Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => Re:Fund - My Vacation Is Ruined By Getting Sent Into Another World! => Topic started by: Throndir on June 09, 2019, 05:51:21 PM

Title: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 09, 2019, 05:51:21 PM
《Chapter 13: The Alliance's Demands (

《Chapter 14: Church of Light》

"Of course Amelia..." Kurt said as the group continued its way towards the castle. Everyone else moved in silence, though there were many cityfolk who had been whispering to themselves, keeping an eye on what had happened. "You're doing all you can for us, and that's more than enough. And you are the hero, the hero of Mendernich." Kurt said, a hint of pride in his voice.

"There is one thing I want to talk about though..." Kurt said hesitantly a moment later.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 10, 2019, 05:14:33 PM
"You can talk to me about anything, it's the least I can do considering everything you have done for me." She said subconsciously holding him firmer feeling the build of his torso under his clothes.

Thinking for a moment, she pulls herself even closer to be able to match his height as Amelia had to press herself against him to whisper in his ear to make sure her voice would not carry, "Just nod if this is something private and I can do my best to open the thought link." His hair tickled the end of her nose and she had to do her best not to sneeze.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 11, 2019, 06:45:46 PM
Kurt paused for a moment, hesitating and thinking about what to say. He eventually spoke however as the two of you neared through the inner castle gates. "No it's nothing." It was at that point that the rest of the knights, along with King Richmond and Princess Matilda broke off from the group. Kurt was headed towards the Church of Light as was requested, while the other royal family members were headed towards the castle.

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 11, 2019, 08:37:38 PM
"Come on, I can tell something is bothering you," Amelia said making sure to hold tight and not fall off, "I don't want to make you feel like you have to bottle anything up. I promise there will be no judgment on my part. After what I had to do I really have no room to talk anyway, so if you are upset, Please, tell me," Amelia said doing her best to smile and show a confident face.

She honestly wanted Kurt to be open and honest especially since he was one of the few people she could talk too. Losing that would hurt a lot at that moment given how much she was trying to balance.
Rolling diplomacy if needed to get him to open up.
( This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d20+12 : 14 + 12, total 26
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 12, 2019, 01:32:10 PM
"Well... It's nothing really." Kurt said. "But since you promised there will be no judgement on your part... Well. It was the fact you prostrated yourself in front of the duke... You're not just a hero, you're also a queen, the highest political power in our nation. In the end the duke was placated, but it comes at the cost of your image, once the rest of the country has found out you're our queen." He shook his head."I might just be worrying over it too much, of course. But don't forget, that you have a country on your shoulders too, but my father, sister, the advisers, and I will of course try to help you through it."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 12, 2019, 06:10:38 PM
Amelia couldn't help but smile at the comment, "Thank you for the concern, Kurt. Trust me,  I did not enjoy doing it and I do not plan to make a habit of it in the future."

Amelia paused to look over the streets as they passed, she watched the common folk going about their daily lives trying to run stores or do laundry before she continued, "That being said, I would throw all my pride away in a heartbeat to make sure these regular people are safe. They didn't get a say in the summoning of the hero, or any deals made with Felencorp for their wellbeing. I cannot let my ego destroy their peace because I refuse to say some pretty words or bow my head. If all it took to ensure their safety and happiness was platitudes then I would say all the words in the world."

"If I really want to be queen, and build this nation, showing that level of conviction needs to like breathing. I mean, look what your mother was willing to do for the nation. She put herself in a coma to make sure that I would be safe and that you all would be protected. Bowing my head to make sure her will and her people don't get hurt by my refusal to be used as a weapon is the least I can do."

"I heard once, that a leader is both a nations strongest voice and its greatest slave. If when I am coronated people have concerns, I will face those concerns and make my position known. I do not plan to be a pushover but I cannot send people to die for me without knowing that I did everything to my morals to save them from that pain. Otherwise, let them gossip, it's important to be strong enough to face those sorts of things and not let it faze me."

"Thank you, though and please do your best to keep me honest. I value your insight, I hope you understand my viewpoint. You are one of the few people I can talk about this kind of stuff with,"
she chuckled.

"Speaking of keeping me honest, I have a big favor to ask you,"
She said turning slightly pink in the process.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 13, 2019, 04:54:06 PM
[info]Heroic Action Point earned[/info]
Kurt nodded approvingly as he listened to your words. "What's the favor?" Kurt asked curiously.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 13, 2019, 05:31:25 PM
"I need you to sleep with me tonight-!" She stuttered not realizing how weird that would sound until she said it out loud turning an even brighter red as she felt her whole face catch on fire. Her head almost exploded for a moment when she considered that she had not even asked her longtime boyfriend to do something so forward.

She finally stammered, "Not like sleep with me, sleep with me! I mean," she said leaning close to whisper in his ear, "with everything going on this morning I just want to be safe. Normally I would have Nyx, but I want him to patrol tonight to try and he can't be in two places at once. I could ask Mati but I feel like if something happened she wouldn't be able to hold back to not kill them, Thyra, gets distracted when we are alone, and Akari has Takeru to look after."

"I know it's a big favor, and it really puts you in a position, but you are the only one I can really ask," she said realizing for the first time how intimate the physical contact on horseback was. "I would understand if you are too uncomfortable, and I promise I don't sleep in the nude or anything."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 14, 2019, 02:37:55 PM
Kurt immediately stiffened as you rode behind him. "W-well..." Kurt began. "T-then... it is my duty to provide for the queen!" Kurt declared. He was blushing yet again, but he actually turned his head to the side, trying to glance at you behind him.

"This time you don't need to sleep on the couch." Kurt said amusingly, remembering when you had ran away from Thyra in the middle of the night a few nights ago. When he realized what he had just said, he too started to blush furiously again, and quickly turn back to the front.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 14, 2019, 09:30:53 PM
"I thought I left before you noticed, Amelia said mostly to herself but loud enough for Kurt to hear. She wanted to punch him, but that was impractical for many emotional and circumstial reasons. Mainly because she would fall of the horse without him, and a voice deep in the back of her head said resorting to physical violence to quell her burning embarrassment probably wasn't the most honest of actions.

In the end she resorted to a middle ground, "Don't get any ideas, mr guardian or this princess will flip you on your back like I did when we first met." She said with a menacing smirk not fully realizing any secondary meaning.

When she saw the temple of light in the distance she let out a sigh of relief soon books would right how wrong the rest of the day went
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 15, 2019, 11:50:40 AM
Location: Road to Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:15 AM

Kurt smiled, though you couldn't quite see it from your vantage point. "Having your door open, even quietly, is enough to wake me." Kurt explained. "It is likely the same for Matilda too, we're not very deep sleepers. But... W-well... Once you came in, I didn't know what to do so I simply tried to sleep very still... Later on, I found the Valkyrie delegate, Thyra, who's decided to stay with us at our castle, and mentioned about that night's events... Did you train in martial arts back in your own world? It was unexpected when you threw me down, but you had good form."

Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:30 AM

It didn't take much longer until the both of you reached the Church of Light. An attendant came over and helped you off the horse, along with taking it back into the stables. "Father Barnabas expecting us?" Kurt asked.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 15, 2019, 05:27:50 PM
Location: Road to Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:15 AM

"I'll have to keep in mind your light sleeping for the future," Amelia chuckled as they continued to ride.

She nodded along to the second set of questions, "Yes, I did a lot of training in the martial arts in my world. Though it was more for staying active rather than defense. I need to do a great deal more practice to be able to do any more then go one on one with someone and be able to defend myself. But I don't know where I can find an instructor to help me train."

Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:30 AM

Amelia nodded, "Yes Father Ragnar is expecting us, along with a few others," taking the book of her bag, "I have something interesting to discuss with and propose to them today. Though the stress from this morning makes my stress for this a great deal less."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 16, 2019, 02:22:25 PM
Location: Road to Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:15 AM

"The guild has various instructors. Through most forms of martial fighting. I'm not sure if it would be similar to yours though... There is also mine and Matilda's instructor, though he can be quite a beast..."

Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:30 AM

Kurt nodded, and eventually the two of you had begun to make your way into the main auditorium of the church itself. There were a few of the others there already. Apart from father Ragnar Barnabas, Thyra from the Valkyries was there as well, as well as Clifton Atwood, the priest from the Antwarch Dragonknight Kingdom. They each greeted you in turn, then made their way to one of the meeting rooms.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 17, 2019, 12:34:32 AM
Location: Road to Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:15 AM

"After the display, you two gave me the other day, I would be more than happy to meet with your instructor,"
Amelia chuckled.

"Besides, I am told I need a beast of an instructor to match my energy and get me up to fighting shape."

Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:30 AM

"I apologize if I've kept you waiting long. The neighbors stopped by to ask for a cup of sugar," she said with a shaky smile not realizing that the idiom, while translated, would probably fail to land.

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 17, 2019, 02:21:39 PM
Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 14 - 11:30 AM

"I suppose even our Princess Matilda goes around handling mundane tasks... Fear not, we haven't been waiting for long." Father Barnabas said. It was then that Kurt nodded his head, and then excused himself, telling you'll he'll be waiting outside.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 17, 2019, 05:48:30 PM
"I'm glad," Amelia smiled as she took a seat.

"Now, I called this meeting because I wanted your opinion, on this," She said taking the book out of her bag and sliding it to the middle of the table. "This is a book I brought with me from my world. I've spent the past few days reading through the contents for the basic information and I think it shows at least a take of my world's creation from the perspective of a god. It got me thinking, what if we use this with the collected doctrines we have from the other nations to try and figure out the nature of the shifting?" She said visibly getting more and more excited as she went.

"My world has a number of gods and religions compared to the goddess that seems to exist across your doctrines. If we can study the similarities and differences between the various creation stories and the stories of demons we may be able to find what links us all. Because what if all our stories have a truth in them? What if there are more gods in the cosmos then just those we know about and they-"
She paused racking her brain trying to find the right words. "Pull lots? to see who gets to be involved in each world?"

"No, that is a stupid idea," she waved the thought away, "Regardless, the real question is, why take places from other worlds and place them together in another so under threat?"

Looking to Thyra and Clifton in turn, " Your two nations represent some of the oldest countries next to felencorp that either came to or originated in this world. I know that both of you are not exactly the historian types, but if possible I would like both of you two help me with this. I know Thyra has already agreed to stay and help,"

She made eye contact with Clifton, "I'd like you to look over the book too and see what you think, I know I will need help with the studying."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 19, 2019, 10:48:59 AM
"Using that book to find the nature of the shifting... But the idea that there are many gods and goddesses? That one is troubling... I do admit that many of the people that are shifted here have beliefs and faiths that are at times outside our religion of the 6 goddesses, and the goddess of light, but to claim that there are truly more than that will create ripplings through my country, and perhaps the alliance as well. However... when Father Barnabas invited me to come here, I've set myself to be open-minded... The nature of the gathering in the first place was due to share information." Clifton then pulled the book at the center of the table towards him. He frowned however as he continued to flip through the pages.

"I can't read this... This isn't written in the language of Bursteig, or of New Felothian."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 19, 2019, 02:14:55 PM
Amelia nodded, "That's why I need as much help as I can get to weed through the years of stories and myths for what remains of the truth. I do not have the knowledge nor the desire to prove anyone's faith wrong. I am the furthest thing from a theologian as there possibly can be in a case like this. My world is proof that there are millions of ways to view a topic like this and they all have elements of truth and are tied together."

"My goal here is to find answers and make connections, it's possible there are more gods it's possible there is one; I honestly have no skin in that game. The specific nature of how you want to interpret what we find I will leave to people like Father Barnabas and yourself. What I want is to work together to find some element of truth. After all, every nation that has been brought to this world have some element of linking narratives with these goddesses."
She said taking out a loose pencil in her bag and a piece of paper from the table to draw a picture drawing lines between various circles to one larger circle.

"Take away the specifics and the number and the imagery generally lines up. Add to that the fact that each country has a similar hero summoning ritual and the fact that everyone ended up in one world together and there is at least circumstantial evidence that your worlds share some kind of basic natures with each other. Whatever that force is, be it gods, spirits, or laws of nature something pulled you together. The key to figuring out how the shifting occurred is in that connection, and how the hero summoning ritual works."

"That is where that book comes in," She said with a nod as Clifton went to read the book. "My world has nothing to do with the goddesses at least in a religious sense. Yet the magic chose my world which cannot cast spells or has no natural laws that would make us similar. So finding the link between my world and yours may be the key to isolating whatever it is about that magic or divine will that makes the shifting work," she said drawing a circle outside the others and unconnected.

As Clifton commented about not being able to read the book Amelia nodded, "I wanted to check that as well. Most of the book is written in my modern tongue from my homeworld, so I figured you wouldn't be able too. But the first few pages are older and something that I can read only because of the hero contract, so I was curious if you could make sense of it."

"So, I wanted to know if you were willing to help. This idea only works if there are plenty of competing viewpoints by those doing the research. we will need to read all these documents skeptically but with the desire to give everything a fair shake and full context. I'll need a team, and the fact that everyone is still sitting here tells me I want you all involved to have a voice and keeping me from making a cultural error out of ignorance." Amelia smiled. "It would take decades to even be passingly familiar with the nuances of religions. We don't have that time and I would still be ignorant to your level of knowledge in the long run."

"I need your help," she said with determination. "I would please like to talk about how you would be willing to do so. I would like for you to stay here with us, but I understand if that is asking to much for the sake of this project."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 19, 2019, 08:09:40 PM
Upon your mention of it, Clifton flipped back to the beginning of the book, where the forward was written in an older language of your world. "Well... There's a few characters that remind me of Old Felothian characters. I know very little of it, but enough to understand that this language written here is different still from Old Felothian." He shook his head again. "I'm not able to read it unfortunately. As for your request... Well..." He paused, as he considered it.

