Evolution game (super casual /TG/ style)

Started by Burdenking, August 06, 2014, 11:34:05 PM

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Cyto Limre post near-cataclysmic event:
The event caused a major disturbance in the species pushing it towards the next step in its evolution. Having to be on the move constantly and the more polluted waters have forced the Cyto Limre to develop its respiratory system drastically allowing it to suck in more water through specially evoled gills. These gills feed water into two specialized reservoirs attached to the fins where it'll be filtered. The excess water can then be either stored or expelled through a narrow nozzle at the back of the reservoir.

This unique design allows the species to propel and maneuvre at high speeds through the water. Since the exhaust is filtered water the Cyto Limre is contributing to the cleansing of the polluted waters. The Cyto Limre will not only expell excess water as a means of travel but instead it'll expell short bursts of water regularly to maintain a constant fresh supply of clean water. As a result of this major evolution step the Cyto Limre has grown approximately 30% larger.

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The Inuo M, continuing to evolve, reaches a point at which it can really no longer be considered the same species. For the first time, it develops a bony growth at the end of its tentacles, Thin, pointed, and sturdy, these sharp growths are the perfect implement to use in penetrating the joints of crustaceans everywhere, as well as forcing apart the seams in their armor. This change, being so alien to the Inuo species, can only cause the reclassification of this creature under the name Inaki.

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


The Limre M is a new off shoot of the Burrowing Limre. The Limre M lives completely buried. It has evolved a gland that secrets an acid that dissolves anything in its path, The Limre then absorbs the minerals it comes across and uses it for is soul source of nutrition.


The Inaki, with the sea pollution being so rampant, start to better filter the wastes around it. With the pores across its body, it is now able to process them better extracting every bit of nutrient left, from the bits of biological material, bacteria, and mold-like growths. This results in the Inaki being able to swim about in the "dead zone" for far longer than other species, and sometimes able to venture in the more polluted seas for limited times without harm or injury.

QuoteIf Erynn doesn't mind, I'm using Burden's redesign with the added things since.


Torpedo Ramulon: (Former Cyto Limre)
Adapting ever more to its environment the Torpedo Ramulon has developed fins to aid it even more in its maneuvrability in the water. Since it has undergone soo many changes compared to its ancestor the Cyto Limre it has gotten its own species name now. Unlike the Cyto Limre these species no longer are attached to cliffs and roam the waters freely. Using both their active camouflage and electric charge they are very capable of keeping predators at bay. The few predators that do decide to risk to hunt down the Torpedo Ramulon find themselves left behind as they have a hard time keeping up with the speed of these species.

There've been notes of the Torpedo Ramulon to devour smaller life forms after being stunned by the being's electric charge, however no actual proof of this has been found yet.

(NOTE: The gills have not been evolved nor has the creature increased in size since its previous evolution, it's just a new image to depict this species)

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World of the ocean has had little effect on the Limre M still has had zero effect on the Limre M. After countless generations of living under ground, moving through the dense rock. its several points on its body has become more rounded and it has completely lost its fins. Because of this, its moves even faster through the rock moving at great speeds digesting larger and larger amounts of minerals.


Aerlanx Species

Once part of the Jykil's subraces, the Aerlanx have developed enough traits to be considered a different species from the main stream of Jikyl.  They have grown fins that function like flaps on its sides, retracting and expanding as needed and serving as yet another tool to aid the creature in moving through the sea.  With these fins, it is now able to rise further above the sea floor and swim further up.  They may also use those to facilitate their movement through sea currents.

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With so many new density boundaries popping up in the oceans, the Inaki's touch sense has become less effective, forcing it to develop a new, improved method of sensing its environment. a specialized set of nerve like structures form near the surface of its body, which create a high pitched whistle through bio electricity. The result, combined with its sense of touch, results in a type of biological sonar that allows the Inaki to sense its environment in a highly detailed manner. Able to precisely 'image' the environment out to long range, and to range objects relative to itself, there is now little that escapes the Inaki's notice.

(That's fine by me. ^_^)

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


With the protection provided by their pack, the Crawler Jikyl, now known as they Joren as they had effectively evolved past the point of no return, began to evolve more effective means of escape and protection. By evolving to double their own length, the Joren were able to put more force behind their escaping bursts of speed while also allow them to be more flexible to defend themselves from predators like the Inaki, who they could cut apart if not grabbed by the neck.

Despite traveling in packs, Joren will not risk themselves for others, and simply run when one falls to a predator, protecting the young to save their future.


The Aerlanx developed their head opening further, and it turned into a primitive mouth, able to open itself further to be able to consume food at a faster rate.

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Burrowing Limre

through random mutation their brain size has grown to the size of an otter. With this increased brain size they have begun digging communal tunnels and caves allowing them to live and work in small pacts. Because of the necessity to find more food to sustain a group they have added large amounts of Magnesium and sulfur to thier diets.


A curious twist of fate has caused a branch in the Inaki Family tree. Following an encounter with a Cyto Limre, the Inaki found itself with the hydrogen trail left by the breaking apart of water into its constituent parts having caught fire! The low burn drew more water into the respiratory stomachs, resulting in more hydrogen to burn, as well as an excess of oxygen that was now flowing through too quickly to be fully absorbed. A good thing too, otherwise the oversaturation of the Inaki's system would have quickly incapacitated it. The oxygen flowing through the chambers allowed the hydrogen to continue burning once ignited, though never increasing beyond the low burn it began as. The burning hydrogen gas provides a small, but significant thrust that enables the Inaki to reach consistently high speeds in a straight line, but makes maneuvering difficult. When striking at a prey item, it is common for the flame coming from one or both sides to be extinguished. This suits the Inaki just fine, as the constant thrust would make it difficult to see the attack through. The encounter with the Cyto Limre does in fact kill many Inaki, and yet more fail to adapt to the sudden change in their circumstances and die off. Regardless, all Inaki descended from one that survived an encounter with a Cyto Limre or Torpedo Ramulon bear the genetic memory of what happens when they get zapped, and know what it's like to be a Jet Inaki.

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Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Torpedo Ramulon:
After the numerous encounters and the loss of several eggs the Torpedo Ramulon had no other choice but to develop a new way to secure its existence. Therefore some sort of tail has formed at the back of the species. However this tail is no ordinary tail as it has got a nozzle at the end of it. This pointy nozzle is sharp enough to even penetrate more tougher soils with ease and when done so the Torpedo Ramulon will inject its eggs into the soil of the waters. There the unhatched eggs will have an easier time of growing into little Torpedo Ramulons which will secure the existence of the offspring.

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With the arrival of even more fast predators and threats, the Joren have had to adapt to better protect their bodies. By moving their arms back to the segment of body behind their head, they posses much more defensive coverage over their softer underbelly.


The Aerlanx started to find some form of creature catching up to them under certain occasions.  Though their echolocation helped them maneuver against this creature, in time they started to develop opening in their heads that allowed them for the first time to see, though very limitedly.   So far, an Aerlanx's eyes can only tell the light level of its surroundings and if anything, perceive very blurred out shapes.   Given the species long standing with its echolocation, its sight is simply a secondary sense for the species.

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