Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => Tales of the Guild (IC) => The Guild of Galas'nor => Birthdays => Topic started by: Throndir on May 30, 2014, 01:08:06 PM

Title: [Kin] Birthday
Post by: Throndir on May 30, 2014, 01:08:06 PM
A peculiar item was found in Kin's sleeping quarters. An item that looked like a feather had a ribbon tied to it, at the end of the ribbon was a small note attached. It read:

To Kin, From the Guild of Galas'nor

QuoteFreeform exp counted for this thread with a modifier of x2.

Please update your character sheet when able.

Kin Receives:

Feather Token (tree)
Each of these items is a small feather that has a power to suit a special need. The kinds of tokens are described below. Each token is usable once.

A token that causes a great oak to spring into being (5-foot diameter trunk, 60-foot height, 40-foot top diameter). This is an instantaneous effect.
Title: Re: [Kin] Birthday
Post by: Linwelin on June 18, 2014, 01:59:46 PM
As Kin groggily got up from his bed and wandered over to his closet to grab his day clothes, his eyes peripherally caught a feather token and a piece of paper sitting in the center of his desk. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating after waking up, then pinched himself to make sure he was actually awake. "Ow!" He winced slightly at the small pain of the pinch, that he might've done a LITTLE too hard.

Ok, so I'm awake, and not seeing things...What the hell is this?

Kin gingerly picked up the charm to look it over, noting that it wasn't just a feather. Reading the note, he looked at it wide-eyed, and very confused. Great, they give me an item expecting that I know EXACTLY what it is...and who exactly put it here? And why the hell am I getting a gift!? He ruffled his hair in frustration with one hand, still staring at the charm.

Then a thought occurred. Wait, what if this is another of Lyolf's pranks? He stiffens and his eyes widen as he throws the item to the center of the room hastily and then dives for cover. "Don't blow up or polymorph! Don't blow up or polymorph! Please, by all the good gods don't blow up or polymorph!"

Peeking out from behind the corner of his closet, Kin saw neither burns nor magic of any sort. He sighs in relief and goes ahead and picks up the item. Staring at it a while longer, he scratches his head. He then speaks allowed to the trinket, "I still don't know what you do, though."
Title: Re: [Kin] Birthday
Post by: Lance on August 07, 2014, 08:44:59 PM
It was only then that a certain young elf came to stand before the entrance of the room, with a knock loud enough to rattle eardrums and shake hinges.

''Good MORNING!!" Lyolf declared as the door burst open and the elf walked through with raven in tow. He was wearing casual, yet contrasting, clothes again too: jet-black leggings accented with his customary white and a pure white jacket accented with a matching black. It was hardly fashionable attire, yet it seemed to fit the elf, oddly enough. Matched with his pale, white hair and the similarly jet-black raven at his side, the outfit did not look all that out-of-place on Lyolf. It provided him with freedom of movement too, did not encumber him as much as armor would, and most importantly-it was comfortable.

Thus, with a smile as bright as the fiery abyss, a gait as lively as the nine hells combined, Lyolf asked the halfling in a manner most polite:

"Enjoying your gift?"
Title: Re: [Kin] Birthday
Post by: Linwelin on August 07, 2014, 10:52:16 PM
Kin stares warily at Lyolf. At this point, he was used to the loud, rude entrances. Hell, he did that himself, so he didn't blame the elf. But gifts? The only real gifts so far involved pranks. That was cause for alarm. Though at least he looked normal enough. Well, normal for Lyolf.

Right as Kin thought that, he saw it. The smile. It was hard to tell whether the man intended mischief or not with that smile, but Kin had begun erring on the side of caution whenever he saw it; it was one of the few times Kin was ever cautious.

"Maybe? This isn't going to blow up, is it? What's" The halfling was now dangling it at arm's length from himself, toward the wizard. "I swear to all the gods, if this is another kind of turkey joke...!" He said with sudden realization, giving a fitful glare. Not one of death, but annoyance. His roommate had hardly given him many reasons to trust him.
Title: Re: [Kin] Birthday
Post by: Throndir on May 30, 2017, 10:58:49 AM
QuoteBirthday: May 30
Kin Creation: November 15, 2012
Vladimir Creation: November 24, 2012
2013: Kin
Shandon Creation: November 27, 2013
2014: Vladimir
2015: Shandon
2016: Kin
2017: Vladimir

A peculiar item was found in Kin's sleeping quarters. It was a bag with a ribbon tied to it, at the end of the ribbon was a small note attached. It read:

To Kin, From the Guild of Galas'nor

QuoteFreeform exp counted for this thread with a modifier of x2.

Please update your character sheet when able.

Kin Receives:

Scabbard of Vigor
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th

Slot belt; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

Once per day, as part of the action of drawing forth the weapon held by the scabbard, the wearer can order it to endow the weapon with an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. The duration of the effect depends on the desired enhancement bonus for the weapon.

Bonus   Duration
+4   1 round
+3   3 rounds
+2   5 rounds
+1   10 rounds
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon; Cost 900 gp