"It may indeed be beneficial... but I can't find it in me to leave my own country for too long. Sister Thyra..." Clifton said turning towards the valkyrie as Thyra turned to give him attention. "Have you heard of what happened to Hiedelswatch?"

Thyra narrowed her eyes, but shook her head. "Only that mine queen hath asked us to gather there. But nay... I've sent mine kin a message telling them of mine decision to stay here in Mendernich with the hero, but I hath no new news."

Clifton nodded his head understandably. "What remains of the Kingdom of Hierdsvain, the fortress of Hiedelswatch is no more. The valkyrie are fleeing towards our northern borders, and the knights of Antwarch are attempting to mount up a defense towards the north as well. However... That will only lessen the amount of troops we have on our western front to aid Isikawa and the elven kingdom of Lassetaure. Every proper dragonknight is worth at least a hundred regular foot soldiers." He shook his head again. "I'm sorry Amelia, but I can't..."

You noticed Thyra looked pale, but she kept her eyes on Clifton.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 19, 2019, 11:45:51 PM
Sense motive on Clifton to see if he is steadfast and arguing the point will just make him upset or if the vibe I am getting that he could be persuaded is correct.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 1 + 3, total 4[/blockquote]

Sense motive on thyra's state of mind and the side eye she is giving Clifton
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 17 + 3, total 20[/blockquote]

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 20, 2019, 01:37:19 PM
[info]Sense Motive (Clifton): 4
You could not get any hunches on whether or not he would be persuaded. He seemed to stand by with what he said.

Sense Motive (Thyra): 20
From Thyra's narrowed glance, you had the feeling that she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. However, due to her being pale, you had a hunch that she was actually quite disturbed with the news.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 20, 2019, 10:15:48 PM
"I respect your resolve and in all honesty, I probably would make the same decision you would, and I will help in any way I can," She said with a nod.  "I understand a little bit of that fear that is gripping your chest."

"That being said, I need to say this, while one dragon knight may be worth 100 regular soldiers you can only be fighting in one place at a time. I'm beginning to learn that I need to work within my means. Protecting your homeland is paramount for you and your people do not deserve the threat they are under. You cannot turn the tide of this war with will and blades alone we all need to help in any way we can. Figuring out why the demons are attacking and how to stop them would help take the pressure off your borders that is how I can help. You helping here may be a quicker way of getting to that goal then just relying on yourself."

"Please think about my offer while you are still in the city. That being said, if you do decide to go, I would ask if you could leave Bently behind. While he may not have your expertise he has an understanding of your material that will make this go quicker. I also will send any results I find to you. Though, I don't know how if my connection will reach that far out."
She frowns.

"I'm sorry I don't like seeing new friends having to risk their lives,"
she paused. 

"Speaking of my connection your wife offered to teach me how to speak and use it at the same time. Would you mind if I followed you home for a quick lesson before you leave? I may need a passing knowledge of how to do it tomorrow morning," she said with a soft understanding smile.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 21, 2019, 12:40:31 PM
"That is true that blades alone will not win this war, as history has shown for the past hundred years we've only been slowing their advance, without gaining any new ground. However... It is wise to make use of one's abilities the best way it can, too. As it is right now, I'm not able to read the writing in the book... I will be here for another few more days though. While I'm here, I can certainly try helping as much as I can. As for leaving Bently behind... Well, that would be unexpected, but I originally brought him along in the first place for him to get experience of the real world. I will discuss that with my wife."

"Speaking your thoughts and talking at the same time... Yes, we could teach you that. We're leaving 3 days from now, so feel free to stop by anytime."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 21, 2019, 03:34:31 PM
"If the problem is you not being able to read the book and wanting to read it first hand," She paused. "I might be able to fix that problem at least for this book in particular. Though my memories of the specific details may not be the best," She said with a smile. Before Clifton had a chance to protest Amelia had her friend's list open and was focusing on his name.

Once the connection was open she did her best to focus on her language-based memories and the previous day where she had read the book cover to cover. She needed the help of everyone she could if she wanted to be more than useless as a hero's aid and at the same time avoiding being captured as a slave. If Clifton agreed to help it meant that she had more chips to play with Hallum the following day.

She didn't know if this would work for other pieces of literature, but if she could somehow make her powers feed the letters into his head it would be a halfway decent starting point in the long run.

[info]Using a hero point to give him memories of the language so that he can read the book. If OOC it would be better to use the language extension use that. But I would rather the memories because they last. [/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 22, 2019, 08:59:26 AM
QuoteBefore I let you use the ability, keep in mind this goes off of your own understanding and knowledge of what you read and remember if you use the ability for memories. Meaning, this will be using your original roll of 7 and 10.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 22, 2019, 03:46:37 PM
Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 13 - 12-3 PM

[info]Not using the hero point then.[/info]

After a moment Amelia opened her eyes with a sigh, something seemed to stop her from making a solid connection, "I'm sorry it failed to work. I will have to work on something to see if I can find a way so that people can read the book."

Amelia will otherwise take the next hour or two with everyone to take out the various documents collected by the gathering of churches and organizing them from oldest to newest and talk about the ones that might have the most diverse information on the summoning rituals or rich information and terminology of demons.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 23, 2019, 01:30:28 PM
Like during the meeting of the churches before, they had their holy texts with them. Thyra and Clifton, being from the same original world as the Felencorp United Alliance, all had a similar holy text. Father Barnabas too had his own holy text originating from the world of Erdesin. Both of their holy books spoke of the goddesses, though, Erdesin's didn't have any word about the Goddess of Water. They also went through their own stories of demons in both of their books, but there didn't seem to be that much information about them other than the general idea that they were evil, and were the enemy of man-kind. Both of their holy books seemed to primarily be the point of view of the Goddess of Light was another observation you had made. And you got the feeling that specifically the Goddess of Darkness, wasn't looked upon favorably in the texts. The word suggesting the Goddess of Darkness to be almost understanding of demons.

There was not much mention of the summoning ritual, and the priests explained to you that the summoning ritual itself was passed down to each generation. It was through this, that you realized both Father Barnabas and the other two delegates had different ways of chanting the spell, along with preparations. For example, the summoning ritual that brought you from your own world consisted of a couple days of preparation of the summoning runes that the castle had deep within. It also required multiple casters, in Father Barnabas' case, Conrad Esser was the one who helped in the casting. On the other hand, the summoning ritual that Clifton and Thyra described only required a single caster. And depending on their skill level, could complete the ritual in an hour or two at most. The only thing that both required were the runes themselves, but they both told you that the art of making more of those runes were lost to them.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 25, 2019, 10:02:55 AM
Amelia took various bits of notes from their stories and explanations for use later doing her best to absorb and understand the basic details of the magic involved.

Using this two hour talk as a chance to roll two one hour training of whatever skill ritual magic knowledge falls under if possible."

When they had finished their explanations she made another mental note to continue looking for any information on the "local" chapter of the church of darkness. It was clear to her that those in that secretive order must have clues to the rest of this mess.

