[Amelia] Chapter 16.2 Pick up sticks

Started by Mysticsage, October 15, 2019, 02:39:19 PM

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After her meeting with Conrad that morning her mind was racing if her staff was capable of absorbing and or copying something like his family staff what else could it absorb?

Wanting to test out a number of different things to see what was possible she will task Mati and whoever else she can rope into helping her in collecting any and all mundane items that could be possibly useful. She doesn't want anything particularly powerful like an actual wizard staff but she will give them a list of different ideas. As well as sending special requests to specific people

[info]A quick list

Branches from every type of tree readily available in the capital
Glass blower's rod
Sturring stick for cauldrons
Fishing/bug-catching net
National flag with pole
Battering ram
A large metal rod (lightning rod)
Shepard's crook
Walking stick
Dowsing rods
Bo Staff
Quarter Staff
Fishing pole

To Ragnar
[info]A Ceremenonial Staff or Crosier (nothing with actual power yet.)[/info]

To Ebner
[info]ask for him to commission
A totem Pole
A three-segment bo staff
A Collapsible pole [/info]