::A Time of Great Harvest::

Started by Neko, December 18, 2015, 10:11:16 PM

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((This roleplay is for Ryine and Sophie. Others are welcome to join if they have ideas, but please talk to me first! ^ u^  ))

// Dearest Sophie,

It's been a while since your father and I have had you come and visit. I know you've been busy, I've gathered as much from the letters Mimic brings us. We don't really understand him in the way you seem to, but we'er always excited to see him.  As you know, it's almost time for us to begin harvesting the crops. The Gods of harvest must have been looking after us this year, things are the best they have ever been. However, your father and I have a favor to ask. While we are happy to see the farm grow, we also know it brings trouble. We were hoping you could bring a friend along, one of those strong warriors you always speak of. If you have time, maybe the two of you could watch over as we harvest. It would be at least a few days stay, up to a week, if need be. You won't need to help in the fields, just watching the stock at night would be most appreciated. Don't worry, we'll pay you and your friends for your time. As a bonus, you'll also get home cooked meals! I'm sure you miss that, right?

Love, a proud mother ♥

Sophie had packed the letter safely into her top drawer, just as she did with any letter her parents sent. It was rare for them to ask favors of her, but she knew very well how important it was for them to safely finish harvesting, and moving their crops to market. She used to help do it, after all. Sophie was quick to respond, sending Mimic out with another letter. She told him to go ahead and stay there, since she'd be heading that way soon anyway. Mimic loved the family farm. It was endless amounts of his favorite foods. Every time he came back to the Guild, it seemed as if the familiar had gained a pound or two.

Sophie had decided pretty quickly who'd she'd drag along for the little journey - Someone she'd grown to enjoy traveling with a lot, due to his positive energy and strong personality. Ryine!

"Oh, gosh, it's a little gloomy today, don't you think?" Sophie remarked as her and Ryine trekked through the forest trail. It hadn't started raining, but clouds hung ominously above them, threatening a downpour at any moment.


It was a nice break from the generally dangerous tasks that Ryine had been undertaking as of late. Sophie filled a completely different role than he did at the Guild, and seemed to shy away from the more perilous adventures. When she had asked him to come along to help watch over her parent's harvest, he was a bit surprised. He had planned at being back at the Guild for a while after his latest adventure. However he knew all about harvest time. It was a prime time for bandits to attack. Those that couldn't do anything for themselves, and had to steal to make their way in life. Thus, the warrior had agreed to Sophie's request, she was a gentle soul and they seemed to get along well enough. Here he was, marching along a wooded road, trees all around, the forest alive with the cries of nature. The sky was grey and overcast, rain a definite possibility. He heard Sophie speak, saying what had been on his mind.

"Yeah, it looks like we could get some rain. We came prepared though, and there's a lot of natural cover in the area as well, so it shouldn't be too bad." Ryine paused for a moment, digging around to make sure that he had a lantern handy in case things took a turn for the worse. "How far was it to your parent's farm again?" He had been preoccupied with gathering all of the supplies he thought he may need on the journey, and forgot the simple task of confirming the distance to his destination, and if he would need to camp out along the roads.


Sophie nodded. Ryine was right, the canopy was pretty thick in most areas. As long as they stayed on the trail they'd stay dry enough.

Sophie had done this walk alone at least a hundred times. Not so much recently, but, she'd often take the food to market when she was younger. It was safer then, for the most part. Their crops were small, so thieves and other bandits didn't bother keeping them on their radar. Of course, there was that one unfortunate time she did get noticed. Despite how stressful it was, the memory made her smile. That was when she first met her wonderful paladin friend and Ryine.

"Oh, it's not too far really. An hour, I think....We've been walking for at least...Oh, I don't know, fourty minutes? We're pretty close!" She told him. Sophie pulled her coat closer against her, a chilly wind brushing through the leafs. She wore her uniform, like usual, but also felt it was necessary to bundle up a bit this time. "By the time we get there, my mother should have dinner ready! She taught me how to cook you know~. I'm not sure I'll ever be as good as her...I do try, though." She also took note of the lantern Ryine had brought along. In her own back pack was a similar lantern. If they kept their current pace, they'd be there just before nightfall though, so the lights likely wouldn't be necessary. "Uhm, Ryine, just so you know..." she paused, as if trying to find the right words. "My parents can be a little...straight forward? I am really sorry if they are uh...." she paused yet again. "If they make you uncomfortable, I mean." She laughed at her own words. He would find out soon enough what she meant.