Maybe she should read that book again and try to find a divine power from her world assuming they were true to try and pray to for guidance.

She snickered at the thought as she finished her notes; as if a god would be interested in her. As they finished up she looked over at Thyra. She did have plans for the rest of the day but something had just taken precedence. As they were finishing the last of their tea Amelia mumbled the command for her friend's list and looked at Nyx's name.

"Hey Nyx, I know you know this your free for the rest of the day, but I will need you rested for tonight to patrol for kidnappers on the castle grounds. Just as a heads up,"
with that done she lets out a sigh.

"Father Ragnar, do you have something on hand stronger than tea? Considering everything that has gone on today I think at least a few of us need a bit of a drink," She said finally. "I want to toast to our homelands if that's alright."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 25, 2019, 01:41:51 PM
QuoteRoll two Training checks, 1 hour each, for Knowledge (religion)

"Kidnappers? Potentially the Felencorp outside the city walls? Fear not, I'll catch anyone who sneaks in."

Father Barnabas grinned when you mentioned something stronger than tea. He paused when he realized the company he had was a holy man and a priestess from the Valkyries. But he eventually shrugged. "I keep a stash in the cathedral too." He flashed a smile. "A valkyrie, a dragonknight, and a hero... Alright, I think I know what to pull." With that, the High Priest of Mendernich stood up and headed out the room.

QuoteIf you havea ctions in the next 15 min, call them out, otherwise I can continue the scene.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 25, 2019, 04:49:39 PM
[info]Knowledge Religion Training check
check 1
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 20 + 1, total 21[/blockquote]

check 2
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 3 + 1, total 4[/blockquote]

Amelia will move to sit next to Thyra and place a hand on her knee, otherwise waiting for Ragnar to return.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 26, 2019, 03:07:26 PM
[okay]You have gained a new title 『Student』
You have gained +1 WIS[/okay]
Knowledge (religion): 8/8
Thyra smiled weakly at you. "I thank thee, mine hero." She moved her own hand on tops of yours, and clasped it. "In truth the valkyrie hath expected as such... Tis woulds't be a matter of time til we were ousted from our ancestral lands." She took in a deep breath and she squeezed your hand. "I shalt be well, mine hero."

Soon enough Ragnar came back. He came with three bottles, placing them down, along with four cups for everyone. "Mendernich mead. Totally our own brew of my country. A bottle of wine that comes from Antwarch. One of my... hmmm... frequent temple visitors... gave it to me as a gift. Lastly..." He placed the last shorter bottle in front of you, and proceeded to sit on the chair next to you. "Hard gin for the hero and I." Ragnar said grinning. "It's about time you had something harder than cider."

Thyra proceeded to pour herself some. Clifton, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows, and seemed to stare in shock towards father Barnabas. Clifton eventually laughed. "The High Priest of Mendernich... You contained yourself well during the meeting with the other churches." Clifton commented as he too, poured himself some of the wine. You noticed he didn't really put in that much, at least compared to Thyra, who was already downing her first glass.

Ragnar Barnabas smiled apologetically. "There were some in there who wouldn't approve. Yeah?"
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 26, 2019, 08:52:45 PM
Amelia nods at Thyra's warm words squeezing Thrya's hand in support, "You will always have a home here, Thyra. I will do everything I can to make sure you will get to see your home again one day. I'm here for you."

As Ragnar entered with the three bottles she smiled at his bravado and ease despite his station. As he placed the gin down in front of her however she could feel the sweat building at the back of her neck. Having her first major hangover the day before a huge meeting was far from a good idea. But then she glanced at Thyra and Ragnar two people who had done everything in their power to help her. She needed to show that she respected them and their camaraderie. If risking getting drunk was the price to pay than so be it.

As Clifton spoke she couldn't help but laugh, "I thank my lucky stars every day that someone like Ragnar is in the position of the high priest. He matches my rhythm and viewpoints as much as one could in his position. I'd much rather work with him and his interesting habits than having to pull along someone kicking and screaming." Amelia said as she uncorks the bottle. "I believe it's the duty of the youngest member to pour the drinks for the rest of the table. Also, Ragnar, I'm going to have to teach you what mixed drinks and cocktails are," she said with a smile.

[info]Amelia will drink but do her best to pace herself and go slow to help with the eventual checks XD[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 27, 2019, 11:12:01 AM
QuoteI'll be using these inebriation rules to handle drinking. At your current CON score, you can have 1 drink per hour, you would need to roll for your second drink in that hour. You could definitely role-play out getting tipsy if you'd like, though.

"Thy offer is gracious mine hero." She then turned towards Clifton. "Praytell Father Atwood, dost thou know how many of mine sisters yet remain? How about mine queen? Or the three valkyrie princesses?"

Clifton shook his head. "I'm afraid not. The report I received was more on the matters of my kingdom, rather than your nation specifically."

"I need to knoweth what did happen and how they art doing." Thyra declared.

When you mentioned the mixed drinks to Ragnar, his eyes lighted up. "That sounds like a venture worth having." Ragnar said, his drink prepared as well. Ragnar raised his drink, and waited for a moment. Thyra, who had already started drinking, quickly refilled her own glass. There was a lot of sorrow in her eyes, and Ragnar understanding what that look meant waited patiently.

"Well then... A toast? To the Kingdom of Bursteig." Ragnar started.

"To the Kingdom of Antwarch." Clifton spoke a moment later.

"To Hierdsvain! And to all mine fellow sisters, for it is they and their families that maketh mine country." Thyra said resolutely. They each turned towards you.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 27, 2019, 04:34:18 PM
Amelia laughed slightly at Ragnar's excitement over the idea of mixed drinks. She poured herself a small glass of gin that she thought would be a respectable amount without committing her to get totally smashed. "To the family, I've made along the way, and the family I've been spirited away from. May we all be blessed from the light and have the strength to face whatever obstacles come their way," she said holding up her glass.

With a sip and a slow drink, she will generally perform small talk in an attempt to console others and try to get people to relax. She will begin telling stories about her homeland looking to commiserate about what is on the line. From simple things like food and clothes to complex things like politics and it's lack of magic. As she continued to sip her jin she got into more silly topics like boy bands and novel series she wonders how it will end.

[info]She is just trying to get these guys to relax forget about their station and talk as people.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 28, 2019, 02:10:52 AM
QuoteRoll Diplomacy to see how well you do.

Thyra was getting more tipsy as time went, it got to a point that Ragnar actually had to head back to pull out more drink. This time around, he had pulled out lighter drinks, especially for Thyra who had been going through his stash fairly well. Clifton drunk lightly, being reserved, but he didn't shy away from any of the original hard alcohol that Father Barnabas first brought.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 28, 2019, 05:22:38 AM
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+11 : 18 + 11, total 29[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 28, 2019, 01:29:18 PM
Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 13 - 3-4 PM

The next hour was spent more in camaraderie than anything else. Instead of talking about religion and beliefs, the four of you spent time retelling stories of each of their respective homelands. It was from this that you were able to get more information on how the Hierdsvain valkyrie were like. They were a race of warrior maidens. Any child they bore would become valkyrie themselves, and it was due to this that typically valkyrie sought out men as there were generally very few available ones in their own kingdom. They had once numbered in the millions, and had a kingdom that stretched through most of the northern lands. Temples and places of worship were common place, and so too were training facilities and academies. Theirs was a civilization who had been thriving at least until the war had started. They were a militant race of people, and every child would begin attempting to learn to fight starting from the age of 10.

