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Fantasy Roleplays => Custom Content (OOC) => The Guild of Galas'nor => Races and Classes => Topic started by: Throndir on November 28, 2012, 08:32:12 PM

Title: [Class] Ninja
Post by: Throndir on November 28, 2012, 08:32:12 PM
Use Regular Ninja BAB and Saves

The Ninja

A ninja is one who refines stealth, intellegence gathering, powerful combat techniques, and mysticism into a deadly science and sophisticated techniques of warfare. When the odds are unfavorable and dishonor threatens, the ninja can be hired to bring victory and restore harmony of society through espionage and assassination.
[edit]Making a Ninja

The ninja are like the rogue in the fact they rely on quickness and stealth to take out their enemies. However, the ninja go about it in a much different way. Harnessing the power of their inner spirits, the ninja obtain the ability to disappear from an enemy's sight completely. Combine this with various abilities that border on otherworldly, and people will see how the rogue and ninja seperate themselves.
Abilities: Dexterity and Wisdom are the chief skills among ninja. Dexterity allows them to get the drop on the enemy, while Wisdom allows them greater ability in harnessing the power of their ki. Despite their bountiful skill points, a high Intelligence can give even more skill points, something no ninja can have too few of.
Races: Ninja are mostly human, but they are not hesitant to welcome new blood. Elves are rare, but those that join are revered and feared, being viewed as great masters of legend. Half-elves, halflings, and warforged are also accepted. Some clans even see the occasional shifter or changeling. Half-orcs, with their lack of emotional control, and dwarves, with their desire for money and regard for family, never become ninja, though they are not unwelcome.
Alignment: A ninja?s life is quite various and thus they can be of any alignment. Of course, since the dictates of their clan (and clanmates) come before their personal interests or others, ninja are more commonly neutral. Neutral ninja are most common, but there are plenty of good and evil ninja as well. Though lawful ninja are more frequent than chaotic ones, the chaotic ninja are still disciplined. They simply have a lower regard for rules than others, making them a bit more reckless, but nonetheless devoted.
Starting Gold: 4d4?10 gp
Starting Age: As a ranger.
Table: The Ninja
Hit Die: d6
Level   Base
Attack Bonus   Saving Throws    Special   AC
Bonus    Will
Fort   Ref   Will
1st    +1    +0    +2    +0   Ki power, stealthy strike +1d6, trapfinding   +0   +2
2nd    +2    +0    +3    +0   Ghost step   +0   +2
3rd    +3    +1    +3    +1    Stealthy strike +2d6, the path I walk (Ex)   +0   +2
4th    +4    +1    +4    +1   Evasion, poison use   +0   +2
5th    +5    +1    +4    +1    Stealthy strike +3d6   +1   +2
6th    +6/+1    +2    +5    +2   Ki dodge, the path I walk (Su)   +1   +2
7th    +7/+2    +2    +5    +2    Stealthy strike +4d6   +1   +2
8th    +8/+3    +2    +6    +2   Ghost strike   +1   +3
9th    +9/+4    +3    +6    +3    Stealthy strike +5d6, the path I walk   +1   +3
10th    +10/+5    +3    +7    +3   Ghost step (ethereal), improved poison use   +2   +3
11th    +11/+6/+1    +3    +7    +3    Stealthy strike +6d6   +2   +3
12th    +12/+7/+2    +4    +8    +4    The path I walk   +2   +3
13th    +13/+8/+3    +4    +8    +4    Stealthy strike +7d6   +2   +3
14th    +14/+9/+4    +4    +9    +4   Hundred faces   +2   +3
15th    +15/+10/+5    +5    +9    +5    Stealthy strike +8d6, the path I walk   +3   +3
16th    +16/+11/+6/+1    +5    +10    +5   Meditation   +3   +4
17th    +17/+12/+7/+2    +5    +10    +5    Stealthy strike +9d6   +3   +4
18th    +18/+13/+8/+3    +6    +11    +6    The path I walk   +3   +4
19th    +19/+14/+9/+4    +6    +11    +6    Stealthy strike +10d6   +3   +4
20th    +20/+15/+10/+5    +6    +12    +6   Ghost walk   +4   +4
Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ?4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex),
Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex),
Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
[edit]Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The ninja is proficient with simple weapons, as well as the sai, shuriken, kama, nunchaku, shortbow, ninja-to (short sword), kukri, kodachi (broadblade short sword),hook-swords, Katana, "Wakizashi"(masterworked shortsword), foot spike, and "shuko" (hand claws). If the ninja uses the foot spikes and shuko for Climb checks, this is treated as a climber's kit.
The ninja is not proficient with armor or shields.
AC Bonus (Ex): During training, all ninja unlock the sixth sense, an ability that warns of an attack just before it occurs.
As long as he is unencumbered, the ninja applies his Wisdom bonus (if any) to AC. This does not stack with the monk's AC bonus. The ninja gets an additional +1 to AC at 5th Level and every five ninja levels after. The AC bonus is applied to all forms of attack, but not when immobilized or helpless.
The ninja cannot use his Wis bonus if he wears any armor or carries a shield with an armor check penalty of 1 or more, or carries a medium or heavier load.