Ryine hadn't realized how short of a trip it would be, and may have over-prepared. Well, it might not be so bad. A tent on the other side of the fields or something could give him an advantage in protecting the crops and livestock from any potential thieves. It was a bit chilly, but pretty nice compared to some of the weather he had faced on his adventures.

Sophie's words left him confused.

"I fight monsters that most people never want to see, how could a friend's parents make me uncomfortable?" He pondered a few moments, but remembered that he should at least have the basic courtesy to respond to the rest of Sophie's comment. "I'll look forward to trying your mother's cooking!"

He continued walking, bracing himself against the wind, and fiddling around with his cloak, to ensure that if it started to rain, his head was covered.


Just like Sophie had said, the walk didn't last much longer. The sun had only just begun to set, although it was hard to tell with how clouded the sky was. "There it is! Home sweet home!" A couple of small lights could be seen in the distance - Lanterns, that had been hanging from her parents porch. Sophie's pace quickened as they neared.

Although the house was small, the fields were enormous. At first glance all one could really make out were the incredibly tall corn stalks. They dominated a great portion of the field. However,  further on down the row they'd be able to make out the other various vegetables that had been growing, which gave a nice pop of color against the greens. It was easy to see now why her parents were in need of some help. A couple of workers could be seen off in the distance, packing the last of their harvest that day into the barn. It was nice to know her parents had gotten help with the harvesting as well that year. The crops were getting bigger, and her parents a bit older.

Before they had even reached the door an older woman made her appearance on the front porch. "Sophie!" She called out. As they approached, it was easier to make out the woman's appearance. Long, dark brown hair was tied back in a braid - streaks of grey twisted in with the darker strands. Her eyes were almost as dark as her hair - It was all a stark contrast compared to Sophie's golden locks and bright green eyes. "Mommmy~". Sophie had called back as the two embraced.

"This is Ryine! You asked for a warrior, so I brought you one." Sophie said, gesturing toward her guild mate with a giggle. "This is my mom, Crystal." She introduced the two. Her mother stepped forward, offering Ryine her hand. "It's nice to meet you, brave warrior!" She said, half jokingly. It was obvious who Sophie got her personality from. Crystal's hands were quite rough, her skin was dark and a bit wrinkled from the sun. However, despite all of this, she was quite beautiful.


When they arrived to the farmstead, Ryine was surprised to see how much had been growing, There would be a lot to protect. There were a few farm hands skittering about finishing their work for the day, perhaps tomorrow he would offer them a hand. Sophie's mother seemed like a nice lady, and friendly enough. She greeted them warmly, Sophie more warmly than the warrior perhaps. Remembering his most basic courtesy, Ryine removed his hood and smiled.

"Hello Ma'am. I'm Ryine with the Guild of Galas'nor, and would be glad to ensure that the harvest goes well."
The warrior shook her hand, and gave a slight bow, revealing more if the giant sword hanging from his back. "I'll be able to stay as long as help is needed." Ryine said with a smile, unsure of what to do next. It wasn't often that he was faced with the hospitality of a home.


Sophie's mother smiled warmly, and gestured for the duo to follow her inside. "Dinner will be ready soon. Head over to the table with your father, Sophie. I'll go finish preparing. And please, make yourself at home Ryine." Crystal told them. She then wandered off to the kitchen.

