Fantasy World Creations

Misc. Roleplays => End of All Days => Inactive Roleplays => Roleplays => Blasting Off Again! => Topic started by: Throndir on December 31, 2014, 12:19:51 PM

Title: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on December 31, 2014, 12:19:51 PM
"So you juniors members need to listen to what I just found out today." The person speaking was the one you recognized from Butch's 'defacement' operation, Gren was his name. His reference to calling you and the rest with you as 'juniors' was correct, though he purposefully left out the fact that he himself was junior. That being said, Gren as indeed older than the rest of you, and you had to wonder how long had the man been kept into the same rank and position he had now.

"I overheard the big guys up top are planning to have some sort of facility where new recruits get their pick from the litter! Not fair considering you guys just missed it right? I even took a look at the facility, and there were a ton of Pok?mon there." He leaned in close, and grinned slyly. A moment later he pulled out a Pok? Ball.

"Look what I managed to nab." As he said that, he released his Pok?mon, a moment after the red beaming light dispersed, a Rattata appeared. The creature looked around at first, then it immediately jumped towards its master.


"Quit it! That's not really very Team Rocket of you!" Gren scolded, but the Rattata continued to make a squeaky happy noise. Eventually the Rattata calmed down however, and he placed her down.

"So, here's the plan." His eyes sparkled. "We'll sneak into that facility, catch as many Pok?mon as we can, then head out before we're caught. Lets get as many as we can! After all, Pok?mon are the best arsenal."

QuoteObjective: Catch as many Pok?mon before the time limit, or before you're caught!
Fail rewards:
1 Trainer Exp
Any Pok?mon you catch*

Success rewards:
1 Trainer Exp
Any Pok?mon you catch

*Might throw some stuff in depending on how it goes on a failed result

Will proceed with the next encounters once we have our group.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on January 01, 2015, 09:23:42 AM
The thought of catching pokemon, in such a close environment with little chance of anything going wrong excited Oreah, only because the ease of the mission could be good training for her young pokemon and the chance to expand her team even further also was an attractive idea. Though she did not really desire a Ratatta for her catch, she would indeed go along with whatever she caught first. The first pokemon she caught would be the one she kept and left with, because despite the prospect of having a full team being attractive, fate would decide that day what he new companion would be, and not her.

Behind her mask, Oreah smiled at Gren and nodded, holding up her fist silently and pumping into the air to show her support of the plan, it being slightly weird from the silent team rocket member.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Ella on January 11, 2015, 03:22:07 PM
Miera Fieren

Although the idea showed a lot of disrespect for the team and the team's superiors, especially coming from the same guy who had persuaded a bunch of newbie members to deface a superior's sleeping quarters, the more Miera thought of the idea, the more it grew on her. It was not like she had any loyalty towards Team Rocket. Her loyalty belonged to Team Magma. Thus, she could join in to nab some extra Pok?mon. Even if she only caught one, it would be one less Pok?mon in the clutches of Team Rocket. And she could say she was doing her own true team a service. She just would not share in her reports to Maxie that she had stolen Pok?mon from Team Rocket until she had figured out the best way to make it sound good to him.

"I'm in." She said.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on January 11, 2015, 08:50:48 PM
Corey was flabbergasted. The higher ups were favoring new members with ME being the cut-off point!? PREPOSTEROUS! He barely suppressed expressing his rage over the matter, but he still clicked his tongue while gritting his teeth at the news. With this self-righteous train of thought, Corey was all-the-more keen on Gren's plan. After all, how else would he combat the sense of belittlement that the news had brought him? By proving they chose wrong by excluding him, of course!

Corey let loose a low, sinister, chuckle before looking Gren squarely in the eye, "Lead the way! Time is of the essence..."
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Lance on January 11, 2015, 10:42:57 PM
"Some might call this 'betrayal' or 'treachery at its lowest form,'" Aran began, having joined in most ambiguously. "But if one were to say no to such things: no to breaking in, no to thieving... then therein lies the true betrayal."

"We are Team Rocket after all," he continued in full agreement of the plan.

"We've a reputation to keep."
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 12, 2015, 07:42:18 PM
Kedric Larns

Kedric for one loved Team Rocket, and once Gren had started mentioning the details of the plan, Kedric readily agreed. The big guys on top were his heroes after all, and if his heroes handed out Pok?mon, the more so that Kedric wanted to be in the loop.

"Did you hear that Digger?" Kedric said as he picked up his Sandshrew, looking at him in the eye as he raised him high above his head. "We're going to get you a friend!" Digger waved its arms around, as if trying to say that it was happy.

"Hahahaha! Yes Digger! We shall find you a GLORIOUS friend!"
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 12, 2015, 08:22:53 PM
"Alright then! Looks like we got our group, and we got our plan!" Gren grinned as he looked at each of the individuals in turn. Sizing up each one and approving as he gave a quick nod to each person. They were a squad after all, besides, their squad's actual senior members rarely bothered with them anyways. Gren had been the oldest of the junior members, though, to be perfectly honest, you knew him to be klutz and often-times acted pitifully.

"Then lets get this operation started! Operation: Arsenal. Man I'm good at this naming stuff." He laughed to himself as he opened the door of the room. "Follow me then, keep up close, don't look too suspicious, and above all, stay quiet! Before we go, here's the layout of the area we're going to. Used some of our awesome grid paper for this too! I think I'm getting to be a better drawer myself. Gren the Cartographer! Hahahaha." No one really laughed at his joke though. He cleared his throat, but showed the others the map he drew.