From Antwarch, you had eventually come to know that theirs is an old nation. Spanning hundreds of years as well. Though, it was highly debated whether or not they existed when Felothia had been formed. Records were hard to come by in the ancient era after all. Theirs was a country primarily founded by the people who lived with dragons. They formed a mutual bond with them. Like the valkyrie, the dragon race of their world, Velothia, were all females. Though, when they would bear children, there was half a chance it would be a human, and another half a chance it would be a dragon. Though who went into contract with a dragon was something akin to a marriage tie in their own culture. Not only that, those with contracts were greatly admired and respected. Typically they commanded armies, and platoons of dragonriders were enough to turn the tides of war at times. Their losses weren't as large as the Hierdsvain valkyrie, however, they had still lost more than 60% of their own territory, primarily the lands to the west.

Apart from that information, you began to get to know them better as people too. Eventually, they both told of stories from their own personal childhood, along with the events in their life that had eventually lead them to who they were now.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on June 29, 2019, 09:46:51 AM
Amelia laughes and joins in the storytelling as well as asking a number of questions she otherwise would not. Topics like how Clifton and Angelica met were fair game along with different aspects of Amelia's former life. She talked about things like high school, trips to the beach, and even how the modern views of relationships worked.

After things had calmed down Amelia sits back, "you know, sometimes, I feel like I have the strangest luck. Like someone out in the universe is rolling a 20 sided die to see what happens to me is some kind of cosmic board game." Amelia said with a tipsy laugh.

When they had finally finished the meeting Amelia came out of the church of light slightly pink in the face after the drink looking to go home with Kurt.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on June 29, 2019, 12:00:08 PM
Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 13 - 3-4 PM

During the talk with them, a notification had appeared.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『4th-Wall Breaker』
You have gained +1 WIS[/okay]You very well knew what the 4th-wall was, and what 4th-wall breaking meant.

Kurt was outside, it looked like he was in the middle of sparring with one of the guards. The moment they noticed you they stopped however.

"That was a good spar." Kurt said towards the guard. The guard saluted.

"Thank you for honoring me with a spar, my lord." The man said clumsily, a faint blush on his cheeks. Kurt smiled gently and nodded his head, but then started to wave towards you and walk towards you.

"My q- Hand-maiden Amelia! How did the meeting with-" He paused as he noticed the reddened cheeks and noticeable tipsiness. "... are you okay?" He said, concern in his voice as he rushed up to you., planning to check up on the temperature of your forehead, and generally pull you closer to him.


Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 01, 2019, 10:19:24 AM
Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 13 - 3-4 PM

Seeing the notification pop-up she blinked a few times as she felt the heat spreading across her checks. She didn't want to think that one drink would affect her so greatly that either she was seeing things or the cosmos was making fun of her. She giggled the idea of a 4th wall break was pretty funny though.

"I think it's time I head home before I end up getting the attention of Felencorp with all this partying. Knowing those sticks in the mud they would end up wanting to take all this for themselves." She stood quickly as a means of making her exit accept it was too quickly as the blood and alcohol instantly rushed to her head and the world went sideways. Luckily, there was a somewhat soft Ragnar in the way of her fall keeping her from face planting.

she said now realizing she was sitting directly on someone's lap. "I'm so sorry, the room was spinning for a second there." She attempted to stand, having to use Ragnar's body as a crutch to stand, which put her face and body in very close proximity to the young priest. She was glad to have the drink as an excuse for the color in her cheeks as her face turned a brighter red.

"I'm fine Kurt-" she said trying to push him off but having to pull him suddenly closer as the entire area began to swim and she needed him to keep her standing. "In all honesty, I may have had one drink. Maybe a little more-" She said. "I'm glad you are so strong right now or I would be on the floor." she smiled as she clung to him as an anchor.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 01, 2019, 08:48:07 PM
There was a faint blush on Kurt's cheeks, but he eventually made it to the stables that were near the temple. He motioned to one of the guards to bring a carriage instead, and soon enough, one was provided.

QuoteState plans for rest of the day.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 02, 2019, 09:59:53 AM
Location: Church of Light
Date: Day 13 - 3-4 PM

As Amelia left the meeting and said her goodbyes for the day, she did her best to keep standing as she made it through the hallways and corridors of the church proper. After all, no devout believer would want to see a girl stumbling through their place of worship. However, in Amelia's single-minded endeavor to look like a normal person she ended up making a wrong turn ending up exactly where she did not want to be one of the main areas of worship.

Now realizing where she was, she quickly ducked around a corner into one of the private rooms of worship. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts and her breath she looked around at the confined space of worship and the various iconography. Feeling the beating of her own heart in her chest she knew she would have to wait a few minutes to collect herself. If she was going to be in this room for a while she figured she might as well try praying at the actual temple once or twice.

Now, back home Amelia wasn't totally sold on the idea of religion. That is not to say that she wasn't spiritual or had her own mixture of beliefs she just disliked the effect that organized religion had on people and politics. She didn't like how people used and twisted people's beliefs for their own selfish games. Wars had lasted for years because of interpretations of holy books the intent of those books ignored as human failings did great atrocities under the banner of the divine will.

Amelia believed that if the divine did exist across any ideology it didn't change the fact that she had to live life-based off of her own moral standing. Even if the gods were vengeful and not loving as she suspected it was all the more reason to rise above them and show the better nature of mortals. It was when the resolve of earthly beings falters that belief in something larger than yourself gives people the strength to keep moving forward. The idea of community faith and charity has helped heal as well as destroy.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but right now Amelia needed the strength to keep things from spiraling out of control. What could go wrong if she asked for a little bit of divine protection every now and again? So perhaps despite herself she sat down to attempt to pray.

"I don't know who if anyone may be listening. If you are the goddess of light they pray too or some shirtless man like the gods back home, or even if more then one can hear me right now. I know I'm technically not the one they called for, but I'm trying my best for them.

I want to protect them and help them grow. To do that I need to survive tomorrow with the duke. Please, give me the strength wisdom, or shit just luck to do what I need to do to avoid the fighting that could come. I need all the help I can get so please if even one of you find me of interest watch over me and give me guidence."

[info]Once we get back to the castle I'm going to try to sobber up with a bath

Meet with the king to talk about the meeting and the duke

Then a bedroom scene at night with Kurt[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 02, 2019, 08:20:58 PM
Location: Mendernich Castle - Bathhouse
Date: Day 13 - 4:30 PM

You prep for the bath, and soon take it. Kurt and Matilda you knew used the bathhouse in the morning.

Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 5:30 PM

You found the king in his study.

QuoteDo you plan to just head into Kurt's room at night?
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 03, 2019, 12:08:53 PM
Location: Mendernich Castle - Bathhouse
Date: Day 13 - 4:30 PM

Amelia enters the bath slowly doing her best to let the steam do its work in attempting to make her sober in time for her meeting with the King. She blindly walked nude across the tile floor not connecting the memories together from what happened last time to what could happen again. She was too focused on the meeting she would have with the king in a few more hours. The last thing she wanted to do was appear like she wasn't able to handle herself at this moment of strife. She let herself sink below the surface of the bath and let the flickering lamps on the wall cast cascading lights that bounced like rainbows through the water.


Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 5:30 PM

Amelia looked in and made sure to knock on the door to announce herself before entering, "Are you busy your majesty? I wanted to talk to you about the meeting tomorrow if you have the time."

[info]Kurt is staying in my room tonight just to be safe.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 04, 2019, 11:42:14 AM
Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 5:30 PM

"About Duke Hallam? Of course Amelia my dear, what do you need to know?"
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 04, 2019, 12:38:06 PM
Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 5:30-7:30 PM

-abstracting a two-hour conversation-

[info]Questions about the duke

What is his backstory? Do we know if he was married or has lost land in the war?

What kind of dealings has he had with mendrich in the past if any?

What is his station/authority in felencorp?

Any rumors about him/ his men in the war? Is he one of felencorp's attack dogs etc

Plans for the meeting

Want to meet him in one of the meeting rooms not the throne room.
- room with fewer windows easily defended if something goes wrong etc

Guards should be present but not seen the goal is to use what few soldiers we have in the shadows since we cannot out man him

We should bring in a couple of church medics in case of shenanigans including Ragnar.

The meeting should have a notary so that everything agreed to is put in writing
Decor should be a mixture of ours and felencrop including flowers in our colors, flags so on
food and drink should be simple and easily seen for fear of poisoning.

The prince and Matilda should join me for the meeting and the king if he wants. King Richmond should wear additional armor under his clothes.

I would also like the head diplomat there as my second try and out maneuver the duke.

Thyra and a number of guards will be with the queen just to be safe. Any key personal who may be at risk people like ebner and goddard, corina and, Conrad should be notified and allowed to take the day off if they like

In case he demands a meeting with the hero and will not talk otherwise.

The excuse for not having the hero at the meeting is that
1) the hero using their power for extended periods of time like she did with the duke takes alot of energy
2) She had a meeting at the church where she used amelia the handmaiden as conduit to talk about matters concerning demons.

A secondary bedroom should be prepared with a screened bed (folding screen curtain whatever we have on hand) to hide the "hero".

possibly use akari if she is okay with it depending on how things go.

we purposely take the duke a longer way to buy us time without drawing suspicion.

The ideal outcome
Duke Hallum goes away at least somewhat satisfied and buys us time before pulling the hero to the front
cover is maintained
A better relationship is built with the duke
Goal to build a research coalition to find out the source of the shifting and possibly the reason for the demons

Reasons this research must be done in mendrich
1) as neutral territory as we can possibly get that is safe
2) requires the help of as many holy communities as possible based off the first meeting this is the best place
3) includes books from the hero's world that only the hero can lead that heads this research
4) want felencorp's involvement of course headed by the duke

[info]I assume the king can add or poke holes in this idea as we go[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 05, 2019, 09:35:36 AM
QuoteRoll Diplomacy for Gather Information

QuoteWhat is his backstory? Do we know if he was married or has lost land in the war?

The king doesn't know if he was married or if he had lost land. What is certain is that Duke Hallam had been the most driven in getting the country subjugated under Felencorp. There had been other people from the Felencorp, but none as driven as Duke Hallam.

QuoteWhat kind of dealings has he had with mendrich in the past if any?

Specifically for Mendernich, he was one of the first few people from the Felencorp to start making demands since a year ago when the country first arrived here in the New World.

QuoteWhat is his station/authority in felencorp?

QuoteYou can roll Knowledge (nobility) to understand rankings.

The Felencorp, being something akin to a plutocracy, values wealth as power. Duke Hallam happens to be one of the richer dukes owning a large portion of trade in the Felencorp.

QuoteAny rumors about him/ his men in the war? Is he one of felencorp's attack dogs etc
The king hasn't heard much rumours. He knows that Duke Hallam and his men are generally stationed at the southern borders, though, seem to be around the country often.

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 05, 2019, 04:05:52 PM
[info]Diplomacy gather info
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+12 : 14 + 12, total 26[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 05, 2019, 10:33:05 PM
QuoteWhat is his backstory? Do we know if he was married or has lost land in the war?

The king admits that Duke Halam seemed personally invested. He suspects there's more of a reason why the duke is driven the way he is, more than just patriotism for his country. However, the duke himself had never mentioned anything of the nature, instead he seems to treat the people of Bursteig with some hostility.

QuoteWhat is his station/authority in felencorp?

The king wasn't 100% sure, but he was certain that the duke held a large authority within the alliance.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 06, 2019, 09:32:33 AM
forgot to do this lol
Knowledge Nobility
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+5 : 20 + 5, total 25[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 06, 2019, 07:23:11 PM
As you thought about what you knew about nobility, a notification appeared.

[okay]You have gained a new title 『Knowledgeable』
You have gained +1 INT[/okay]
[info]Knowledge (nobility)
From what you knew about nobility, the title of Duke was reserved for a very select few. Generally the title of Duke or even Duchess belong to nobility. It is the highest rank right under the monarch, and supersedes other titles such as marquess, earl, viscount and baron. Being a duke implies that there is some sort of territory, or geopolitical area ruled by the duke, and that area is often called his 'dukedom'. Many times dukes are in line to the throne in a typical monarchy. [/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 08, 2019, 08:46:32 AM
"Do you think he has a grudge against Bursteg because we replaced his dukedom during the shifting?" Amelia asked, "I imagine we don't have an old political map just lying around from one of the times they tried to strong arm the nation?"

"Well regardless, if my hunch is correct, then my plan might be helpful in brokering better relations with the man. If we could make good with him he may be able to broker proper negotiations with Felencorps ruling body."

"We will have to be careful tomorrow and I'll do my best to be prepared for the meeting. Can you think of anything else we need to prepare your majesty? Otherwise, I should let you finish your work."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 09, 2019, 01:36:57 PM
Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 7:30 PM

"From before we were sent here? No... I had commissioned a map to be drawn of our own country. Traders would likely have recent maps... And they may have older maps too."

"As for preparations, you have a solid plan." King Richmond said positively.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 09, 2019, 04:00:49 PM
Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 7:30 PM

"I should talk to the traders then to see if I can collect a couple of those maps. They might be useful in the future and I like collecting antiques like that," she mused as she looked at how low the oil lamp on the king's desk was now burning.

