Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => The Guild of Galas'nor => Tales of the Guild (IC) => Topic started by: Neko on January 31, 2014, 11:44:21 PM

Title: Nyaoko's Grand Entrance
Post by: Neko on January 31, 2014, 11:44:21 PM
[[This is a freeform open to anyone ;D .]]

It was a gorgeous day! The sun's rays washed over Ternadan, bathing the city in its warmth. Everyone was out and about, happily taking in the sunshine as they completed their daily tasks. Marching ever so confidently through the crowd was an unfamiliar face...and race. The girl's fluffy tail swished to and fro, dark feline ears poking from her light blonde hair. While many races graced the streets of Ternadan, few people had ever seen a creature such as her. Coming from quite a ways away, it was rare to see nekomimi so far from home. She showed no sign of confusion, or fear. Rather ? It looked as if she knew exactly where she was headed. Trailing behind the unique creature was another similar to herself. He was quite a bit smaller, however, and seemed to stick very close to the taller female.

It took little time for the nekomimi to reach her destination, a smile playing across her features as her gloved hands reached for the guild's doors. Finally...they had made it! The Guild of Galas'nor!

The journey had been long, and tiring...but, hopefully, it would be worth it. Her confidence only grew as she walked through the entrance, her tail perked as she greeted the people, who she assumed, would be her new guild mates...

However, the words she spoke would be understood by little, to none.

?Ellohnyu, uildgyu embersmyu! Ymyu amenyu isnyan Nyaoko Nyun!
Itnyan isnyu anyu easureplyu otnya eetmyu ouynya! Inyan omecnyu
omfryu ethnyun arfnyu Eastnyan. Inyan avehnyu eenbyu entsnya ybyu ethnyun
oyalrnyu amilyfyu otnya akemyu onnectionscnyu erehyu innyan
Ernadantyu, asnyan ellwnyu asnyan ethnyun eighboringnnyu itiescnyu.
Ybyu oiningjnyu ouynyan, Inyan alsonyan ishwnyu otnya improvenyan ymyu
illssknya innyan ombatcyu. Althoughnyu Inyan amnyan anyan easonedsnyu
ighterfyu, ymyu amilyfyu eelsfyu ouynyan ancnyu alwaysnyan ebnyu
ongerstrnyu! Easeplyu, acceptnyan isthnyu asnyan anyu okentnyu ofnyan
iendshipfryu - Anyan iftgnyu, ifnyan ouynya illwyu, omfrnyu ethnyun
ingdomkyu ofnyan Aztia.?

[spoiler=Translation]Hello, guild members! My name is Nyaoko Nyun! It is a pleasure to meet you! I come from the far East. I have been sent by the royal family to make connections here in Ternadan, as well as the neighboring cities. By joining you, I also wish to improve my skills in combat. Although I am a seasoned fighter, my family feels you can always be stronger! Please, accept this as a token of friendship - A gift, if you will, from the kingdom of Aztia.[/spoiler]

Finishing her speech, the neko dropped a dead bird on the floor, a shiny red ribbon wrapped around it. She then proceeded to execute a low bow, tapping her younger companions shoulder as if encouraging him to do the same. A large scythe sat at Nyaoko's back, chakrams at her belt. The weapons, like herself, were different.

Resuming an upright position, she looked at those around her expectantly.
Title: Re: Nyaoko's Grand Entrance
Post by: Throndir on February 01, 2014, 03:13:53 PM
The journey was long, not to mention all the various adventures he and Nyaoko has been through since leaving their home kingdom. Mountains, deserts, rivers, and forests, the journey had literally taken weeks to accomplish, and finally here they were, wherever ?here? was. His big sister had to go on some sort of royal mission to journey this far, but Nyuku couldn?t just let her do that! She?d get in waaay too much trouble, and if he wasn?t around to pull her out of all the trouble she?d get into what then? Besides, Nyuko wasn?t just about to let his sister explore the world without him. She needed him. In truth, it was probably much the opposite, but it wasn?t a fact that Nyuko let into his thoughts. So when Nyaoko finally nudged him to grant the customary bow in their culture to the strangers, he proceeded to step forward and bow low just like his sister. He stood back up momentarily again however, his speech in the same foreign language.