Stealthy Strike (Ex): At 1st level and every other level after, if the ninja can catch an enemy off-guard, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
When the ninja strikes an enemy that is denied its Dexterity bonus (if any) to AC, he can deal an extra +1d6 damage. The ninja can use stealthy strike for ranged attacks as long as the target is within 30 feet. If the ninja makes a critical hit while making a stealthy strike, this extra damage is not multiplied.
The ninja can use stealthy strike against an enemy the ninja flanks, but he can only use d4's instead of d6's.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a ninja can make a stealthy strike that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a stealthy strike, not even with the usual -4 penalty.
Stealthy strike can only be use against creatures with discernible anatomies-constructs, undead, plants, oozes, and incorporeal creatures are immune to stealthy strike. Stealthy strike cannot be used against creatures immune to critical hits or against creatures with concealment or whose vitals are out of reach.
Stealthy strike counts as sneak attack for the purpose of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, or anything requiring a minimum amount of sneak attack damage dice.
The bonus damage from stealthy strike and sneak attack stack if they apply to the same target and all other conditions are met.
Ki Power (Su): All ninja have control over a pool of spirit energy called ki. Starting at 1st level, all ninja have 1/2 ninja level (Min 1) + Wisdom modifier uses of ki per day, and as long as the ninja has one use left, he gets a +2 bonus on Will saves. can only gain 1 ki per level
The ninja cannot use his ki power if he wears any armor, carries a shield or carries a medium or heavier load.
Trapfinding (Ex): At 1st level, a ninja is able to use Search to find traps with a DC 20 or higher. The DC to find a magic trap is 25 + spell?s level. The ninja can also use the Disable Device skill to disarm traps.
Ghost Step (Su): At 2nd level, by using his inner ki, the ninja can fade from sight for a brief time.
The ninja can become invisible for 1 round by expending one daily use of his ki power. Using this ability is a swift action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
The Path I Walk: Starting at 2rd level, and every level after, the ninja can select an ability from a list of supernatural and extraordinary abilities. The ninja selects an (Ex) ability at 2rd level.
Extraordinary (Ex) Abilities
Ninja combat tactics: The Ninja has fought many a battle, becoming a master at martial arts. As long as the Ninja does not wear armor, or is carrying a heavy or medium load, the Ninja may add his DEX mod to any of his unarmed attacks
Great Leap: The ninja can make all Jump checks as if he already had a running start and the Run Feat, effectively gaining a +4 bonus to his jumps.
Improved Evasion: If the ninja makes a Reflex save against an attack that would deal half damage, he still takes no damage. However, if the save fails, he takes only half damage. The ninja cannot use improved evasion if he wears any armor, carries a shield, or carries more than a light load. A helpless ninja does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
The ninja must have the evasion class feature and three path I walk abilities in order to take improved evasion.
Instinct: The ninja?s instincts and his sixth sense share a stronger connection. The ninja can now apply his Wisdom bonus (if any) to initiative, as long as he is unarmored and unencumbered.
Shunshin (Body Flicker): The ninja learns to move more effectively, becoming able to move his body more quickly due to greater leg strength.
The ninja?s base land speed increases by 10 feet. This speed bonus is lost if the ninja wears any armor, carries a shield, or carries a medium or heavier load.
The ninja can take this ability up to two times. Each time, his speed increases by 10 feet.
The ninja must have Dex 15 in order to take shunshin.
