[Vanguard] Book 1 - Chapter 4: Trade Troubles

Started by Throndir, October 06, 2019, 08:57:10 PM

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48 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 3 - Morning

Once the group was packed and ready to go once again, they started their second day's journey. They didn't run into any more kobolds or goblins this morning, though, instead, up ahead looked to be some people with their wagon to the side of the road. There was a rather rotund man, who was sitting glumily, as what looked to be two armed guards looked like they were examining a broken axle or wheel on their wagon.

When the rotund man saw your group coming up, he didn't waste any time attempting to get your attention.

"Oi! You over there!" The man said, waving his arms. He was still a distance away, but it wouldn't be long until you reached him.


     Yuki looked side to side from her perch on the driving bench as if some other wagon full of travelers might materialize before looking back into the compartment.  "I guess that's us."


48 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 3 - Morning

"Do you think he needs help?" Mimsy asked looking towards the broken wagon on the side of the road.Eventually Mimsy scooted up to the front of the wagon, popping her head out and yelled towards the man in the distance waving his hands towards the group.

"Hi!" Mimsy said cheerily.


48 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 3 - Morning

When the group neared enough, he called out again.

"Oi! There's a delivery I need to make... A bit urgent too." He said out loud. "I'll pay well!"

The group with the broken wagon had 4 horses altogether, though, all 4 of them looked completely worn out. On the wagon itself looked to be crates full of various vials and potion bottles.


     At the mention of money Yuki perked up and she leapt from her seat down to the merchant.  "Oh?  What kind of help do you need?"  She inquired as she began to look over the wagon and its contents. 

[info]Perception check to see if Yuki can tell more precisely what the contents of the wagon are[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 11 + 3, total 14[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Yuki's Perception: 14
There were hundreds of various bottles altogether. You recognize these as various potions and alchemical creations.

Roll Craft (alchemy) to identify, or Knowledge (nature).[/info]


Taiga lets Yuki call out to the merchant as he looks around to make sure this isn't some bait set out to catch unsuspecting travelers by bandits. "If you're headed the way of Orario we do have some room," he says scanning the area with quick glances before showing the merchant a large grin.

Making quick perception check looking for anyone hiding
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+8 : 3 + 8, total 11[/blockquote]


[info]Craft (Alchemy)[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 1 + 3, total 4[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Yuki's Craft (alchemy, identify potions): 4
You do not specifically identify any of the potions from the looks alone. The vials didn't seem labeled either, though, each type of colored liquids were separated into their own containers.[/info]
[info]Taiga's Perception (anyone hiding): 11
You do not notice anyone hiding. There was one rotund man who did most of the talking. Then there were two others who stayed in the back, who looked much more armed than the rotund man. One of was an armored woman with freckles, while the other was a green-haired elf.[/info]

"I'm Jars. Me and my companions are from the Dian Cecht familia..." The rotund man explained. "We're tasked in delivering all of these anti-plague, anti-poison, healing potions, resistance potions, anti-fatigue potions, and various other experimental potions off to a town here in Rakia... Our clients pushed us to get it as soon as possible, and we're literally losing 10% of the price of all these goods on a daily basis after today."

"Simply put... We need to borrow your wagon, or have you deliver it for us. We'll be willing to pay..." He paused for a moment as he quickly went to the wagon, pulling out an abacus. He proceeded to do some quick math. "10 million vals once we arrive at the destination. Provided there are no more delays."


     "Ten million?"  Repeated back Yuki, not managing to contain the excitement that such a sum elicited.  Silk kimono, an entire mansion of her own, sweets, feasts, all ran through her mind at the thought.  She slurped back the tide of drool the was trying to escape via the corner of her mouth before trying to compose herself for a response.  "Well...  maybe we could...  Negotiate?  What kind of profit did you think you were going to make with a timely delivery?"

[info]Diplomacy to try and get their profit margin.[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+2 : 2 + 2, total 4[/blockquote][/info]


48 miles from the Rakian Borders
Day 3 - Morning

"We're the fastest from our Familia, and the quickest to get things done, that's why we went out first from the village first! We'll definitely make it there."

[info]Mimsy's Aid Another for Yuki's diplomacy. Success grants Yuki +4.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+1 : 13 + 1, total 14[/blockquote][/info]


[info]Yuki's Diplomacy (make request, aid another from Mimsy): 4
The man considered the arguments, but after a quick second of mulling it out, he shook his head.[/info]

"No can do. As it is, you're just random travelers here too. It would be a different matter if you were from Zeus or Hera familia though. 10 million vals once we arrive at the destination when we can liquidate these potions into straight cash would be the deal." He said evenly, looking at Yuki directly.

"So? I'd much prefer to hire your services now, rather than wait for the next traveler... And I can't afford to send these two with me." He said, glancing towards his other two companions, an elf, and an armored woman, both acting as guards for him. "I'm not much of a fighter."


     "Deal!"  Replied Yuki, still salivating at the reward.  "So...  Guess we need to get this stuff in the wagon?"  She said with a look to the more burly members of the party and a jerk of her head to the crates.


"Yeah, Yeah," says Taiga with a smirk. "I'll get on it. Figure out how I should stack this stuff so we don't lose anything with everything else we have." he says as he slides off the cart to begin hefting the goods.



"Jars, are they going to help us?" There is a call coming from the lady in armor. As she walks up, she does so standing tall as she looks across the group. She is pale skinned with freckles, blonde hair, and green eyes. She is wearing a breastplate with clovers and ivy engraved around the neck and shoulders. In her left hand she carries a heavy steel shield with a crest of a ball of light and an herb emblazoned across the front. On her side is a longsword in a leather scabbard with little green engravings. Her armor is fit over a dress of white and green with a green cloak.