With that the group moved on forward, traversing their underground complex, with ease. It was night, so there were hardly any other Team Rocket members around, so they group made it quickly through the tunneling paths. Soon enough they were at a vent opening, strangely enough, it was already opened, with the screws to them loosened.

"Going through the front door wasn't the best option you see..." He grinned as he wiggled the hatch open. Soon enough it was unlocked, and shortly after that the group headed inside. The journey then didn't take very long, though at times it was cramped, the group eventually did get to their destination. As Gren slid the hatch from the ventilation shaft off, before them was a couple more hallways and doors.

"Here we are. Though, we should be quiet, it might not seem like it, but there are a couple of guys taking the night-time watch. They're probably just... wandering around. The security room at the center is closed off for maintenance, and the camera system isn't quite functional yet, but I was told it was close to completion so we could hook the things up in the security room and keep tabs on everyone. Each of the rooms on the map has a particular type of Pok?mon, though I can tell you the one right in front of us is where they keep the Rattata."

"Let's go get us some Pok?mon!" Gren exclaimed, though as quietly as he could muster.

  • There are an unspecified number of security guards (more added as the RP goes on).
  • Each security guards lingers at a particular colored area for a few rounds, then moves to the next area. Sometimes they choose a location randomly, or sometimes they have a specific direction in mind.
  • Red lines on the map represent doors. Roll Edu: Technology to attempt to open them. Note that most doors require more than one person to open. Attempting to open a door takes a Standard action.
  • Security room at the center can "light up" where the guards are, so you know at what location they're at. A standard action is required to "see" where the guards at, while that particular player is in the security room.
  • Anytime you enter through a new door, or colored area, roll Perception.
  • You cannot catch any Pok?mon in a location with a security guard in it.
  • If you are in the same area as a security guard, roll Stealth. If failed, you are "sighted". Otherwise you may choose to go into the next area.
  • RP ends at a undisclosed number of Pokemon captured, or a particular number of rounds have passed, or if players have been sighted three times.
Rounds passed: 0

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on January 13, 2015, 12:26:12 AM
Oreah looked about the hall, her silence right at home in the environment they had found themselves in. Upon being pointed to the Ratatas, Oreah immediately looked to the door opposite of them. She pointed to that door, looked to the group around her, then went over to begin trying to open it.

Those who thought like her would understand why she wanted to open the unknown over the known, for the chance at better or rarer pokemon.
[spoiler]Tech roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6-2 : 4, 1 - 2, total 3[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Ella on January 16, 2015, 12:21:11 AM
Miera Fieren

Miera turned immediately to the room with the Rattata. While she was interested to see what other Pok?mon the higher ups had set aside for new members of the team, she did want a Rattata. They were known to be extremely fast creatures, and would be the perfect addition to her team. She would find out what her companions found in the other room before deciding if it was worth it to try for other Pok?mon.

[spoiler][blockquote]Rolled 2d6+2 : 1, 1 + 2, total 4[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 18, 2015, 09:50:01 PM
Oreah & Miera
Both individuals attempted to open their own door. Oreah opening the southern one, and Miera opening the northern one. However, as they began their work, they realized that there were two consoles on either side of the door, and the more you investigated, the more you realized that these doors were meant to be kept shut, and that it required at least two people working on the same door to open them. You wonder how Butch was able to get his Pok?mon that he captured.

"-Aahaha... I had help you see..." He shrugged.

QuoteKedric will follow:

[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]
1 = Aran
2 = Corey
3 = Miera
4 = Oreah
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 18, 2015, 10:38:19 PM
Kedric Larns

Oh this room. This place! How the lights flickered. How his companions snuck about so quietly with their own self-interest motivations. Kedric was about to blurt out something then, but because of the fact he indeed realized this was a stealthy mission, spoke softer instead.

"Team Rocket is wonderful!" He laughed, though, it was easy to tell he was attempting to tone his voice down as low as possible. He proceeded to drape an arm around one of the members, one that looked absolutely like any of the other Team Rocket grunts he'd see. Himself included of course.

"Corey right? Between the two of us, I bet we'll capture some of the best Pok?mon here!" He grinned widely.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on January 18, 2015, 11:18:19 PM
Corey was completely thrown off guard by his joyous comrade-in-theft. It was...Kedric, I think. Yea, that's him! The pitfall prodigy that I heard recently joined... All Corey knew is that the fellow was an odd ball, but genuine. That last part was what made him so surprised that such a guy joined Team Rocket. But Kedric was eager and able, which he could respect. And didn't make you feel like crud, which he REALLY respected.

"Heck yes we will! Gotta show those higher-ups that over-looking us was a mistake! But we gotta be fast...let's see...Let's try for past the security booth. The higher the risk, the better the challenge." Corey whispered energetically. Sure, he wanted new pokemon, but if it the act didn't get his adrenaline pumping it just wasn't worth it. Corey dropped low and entered his "thief-mode", keeping his eyes pelled and footsteps soft as he moved ahead.