Speed Climb: A ninja can climb up walls at his base land speed as a move action. This ability requires one free hand, and the ninja must begin and end the climb on a horizontal surface.
Bonus Feat: The ninja can select a bonus feat instead of one of these abilities.
The ninja cannot select a bonus feat unless he has two (Ex) path I walk abilities.
kimastery: The Ninja is well trained in the ways of ki, strengthening it's powers. Damage from the Ninja's veils becomes a d6 instead of a d4. This is increased to a d8 at level 10 and a d10 at level 15
Super Natural (Sup) Abilities
Water Veil: Deals 1d4 of water damage and target becomes poisoned, taking 1d4 of acid damage every round (DC of 10 + Ninja's WIS mod)
Flame Veil: Deals 1d4 of fire damage and target becomes inflamed, taking 1d4 of fire damage every round (DC of 10 + Ninja's WIS mod)
Earthen Veil: Ally gains a +3 bonus to AC for 2 rounds + the Ninja's WIS mod
Thunderous Veil: Deals 1d4 of electricity damage and target becomes paralyzed, being unable to take any action for 2 rounds + the Ninja's WIS mod (DC is 10+ the Ninja's WIS mod)
Shadow Veil: Deals 1d4 shadow damage and target becomes blinded, taking a -4 penalty to attack rolls for 2 rounds + the Ninja's WIS mod (DC is 10+ the Ninja's Wis mod)
Radiant Veil: Deals 1d4 radiant damage and target becomes dazed (DC is 10 + the Ninja's WIS mod)
Angelic Veil: You or target ally is healed 1d4 + the Ninja's WIS mod
Evasion (Ex): Starting at 4th level, when a ninja succeeds on a Reflex save that would deal 1/2 damage (such as a fireball spell), he takes no damage instead, so long as he wears no armor, carries no shield, and does not carry more than a light load. A helpless ninja does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Poison Use (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, the ninja becomes proficient at applying poison to his weapons.
The ninja never risks injuring himself while applying poison to a weapon.
Ki Dodge (Su): At 6th level, the ninja's body starts to blur and haze, as if his enemies are seeing a mirage.
The ninja can expend one use of his ki power to gain concealment (20% miss chance) for 1 round. The concealment given by ki dodge (and greater ki dodge) cannot be used to make Hide checks. Using ki dodge is a immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Ghost strike (Ex): Beginning at 8th level a ninja can use his stealthy strike in synergy with ghost step; this does not require the ninja to hide while using stealthy strike. This expends one of the ninjas daily ki uses.
Improved Poison Use (Ex): When the ninja reaches 10th level, he can use poison with near inhuman quickness.
The ninja can apply poison to a weapon as a move action (instead of as a standard action).
Hundred Faces (Su): Beginning at 14th level, the ninja may expend one use of his ki power to transform himself as if under the effect of a disguise self spell for 1 minute. Using hundred faces counts as a swift action that does provoke an attack of opportunity.
Meditation (Ex): Beginning at 16th level, the ninja uses the comforts and blessings of meditation to bring greater clarity and focus.
Once per day, the ninja can spend 1 minute in a meditative state. If he does, he regains a number of uses of his ki power equal to one-half his Wisdom bonus (min 1). This ability cannot be used to increase the maximum number of uses the ninja can have.
Ghost Walk (Su): When the ninja reaches 20th level, his control over his ki becomes more refined, allowing him to remain ethereal for extended periods.
By expending two uses of his ki power, the ninja becomes ethereal, as if under the effect of the ethereal jaunt spell. The ninja's caster level is equal to his class level. Using ghost walk is considered a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
The ninja may freely multiclass into the monk, ranger, rogue, and scout classes. If he takes levels in a different class, he can no longer take any levels in the ninja class, but he retains all class features he has gained.