"Everyoneyan! Eattryan ymyun istersyan ellwan! E'vewnyan omecnyun anya onglnya aywnyan onyan anyan eryvyan importantnya issionmyan, andyan ifnyan anyoneyan oesdnyan anythingyan eanmnyan, ellwyan I'mnyan oinggnya otyan akemyan uresnyan ouyyan on'tdyan!"

[spoiler=Translation]Everyone! Treat my sister well! We've come a long way on a very important mission, and if anyone does anything mean, well I'm going to make sure you don't![/spoiler]

With that Nyuko changed his stance showing off the two claw-like weapons on each of his arms and hands, he was making sure he proved a point.
Title: Re: Nyaoko's Grand Entrance
Post by: Mysticsage on February 01, 2014, 04:11:55 PM
Kryas continued to play a little tune in the corner providing the tavern with some much need music, as he tended to do when not on one of his own little escapades. He was positioned as per usual near the now empty hearth with a clear view of the door.  And out into the street. During this time of day the guard station tended to be empty due to the shear number of guild members sitting around the place. He could see two rather small looking seemingly catfolk enter the place. Kryas smiled instantly he had a soft spot for quirky interesting things and people, espically cut things he could tease a little bit.

He couldn?t hear what the two were saying over the noise, but chuckled as the younger male took a defensive stance. Siblings maybe he wondered to himself, but it seemed like no one had yet to notice the pair yet besides himself so perhaps he could do the proper thing and greet them. Finishing the song quickly he stood and began to walk towards them before stopping mid step to riffle through his bag next to him. Pulling something out in a fist he tied a red wrist attached to something in his hand.

Moving to greet them once more he stopped a respectable difference his arms open wide ?Welcome to the Guild of Galas?nor young ones!? He smiled happily, ?My name is Kryas Windsel do you perhaps need the guild or are you just seeing the sights of our fair city?" he said to the pair and returned the bow that they had given to no one in particular before. As he did he noticed the dead bird at his feet he grimaced at the death slightly it was a songbird but judging from the pairs demeanor he could guess what the gesture was. He had dealt with similar rituals before.

?Ah! And I see you?ve brought us a gift I would be over joyed to except this gift on the guilds behalf if that?s all right??
He would maybe ask one of the others to see if they might help him bury the poor thing out in the gardens somewhere.

Title: Lyolf's Dynamic Entrance
Post by: Lance on February 01, 2014, 07:03:21 PM
The elf yawned. It was sunny today, and while some would consider the day "gorgeous," he found he simply could not draw the same conclusion. For already, the scorching warmth was getting to him, wearing him out just as any other terrible ordeal would. Thus, he had been engaged in idle chatter all morning with other similarly-minded guild members, as well as the raven familiar currently asleep at his side, all in a vain attempt to take his mind off this accursed heat. Just how in Elodria do people equate being roasted alive with gorgeousness anyways? he pondered once again.

That single merciless thought had hounded him all morning. But, with another prolonged yawn, Lyolf plopped down on the table that was his customary position in the guild hall, once again unable to fathom any viable answer. And it was then, as the magus was lying dormant on his favored location, that the guild's doors opened once more with a subdued sound, and Lyolf found himself turning its way, expecting to find yet another returning guild member coming back from some mission or another.

[spoiler=But instead, his eyes met with...]
Furballs. Two of them.

Nyun? Yan? Nyaoko Nyun? The words they uttered, if they really were words, were unfamiliar to the elf, though he somehow felt that the last part was a name of some sort, or at least a title. However, thinking that the pair were prospective clients, and having little else to do, the mage made his way towards the odd duo, rousing the bird that slept on his shoulder as he did so.

