[Interest Check] The Curse of the Crimson Throne (Pathfinder)

Started by pringerbeam, March 06, 2016, 10:07:44 PM

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Short Version
    Interest check to see if anyone is interested in joining a run through the premade paizo campaign: The Curse of the Crimson Throne.  Might already have 3 players up for it and I am not super keen on having more than 4 players total.  Currently Oath, Inhumanronin, and another player whose handle I do not know are expressing interest in the game.

Long Version
     So I started this campaign previously trying to play a weekly session over the internet via voice chat and roll20 but due to some problematic players and an increasing workload from studying I had to kill the campaign.  However, since I already bought half of the books for the campaign and because of a minor nagging compulsion to finish what I started, I feel the need to take another try at the campaign.  I also figure that a pbp might be a better fit for my schedule than live sessions.  As a heads up, I am a medical student that is currently in Australia for the next year so I might not be able to post in a particularly timely fashion at times.  Also as a heads up: I am not super experienced as a gm so I kinda suck at things like improvising.  This also is why I am not super big on having more than 4 players, partially to keep the number of people I need to keep track of low and to keep in line with the built in balance of the campaign.

Post if you are interested, and we can try and sort things out.  Also, if Tony, Kyle, and Garth can post as a kind of proof of interest themselves that would be nice.


Hey, this is Garth, I'd be interested yeah.  Have a couple of possible ideas for characters, and figure like you I can make time for a play by post even though Roll20 usually fails for me.


I will play a rogue! unless someone else is super deadset on it, in which case I might be willing to switch if you talk really nice to me :)


I am in will more then likely roll with an arcane class unless there is some other hole that needs filled in the party
Famous last words- DONT WORRY GUYS I GOT THIS!

GG - Henon     
