype, Crius I, was already a marvel in itself, making use of nanotechnology to boost the senses of wearer. Cain Ainsworth was planning to design the suit as an aid to the physically impaired, and for that purpose the suit had already done its job well.

However, in the middle of her father's work, Cain Ainsworth abruptly stopped the development of Crius I, and began work on Crius II. Her father didn't say much about the change of work. At first he had told her that she shouldn't help him in the project, but Megella was persistant. She would sneak into the lab to read what her father was doing, and even continue some of her own experiments based on the new specifications that her father had laid out. It was in this way that Megella had found out that what her father was working on was vastly different from what he originally intended the suit to be. Though the suit kept its function of increasing physical movement, it was weaponized, that much Megella knew for certain. It wasn't long until her father had found out that Megella had been sneaking into the lab, but instead of berating her, he instead set her with more work to do. Yet even though he fully supported her, Megella knew that there were some aspects of the suit that her father kept hidden from her. Missing modules, circuitry where none should be needed, as well as other anomalies that point to more functions than what was apparent.

Megella noticed that her father seemed to grow frantic as the weeks went on developing the suit. Megella decided not ask however, as her father was usually open to her. Teaching her advance sciences and math, as well as instructing her on the project that he was working on. It was a pleasant life for Megella. And if Megella could have decided then, she would have wished for that life to continue.

However, it didn't last long. In the middle of the night there was a loud explosion that resounded throughout the Ainsworth mansion. The blast immediately had woken up Megella. Always the inquisitive one, Megella ventured towards the source of the explosion: it was the lab. Inputting the security code, the door that marked the entrance to the lab opened and Megella quickly made her way down. She heard sounds of gunshots, as well as voices of men - none being the voice of her father. Alarmed, she quickened her pace. No one else was supposed to have access to the labs beneath their home, not to mention the sounds of gunfire that shook Megella to her very core.

Once she had made it to the lab, there she found her father agaisnt a wall with blood pooling around him. There was fire everywhere, as smoke started to slowly fill the entirety of the lab. Her father spoke to her, calming her down as she frantically made her way to him, her eyes watering full of tears. "Theives... theives..." the words her father last spoke. Yet there was nothing she could do. She watched hopelessly as the light in his eyes slowly faded away until finally it was gone. There was nothing left but a lifeless corpse.

Another explosion resounded, adding more fires to the already intense heat that surrounded her. At that moment Megella pulled herself from her father, heading straight towards where the suit Crius II was held. It was the first thing that came to her mind as she quickly glanced around to salvage anything of her father's work. As she readied herself into position, she spoke the command word to give the order for the suit to come online. The mechanical wonder locked itself unto her arms, then her legs, and finally on her chest. She winced in pain as sharp needles punctured her skin, pumping various nanomachines into her body, each designed for their own task. But the joining was complete.

Immediately Megella felt the sensations. It was as if she could feel the very lab around her. Not just sensing or seeing them, but actually knowing what each part and peice of the lab was. She felt every slight whirring of the suit, the liquid in the numerous vials still rippling from the explosion, the movements of the various machines inside her as well as in the lab, and even the sounds of footsteps farther off into the lab; the footsteps of the intruders. It was all Megella needed to know, and without further thought she stormed in the direction where the intruders were, intent on making them pay for what they've done.

As she finally closed the distance, all she could see was a single person. She knew there were others, but for some reason or another only one had stayed behind, with the rest hauling something and going further and further away from them. Gunfire greeted her as she closed the distance, she was in shock, yet something in her mind told her how to deflect the bullets, and without even giving it further thought, the bullets were deflected as some sort of shield sprung to life. Again, as she moved closer, that same thought in her mind told her what to do next, lifting her left hand and spreading her palm outwards, she focused her thoughts to the man with the gun. Her mind ventured inside, and though it was only a fraction of a second to the outside world, Megella had begun and finished rewiring and reconnecting what represented itself as wires and cables inside the man's mind. The light in that section of the lab had gone out, so Megella couldn't see his face, but she knew that the man was in panic. He yelled out to his comrades who were already a disance away for help as he took his gun to fire randomly where he had last seen that armored girl, but the bullets weren't even close to hitting their mark.

Afterall, the man had just been blinded.

