Fantasy World Creations

Fantasy Roleplays => Re:Fund - My Vacation Is Ruined By Getting Sent Into Another World! => Heroes of the New World (Characters) => Topic started by: Manzokushi on January 04, 2019, 02:30:57 PM

Title: Mako
Post by: Manzokushi on January 04, 2019, 02:30:57 PM
Origin Story
Assumed Name: Mako
Real Name: Keisagi Subachi
Gender: Male
Age: 35 before death, since rebirth 18
Previous Occupation: Computer Programmer 
Current Occupation: Adventurer
Country of Origin: America
Approximate Origin Earth Year Calendar Date: 2020

Eidetic memory - Keisagi has always had a knack for remembering things. This unique talent has carried him through several difficult years of college.
Socially Inept - Keisagi is plagued with the inability to truly understand others. Being raised in isolation has removed a large part of his ability to be socially capable. This is a challenge that he has dealt with his entire life.

Hobbies: Anime, Chess, Fantasy Games on PC, Bushido

Though Mako looks like a teen, inside of his body dwells a soul of someone who is thirty five years old. Mako's defining character trait is his fanatical obsession with fantasy RPG and the complexities of those types of games. He is also not great with words, this often leads to a form of directness that can be misconstrued as rudeness. This is likely due to his deep love for computer and fantasy that led to basically zero personal interactions with others. His behavior has also lead to Mako feeling like he can do anything even if he may fall short, he will still try. He is almost always a calm and collected character, rarely showing any signs of distress. Deep down Mako is kind hearted person who is just often misunderstood. Lastly he is a person with incredibly strong resolve who will do anything and everything in his power to accomplish something that is important to him without any hesitation.

Intellectual capabilities: Mako was raised to be a man of intellect. His parents ensured that he would be successful. When it came to complex programming algorithms Mako could spout off solutions without even examining the code. This was more of a natural aptitude than pure intellect. 

Physical capabilities: His body was strengthened and trained from a young age. Even now in this new world, Mako continues to hone his Bashido craft.

Likes: Anything FANTASY, strategy, discovering new things
Dislikes: People talking down to others, easy problems, arrogance
Strengths: Creative, Adaptive, Organized
Weaknesses: Socially awkward, over confident


Keisagi was born into a poor immigrant family that had moved to America after the Second World War. It was never spoken of but his great grandparents were lost during the bombing of Hiroshima. This loss drove a deep sense of helplessness throughout the entire family, giving all survivors the feeling that they lived with a curse. The remaining Subachi family settled into life in California as farmers to make ends meet. When the family was not busy tending to their crops, they trained their bodies and minds in the art of bushido. Modern life crept into their household but only in ways that improved their way of life. After all, to compete in a changing economy you must be able to maintain a competitive edge. Keisagi's father, Akira, would inherit the farm and eventually travel into Los Angeles to meet his future wife, Shion Kashima. She was the daughter of a family of lawyers with a strong reputation for success. Shion chose to turn away from the family practice and followed her husband off to become a farmer.  Shion may have settled on farming but that did not deter her strong personality and quick mind. It did not take long before she took over the business side of the farm while Akira continued to labor and cultivate the farmlands.

Years passed and along came Shiro, Keisagi's older brother who died tragically at an early age due to an unknown sickness. The sickness took Shiro slowly and as he withered, so did his parents hopes of a future. This event shocked his parents to their core and it would be many years before they would attempt to have another child. The curse lived on but they refused to let it win. When Keisagi was born and survived, his parents rejoiced that perhaps the curse was finally lifted from the Subachi family. As he grew up, Keisagi was trained in the practices of bushido, agriculture, study and various strategy games to include his mother's favorite, chess. Each tool was a part of his day to day life and was integrated into his studies. Since his mother felt American schooling was lazy, she pushed him through homeschooling that lasted year round. Of course, this did not help a boy who already had little time for social interaction outside of his parental unit.

His first true glimmer of hope came in the form of a home computer. At last Keisagi had a way to interact with the outside world. He saved money, worked hard and purchased every game he could hope to find. Fantasy was by far his favorite genre of games followed closely by strategy. His parents worried but knew he needed an outlet to experience the outside world. Before he knew it, years had passed and the child Keisagi had grown to be a man. His love for computers paved his way into UCLA to attain a Masters in Computer Science and he was off to become a software programmer and hopefully work for a big corporation. He wanted to not only live in a fantasy world but saw the vision of crafting and creating them as well. Keisagi was obsessed with the notion that anything is possible and his optimism seemed to really shine as his coding skills landed him an ideal job. He went to work for Blizzard Entertainment as an entry level programmer and developer.

Years passed by with no significant events to elaborate on and in that time life seemed to be normal. Keisagi longed for more of a magical life that he could never seem to grasp. Even though he was part of a top rated programming team and was integrally part of ground breaking new content for one of the largest MMOs of the era; he felt like he had checked all the right blocks, living in his single room apartment, computer loaded with every fantasy game he could ever want and never without money to do the things he wanted to do or have; none of that seemed to change the fact that he was all alone, with no one to really communicate his success with, other than his parents. His work friends saw Keisagi as the great problem solver but no one really cared to know anything about him outside of work.

It all changed one night when he decided to attend a Cosplay party at one of the local clubs. Keisagi dressed in his best samurai outfit and equipped with his practice bokken felt confidence pouring from his 35 year old virgin form. He didn't have time for women after all, he was just too busy.  As he rounded the corner preparing for a night of social interaction he was set upon by some of the local thugs in search of a quick dollar. Sure this was just a big misunderstanding Keisagi reached into his outfit fishing for his wallet. This must have startled the youth because lightening struck, I think, and then they all bolted away. Without warning my insides began to burn. Keisagi, gasped for air, "did they all run away because of the storm? Was I struck by lightning?" He was on his knees and for the first time noticed blood oozing from beneath his outfit. He mutters, "What did I do to bring about such an unfortunate moment in my life. I should call 911, I should scream for help." Lying on the ground he could feel his life ending, could feel the tug of something else, something beyond reasoning. Perhaps this was a dream? His eyes began to close, "maybe it's the curse..."

A middle aged man with no real life or particularly eventful existence died that day. Keisagi Subachi, 35 year old, senior programmer for Blizzard Entertainment, shot and killed on the streets of Los Angeles. Just another day in the City of Angels, I guess.


How he arrived Keisagi is not completely sure. His old life was but a distant memory and he felt that his soul had taken over at the moment of another's death. He was born into this new world without a full memory of where he had come from. As the years passed in this new land his old life memories crept in like cracks in the wall. When he reached puberty the dam broke and his old and new life merged into one single event. He came into this world named Mako, a simple boy with a simple life. To this day Mako has not shared with anyone that he was reincarnated into this world.


STR: 10
DEX: 12
CON: 10
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 10
Title: Re: Mako
Post by: Manzokushi on January 17, 2019, 12:30:00 PM
Level 20 Blessing
[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 73, total 73[/blockquote]
Title: Re: Mako
Post by: Manzokushi on January 19, 2019, 09:18:57 AM
Level 25 Blessing
[blockquote]Rolled 1d100 : 90, total 90[/blockquote]