Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => Re:Fund - My Vacation Is Ruined By Getting Sent Into Another World! => Tales of the Heroes (Side Roleplays) => Topic started by: Mysticsage on January 18, 2019, 06:24:52 PM

Title: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 18, 2019, 06:24:52 PM
Location: Visiting Valkyrie Villa
Date: Day 10 - 6 PM

She had asked for a late night meeting because of that red light she saw emanating from the other women. All throughout the meeting she had continued to sneak glances in her direction to see if anything changed and that light was always there. She had never seen something like that before, except when Nyx used magic. To make matters stranger, however, no one else seemed to notice the entire meeting. So as she sat on the sofa with her cat on her shoulder she knew she was going to take a risk tonight by telling the truth.

All that was left to do now was wait for her arrival.

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 19, 2019, 11:53:59 PM
"Hail Amelia! Handservant of thine hero of Mendernich."

"Thou wisheth to speak with me? Praytell for what purpose? Tis often that I get the attention of fellow women... But feareth not, be stout, and train daily, and thou shalt be one with the sword in no time!" She grinned.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 20, 2019, 12:09:47 PM
"I'm sorry, I don't think I ever caught someone using your name before," Amelia said bowing sheepishly.

"But yes I wanted to speak with you,"
she said slowly.

"Would it be too impertinent to ask what that red light is that I see emanating from you? My lady saw it through her familiar's eyes at the meeting and I must admit I saw it too. I assume as a part of the contract I made with her. Would you mind explaining it, so long as it's not some great secret? No one else at the meeting seemed to notice."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 21, 2019, 03:41:48 PM
"Thyra Grimsdottir."  The Valkyrie introduced herself.  "A red light..?" She paused.

"Ahh... the red wind of the goddess. But for thee to see that? Especially one that doth not shareth the blood of the Valkyrie?"

She pulled out her weapon then, and Nyx momentarily tensed up.

"Forbid it, no, tis not that." The valkyrie smiled at the cat. "No, but, looketh towards mine blade."

With that, the woman closed her eyes.

"Spirits of mine ancestors, and souls of mine forebears be with me." With that the same red glow you had seen appeared on her weapon, and not only that, a red wind seemed to encircle it. The red wind was visible to your own eyesight, but it was the red glow beneath it that seemed different, as if you weren't sure if you were actually physically seeing it.

"Tis the power of the goddess. We Valkyrie call it 'Spirit'. Tis not a secret, no, however... tis a mystery only shared with her goddess' servants, us, the Valkyrie. Praytell... Canst thou really see it? Not the red wind... But the glow."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 21, 2019, 04:42:08 PM
Amelia watched and listened intently at the performance feeling Nyx tighten on her shoulder for a moment. She watched until the wind formed on the blade. Amelia breathed in wonder as the whole thing occurred she had yet to see anything close to magic first hand. to her question, she responded, "The glow is there in your blade."

Amelia felt her heart thumping in her chest a mile a minute. There was only one way to really prove that she could. holding her hands before her chest like one would hold water. "Oh, spirits, I open my heart and make a pact with open arms, and Iron will. With you, I forge this contract."

[info]Amelia is going to try to reach out to the spirits to herself and see if they will respond to her like they did the Valkyrie.[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 23, 2019, 02:31:37 PM
When you looked inwardly within yourself, you felt something within you. In your mind's vision, it was represented as a pure white color. It was like a glow within your body. It was part of the body itself, rather than something that flowed within it, or was a 'pool' like how Conrad had explained mana.

You felt it within you, but it didn't seem to budge or move.

Thrya smiled, her eyes lighting up.

"Tis strange indeed, that one such commoner such as thyself from another world wouldst contain the power of the goddesses themselves... Praytell, mayhaps thou has the blood of a Valkyrie in thy veins? Or mayhaps another such like being?" Thrya asked.

"Thine spirit... Tis not something that is normally visible to others... Though, tis said that many centuries ago, when the Valkyrie blood was thicker with divinity, if they hath willed it, others wouldst see the glow. Tis a power unlike magic or ki. There hath no need for incantations or any words spoken to invoke it."

"Nay... Mine speech 'Spirits of mine ancestors, and souls of mine forebears be with me.'. Tis more a prayer, one to show respect to the goddess before we use the power..."

"Truth be told, I hath been planning to head back to the north to aid my fellow Valkyrie in their plight. Our queen hath called forth summons from all Valkyrie able to head back towards our country... The situation is dire."