[spoiler][blockquote]Stealth:  3d6+2 : 4, 2, 3 + 2, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  3d6+2 : 6, 4, 6 + 2, total 18[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Ella on January 20, 2015, 01:02:29 AM
Miera Fieren

Frowning, Miera stared at the two panels. She could help the other girl open her door, but she really wanted to do this on her own. The more people traveling together, the more likely they were to get caught. Vesper was not tall enough to reach the other panel on his own, though... Unless he climbed. To bad the doorway was not more narrow. If it was, she could balance herself so that Vesper could sit on her leg while she stretched to reach the other panel and both pressed the enter buttons at the same time. She would have to have set it up so that all they had to do was press enter first.

Finally giving up on doing it by herself, but not willing to join the other girl for some unknown Pok?mon, Miera decided she would make the idiot who came up with this whole plan help her. He already knew how to get into this room, after all. Turning around, she grabbed the guy by his upper arm and turned him to face her.

"You've opened this door before. Show me how." She whispered as she gestured towards the door leading to the Rattata room.

[spoiler]Intimidate: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6+2 : 5, 2, 3 + 2, total 12[/blockquote]
Command: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6+1 : 2, 3, 1 + 1, total 7[/blockquote]
EDU Tech: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+2 : 2, 3 + 2, total 7[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 24, 2015, 03:15:34 PM
Kedric Larns

"I like your thinking!" Kedric said as he grinned. He watched Corey as he bent down lower, and started to sneak off. Kedric followed shortly behind, keeping his eyes alert as he followed after his companion.

The sneaking was simply too glorious, and Kedric couldn't help but continually keep smiling as he crept up in the shadows, literally shadowing Corey who kept the lead.

QuoteKedric follows Corey:

[blockquote]Rolled 4d6+6 : 4, 3, 2, 4 + 6, total 19[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6-1 : 5, 4 - 1, total 8[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 24, 2015, 04:06:01 PM
Corey's Group
Sneaking towards the security room, you don't see any signs of the guards. They weren't in the vicinity, nor did you see them in the hallways to the south and north wings. You knew they were around, just not quite sure where.

Original Group
Gren gave her a slight harumph as he went to the console. "The trick is to just..." he said as he fiddled with the controls. "Get the other end." With that done and soon enough the door to the Rattata was opened again.

QuoteRounds: 0

Guard Last Known Location:

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on January 24, 2015, 05:36:16 PM
Not seeing the guard was putting Corey a little on edge. It was looking like his choice of target would indeed be the more difficult one, as he'd hoped. Perfect. He thought with a grin. As excited as he was becoming, however, he knew now was the time to be cautious. The guard was either further down the hallways to the North and South, or coming from the West side, where his intended target was located. Corey decided to head around from the North, first peering down the North hallway to be sure no one was there, then hugging the security room walls to peer toward the West side. He wanted to make sure the guard was there before moving on. "Kedric, keep an eye out so no one sneaks up behind us." Corey whispered before gazing around the corner.

[spoiler]If Corey saw a guard further down the North hall, He'll instead move to the Northwest corner to hide from view before moving on.

[blockquote]Stealth:  3d6+2 : 2, 3, 3 + 2, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  3d6+2 : 1, 2, 5 + 2, total 10[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 24, 2015, 10:17:07 PM
Kedric Larns

Kedric nodded as he continued his shadowy approach. He continued to take a look out as he moved behind Corey.

Quote[blockquote]Rolled 4d6+6 : 2, 2, 5, 2 + 6, total 17[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6-1 : 5, 6 - 1, total 10[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 24, 2015, 10:22:37 PM
Corey's Group
Just like before, there was still no sight of any of the guards. From your earlier examination, it seems as if there were no current guards in any of the hallways to the north or south wing. Now that you moved to the northern section of the security room, looking westwards, you also see no sign of security guards. Either security was lax, or they were somewhere else about in the complex.

Original Group
The northern door was open.

QuoteRounds: 1
Left to move: Oreah, Aran

Guard Last Known Location:

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Lance on January 24, 2015, 11:43:56 PM
Like his two compatriots before him, Aran also headed to the room directly in front of him, shadowing their steps with glee. However, unlike the two who only wanted to skirt around the building, Aran had other plans.

He wanted in.

Aran moves as far as he can towards the security room. If he gets close enough to Kedric/Corey, he'll begin whispering "Sneaking, sneaking.." as close to their ears as he can manage.
Stealth: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6 : 4, 2, 1, total 7[/blockquote]
Perception: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6+6 : 4, 5, 2 + 6, total 17[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on January 25, 2015, 02:08:58 AM
Oreah, a little disgruntled that no one had desired to open the door that was clearly next to them, decided to help the girl at the door across from hers. If she helped her, maybe she would help Oreah in opening the door she had desired to open. Because as it stood, she did not wish to possess a Rattata in her team.

[spoiler]Helps with other door
[blockquote]Rolled 1d6-2 : 6 - 2, total 4[/blockquote] edu: Tech
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 25, 2015, 01:07:52 PM
[error]Round 2 Begins[/error]

Miera and Oreah
Gren stood back as the hgue door opened with the help of Oreah, Miera, and himself. Of course he had an urge to simply brag.

"Ahaha, that's how you open doors. I'm pretty good you think?" He said haughtily to the two of you. "Looks like those three decided to leave us here. It's just me and two lovely-" He paused as he considered their mysterious companion, it was then that he realized he didn't really quite know if the person was a guy or a girl. He or she never spoke, and now that he thought about it, did he even know its name?

"U-um.. what do I call you?" He asked innocently. "And do we have any specific plans on exploring the place? Rattata are just the bomb, but I've personally already been here..." Gren said as he eyed the southern door.

