Started by mrlemke, October 23, 2012, 11:46:47 PM

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Is it just me or is this thing like buggy as hell with connections? If it worked better, I do prefer it over the shoutbox. But it seems like it's always disconnecting someone. Is there a newer version or a replacement (like IRC with a Java Applet client) on the way?


I've been looking into a good replacement, if you have any ideas, preferably open source, we can make the switch. I'm frustrated with AJAX chat as well.


Another possible idea is to integrate some of the code directly into the forum, I want to stay as far away from frames as possible, maybe a portal?



The concept is sound, but using i-frames, I don't know I'm not a big frames fan.  The IRC aspect of it would be interesting.


Installed the IRC chat that LS recommended, it has advertisements but it shouldn't be to bad. Just click on the IRC Chat tab in the links.


Here is another idea if the whole IRC chat doesn't work out. I have been on plenty of sites that use this and it works very well. It,s called Chatango here is the link  http://chatango.com/