"But finding one such as you... Tis a power that needs refinement... Control... Even newborn Valkyrie hath need of being able to use it."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 23, 2019, 05:01:25 PM
Amelia almost jumped out of her skin when Thyra made the comment about her being from another world breaking her focus in the process, "I've never done anything like that before," she said shakily. She waited for the next shoe to drop and accusation or some kind of secret attack from Felencorp but when one did not come she exhaled.

"I don't have any divine blood that I know of-"
Amelia said petting Nyx to steady herself and blushing when she mentioned that there was no need for incantations.

"I would love to have someone to help me learn about this since I just discovered it. But if your homeland is in danger I cannot ask you to stay away. If something were to happen to them and you were here teaching me, I would not want to burden you with regrets. Is your kingdom suffering badly from the demons? What do they need?"

opening her friend's list
"As the hero of this country and someone who appreciates your kind words I would want to help. If I can."

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 24, 2019, 04:18:25 PM
"Art thou not from this kingdom? Forgive me... for in thy eyes, tis we, the Valkyrie, that art intruders to thy world... However... this war with the demons hath been going for o'er a hundred years. Many countries... Many peoples have come from other worlds. Tis a boon at times, though, mayhaps not for those who eventually found themselves hither."

"The kingdom of Hierdsvain has but one bastion. Hiedelswatch...  Her ton of voice grew comber, and a sadness was reflected in her eyes.

"Tis a fort town on our southern borders, shared with the Antwarch Knight Kingdom. The Valkyrie... used to number in the millions. Now... I know not the numbers, but mayhaps 40 or 50 score left in the world..." She shook her head sadly.

When you spoke to her through the Friend's List. Her eyes widened. She whispered quietly as she glanced around first ensuring that no one else was near.

"Than thou isn't the maid-servant of the Mendernich hero, but the hero herself?"
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 24, 2019, 06:22:22 PM
"Yes" Amelia said mentally with a smile before speaking.

"Your honor in continuing to fight is impressive. I would be honored for you to consider to teach me your techniques. But if your numbers have so dwindled why not ask for protection or aid from the other countries? At the very least Felencorp would not want your forces to falter. I know if you needed a new home we would be more than willing to allow you to move within our borders. If things get worst you may need to consider asking for more resources from the rest of us. We need your people just as much as you need us."

"Because to lose a people so closely linked to the goddesses were to fall then surely we are losing a great deal in terms of history. Your stories and legends about the divine would be lost to the sands of time. As a person who loves books, I could not stomach the loss of life or their history. As you said not only your current people but even your ancestors are relying on your survival. We do not have an army that can match your skills but at the very least we can offer you a respite and a place to make sure your stories do not get lost by some attack of a demon."

"If you wish to stay here the hero will welcome you and anyone or anything you need to bring from your homeland with open arms."
Amelia smiled.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 26, 2019, 11:59:16 AM
"We are indeed long time allies of the other countries. Tis why we have many of the Valkyrie throughout this continent... To aid in the fight. So too do we have allies to our north, the Antwarch Knight Kingdom for one, but the war continues to rage on. Find not a single Valkyrie willing to hide behind others though... Tis how we always shalt be."

"As it stands... if mayhaps the bastion of Hidelswatch falls, then surely we will retreat southwards to our allies in Antwarch."

"Our stories, and history of the Valkyrie... In the past o'er a hundred years, many of it hath been lost. Vast cities we once did have in mine country of Hierdsvain. Temples that rival anything the human kingdoms of Antwarch or Felothia hath ever created..."

"I give mine thanks for the offer... Though... I shall choose to stay here if only to teach thyself thy abilities... I shalt send a message to mine people. Mine position as 'High Priest' of Hierdsvain isn't so formal after all."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 26, 2019, 01:20:12 PM
"if you have any written copies of that history you could ask to send along with any and all of the religious documents you agreed to share. I know our nation would be very grateful. I know our hero loves reading books." Amelia smiled with a wink.

"And thank you for going through all this trouble for me I will endeavor to go above and beyond with your expectations as a student. We can start now if you like or we can set another date and time to meet at the castle?"

[info]Amelia will either begin learning the basics or set a date to do so[/info]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 27, 2019, 06:11:42 PM
Location: Visiting Valkyrie Villa
Date: Day 10 - 6 PM

She shook her head.