[info]Miera and Oreah to roll Perception/Stealth upon entering new opened room.[/info]

As you sneak behind Corey and Kedric, instead of going northwards you bring yourself to the presumably eastern entrance of the security room. However, you still managed to get a good look around you. You see a guard ambling from the southern hallway, and you also see another one coming from the north. The locked door in front of you didn't seem as complex as the previous ones your companions had been trying to open, that said, the guards were still a distance away, but nor did you want to over-stay your welcome.

Corey and Kedric
As you bend around the northern side, both of you were able to spot a guard coming from the north. Luckily both of you were sneaky enough, and the guard didn't notice your passing. You see Aran split off from you, and head to the security door at the center of the complex.

QuoteRounds: 2
Left to move: Oreah, Aran, Corey, Kedric, Miera

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on January 25, 2015, 01:25:56 PM
Corey was semi-disappointed that the guards were not near his target, but still excited enough that they were on their way. It'll have to do...this is enough pressure to be fun. Noting the guards' positions, Corey motioned for Kedric to hurry as he ran toward the west side as fast as possible. They needed that door open now if they didn't want to be caught.

Quote[blockquote]Stealth:  3d6+2 : 4, 1, 3 + 2, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  3d6+2 : 2, 6, 2 + 2, total 12[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 25, 2015, 01:48:41 PM
Kedric Larns

When Corey took off, Kedric followed right behind.

Quote[blockquote]Rolled 4d6+6 : 1, 5, 3, 3 + 6, total 18[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6-1 : 5, 2 - 1, total 6[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 25, 2015, 01:52:54 PM
Corey and Kedric
Dashing forward, you barely make it to your destination. Corey was the first, but Kedric followed behind closely, being able to keep up with the fact pace that Corey had. Before you was the end of the hallway, on either side were two large doors two meters wide like the previous you had seen earlier.

QuoteRounds: 2
Left to move: Oreah, Aran, Miera

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Lance on January 25, 2015, 02:18:01 PM
[spoiler=Opening door]
Edu: Tech: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+6 : 2, 6 + 6, total 14[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 25, 2015, 02:25:20 PM
After looking at the security measures, you inputted some of the Team Rocket security codes that you knew of, soon enough after some more tinkering with the device, the lock opened. The doors in this complex really need some work. Inside the security room, there were no working lights. Though thanks from the dim minimal lights outside in the hallways, you were able to see some details of the room. There were signs of "wet paint" on the walls, nor did their security system look as if it was completely setup yet. Lights were flashing on the system monitors however, and you wondered what information you could get from them, or how far was the systems setup.

QuoteRounds: 2
Left to move: Oreah, Miera

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Lance on January 25, 2015, 02:41:46 PM
Aran uses his shift action to enter the Security room and close the door behind him.
If necessary (to make sense of what button does what, to even notice said buttons, and/or whatever else is required in order to operate the room):
Perception: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6+6 : 4, 6, 5 + 6, total 21[/blockquote]
Intuition: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6-1 : 6, 5, 3 - 1, total 13[/blockquote]
Edu: Tech: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+6 : 4, 5 + 6, total 15[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on January 25, 2015, 04:37:36 PM
Oreah looked to Gren silently, not providing a single bit of information that would have helped answer her question. Instead, she pointed at him, then to the door to their south. She then turned and walked over to a console on that door and began trying once more to open it, desiring the pokemon within.

[spoiler][blockquote]Rolled 1d6-2 : 1 - 2, total -1[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on January 25, 2015, 04:38:39 PM
[spoiler]sorry, mad ethe wrong roll. [blockquote]Rolled 2d6-2 : 5, 2 - 2, total 5[/blockquote] Tech edu roll[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Ella on January 27, 2015, 03:32:17 PM
Miera Fieren

Ignoring the guy's blathering, Miera peered into the room to see what lay inside before sliding in and keeping close to the wall. Whether there were humans or Pok?mon inside, she wanted her entry to go unnoticed.

[spoiler=Perception + Stealth]Perception: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6+2 : 5, 3, 1 + 2, total 11[/blockquote]
Stealth: [blockquote]Rolled 4d6+2 : 1, 6, 1, 3 + 2, total 13[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 27, 2015, 08:25:55 PM
Gren had come over, and together the both of you managed one console each on both sides of the metallic doorway. It took a few seconds, but soon enough you heard the tell-tale click of the door, and a moment later it opened.

[info]Perception and Stealth to enter new rooms.[/info]

Sneaking into the room, you saw some large metallic crates that you were easily able to hide behind. Unlike the hallways, these inner rooms were much darker with even more minimal light as compared to the already minimally lighted hallways. You see five Rattata, none of them seemed to notice you. There were no guards about either.

[info]You still have a shift action and standard action for round 2. You may take a 'double move' for Round 3.[/info]

[error]Round 3 Begins[/error]

Given what you know about security rooms, as well as your knowledge about the technology used, especially Team Rockets', you very well knew that you can activate the cameras. However, you noted that many of the systems were done, and though you had access to a good number of security cameras, many sections around the entire complex were still shutdown from view, though they did have sensors dictating where people were.

[okay]Aran received Security cam map for Round 3.[/okay]

QuoteNote, Gren will simply go between the players who needs the most help among the group that stayed behind (Or Aran). Just don't get too far from him I suppose. Likewise I may just end up rolling a dice to decide what he does in a given situation.