Sophie made her way to the table as suggested, assuming Ryine would follow suite. Already waiting was her father. It was easy to see his demeanor wasn't quite as cheerful as Sophie and her mother's. He didn't smile at first, he simply sat quietly as they entered. He seemed much older than Crystal, his wrinkles more apparent, his skin a similar tanned shade. Despite the intimidating look, Sophie showed no hesitation in giving him a quick hug from behind. "Hello papa~. I missed you!" She told him with a smile. He gave her a small pat on the hand before she let go and moved to a seat. "Welcome home, dear." He responded. He smiled slightly, but it faded quickly. He glanced for a moment in Ryine's direction. "This is Ryine papa. Ryine, this is papa Harold! Ryine will be helping protect the harvest!" Sophie explained. She patted the seat next to her, suggesting that the warrior take a seat. "Is that so? I hope you have a good handle on that sword of yours." Her father said. His tone seemed rather serious. Sophie laughed a little nervously. "Don't be silly papa, Ryine is a great warrior! If I was to trust someone with a sword, it would be him." She retorted.

"I hope you're all hungry~." Crystal said as she entered the room. She had a pot in hand, filled with stew. She left and returned once more with freshly baked bread and corn. It looked as if she'd cooked a few days worth of meals. She sat herself beside Harold. "Waah it looks so good!" Sophie said excitedly. Crystal laughed, her attention turning to Ryine. "So, please, tell me a little about yourself great warrior." Crystal said as she buttered the bread.


Ryine took the seat the Sophie indicated. He could understand how her father could be skeptical when it came to his skills, the sword was quite large, and he could not think of many men that could use it. "Sir, I can tell you about the variety of foes that I've defeated and even display some of my skills in the yard if you'd like to see. However, it is not dinner conversation, so if you're interested, just let me know later tonight." He was rough around the edges, but at least he was making an effort to be polite and kind, which is more than usual. When Crystal returned with the food, Ryine was surprised, it was a lot more than he had expected. "Thank you ma'am, it looks delicious." She had asked for him to tell her about himself, but he was unsure where to start. There were definitely parts that he should leave out at a time like this. He thought for a moment, and started a bit in the past.

"Well, before I was in the Guild of Galas'nor, I was just a simple body guard, I didn't have any skill for business, but I did alright at protecting things. Actually it wasn't too long after I joined that we found our dear Sophie being hassled on the road. Boy, that was a long time ago. Since then, I have led a fairly simple life. We get requests, and I go to help out. Generally on the more dangerous ones since it is what I am most suited for." He stopped talking for a moment, to drink, and take a bite of the stew. "It's very good ma'am." Ryine smiled. "These days, I spend most of my time between adventures with other members of the Guild, it's really become like a family. We're generally always up to something, and everyone gets involved."


Crystal nodded as she listened to Ryine tell his story. "It sounds like you've done a lot of fighting in your time! I'm glad to have someone like you here to help." She complimented. "There's more to life than just fighting though!" Crystal told him, her pointer finger swaying from side to side disapprovingly. Sophie eye'd her mother, suddenly feeling the need to be on guard.

"So, when are you two having babies? I'm tired of waiting for grandchildren Sophie!" Crystal prodded. Sophie's mother was smiling while she said it, but the words were no joke.

Sophie nearly choked on a carrot. A light clink of metal could be heard as her fork hit the table.  "M-mother!" Sophie yelped in surprise. She had a feeling the topic would head in that direction, but not in such a blunt way. Harold rolled his eyes and continued eating as if the conversation wasn't happening.

"I'm serious Sophie! It's not just for us you know. It's about time you settled down and started a little family, don't you think? You've already landed a handsome warrior, you should get to it before you're too old~." Her mother continued. Sophie's cheeks were a light shade of pink as she glanced over at Ryine. "Sorry about my mother." She apologized, laughing nervously. "I brought Ryine because he's strong! Not because we're together, you should know that!" Sophie argued. "This happens every time I bring someone over..." Sophie mumbled under her breath.


Ryine laughed heartily at the conversation that came with dinner. "Ma'am, I think you might be a little confused." He wasn't sure how else to put it. "I'm the adventuring type. I've no idea when I will need to leave, when I will be back, or if I'll even survive each adventure. Definitely not the father figure that children would deserve." There were a lot of other things that Ryine could have said, particularly about his last great adventure that found him his sword, but that was not a conversation to have at dinner, He'd had a fiancee once, before disaster struck. Now probably wasn't a good time either.

