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Topics - Katrias Lyseer

The Guild of Galas'nor / Substitute Shopkeeper
September 02, 2016, 01:55:29 PM
"Crap! Crap, crap, crappy crap!" Katrias kept shouting from within her store, loud enough for the people at the streets to hear, as she quickly went about looking around her place, throwing all sorts of items on the floor, and looking for something. Finally she found it, a simple bag with items stuffed in. Taking that she hurried out the door.

Her eyes scanned the streets beyond for a particular guild emblem. Finally she found a familiar face.

"You! You're taking care of my shop til I get back! No ifs and buts!" She exclaimed as she quickly made her way towards you. She had what looked to be a piece of paper in her hand, and though you couldn't quite make out the words, it had a list of things written on it. The commotion she made drew more than a couple glances as some stared, curious to see what the cause of the ruckus was.

[info]Some custom mechanics involved. Its hopefully simple enough.
300 exp for joining, +200 exp per customer/group of customers helped. Percentage increase depending on well they were served, or how much money the store made.
Max 2 players. (3 if you promise to be really active).[/info]
[info]Takes place after the Semifinals of the Tournament of Ternadan. Katrias was just destroyed in round 1 of combat.[/info]

"That was a crappy way to go out." Katrias said to herself once she finally regained consciousness. The first thing she saw was a blank and white ceiling. And once the rest of the room was pulled into focus, did she realize that this must have been the hospital ward of the arena. It was relatively peaceful, there was no other patients in after all, though she did notice a couple of other beds on either side of her. There were no staff either or anyone else about. Due to the fact there were no windows, Katrias wondered how long she was unconscious.

She felt her seemingly stiff joints clumsily move, though she figured it was more of the fact that she wasn't quite sure how much injuries she took, or even how much healing the tournament's clerics were able to apply. Either way she was covered in bandages - the material wrap around her body like some sort of cocoon. She made a half-attempt at shrugging but eventually relaxed to rest warmly in her hospital bed.

The Roster (OOC) / [Shopkeeper] Katrias Lyseer
August 17, 2014, 02:55:24 PM
See character list.