"Carrying around books hath been the least of our worries during the war... We hath lost the Great Library of Firoir early in the war. Records still exist, likely in Antwarch's libraries, or the Felencorp. Much of our land is now abandoned... with naught but demons that roam the lands."

"As it pleases thee, hero..." Thyra said as she saluted. "Serving heroes, from the goddess herself, are ought what Valkyrie are meant to do."

When Thyra began attempting to figure out how well you could use Spirit, she found out that you were able to sense it well, along with gather it, but that was the extent of your own abilities.

"What would thou like to first learn? It seems thou can use Spirit... however without the proper training, that potential is wasted..."

QuoteTime is 6 PM. Roll however many Training checks you want to do. Call out if they're regular or Expedited. Also choose out specifically what kind of Spirit technique you want to learn. Check the Training doc.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 27, 2019, 07:28:16 PM
spirit strike
2 normal training checks
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 19 + 4, total 23[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 15 + 4, total 19[/blockquote]

After the hours of training, Amelia gasped for air feeling the power leaving her body along with sweat. Gasping for air she smiled, "I needed this exercise but if we're going to do this on a regular basis we will need to move you into the castle. As long as that is all right? I don't know how long it will take to train me."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 30, 2019, 02:36:49 PM
Location: Visiting Valkyrie Villa
Date: Day 11 - 2 AM

You trained for 8 hours straight. It consisted primarily of pulling the spirit out, and attempting to concentrate and make it strike out in an attack. The final parts of the training included attacking with a weapon, and firing off the spirit at the same time.

Sense Mana: 3/6
Knowledge (religion): 6/8
Spirit Strike: 2/8

"Thy use of a weapon tis lacking, but mayhaps something we can work on as well..." Thyra smiled.

"Fear not Amelia... But I dost agree for quarters here... Tis past midnight, the time wherefore the shine of love art the strongest. Dost thou know that to Valkyrie... training with others tis a bonding thing? Whether be thou a hero or not, tis of no consequence."

"Tis late into the night..." Her eyes glinted at you almost predatory, though her cheeks had a faint blush to them.

"Mayhaps I shalt join thee in thy quarters?"
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 30, 2019, 10:42:29 PM
Amelia sweating running down her back smiles she would have to play this carefully. Amelia's face flush from the effort and feeling the late hour she responded, "Thank you for spending so much time with me tonight. I really could not have made it this far without you." she then went full in for a hug with the other girl.

"I think I'm going to have to ask for your help to walk home it is so late my legs are jelly." she almost whispered into the woman's ear.

"And for the record, I don't mind you sleeping over but as a Valkyrie, you can understand my responsibility to the nation that I only let Nyx lay in bed with me. I cannot afford any misunderstandings."

[info]Amelia will attempt to play super heavy into the exhaustion really trying play up the physical contact for Thrya's sake without going too far to distract and compensate for kinda turning her down for the moment. She will let Thyra put her hand around her waist and whatnot while she lets nyx lead the way to the castle and all the way to Amelia's bedroom door to show her trust. Let me know if I have to roll something to play up the fanservice.[/info]

"Thank you again, Thyra. Just for tonight, you can stay with me. You can use my bed until the morning. Do you mind helping me change into my pajama's?"

[info]Amelia will use any extra blankets and pillows to make a nest for her and Nyx in a far corner. He has been told to keep them at least partially separated.

let me know if I need to roll a diplomacy check to win her over without going even further and actually sharing a bed with her.

Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on January 31, 2019, 03:01:43 PM
QuoteRoll a social check if you want to convince them on a different path, but I'm confused since you asked her later on to stay with you?
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on January 31, 2019, 03:53:57 PM
[info]My goal is to let her stay in my room without sharing a bed with her and set her down a different path as you said. I realized sneaking her into the castle now would be the easiest to avoid suspicion.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+9 : 6 + 9, total 15[/blockquote]
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on February 01, 2019, 03:00:30 PM
Once you were alone with Thyra in your large room, and asked her to help you into your pajamas, Thyra smiled.

"Of course mine hero..." Thyra said. "The Valkyrie are the heroes to command and help with anything that thou desires..." With that, Thyra moved up to you.

"If thou lies on thine bed, thy servant, Thyra, can help thee... Now... sit." Thyra suggested, as she grabbed your hand at the same time.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on February 01, 2019, 05:48:56 PM
Amelia will sit on the edge of the bed blushing slightly, "Like I said don't be getting any ideas. Nyx is here watching you know."
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on February 23, 2019, 07:01:30 AM
Nyx stared casually towards the two of you and stretched, though he kept a curious eye on Thyra.