"This is a job, for a friend and her family, but also somewhat personal, since i'm from a place not too different from this one. I understand the rural lifestyle and some of the dangers that can come with it. It's a way of life that is near to my heart, and I wouldn't want to see anything unjust happen to those that are providing for themselves, for my friends, and for my family." He didn't want to go into too much detail, but he didn't want to sound unfriendly either. "Ma'am, I do however, sincerely thank you for your hospitality and treating me like one of the family." He smiled again and continued eating.


Sophie's mother smiled warmly as Ryine explained himself, not looking the least bit offended or concerned. "A mother can dream, I suppose." Crystal said with a light sigh. "I can easily tell you are a good man, Ryine. I hope you and Sophie stay friends for a long time."

"Come on Crystal, let the kids eat. They've got work to do." Harold interjected. Sophie giggled quietly to herself. She was incredibly embarrassed, but she was glad to see Ryine turn an awkward situation around. The conversation had also gotten her a bit curious about what life was like for Ryine before he came to the guild. He'd given a couple small details, but she wanted the bigger picture. She felt like there was a lot to learn...and with the time they'd be stuck outside, she'd have plenty of time to ask. Despite her parents concerns, the maid doubted they would run into a lot of trouble. It was more like a vacation in her book.

Once dinner ended, Harold gave the two a quick explanation of what would be expected of them. 

During the day, there were plenty of workers about to help keep watch. It was really only at night they'd need assistance. The large quantities of food harvested so far had been stored inside the barn - And the stock meant for sale at the market the following morning would always be sitting outside, covered, in a large cart. Their main concern was that barn. Keep it locked, keep it safe, and keep an eye out on the fields around them.

"Be careful you two! Please, if you need anything at all, don't be afraid to ask. Wake me up if need be!" Crystal told them, offering a small wave as she went back inside. "Well, time to get to work!" Sophie remarked, her tone cheerful. The sky had cleared, and the stars were so bright it almost made the lanterns they had unnecessary.  However, a chilling breeze still rolled through ever so often."You know, I get home sick all the time." Sophie stated as they approached the barn. It was large, and worn looking, just like the majority of things Sophie';s parents owned. Green vines slithered up every wall of it. "Part of it has to do with that!" She pointed toward the stars. "It's as if we're looking at a completely different sky over here." Sophie continued to look up for few moments, taking it all in. Her eyes trailed downward, scanning about the fields and even past them. Outside the farmland, it was nothing but trees. While it kept the farm nice and private, it also left them with a lot of weak points. Bandits, wolves, they could come from just about any direction. "Ah um, but anyway! How do you think we should go about this? I think the highest point would be on top of the barn itself." Sophie suggested. An old ladder was leaned against the barn. It looked sturdy enough to use, but was covered in dirt from sitting for so long. "I've never really done a patrol kind of thing, so I imagine this is more your style." Sophie said with a laugh.


Sophie's mother seemed like a warm-hearted lady. "Me too, ma'am. I don't enjoy losing friends." He finished eating, mostly silent, thinking about some of the people he had known in the past. It wasn't the time to be somber. After they were done eating, he received instruction on what the goals were. It felt like a job for more than two people, with the size of the field, but protecting the barn and the wagon would be easy enough. After thinking a moment he realized there was a third creature that could help him, but it might take a bribe to convince them to help. When they were leaving, Ryine grabbed a couple ears of corn. "Come, Mimic. You're going to help out too, and I even have a nice reward picked out for you if you do a good job." He shook the ears of corn like maracas flashing them in Mimic's line of sight.

"Don't worry, I doubt there will be too much going on tonight. If anything does happen though, Sophie will be fine, she's a bit stronger than you might think!"
As they got outside he felt the cold night air, but he was decently prepared. He had his cloak, and some additional furs that they could use.  While keeping the main focus as the barn, Ryine figured that the two could go on a patrol around the fields every once in a while, just to be safe. They could leave Mimic perched on the barn, if he decided to cooperate with them. He drew his blade, letting it glimmer in the moonlight for a few moments before putting it securely back in the sheath on his back. He really loved the way that the moonlight bounced off the blade.

