Book 1 - Chapter 4: Forward, to Conflict

Started by Asta, February 20, 2021, 01:58:18 PM

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     "But of course. Hunting is an important skill for one of my lineage. Though this hunt lacks the proper tools of a civilized pursuit, it still is a skill that runs in my blood and a such poses little challenge." Replied Thedrin as he tried to follow the signs from before.

[info]Survival check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote][/info]


Following the trail that her companions had picked up Cecilia continues to look for signs of goblins.

[info]knowledge local
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 5 + 8, total 13[/blockquote]


[info][blockquote]Survival 1d20+3 : 15 + 3, total 18[/blockquote]/info]


Location: Southeast of Telan
Date: Oaeksaber 25, Resdey, 795
Time: 1330

Continuing in the direction of the previous set of tracks, some time later Rhenri spots evidence of goblin movement. Depressions in the soil indicate a number of goblins and more than one hob passed this way no more than a day or two ago. It would seem your group was drawing closer. The tracks turned slightly more southern here, and so you follow along to continue the search. By now the sun has already passed its zenith and continues its course to the horizon.


[info][blockquote]Survival 1d20+3 : 19 + 3, total 22[/blockquote]


[info] Survival check[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote][/info]


[info] knowledge local.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 1 + 8, total 9[/blockquote]


Location: Southeast of Telan
Date: Oaeksaber 25, Resdey, 795
Time: 1630

A handful of hours pass as you follow the remnants of the trail left by your prey and though it seems for a moment you wont find any more tracks this day, Rhenri and Thedrin both spot the telltale signs that a group of humanoids have come this way. Scathach dismounts quickly to check the prints.

"These are really fresh. A few hours old at most, we're getting close... We should be careful from here on."

Location: Southeast of Telan
Date: Oaeksaber 25, Resdey, 795
Time: 1930

Some time later, Scathach proves to be right. In the distance, silhouetted by the last vestiges of twilight you spot a crumbling tower upon a low hill. Beside it, a campfire shines like a beacon in the gloom. It seems your search is over.


Location: Telan
Date: Oeksaber 26, Erstdey 795
Time: 1630

After a full day's ride you once again have returned to Telan, this time with the addition of your goblin captive and the odd wolf. The goblin, having long since awoken from his magic induced sleep has been chattering almost constantly in his incomprehensible gibberish language. At one point Scathach became so fed up with hearing the noise she fitted a gag on the creature to stifle its nonsense. The wolf too awoke some time ago, and though it initially struggled against its bindings it seems to have accepted that it will not be making an escape.

The military camp outside of town is still mostly empty, as the other search parties haven't yet returned. However, it seems that Captain Maddox's group came back early at some point.


     Thedrin strolled into the camp, head practically floating off his shoulders he held it so aloft, and made for the captain. "Captain! We have returned with not only the goblin prisoner you requested, but a foul beast that has been preying upon the locals as well!" He said with a grandiose sweep of his arm to the prisoners. "All in little over a day's work."


Captain Maddox takes note of your approach with a raised eyebrow. "Is that so? Fine work then, the four of you are as capable as you implied."

He takes a moment to study the beast slung across Scathach's horse. "A worg. Nasty. You said it was preying on the locals? They're known to work in concert with goblins on occasion, we should find out from our little green captive if there are any in their ranks... For the time being we should see it strongly caged, worgs have an unnatural cunning. We can figure out what to do with it once we're done interrogating the goblin."

A short while later, you find yourselves invited to a small tent where your goblin captive has been tied to a post. Captain Maddox, Sergeant Eoan, Private Calcote, and and a soldier dressed in the garb of a mage are present.

"Let's see this done then." Maddox says, nodding to Calcote who then removes the gag Scathach had placed in the goblin's mouth.

"Daagaan an or ghac shal?" Calcote asks the goblin, twisting his mouth to form the harsh sounds of it's language.

In response, your captive begins to gibber at a frantic pace while hissing and spitting in the general direction of your party.

"The hell did it say?" Scathach asks, arms folded.

"Ahh... well... Nothing about what I asked about. It's mostly ranting about how mad it is you tied him up." The goblin continued to rave while Calcote answered. "He has some very... choice words about you in particular." Another barrage of incomprehensible gibberish spewed from the creature's mouth before it spread into a wide and sinister grin. "Oh my, that was completely uncalled for."

"Tuul dar arlac ac taan ghec shor or or maal." The goblin frowns at this before spitting again on the ground. "I told him if he said that again, you'd cut his head off."

"Now I'm curious." Scathach remarked.

"I would rather not repeat it..." Calcote returned, blushing slightly.

Nearby, Maddox sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Enough. Lieutenant, do it." He waved the unfamiliar mage forward, who nodded at the command and began to cast a short spell. With a flourish of his hand, the spell completed; the goblin, who had been struggling vainly at his bindings suddenly jerked upright and ridged before its eyes glazed over and it slumped forward into a relaxed state.

"It is under my control. Ask away." the mage said.

Calcote again askes the goblin a question. "Muul ghakec agaan o? Daagaan an or ghac shal?"

This time, the goblin responds slowly and in monotone, its mind dominated by the mage. "Ghuur akhuuc ghuur. Daan haar drar ghal. Daan dar, mokec dhuur dhaan."

"Well?" asks Maddox.

"Ah, well. Goblins are a bit figurative in their way of describing things... From what I gather, there are quite a lot of them gathered at some place he calls 'The Great Dark Maw'. I don't know what that is, do any of you?"


Cecilia watched the interrogation with great curiosity, she hadn't ever seen something like it. After hearing about 'The Great Dark Maw' she tried to think of any nearby locations that could fit that description.

[info] knowledge local.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 20 + 8, total 28[/blockquote]


[info]Scouring her memories for anything useful, Cecilia recalls some information that she probably read in a book regarding landmarks of the steppe:

"To the south east of the village of Telan, lies an extensive network of black limestone caverns that worm their way into the base of a mountain. The caves are largely unexplored due to their remoteness. Local nomadic groups have more than one legend about an "entrance to the underworld" located in one such cave.[/info]


"If memory serves, this "Great Dark Maw" that they are referring to could be south east of Telan. I've heard that there are black limestone caverns that some groups have claimed contain an entrance to the underworld. Might be worth asking around for some more information."

Cecilia was hopeful that this would set them on the right track.


     "Hmmm... That seems prudent I guess. I wonder what the goblins would want with some damp cave in the middle of nowhere. Other than the fact that it must seem akin to a palace to their primitive sensibilities." Said Thedrin. The focus on the goblin's interrogation having bored him, he was already looking forward to a solid meal. "I could ask around the tavern to see if they have any duck... I mean information about this hellgate or whatever."