Was it their strange physical features that had so captured his attention, he wondered; Their feline eyes and cat-like ears. Or perhaps it had more to do with the current disposition they displayed as well as that strange -language?- they spoke, his mind offered. But if not that, then perhaps it was the unique aura they exuded, that unnatural, but not malign, atmosphere that seemed to perpetuate their surroundings.

He yawned once more, and with a final stretch, continued his steady approach. Regardless of the reason, whether it was a physical reason or a spiritual one that had drawn him in, it did not matter now. The pair appeared as clients and he was, despite himself, a full-fledged member of the guild of Galas'nor. This was his job ever since joining the prestigious guild, to aid those in need. It was a noble purpose and one he accepted proudly.

But noticing sudden movement on his shoulder, Lyolf began poking the quickly-waking-raven squarely on its head-or tried to. Uli had bitten the threatening finger with a glare reminiscent of a greater demon. "It had been a pleasant dream too," the raven remarked, applying yet more pressure to its bite.

However despite Uli's uniqueness, the raven was still just a raven, and could thus only summon so much strength in its grip. Eventually, the familiar gave up trying to mow through the tiny appendage completely, and instead resorted to silent glares, all of which were directed to its master, who was even now trying desperately hard to suppress a chuckle. But failing. That only furthered the bird's ire.

Of course by then, the elf and his raven were practically face-to-face with the two cat people. "Look Uli," Lyolf declared, pointing at the ribbon-wrapped bird dead at his feet. "That could have been you." "Look Lyolf," his familiar immediately countered, while giving the mage's finger its fiercest bite yet. "THAT could have been you."

It kinda IS me, Lyolf thought but did not say, finally retracting his finger through the unprecipitated pain. There was no need to anger Uli further, he knew. He wasn't suicidal.

However all birds and apocalyptic vengeance aside, there was still the matter of the two furballs to be dealt with. Apparently, the guild's resident bard had begun negotiations first, speaking in fluid common to the odd pair. But did they even understand common? The magus thought. Sure the language was common and all, but given the way they introduced themselves, perhaps common wasn't enough.

Then, was there another language he knew that could better send his message across, he thought. And with a smile, he decided that the language he was going to use, the language that was the closest match to what he had just heard...

[spoiler=It was...]
"Eyhdie, ymdie amenkill siSLAUGHTER Lyolf. Ikill aketdie tiGENOCIDE ourydie amenkill sislaughter Nyaoko Nyun-DIE!?."


"Hey, my name is Lyolf. I take it your name is Nyaoko Nyun?"

Lyolf made certain to properly pronounce every syllable of his chosen language with a cheery smile. He was certain, beyond all doubt, that his mastery over the language would have made any orc proud.   
Title: Re: Nyaoko's Grand Entrance
Post by: Ella on February 01, 2014, 11:23:14 PM
Callista Fae

People came and went all the at the Guild. People of all sorts of races that Callista had never seen before. The new species were always an interest to her. There were so many things you could learn from other cultures! So many interesting ideas, just perfect for use in pranks on yet other people who were unfamiliar with those cultures.

This last week had been rather dull compared to her previous few months with the guild, though. Most of the missions and job offers presented at the guild were of little to no interest to the fae. Most of the visitors seeking the Guild for some reason or another were regulars or uninteresting. Of course, she might have just not been around when the interesting things happened. She would be really upset if she found out it was someone's idea of a joke to play on her.

The small faerie, high up and well-hidden in the main entrance of the guild, looked at her fellow guild mates that were also spending time in the lobby. Were any of them the culprits? Did they know she was up there and somehow keeping interesting persons away? Maybe they had someone else outside checking for interesting people. Maybe... Maybe... WHAT WAS THAT?!

A girl and a boy, both with fluffy animal-looking ears, walked into the lobby. ANIMAL EARS. FLUFFY ANIMAL EARS. And... and... A TAIL. Were they real? Was it some sort of trick? Callista wanted animal ears and a tail. She could imagine people's faces as she appeared with such body parts. Hahahahaha~ That would be so much fun! Why had she not thought of that before? Now this girl and boy were stealing all the fun!