Rounds: 3
Left to move: Oreah, Miera (double move available), Kedric, Corey

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on January 27, 2015, 09:18:42 PM
"Good, we're here!" Corey whispered excitedly as he reached the doorway. He had no idea what was behind the door, but welcomed the mystery. "Come on, Kedric, help me out here! Looks like it needs two people." Corey scrambled to one of the panels to open the door and got to work preparing it. No one kept him from his prize, his pride as a thief dictated it!

Quote[blockquote]Edu: Technology  3d6+2 : 3, 1, 5 + 2, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth:  3d6+2 : 4, 4, 6 + 2, total 16[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception:  3d6+2 : 5, 5, 2 + 2, total 14[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 27, 2015, 11:07:30 PM
Kedric Larns

"Yes, this is entirely magnificent Corey!" Kedric whispered back. "Pray tell, what do you think are behind these doors?" Kedric went into position, as he too began work on the door to attempt to open it. He examined it for a few moments, then began tinkering with it.

Quote[blockquote]Edu: Tech 3d6-1 : 3, 4, 5 - 1, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth 4d6+6 : 6, 6, 4, 6 + 6, total 28[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Perception 2d6-1 : 1, 4 - 1, total 4[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 27, 2015, 11:14:38 PM
Corey and Kedric
With your combined efforts, you managed to get the doors unlocked. With the mechanisms disabled, the metallic doors easily opened. Luckily there was only one entrance that guards could come from: the hallways, and you didn't see or hear any signs of them yet.

[info]Roll Perception/Stealth when entering a new area.[/info]

QuoteRounds: 3
Left to move: Oreah, Miera (double move available)

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid

Custom Rulings
  • There are an unspecified number of security guards (more added as the RP goes on).
  • Each security guards lingers at a particular colored area for a few rounds, then moves to the next area. Sometimes they choose a location randomly, or sometimes they have a specific direction in mind.
  • Red lines on the map represent doors. Roll Edu: Technology to attempt to open them. Note that most doors require more than one person to open. Attempting to open a door takes a Standard action.
  • Security room at the center can "light up" where the guards are, so you know at what location they're at. A standard action is required to "see" where the guards at, while that particular player is in the security room.
  • Anytime you enter through a new door, or colored area, roll Perception.
  • You cannot catch any Pok?mon in a location with a security guard in it.
  • If you are in the same area as a security guard, roll Stealth. If failed, you are "sighted". Otherwise you may choose to go into the next area.
  • RP ends at a undisclosed number of Pokemon captured, or a particular number of rounds have passed, or if players have been sighted three times.
  • Doors can be closed with a shift action. Locked again with another Edu: Tech roll.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on January 27, 2015, 11:51:09 PM
"I have no idea! That's why I'm so excited!" Corey responded back, "Let's take a look..." He said as he carefully entered the room and looked around.

[blockquote]Perception:  3d6+2 : 3, 4, 5 + 2, total 14[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Stealth:  3d6+2 : 5, 4, 1 + 2, total 12[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on January 30, 2015, 08:11:43 PM
QuoteWaiting on Oreah and Miera, forcing next round by Monday.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Ella on February 01, 2015, 01:19:14 AM
Miera Fieren

Not wanting to end up in a battle with the Rattata that would draw attention, Miera waited for a moment as she thought over the best option. There were five Rattata in there. She only needed one, then she could continue on to other rooms. She could just throw a ball at one and hope it stayed inside, but if it did not, then that would be a waste of a ball. Trying to intimidate them all might cause them to panic and make noises that would attract unwanted visitors.

"..." The method she came up with was not her preferred method, but it might help if she offered them a gift. As much as she hate to admit it, sometimes all it took to complete a mission was a little kindness. Besides, the Rattata that idiot had caught from this room seemed super friendly. Maybe these ones just wanted some kind attention after being locked up in this room for who knew how long. She did not wish to attract a Rattata that liked sour berries, considering she planned to use it as a punishment item should any of her sour berry hating Pok?mon try to sneak berries from her berry stash without permission, but she was not sure any of them would go for her unknown mushrooms. It never hurt to try, though, so she pulled out the smaller mushroom of the two she had and tried to catch the attention of the Rattata and offering it out to whichever one was brave enough to draw near.

[spoiler=Hoping to draw a Rattata to her, Miera tries to be... charming?][blockquote]Rolled 1d6+1 : 6 + 1, total 7[/blockquote]

If one comes over, she gives it the mushroom and tells it that it can have more treats and she will take good care of it if it gets inside the ball. If more than one comes up, she splits the mushroom and tries to get each of them into their own ball.

If none are tempted by the mushroom, she sighs and pulls out the berry instead, doing the same for the berry as she would do for the mushroom.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on February 01, 2015, 10:28:32 AM
Oreah nodded her thanks to Gren, then tried her best to enter the room as quietly as possible while keeping an eye out for either guards or pokemon of Interest. Before she did however, she stopped, then took out one of her pokeballs and called out Soren, without any words of course.

She then looked at Soren, and nodded, indicating she wanted him to search the room ahead with his telepathy for any guards that may be within the room. She tries to remain as stealthy as she can, and keeps an eye out herself for anything that may try to sneak up on them.