Once you sat on the bed, Thyra, still standing up, licked her lips, then went over to you.

"Well, now first, you'd have to undress to get into your pajamas, right?" She grinned as she herself began unclasping the armor she wore.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on February 24, 2019, 09:07:19 AM
"I just need someone to help me untie the bodice. I can't reach it otherwise I'm not very used to how it ties yet. I can take the rest from there." Amelia said trying her best to ignore the crimson that was building at her cheeks.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on February 27, 2019, 09:47:44 PM
Thyra pouted, but she obediently made her way back towards you. However, instead of removing the bodice from the back, as what was the norm. Thyra instead proceeded to do so from the front. Meaning, she had her arms around you, with her face just a few inches away, as she slowly began to unravel it.

"Praytell hero, dost thou have anyone... special?" Thyra asked bodly and to the point.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on February 28, 2019, 03:42:14 PM
Amelia blushed at the sudden proximity, her brain rattled at the sudden question. "Anyone special-" She could feel Thyra's breathe on her face. "I don't know what you are looking for." She squirmed then look down at Nyx.

"I Nyx is special to me I would die for him. Kurt the crown prince has also been really welcoming and warm. I also don't think I could have gotten through the past few weeks without his help. But everyone I have met so far is special to me and I would have really been lost without any of them. Nyx in particular-"
She said cutting of her own words as she felt the chill run up her bare back from the valkyrie's fingers.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on March 01, 2019, 02:49:54 PM
TThere was a faint flush on Thyra's cheeks as you felt her continue to unravel the bodice by unlacing the knots. She seemed to be taking her time however, and seemed to be more intent with gliding her fingers and hand gently across your back.

"Would thou say... That Thrya, thy servant, is special?" Thyra asked as she loosened yet another tie.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on March 01, 2019, 03:07:49 PM
"You've only spent a day with me, and you have already done so much for me Thyra. I would say that you are indeed a friend to me already Amelia smiled. I hope we can build a lasting trust between the two of us." Amelia smiled. As she felt the other woman's hands across her back she did her best not to squirm. She needed to play this smart even as she felt her heart thumping in her ears she kept looking to Nyx to steady herself.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on March 08, 2019, 10:35:47 PM
Looking towards Nyx, the cat seemed to be stretching quietly, his eyes almost smirking. While continuing to stare, he simply started to groom himself.

Thyra moved closer then, continuing to remove the bodice, and finally she had it off.

"How special?"

QuoteAlso feel free to reply in the main thread on your next actions.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on March 09, 2019, 12:15:00 PM
Amelia seeing her opportunity uses her judo skills to disengage from Thyra as the bodice came away in her hands. "Special enough to sleep in my bed," Amelia says with a smirk while she kicks off her shoes now in her underdress and quickly makes her way to the door.

With her face still bright red she continued, "I wish you a good night Thyra and look forward to seeing you in the morning." Just like that, she was gone spiriting down the halls barefoot and steeming. She only wanted to get some actual sleep and she only knew one place where she could go that the valkyrie would not follow. She ended up right in front of Kurt's door. She knew better than to go into his room without knocking but this was an emergency and she did not feel like waking him to explain things.

So being careful to just open up the door for her, and possibly Nyx if he had followed her, to sneak into the room she gave a small sigh of relief. She promised herself that she would apologize for the intrusion in the morning as she found a chair in his room to curl up in for the night, half dressed, barefoot, and dappled in the moonlight.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Throndir on March 13, 2019, 02:37:43 PM
[info]Heroic Action Point Earned[/info]You left in a hurry. And Thyra blinked her eyes in shock a few times once she realized she was completely alone in the room. Even Nyx had followed after you as swiftly as he could.

Thrya was about to give chase, but then a thought came to her mind as she held up bodice staring at it intently. Instead, the Valkyrie licked her lips.

You went into the room, with Nyx following right behind you slipping in. It was a large room. as richly adorned as the one you had as well. You noted that this room was larger too. Kurt was sleeping soundly with a full sleeping attire, and you made your way to one of the couches to rest.

QuoteIf no other actions, I can write up something quick for the morning after later.
Title: Re: [Amelia] Chapter 10.2 The Ride of the Valkyrie.
Post by: Mysticsage on March 13, 2019, 02:48:48 PM
[info]That sounds good![/info]