Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => The Guild of Galas'nor => Tales of the Guild (IC) => Topic started by: Low on August 07, 2014, 07:16:15 PM

Title: Wandering Wolf
Post by: Low on August 07, 2014, 07:16:15 PM
[Anyone is more than welcome to post!]

It was a very hot, dry sunny day and the sun was almost setting. The woods were quiet and calm, yet everyone knew that deep inside that forest, things were far from that. Faintly, the sounds of movements in between bushes came from within the forest. Up came up a couple of ears from inside a bush and soon after came the head of a wolf, Beowulf. He seemed to be looking for something and he sniffed about from side to side. As he starts to move out of the bush, his head turns rapidly, his eyes focused towards a single direction. He then slowly moves back into the bush and watches, cautiously, as if he were waiting for something. His ears flick and eyes widen as he hears footsteps coming from the same direction. Out from the shadows appear a couple of animals. He noticed their ears and tails, quickly remembering the stories his pack told back when he was young. "Nekomimi" Beowulf thought to himself, a bit in awe. He watches on as he suddenly feels the presence of others around him and the other two. The nekomimi quickly stop and draw their weapons. Suddenly, a couple of wolves come from the bushes, growling and showing their fangs at the two nekomimi. Soon after a few more showed up and they all started circling the two. In an instant, the wolves rushed the two and they quickly reacted, starting to fend them off. Beowulf watched and was impressed by the way the two nekomimi handled themselves. He suddenly feels more presence and notices the two are still busy with other wolves. Beowulf decides he's seen enough and walks out of the bush, looking around at the surrounding wolves. The wolves then suddenly turn their attention to him, having a look of disbelief on their faces. One of the Nekomimi quickly pulled the other behind her and showed her huge scythe, attempting to intimidate the Beowulf. He then lets out a small growl, showing some fang before letting out a deep, hollow howl. The remaining wolves slowly back away and then proceed to run back into the forest. Beowulf slowly lowers his head back down, making eye contact with the nekomimi with the giant scythe...
Title: Re: Wandering Wolf
Post by: Nyuko Nyun on August 07, 2014, 07:38:26 PM
It was one thing to fight a bunch of wolves, but it was another thing for his sister to face the danger, so when the wolves had come Nyuko did what he could to fend off the wolves. But the person that stood in front of them now wasn't something Nyuko had encountered before. Even though he knew there were all sorts of races outside his homeland, he was still trying to decide what to make of the creature in front of them - the ears, tails, and its demeanor was very similar to their own, yet different too. When his sister pushed him behind her to draw out her weapon intimidatingly, it took Nyuko a few moments to come out of his reverie from examining the wolf-eared person in front of them.

The nekomimi whimpered, Nyaoko knew he did not like being protected and fussed over. More often than not, it was usually Nyuko who attempted such things. But with his sister's firm grasp pushing him behind her, all Nyuko could do was pull out his claw-weapons as he glared at his sister. Of course the girl probably didn't notice, with her attentions focused on the wolf-eared man in front of them.
Title: Re: Wandering Wolf
Post by: Neko on August 07, 2014, 08:11:13 PM
Nyaoko and her brother had finally started getting settled in the guild. Having found their rooms, and learning a thing or two about the mission board, Nyaoko felt it was time for a bit of relaxing. As things began to cool down due to the setting sun, she thought it was the perfect time to go for a stroll, and get a better feel of the city, and outskirts they?d be inhabiting.  Her little brother put up little fight ? He followed her basically everywhere. Strolling along the forest trail, the feline couldn?t help but notice a familiar scent the further in they went. Wolves, she had determined. It wasn?t the scent alone that bothered her, it was how strong it seemed. Either they were trialing one at that moment, or a whole lot of them were nearby. ?Nyuko, odnya ouynyu earhnyan thatnyu?..?
[spoiler]?Nyuko, do you hear that??[/spoiler]

Hardly a second later, the duo was surrounded. Wolf upon wolf came pouring in from the underbrush, charging at them.  A wolf alone never would have been an issue, even a pack of them - but Nyaoko knew if the rush didn?t stop soon, her and Nyuko would simply run out of energy.  It seemed as if the pack was endless.

An unfamiliar face made his way over to the chaos, his ears matching the rampaging wolves around them. What was he? Some kind of wolf summoner? Instinctively, Nyaoko had pushed her little brother back, her scythe readied in the other hand. Normally such an action was more Nyuko?s thing, but when the threat escalated to a level such as this, Nyaoko couldn?t help but be the one to put herself in the front lines.

The wolves left almost as quickly as they had arrived, the stranger?s howl apparently signaling them to leave. Nyaoko remained in a defensive stance -ears lowered, her tail still. She couldn?t quite grasp what had just happened?Did he call off the wolves? Or was he clearing them so he could have a fight of his own? ?Aystnya ackbnyu.? Nyaoko ordered as she held a hand out in front of her.
[spoiler]?Stay back.?[/spoiler]

She glanced back at Nyuko, catching her brother?s stare. ?Ontdnyu odnya anythingnyu upidstnyu, oknya?? She whispered to him.
[spoiler]?Don?t do anything stupid, ok??[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Wandering Wolf
Post by: Low on August 07, 2014, 08:40:30 PM
Beowulf looked on, as he observed one of the Nekomini protect the other. He then slowly got on his knees, placing his hands on the ground as he began to remove his brass knuckles off. Placing them on the ground, he then looks up at the two before letting out a soft whisper, "Nekomimi..". He slowly raised his hands as if surrendering and slowly got back on his feet, letting yet something else out, this time making himself heard,"My pack...they told me about your kind, but I always thought it was some kind of fairy tale. I can't believe what I'm actually seeing. I'm not going to hurt you two, I promise. The howl was just to protect you two from the hunting pa--", he stops talking suddenly as he remembers that the Nekomini have their own language. Beowulf facepalms. Beowulf got back down on one knee and began to draw on the dirt near by in an attempt to communicate with them. As he finishes, he slowly removes his necklace and holds it in his hand, placing it against his heart. He then looks back up at the two and says, "Family..", gently tapping the pendant on his chest.