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Messages - Luro

Having noticeable trouble getting her steed to cooperate, Miriana tried to ride up next to Elys, struggling with her reins.

"I'm fine with... taking our... time... for now. Calm down you!" After pulling hard on her reins, the horse had finally stopped fighting and stood quietly. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"We should probably get moving soon before this fella gets spooked again..."
Peering at the map, Miriana grins and cracks her knuckles.

"Sounds fine to me. I've never been any good with maps, I'll follow your guys' lead."

As excited as she was, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness at the thought of her first mission with the guild. She only hoped that it didn't show on her face too much.

"Other than the Trogs, are there any other creeps on the route that we should watch out for? I don't really know this area too much."
"Knock knock, sorry I'm late."

From outside the room a tomboyish voice could be heard. "I got a bit turned around, this place is bigger than I thought!"

Smiling and scratching the back of her head, Miriana stepped through the door and proceeded to look around curiously. She seemed a bit shorter than the average human; pale-skinned with straight, black hair coming down to her shoulders. From the way she was dressed, most would think of her as common rabble if it wasn't for the emblem of Galas'nor lazily stitched into the front of her vest. Tape covered her hands up to her elbows, seemingly hiding some scuffs and bruises.

She took a quick glance at the people in the room. "I guess I missed the brief, huh? Again, really sorry I'm so late. I'm still getting the hang of this place, all of these halls look the same..."
Introductions/Farewells / *insert greeting here*
January 11, 2018, 12:29:07 PM
Hello, I was recently introduced to this site from Oath and figured I would finally give this RP thing a shot. I'm a complete newb to tabletop and RP in general, all of my experience really coming from various PC RPGs over the years. I'm hoping to change that though as I've been interested in RPGs all my life and have never had a chance IRL to join a group.

As for normal hobbies, I'm really big into music and video games. I used to play music on and off: Guitar, Drums, Sax, Piano, but I've been out of practice for a long time now. I still love to actively listen to music though. As far as games go, I play a bit of everything from RPGs to Shooters to Rhythm and Sports games.

So... yeah. That's about it I guess. I was trying to think of a longer introduction but there's not much to me, just an average nerd. I can only hope my intro-level RP doesn't make you guys cringe too hard.