"You're right, Sophie. The hustle and bustle of the city, as much as I enjoy it takes away from nature. There's a lot you can see out in the fields that you'll never see in any town."
He paused for a few moments, and confirmed his surroundings with what he had seen when they arrived. "If your parents primarily care about the barn and the covered wagon, that is where we should focus most of our effort. We can take a few patrols through the fields, but it would probably be best to stick near the barn for most of the time. After all, we're just two people." Ryine walked with his lantern attached to his hip, lighting the way. There wasn't really a secure entry point to the farm land, so he would have to do his best to defend what he could in the open, if anything happened. He also noticed that Sophie didn't seem to be particularly dressed for a long night, and held a fur out in front of her. "You may get cold, so you should use this. It's going to be a long night."


Ryine was right, the task the duo had been assigned seemed like a job meant for more people. However, she also knew her father was a bit stingy when it came to money - So it was pretty likely he didn't enjoy the idea of paying more.

The raven, although nearly non-existent during their meal, had been within ears reach of them the entire night. He had eaten quite a lot, and spent the majority of the afternoon napping it off. The moment he had arrived with the letter a day before, Mimic was fed and pampered like a king. He eye'd Ryine, having perched himself on the families roof. "I'd rather not." The raven stated groggily. "Oh, get over here you glutton!" Sophie demanded, her hands placed on her hips. Mimic sighed. "What does he want?" Her familiar asked. It was rare anyone besides Sophie asked him to do things. It wasn't hard for Sophie to pick up on Ryine's intentions. "Head over to the barn please~. Just perch up there and give us a caw if you see anything." She instructed. Mimic ruffled his feathers defiantly before doing as he was asked. "I should really stop bringing him over here, mother feeds him so much he can hardly fly!" Sophie joked.

Ryine had explained the general plan of attack for the night. Patrol a bit, watch the barn, simple stuff. "Thank you very much! I know it might seem silly but, I'm a little attached to this dress." She laughed, wrapping the fur he'd offered around her shoulders. "So, since Mimic's got this covered, maybe we should walk around a bit? The property ends at the treeline, but I'm sure you gathered as much~." She said.


Ryine was glad that they had managed to enlist Mimic's aid. It made their task a little more manageable. If it did come down to a fight, he figured that the bandits would have to bring an army to stand a chance. Since Mimic had perched on the barn, Ryine agreed with Sophie's suggestion. If nothing else, he would be able to get a better idea of what had already been harvested and any potential problem areas to look out for. "I think it is a great idea to walk around a bit, I'd like to get myself a bit more familiar with the fields as well."

The warrior decided to take a rather simple circular path around the edges of the field, going down to the edge of the property and looping back around. The rural night air was refreshing. Back in the city, there were always a wide variety of smells drifting through the air, some pleasant, others far less so. While he walked down the fields, Ryine had another moment of realization. "Sophie, what time of day do people generally start harvesting here?" He hadn't thought about it at all, but when would they sleep? He was familiar with staying up through out the night while on adventures, but he had hoped to help out during the day as well. Perhaps he would have to give up on that idea, and just sleep after first light.


Sophie followed as Ryine started his way around the fields. She knew this place by heart. "It's a pretty simple setup! The only thing behind the fields is a small shed" She explained....Sophie shuddered at the thought of the shed. The maid had quite the horrifying experience in her earlier years involving that tiny structure. She pulled the fur Ryine had given her a little tighter around herself as another breeze rolled through. The only noise was the sound of corn stalks swaying about.

"Well, they usually get up an hour or two before sunrise. It's up to us when we wanna sleep I guess, but we should probably get some rest once the workers get here~." Sophie suggested. As they continued along the edges, Sophie glanced into the thick forested area beside them. It was incredibly dark. She could hardly make out the tree trunks!

Sophie remembered comments Ryine had made earlier, her curiosity coming back. "Ryine did you say you lived on a farm too once? Or something similar?" Sophie asked, looking up at him. "I didn't know we had that in common!" She smiled.