[spoiler][blockquote]Rolled 2d6+4 : 5, 2 + 4, total 11[/blockquote] for stealth check
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6-2 : 5, 6 - 2, total 9[/blockquote] for perception check[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on February 01, 2015, 04:01:26 PM
Miera Fieren
As you offer your mushrooms, the Rattata stare with hostility. None of the Rattata in there seemed very friendly at all. However, as you offered a berry, one of the Rattatas came running towards you, aiming for the berries you kept in your hand.

Entering the room, both you and your Abra notice five Ekans hissing as you entered. There were no signs of guards, but with the amount of crates and boxes in the room, you realized it wouldn't be too hard to hide from any incoming guards. Like the hallways that you had just been in, the lighting in the Pok?mon rooms were just as darker, if not darker. There weren't that many lights, and at most there were a couple of night-lights spread apart in the current area.

[error]Round 4 begins![/error]

QuoteRounds: 4
Left to move: Oreah, Miera, Kedric, Corey, Aran

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid

Custom Rulings
  • There are an unspecified number of security guards (more added as the RP goes on).
  • Each security guards lingers at a particular colored area for a few rounds, then moves to the next area. Sometimes they choose a location randomly, or sometimes they have a specific direction in mind.
  • Red lines on the map represent doors. Roll Edu: Technology to attempt to open them. Note that most doors require more than one person to open. Attempting to open a door takes a Standard action.
  • Security room at the center can "light up" where the guards are, so you know at what location they're at. A standard action is required to "see" where the guards at, while that particular player is in the security room.
  • Anytime you enter through a new door, or colored area, roll Perception.
  • You cannot catch any Pok?mon in a location with a security guard in it.
  • If you are in the same area as a security guard, roll Stealth. If failed, you are "sighted". Otherwise you may choose to go into the next area.
  • RP ends at a undisclosed number of Pokemon captured, or a particular number of rounds have passed, or if players have been sighted three times.
  • Doors can be closed with a shift action. Locked again with another Edu: Tech roll.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Fellow Rabbit on February 07, 2015, 04:27:07 AM

"What is the meaning of this grotesque act of insubordination!?" the sternly faithful and obedient THANE screamed, having walked by a window full of Rocket Grunts at the exact moment their ringleader released a Rattata to show them. The particularly observant THANE knew, of course, that this lowly Rocket Grunt "Gren" had never been given such a Pok?mon and he also knew that Gren was mostly likely too incompetent to catch one of his own in the wild. This left the skillfully investigative THANE to deduce that this filthy Gren had stolen the Rattata from the organization! This was unacceptable! He had to report this to the administrator! But first, he wanted to know what the meeting was all about, so he slipped in as discreetly and covertly as he possibly could and sat in a chair in the back of the room.

There, he listened closely, squinting intensely, as if doing so would help him understand the painfully underdeveloped plan that this Rocket Grunt ringleader was outlining for them. It occurred to the almighty, all-seeing THANE that Gren had probably only found the vent opening to the warehouse just an hour or two earlier and had come up with his entire plan since then. That would explain how terrible the clearly superior THANE thought it to be.

But still, he really wanted to steal some Pok?mon. He appreciated the amazing power of his wholeheartedly faithful Pok?mon Troy, who had always been unwaveringly loyal to him, but Troy was indeed just one Pok?mon. The Spinda could probably take on at least a small group of other undertrained pocket monsters, but with an entire army of these magnificent creatures, he would be that much closer to fulfilling his brilliant dream of global conquest! It was only a minor setback that he would be stealing these Pok?mon from Team Rocket itself, the group to whom he had pledged his undying allegiance, but a necessary setback nonetheless. After all, what was a few Pok?mon if their loss meant so much gain for them in the future? Surely they would thank the unbelievably clever THANE for stealing these Pok?mon from them. It was his duty to do so for the survival of the organization!

"I AGREE!" he yelled quite loudly, perhaps to the surprise of anybody who might not have seen him slip in, "However, this whimsical plan of yours needs some work. Given just a few minutes, the incredibly gracious THANE will produce a plan that is surely flawless!" His words were spoken as he stood as pretentiously as any self-important Rocket Grunt would, though it was apparent that anything he had spoken after his first two words was completely ignored. This mattered naught to the brilliant-minded THANE, however, as he immediately dropped back down into his chair, turned to the desk on his right, and hastily began work on his foolproof plan on a piece of paper that had conveniently been left in that exact spot.

"Then lets get this operation started!" he heard the mission's mastermind pronounce just a few seconds later, but he had lost himself further into his plans before he could be bothered to pay attention whatever else was being said.

"Yes, yes," he replied, waving his free hand dismissively at the vacating crowd, "I'll catch up with you all in just a few minutes." Somewhere in his mind, he managed to not realize that, in letting them go on ahead of him, he was giving them kind of an advantage in having the first pick of the litter. Plus there was the added risk that they might stumble upon a guard and compromise the entire mission before he even had a chance to join them. But, as it turned out, he was too lost in his intricately detailed plans to recognize his shortfall.

At last he had done it! This plan was infallible! It had taken several minutes, but it was finally finished! And above it all, he managed to contain it all in a single page of graph paper! Surely he had outdone himself. "Behold!" he proclaimed, but alas, the group he intended to bare his schemes to had already moved on, perhaps long ago. He had been in an empty room and didn't even realize it.