Callista could not hear what the girl or boy had said, but she knew that she must go down to investigate. Actually, nevermind. She noticed the girl drop the dead bird. Maybe they were there to hunt her down? Had she gone to far again? Had the guild called them in because they were tired of her tricks? She did not think she had done anything upsetting enough to her fellow guild members for them to try to chase her off or kill her, but maybe she had by accident?

Making sure that she was definitely out of sight, the fae watched her guild mates talk to the two. If they were dangerous, if they were after her, would Annia or Aria help her?
Title: Re: Nyaoko's Grand Entrance
Post by: Neko on August 07, 2014, 12:01:55 PM
Oh yes, this was exciting! Although most people seemed distracted or caught up in their own endeavors, a couple of what she assumed to be guild members approached. Nyaoko sent the duo a smile, her tail flickering.


But what was this??

She was quick to pick up the scent, her eyes locking ever so quickly onto a dark feathery creature. Surely, their eyes had met ? And surely, her brother had picked up on the creature just as fast. She carefully placed a hand on her brother?s fluffy blonde hair, a way of reminding the smaller feline they needed to keep themselves in check. Although she had more practice holding back her instincts, at times it was still hard?especially when people were shoving a mouthwatering meal right in your face.

Nyaoko turned her attention to the first man, nodding quickly as he offered to accept their gift. Yes! Phase one of the entrance had been completed. Her mother had said, once a gift was accepted, there was simply no way they could refuse you entry! Her attention turned next to the second arrival, doing her best to look him in the eye, rather than eyeing his scrumptious raven. Her face was one of confusion as he begun spouting some form of?orcish? She couldn?t be sure. She looked to her brother, wondering if he was just as lost.

?Ah!..? Nyaoko suddenly exclaimed. Unfortunately, it was true, the cat couldn't speak common well. However, she could understand it. Some words confused her, and she could only speak a select few of the words herself (The cat also couldn?t help but feel embarrassed when speaking common, knowing how bad her pronunciations were). The nekomimi quickly dug through her pouch, offering the one named Kryas a special note. Nyaoko had almost forgotten ? Their mother had given them a written letter, better explaining the situation.

The letter had simply restated what Nyaoko said during her introduction, only in common. Coming from the royal family in Aztia, the two neko wished to join the guild, and create connections with other cities. It spoke well of Nyaoko?s fighting abilities.

Although in common, the letter was poorly written ? The writer?s ability to speak common themselves was questionable. However, it was much easier to decipher than Nyaoko?s earlier speech. The official royal stamp of Aztia sat at the top ? while an oddly colored feather was taped to the bottom, where you?d normally find a signature.
Title: Re: Nyaoko's Grand Entrance
Post by: Throndir on August 07, 2014, 06:01:10 PM
The scents, the sights, the sounds, and the people! Nyuko did not like it at all. Not one bit. Everything was too different, even how people acted were different; giving them stares and glances as if they were the strange ones. If it weren't for his sister, Nyuko would have never traveled so far out in these more savage lands where who knows what could happen. They were greeted by some smiling person who said something in their strange language, Common, it sounded like. Nyuko prided himself as a quick learner, but learning some language the outsiders used wasn't entirely something he had put his effort and mind to. Nyuko only stared at the newcomer with narrowed and suspicious eyes, unsure what to make of his gestures or actions. All of these people were strangers, and there was a reason that their people generally stayed away from them. His ears were perked and alerted, his claws ready to strike in case something happened.

But in a blink of an eye that changed. When another individual came up, a small feathery bird was perched on his shoulder; Nyuko's intensity eased up. Before he realized it, the nekomimi licked his lips. He didn't even notice his sister's hand on his head, nor the guttural words that came out of the man, that, if he listened carefully would have agreed that the man's mastery of the language would have made any orc proud. No, in fact his attention was elsewhere; that small feathery creature that looked just a bit too comfortable where it perched.

His eyes locked, and his tail rising slightly, Nyuko swiped at the bird, a hint of playfulness, though, with the claw-like weapons attached to his hands, was perhaps just a bit more dangerous than it should have been.