It didn't take long for her to close the gap and incapacitate the man, but as she started making her way towards the other intruders she realized that it was already too late. There was debris everywhere as a large hole marred the once pristine lab; opening the lab to the outside world. She stretched her senses to as far as they could go, but the men were no where in sight. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she moved to pull the glasses off her face. But as she did so, she noticed she no longer needed them. She wiped her eyes as she started walking over the rubble, feeling the heat from the fires behind her.

Power Type: Technology
Archetype: Ranged
Powers: What powers your characters has no more the 3 powers in total.
Travel Power: Flight, through rocket boosters.
Main Power: Alter Senses
Minor Power #1: Shield
Minor Power #2: Cannon

Equipment: Crius II - Prototype Body Suit

I'll right more details on those powers later.

Title: Re: Technological Psionics: Mindsense
Post by: Hasabushi on April 03, 2013, 07:40:53 PM
[catbar]Power Breakdown[/catbar]

Main Powers:
Nanite Infusement (mecha suit): the hero's entire body is enhanced by nanites that increase strength, dexterity and intelligence, responses are quicker as are abilities to strategically analyze a situation.

Psionic Powers
Altered Senses(innate): Able to sense things that cannot normally be sensed on a conscious level. The ability acts as a type of mental radar that can map out an area, based off of psionic "blasts" that ping back information to the user. Returning data of various types, Auditory, Optical and tactile.

Psionic Stun: This power can only be used 1+1 per levels times a day, it acts like a stun gun directly assaulting the targeted enemies nervous system, and will stun for 1D4 melee rounds.

Photonic Control (mecha suit infused)
Photon Control(mecha suit): The hero is able to control light in various ways, such as creating a shield of energy to firing blasts of highly particalized photon's/anti-photons.

Level 1-5 Photonic Powers
Create molecular shield - The hero (in power-suit) is able to form a hard bubble around herself or her teammates by simply causing molecules to vibrate at higher frequencies, this makes a effective defense against energy or frequency based weapons. The shield is less effective against direct assault by impact type weapons. This should not be used with Absorb Damage as the energy drain would be dangerous.

Create photon energy blast - The hero (in power-suit) can manipulate photon particles into a cohesive beam that can be directed through an appendage to fire from the palms or through other means. Energy blasts produce an AOE limited splash effect to units adjacent to ones being attacked. energy can also be formed into simple melee weapons such as swords, or staves (1D6+2).

Absorb damage - The hero (in power-suit) can absorb damage to a limited extent, this is in essence being able to redirect some of the kinetic energy therefore dissipating most of the damage (1D6+1 every 5 levels). This generally only effective against melee, hand-to-hand combat or projectile style weapons. This should not be used in combination with Molecular Shield as the energy drain would be dangerous.

Combat Modes:
Mode 1 - Long range attack utilizing hand cannon and arm energy shield, to reduce incoming long range attacks.
Mode 2 - hand-to-hand combat utilizing solid energy constructs and arm shield ( hand cannon retracts back over forearm
Mode 3 - Planted long range cannon (non mobile) both arms are brought to together forming a long range artillery style energy weapon. (think Blue Beetle)

The mech suit is powered by a form of solar radition which can be stored for use by the nanites when called upon. The suit requires at least 2 hours of uniterrupted charging time. A full charge can last several days on normal power use. The nanites can also use other types of radiation such as EM, GAMMA, ADON, etc though not as effectively as solar particle radition.

System Failures:
Due to the fact that the suit is a prototype and has not been fully tested, the possibility for unanticpated failures exist. There is a slight chance (2%) that when using any of the suits functions, of failures occuring ranging from undetectable to catastrophic requiring a reboot of all systems. The chances of this increase as the nanites are required to preform more advanced tasks or preform several tasks at once. EMP blasts will cause a complete systems failure, requiring a reboot of all systems, and some downtime.

Protection limitations:
The nanites within the system can protect the wearer for a limited time from toxic enviroments, loss of oxygen, drastic changes in pressure or enviroment. They essentialy release oxygen resevoirs into the blood limiting the need to breath normally however, this process will quickly use up any energy in the suit.

Nanite Failure:
If at any point the nanites cease to function, the hero can still operate off the residual energy for a time, although any use of photonic control or psionic abilities, could quickly deplete the residual, rendering the hero helpless.