"A minor kerfuffle," he thought, folding the paper in half several times and putting it into his pocket. He had accounted for much in his plans, and the event of all his squad mates being killed, kidnapped, vegetablized, or otherwise incapacitated was not something he had overlooked. In fact, he expected it! How much easier this operation would be without all those horrible fellow Rocket Grunts getting in the way. Everything was falling into place already and his plan hadn't even begun being set into motion yet. Excellent.

Without skipping a beat, he vacated the chamber and made way for the underground passageway the elder Rocket Grunt had spoken of in his plan outlines. It wasn't terribly difficult to find, but it was out of the way enough that any typically unobservant Rocket inspector would easily overlook it. From there, he followed the tunnel to the loosed vent and climbed through it, taking extra care to create as little noise as possible as he created an opening and crawled out. There, he could see, was the warehouse, which wasn't really warehouse-shaped. It actually had several rooms and the astonishingly precise THANE would think of it as more of a repository or a depot than a warehouse. He wasn't sure where he got the idea of a warehouse from anyway.

Sure to stay in the shadowiest corners of the hallway, the surreptitiously clandestine THANE made his way for the nearest doorway, finding it already unlocked, most likely by one of the others involved in the operation, and entered in to find several Rattata and a fellow Rocket Grunt trying to lure them in with berries. Surely she had not mastered the powers of forcing them into submission by means of intimidation! He would have to teach her a lesson on Pok?mon capitulation if ever she hoped to become successful in the organization.

"Stand back, you of inferior subjection artistry!" He stepped forward after letting the door close behind him, "The exceptionally generous first-rate THANE will show you how to force these revolting creatures into submission! Observe..."

The Rattata furthest from the female Grunt had caught his attention first, so he focused his efforts on that one in particular. Suspending his arms up over his sides as if he were about to take place in some old western duel, he slowly stepped toward the tiny rat Pok?mon. "You!" he finally called out, retrieving a Pok? Ball from out of nowhere and holding it firmly in the hand he hadn't just used to point dramatically at the pathetic little rodent, "Your life means nothing to me and I would not hesitate to destroy it if you do not get inside this Pok? Ball this very second! Enter now and you will join the wonderful and amazing THANE in his reign of uncontested glory as he sets about to become the ultimate power in all the cosmos!"

[spoiler=The fabulous THANE attempts to intimidate the Rattata into willingly encapsulating itself within the ball of modern technology that he holds withiin his right hand.][blockquote]Intimidate: 4d6+5 : 3, 5, 5, 1 + 5, total 19[/blockquote][/spoiler]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on February 07, 2015, 01:12:48 PM
Miera Fieren
The Rattata came speeding forward as it took one of the berries from your hands. Quickly it went back a few feet hiding behind a crate, and began to eat it. Surprisingly this particular Rattata happened to like sour berries. It was at that moment when another Team Rocket grunt had appeared. He was no guard for certain, and he began to attempt to threaten the Rattata.

[error]Lost 1 Iapapa berry.[/error]

[info]Miera can still declare actions.[/info]

As you proceeded to attempt to force the Rattata into submission with your words, many of them instead drew back. Afraid of the loud voice, as well as the more threatening words. There was a single Rattata however who barred its fangs as it made its way in front of Thane. IT chose not to move forward, but continued to show its fang menacingly.

QuoteRounds: 4
Left to move: Oreah, Miera, Kedric, Corey, Aran

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: North Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid

Custom Rulings
  • There are an unspecified number of security guards (more added as the RP goes on).
  • Each security guards lingers at a particular colored area for a few rounds, then moves to the next area. Sometimes they choose a location randomly, or sometimes they have a specific direction in mind.
  • Red lines on the map represent doors. Roll Edu: Technology to attempt to open them. Note that most doors require more than one person to open. Attempting to open a door takes a Standard action.
  • Security room at the center can "light up" where the guards are, so you know at what location they're at. A standard action is required to "see" where the guards at, while that particular player is in the security room.
  • Anytime you enter through a new door, or colored area, roll Perception.
  • You cannot catch any Pok?mon in a location with a security guard in it.
  • If you are in the same area as a security guard, roll Stealth. If failed, you are "sighted". Otherwise you may choose to go into the next area.
  • RP ends at a undisclosed number of Pokemon captured, or a particular number of rounds have passed, or if players have been sighted three times.
  • Doors can be closed with a shift action. Locked again with another Edu: Tech roll.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on February 07, 2015, 01:15:55 PM
Kedric Larns

Following Corey, Kedric made his way behind him, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary while at the same time moving as stealthily as possible.

QuoteStealth 4d6+6 : 4, 6, 1, 2 + 6, total 19
Perception 2d6-1 : 6, 1 - 1, total 6
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on February 07, 2015, 01:32:12 PM
Corey and Kedric
As you begin to enter the room, you hear footsteps coming from the near the security room. It was a guard headed for your way. Luckily you don't think they noticed yet.

Entering the room, you smell something horrible. Yours eyes start to sting, and you feel your throat starting to itch. As the two of you begin to take a look at your surroundings, you realize where they were coming from. In front of you were five Koffing, floating about. None of the, took notice of you however as you snuck behind some crates.

