[Interest Check] modern Anime/JRpg Rp

Started by Mysticsage, July 26, 2013, 10:22:55 AM

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  Using the new revised edition of the OVA role playing system that is coming out in august, I want to create a world that is almost completely driven in some form by the players' actions and relationships.   To that end the game itself while draw from every anime and manga genres/themes to provide as much diversity as possible (PG 13 limitations for obvious reasons). The game itself will begin in a modern setting that is as normal as possible whether it stays that way is up to players actions.

Story Synopsis

The world where we live our daily lives is Spiraling into insanity. This is in no place more true then in the small town of Haverford New York where the entire town and all its inhabitants are transforming into anime characters. Only a select number of students from the local high school have the power to influence the change. Will they try saving the town and keep the curse from running amok or will they allow the curse to swallow the entire world. All the while they have to daily with daily life, along with the ever-greater changes of their surrounding, and finding who is the mastermind behind it all. It is up to them to defend the peace or manipulate things as they wish.

Important info
All player characters will be sophomores from the town's only high school where the story will focus on in the beginning to build a base from.

All characters will begin as normal human beings who will gain powers and abilities as the story progresses.

No player characters may be first generation immigrants/transfer students from Asia.

A system of relationship points and bonds will be implemented in addition to regular OVA Rules. This can be gotten through multiple interactions and choices involving both player characters and NPCs. These can be used to influence the story as well as acquire unique powers/abilities. These can be acquired in both the main story and one on one personal sidequests that can be used to further a character's personal story.

Character creation

Because of the nature of OVA system and the fact that it will not actually be released for a week or so, the nature of creating a character will be simple from the player's side of thing. All that is required is:

Hair color*
Eye Color*

Favorite things
Hated things

Background/ general personal history*

At least two people you share close bonds with
            May be siblings, friends, or other player characters
            Quick summary if npcs

*Subject to change

After the release I will go through and create the sheey with traits and flaws, which can be reviewed and revised. Keep in mind that the player characters also will be affected by the curse.

If enough people are interested things will start as soon as possible. If anyone wants in and still needs to make a character when the book is released I'd be happy to help at any point to make things easier. I'm also free to help out before then if people are stuck or only have enough free time for basic ideas and not a full character. If I'm not on just send a pm.

If you want to look at some pre made characters and how the system works here is a link that will have more details on the game works in general.



place holder for Linwelin because his profile is having problems


I'll be joining as well, got and idea for a character :D


Posting just for confirmation, since I talked about it in the shoutbox already :)


I'm interested, but had a question.
So, the progression into an anime character is gradual? Or is it like a sudden transformation?


Boom! Instant magical girl!

Actually wait. First we need a transformation sequence. XD


So the change into an anime character will happen gradually to the people and the surrounding area about 99% of the time. Unless something really unexpected happens it will always be gradjaul so that it is easier for players to affect and interact with those changes. Plus it adds a little more tension to see your friends and family slowly becoming different people without them realizing it.



Washington high and the surrounding school district services three small towns in the upper state New York area about three or so hours from any large city. Traverse Ward where all the schools are located is by far the largest and most heavily populated of the three. However it is also the least usable agriculturally. The other two are an average half hour bus ride in opposite directions from the main hub of the largest town. Both Rawchester and Veilstone relay greatly on the third as a avenue to be less isolated which is not saying much. As such the town where the school is located is the most developed even sporting a number of chain stores here or there. One thing these places have in spades however is unwanted and unusable land. The three towns relay on each other greatly if one of the three were to stop existing the other two would completely fall apart.

Is the least rural and has the most amount of shops of all three as well as the most people living there. Back in the early 1900's the town was known for having a number of very wealthy residents who made thier homes there. As such there are a number of old mansions in a secluded section of town known as the Grove. Most of these homes are now completely abandoned due to how quickly people realized how bad the land was for almost anything except as a traveling point between  the port of New York City and other large areas. Later it became a suburban  haven to mostly the middlle and lower class who wish to live in the country while still being near the major city.

The sister city to Vielstone is holding on only because of the hiking trails in the area. The  people who live there subsit on being the only of the three cities that can grow anything of value. While not the best by any means it is enough for a humble farmers market every now and again. Most people in this area commute to either travereseWard or NYC for work. The people here are hearty and enjoy the nature and privacy of this small area.

Has a small lake which most from other places would call a puddle. However this and the connecting streams feed most of the rural water needs for the other two towns. The people here tend to be far more far looking then then the other two areas.