"I'm sorry, I've taken up a great deal of your time. I should let you get up and stretch your legs. Maybe even get a bite to eat?" She asked standing. "Also, I should talk to Conrad about eye strain. We have worked hard in my world to keep people from going blind from overwork," [/b]She smiled at the king.

"Thank you for your help,"

[info]She will make sure the king eats something and rests his eyes a bit before I head off to my room.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 10, 2019, 11:03:48 AM
Location: Mendernich Castle - King's Study
Date: Day 13 - 7:30 PM

"Thank you for the help you've given us." The king replied back with a gentle smile. You insisted that the king get something to eat and rest, and soon enough the king took your advice, thanking you once again before you left for your room.

Location: Mendernich Castle - Hero's Room
Date: Day 13 - 8:00 PM

As what was planned, you saw Kurt sitting in one of the chairs and table right outside the entrance to your room. He had since changed out of his armor, and was wearing his usual set of clothing. You do notice he had a sword sheathed though. On the table with him was Matilda, and beside her looked to be a cart with food in trays. They both greeted your cheerily, with Kurt blushing as he usually did.

"My queen... Have you had dinner yet?" Kurt asked.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 11, 2019, 10:45:29 AM
"I've been waiting to eat with good company," Amelia said with a smile as she sat down at the table across from him.

"What are the three of us having?" As Amelia sits there the familiar cling of paranoia eats at the back of her brain. She had attempted to lay a trap for any would be kidnapper and now she had to play the part of live bait. She had to do her best to keep everyone calm.

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 11, 2019, 04:13:40 PM
Matilda grinned. "Crepes!" The princess said revealing what was in the trays. You noticed Kurt frown slightly, but Matilda began happily slicing a piece of one. "I had Akari make me one! She told me to call her... umm... Akari... senpai? I think I'm saying it right. This one is an improvement over the original. Even Akari-senpai approved!" Matilda pointed at the red fruits, along with the white creme.

"These small red fruits we received from the neighboring Bashkassia. One of the trade ships came in with them on board. They're really good! And the creme is used for deserts of our own country... But it pairs really well with the Isikawan crepe."


Once Matilda had the slice she held the spoon up in front of you.

"Say 'Aah'!"
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 13, 2019, 08:01:34 PM
Amelia blushed as Mati held out the bite of food, but complied if only to apologize for the difficulty of that morning.

"Ah," she said biting down on the mouthful. "Thank you, Mati you did a wonderful job and i've been craving food like this from home." She chuckled
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 13, 2019, 09:18:27 PM
Matilda smiled wide as she giggled when you ate the food she offered. "I'm glad you liked it." She then cut another piece of the crepe, and with a spoonful of it, she gave the handle to Kurt, which Kurt hesitantly took questioningly.

"Hmm?" Kurt asked.

"Now brother..." She leaned over to Kurt's ear, and whispered.

QuotePerception DC 15 to hear the whisper.

At this Kurt began to turn red.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 14, 2019, 03:45:00 AM
[info]perception check
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 20 + 8, total 28[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 14, 2019, 11:54:23 AM
[okay]You have gained a new title 『Perceptive』
You have gained +1 WIS[/okay]

"Now brother... Take the spoon and feed sister like how I fed her! You'll totally win her heart!"
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 14, 2019, 02:47:31 PM
[info]insight check to see if he is blushing because of the embarrassment of the act or because he wants to do it and is embarrassed for being called out

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 8 + 7, total 15[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 15, 2019, 08:20:59 PM
[info]Sense Motive: 15
You were not able to get any clear hunches on why he was embarrassed.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 16, 2019, 08:29:06 AM
Amelia giggled slightly to herself as she saw Kurt's expression but instead of allowing him to try feeding her she took this opportunity to cut her own spoonful and flicked it at Kurt and then in quick succession did the same to Mati with a laugh as she tried to hit both of them with the food in the face, " I hope you don't mind, but i'm Not the type to sit back and be doted on. I'd rather subvert expectations and get my hands dirty."

She laughed, "or in this case get your face messy."

She leaned forward and took some cream from Kurt's nose with a finger and ate it. "Like I said before food tastes better when we are all eating together. Wouldn't you agree, Kurt? It may not be very ladylike but it's a waste not enjoying good food with others." She said wiping her finger on the plate then sticking it in his mouth.

Tastes good right?" She laughed sitting back.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 16, 2019, 09:40:41 PM
Matilda continued to giggle, while Kurt began to blush furiously. He froze completely when you wiped the cream from his nose and ate it.

"That's not fair." Matilda said as she quickly grabbed one of the other dishes of crepes on the rack, hen threw it straight at you. Her aim was true even if you had tried to dodge, and it splattered you in the face.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 17, 2019, 08:22:46 AM
Amelia began laughing so hard that it was pretty much a witch's cackle as she wiped a bit of cream from her eyes. She desperately needed a good laugh like this, something to wash the stress away on the eve of the meeting with Hallum the next morning. The concept of romance was as far away from her thoughts at that moment even as the ghosts of her friends and boyfriend seemed to sit around the table with her.

She needed friends more than anything else and preferred to make relationships with a lot of small methodical rather than grandiose gestures. It was things like a food fight or making jokes that really endeared others to her. Not something as cliché as trying to feed one another she thought they all looked a lot better with cream on their face rather than people she liked trying to serve her.

"This is the kind of thing I needed. And in a food fight, I refuse to lose! This is war!" she cackled grabbing two plates ready to make a thorough mess. She through plates at both of them aiming for center mass so it would be more difficult for them to dodge.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 18, 2019, 04:31:23 PM
It didn't take much to hit them both, though a part of you suspected they had been holding back. As the crepes slid off their face, Matilda continued to giggle and even laugh. Kurt on the other hand was stunned at first but once he got his bearings he too laughed. Picking up some of the food stuff that had fallen on his shirt, he flicked them towards you.

QuoteYou can paraphrase that scene if you want! Looks like Nyx was pushed off from top 2 again though.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 19, 2019, 12:20:26 PM
The food last lasts as long as the three of them have ammunition to fire at one another. Once the cart is empty and they are all thoroughly covered in cream and fruit Amelia calls a ceasefire. All told, this was the most fun dinner Amelia has had since she came to this new world, and she even managed to eat some of the food during the whole process.

She thanks Mati for the great meal and promises to get changed for bed right away and asks considering the hour, and the reason he is in Amelia's room in the first place, if she could grab some clothes for her brother with a wink where he can't see. After all, it would be pointless to have him stay the night as her bodyguard and have him leave when he was the most at risk.


Once Mati was gone Amelia looked around and let out a small giggle at the mess. "We should get changed before we make an even bigger mess. I'm gonna take a moment to get changed out of these clothes. Mati should be bringing you more as well so if you want to take off your shirt or pants I promise not to judge," she smiled

"After all, I've seen everything anyway."
she paused as she moved behind a changing screen. While she is busy behind the screen and changing she opens up the friend's list to check in on Nyx.