[info]Corey and Kedric can still declare a Standard action.[/info]

QuoteRounds: 4
Left to move: Oreah, Miera, Kedric (standard action), Corey (standard action), Aran

Guard Last Known Location:
[spoiler]Female Brown-Haired Guard: South Wing Hallway
Female Purple-Haired Guard: West Wing Hallway[/spoiler]

Battle Grid

Custom Rulings
  • There are an unspecified number of security guards (more added as the RP goes on).
  • Each security guards lingers at a particular colored area for a few rounds, then moves to the next area. Sometimes they choose a location randomly, or sometimes they have a specific direction in mind.
  • Red lines on the map represent doors. Roll Edu: Technology to attempt to open them. Note that most doors require more than one person to open. Attempting to open a door takes a Standard action.
  • Security room at the center can "light up" where the guards are, so you know at what location they're at. A standard action is required to "see" where the guards at, while that particular player is in the security room.
  • Anytime you enter through a new door, or colored area, roll Perception.
  • You cannot catch any Pok?mon in a location with a security guard in it.
  • If you are in the same area as a security guard, roll Stealth. If failed, you are "sighted". Otherwise you may choose to go into the next area.
  • RP ends at a undisclosed number of Pokemon captured, or a particular number of rounds have passed, or if players have been sighted three times.
  • Doors can be closed with a shift action. Locked again with another Edu: Tech roll.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Throndir on February 07, 2015, 01:35:03 PM
Kedric Larns

"Someone's coming our way." Kedric whispered. "First rule of sneaking is leaving without a trace, isn't it?" Kedric grinned as he began to close the door, locking it back in place.

[blockquote]Edu: Tech 3d6-1 : 5, 5, 1 - 1, total 10[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Burdenking on February 10, 2015, 10:50:44 AM
Oreah looked at the Various Ekans within the room, and began thinking on weather or not she wanted one or not. The poison typing would help out her team, but did the choice feel right? It was honestly a question that would take her some time to think over. Instead of choosing now, she decided to move to the next door, to see what the next room held for her.

She hoped for a Psychic or fighting type pokemon, but she would catch whatever caught her eye and felt right at the moment in time for her.
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Linwelin on February 10, 2015, 09:15:16 PM
Corey began to cough and hack, covering his nose and mouth as he looked around. Koffing? Hardly the glory I was intending...but, wait. They'd be rather useful, wouldn't they? Smoke and poison has always been an ally of thieves... Corey turned a signaled his thanks to Kedric for closing the door, then smirked behind his hand as he looked back to the Koffing, his speech slightly muffled, "Yes, truly the thieves' pokemon!" His short moment of disappointment was once again turned to excitement as he readied two pokeballs, one belonging to Chomps.

"Come on out, Chomps, I may need your support. Oh, and brace your sense of smell." With a flash, the Sandile appeared next to his, at first curious at the warning. But a cough confirmed he understood. "Now then..."

Corey stepped out and announced himself, "Greetings to the five of you! He waited until the pokemon were listening and he was sure they weren't hostile. I'm sure you're quite tired of being stuck in this locked room! Well, I have a way to help for at least one of you! I'd love to release you all, but that would only get everyone caught. So, whoever is willing to join me gets their freedom from this room. All I ask is your companionship, and willingness to become stronger. So? Which of you will it be?" He spoke confidently and was proud of himself to not cough due to the gaseous fog in the room. Chomps stepped up beside Corey to show he sided with him to the wild pokemon.

"Whoever it is, come forward and accept my pokeball. I'll shortly bring you to safety afterward."

Quote[blockquote]Guile to convince them it's better to be with him than stuck in this room:  3d6+2 : 6, 1, 4 + 2, total 13[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Charm if necessary, but I'm pretty sure I just need Guile:  2d6+1 : 6, 6 + 1, total 13[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Arsenal
Post by: Ella on February 12, 2015, 12:13:51 PM
Miera Fieren

Letting the Rattata take the berry, she had been about to tell it that it could have more if it got into the ball when THANE appeared and began his usually spouting of words. If he had not already closed the door behind him, she would have done so as to prevent other loudmouths from entering as well. After insulting her way of trying to catch the Rattata, which was NOT her preferred method, THANE then began to do exactly what she did prefer to do. Although his had more... flare? to it and she had no doubt that he actually would do something horrible to them. The Rattata did exactly what she had thought they would do. These were not timid Shroomish, these were Rattata. Of course one or more of them would become extremely defensive. That was exactly what she was trying to avoid.

She now had two options for capturing this Rattata that already had eaten her Iapapa berry. She could continue trying to befriend it, which was a very hard thing for her to do and made her feel very awkward. Or, she could join in with THANE and try to intimidate them. Well... It never hurt to grow in something you were uncomfortable with. She could use the practice in case it was needed for a future mission more important than this.

"Rattata." Miera called out to the one that was only a few steps away and wiping its face of berry juice. She held up the empty ball she held in her hand. "If you get in this ball, you'll be able to escape him. If you do not... Well, then you'll be at his mercy and there will be nothing I can do to help you." She had heard of this method... Good cop, bad cop, wasn't it? THANE could be the "bad cop", if she continued being the "good cop" she might be able to get the Rattata fairly easy. If it did not work, then she would just have to call out Vesper and join in with THANE.

[spoiler=Miera tries to be the "good cop" by trying to make the Rattata feel intimidated by THANE.]Intimidate: [blockquote]Rolled 3d6+2 : 4, 6, 3 + 2, total 15[/blockquote]
Guile (Just in case.): [blockquote]Rolled 1d6+2 : 2 + 2, total 4[/blockquote]
Charm (Just in case.): [blockquote]Rolled 1d6+1 : 6 + 1, total 7[/blockquote][/spoiler]