"Hey, Nyx, thanks for staying out so late tonight for me. How are you holding up? Anything seem off in the area that you've seen? Do you need help?"

To Kurt she called,
"You should at least take your shirt off regardless, and let me take a look at you. You seem really tense since this morning and I need you at top form for today and tomorrow."


Do I need to make a diplomacy check to get Kurt into some state of undress?

My goal is to attempt a chiropractor roll on him to get him loosened up and try to maybe get another reputation boost with him in the process

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 19, 2019, 05:02:40 PM
QuoteSure! Roll Diplomacy!
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 19, 2019, 05:49:27 PM
[info]diplomacy roll for undress
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+12 : 4 + 12, total 16[/blockquote][/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 20, 2019, 01:58:16 PM
You heard Nyx on the other end. "Nothing out of the ordinary so far, the town is a bit restless tonight, and there's more people out and about than usual. Probably because of the small army camped outside."

"A-ah... well..." Kurt began as he blushed from the suggestion. "W-well..." He cleared his throat. "If it's for the queen, then I must..!" He said, as he pulled his shirt off free. In the light of the room, you could very well see the tone of sculp of his body. Kurt was fit due to the many hours of training he did as a swordsman.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 20, 2019, 08:42:36 PM
Amelia nodded to herself at Nyx's report as she finished changing, "Stay safe and when this is all over, I promise to give you a good meal for all your hard work."

She then came back out from behind the folding screen in her usual nighttime attire of some pajama pants and an overshirt. She took a moment to study Kurt's body in earnest this time compared with her last encounter with him shirtless. Amelia was not so pure as to say that she was unaffected by his form. She liked a boy who at least attempted to take care of himself though it was more about their personal confidence in her eyes then being a slab of meat.

"You should sit for an art class sometime, I'm sure you would have all the girls swooning to paint you."
she teased.

"Now take off your shoes and lay down on the bed. You are going to have to have a bit of faith in me."
[/color]She said with a devilish grin.

Once he was in position face down on the bed with his back exposed to her she stood over him then stopped for a moment as an idea occurred to her. Taking a note from a classic 80's Kung Fu master Mr. Miyagi, she followed the example Thyra had shown her days earlier to manifest her spirit energy.

"So Kurt, where do you normally carry stress in your body?"
She asked as she mentally spoke a mantra to manifest healing energy in her hands.
"I beseech the power of the universe, spirits, gods and others who watch over me, collect power within me and connect me with this man body and soul, let my touch relax his body and ease his soul of stress and worry so that he may act unchained by mortal pain. I want to get to know this man better let my wishes for him manifest in him." [/i]The mental mantra was a bit dramatic and overly formal for her taste. However, it helped distract her from the hot feeling she felt in her cheeks.

She had no reason to be embarrassed she had given and received 100's of athletic massages before. It must be something about the circumstances, being a stranger in a strange land and all that made this feel so different somehow more personal than the others.
Once she could feel the energy building in her hands as she had felt with Thyra before and Kurt talked about any problem areas she goes about giving him the best full body massage she can manage.

[info]Going to manifest spirit energy and see if it reacts with the full body massage in any way or causes any kind of weird effects as part of the process. The goal is to see if an attempt to heal and deepen a connection will allow me to put some of my excess energy in him.

If it matters, I'm going to be trying to put 10 of my 16 spirit points into this but if it hurts him outside the norm I immediately stop

otherwise, I'm just going to make the chiropractor roll and let me know if I need to do or roll anything more.

For note, amelia is going slowly and trying to do this right if this lowers the dc.

Profession Chiropractor

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 17 + 7, total 24[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 21, 2019, 07:18:16 PM
[info]Profession (chiropractor): 24
This was one of the better massages you had given, not only that, due to your status as a hero, you felt as if you had more control over the fine tune movements of you hands and fingers, applying just enough pressure at the sections that needed it. Though tense at first, Kurt quickly relaxed under your massage attempts.[/info]

QuoteState how long you are doing this, and also roll a Training check. This will be for the Guided Healing tree under Spirit techniques.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 21, 2019, 07:32:08 PM
Amelia continues to massage Kurt for the better part of an hour or until Mati comes to interrupt the pair. Seeing that her own skill seemed better than she imagined she begins to get really into the act of the massage as she pushed across this boy's body not noticing as much where she was touching as she worked to increase blood flow, to all parts of the body, and ease tension. The more Kurt relaxed the further she pushed to try and get the best outcome possible. She used more of her own strength and gained more confidence and more bold actions as she went.

spending an hour on the massage unless interrupted
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+7 : 3 + 7, total 10[/blockquote]

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 22, 2019, 03:16:57 PM
Location: Mendernich Castle - Hero's Room
Date: Day 13 - 10:30 PM

By the end of the hour, Kurt was fast asleep. His rhythmic breathing telling you that he was at peace and unconscious. Unfortunately, this was the only bed in your room.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 22, 2019, 05:23:00 PM
"Nyx is going to be jealous you know, that you took his spot Mr light sleeper. One good back rub and you are out like a light." She thought quietly to herself as she watched Kurt sleep.

"But that earnest streak in you is maybe what I like most about you. You are like a guard dog that I can put all my faith in. All you are missing is the ears and a tail, and then you really would be my guardian wolf."
She said quietly as she moved over to the other side of the bed grabbed an extra blanket and laid it on the boy so that he would avoid getting a cold in the autumn night air before climbing in beside him.

Normally, she would prefer to sleep in a chair or on the floor, but her own paranoia about what Felencorp was planning had her jumping at shadows and at times like this she would use Nyx as a grounding point. And without him here she was willing to use Kurt a little bit. After all, he couldn't do his job as her bodyguard if she was out of arm's reach. So tonight she would break her own rules and trust his princely chivalry.

Seeing him sleeping there she could not help but smile at the peace on his face as she leaned to snuff out the oil lamp. She couldn't help but see imaginary dog ears twitching as he slept. "I wonder," she said as she stared at the darkness.

"Friend's list." she said under her breath as to not make her guard

"Add Nickname, Guardian Wolf Prince, Fenrir, to Kurt's," she said, curious if she could add personal jokes like that to her personal list.

[info]While she is messing around she will focus too much on Kurt's name causing her to listen in on his dreams if he has any.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Throndir on July 23, 2019, 04:41:23 PM
While you messed around with the interface, you were able to add the nickname to Kurt. Instead of having his name on there, it was replaced with "Guardian Wolf Prince, Fenrir". Attempting to open the connection to him through your Friend's List, you managed to get silence. Once you tried to see into his dreams and thoughts however, you got a notification.

[okay]Ability not yet unlocked.[/okay]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 14: Church of Light
Post by: Mysticsage on July 23, 2019, 06:21:49 PM
Amelia not taking note of the message right away ends up falling asleep due to the length of the day and the need for energy in the morning.

"Nyx, please stay safe tonight,"
she said finally before drifting off.

[info]Amelia is asleep and ready to change scenes assuming nothing goes totally wrong lol[/info]